InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lies, Letters, and Calloused Fingertips. ❯ A Lover's Betrayal Never Tasted Sweeter. ( Chapter 9 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Thanks to all who nominated “Lies, Letters, and Calloused Fingertips” for Best Melodrama! It probably won't since it's up against “Of Strings and Kevlar” and “Murder Games,” but at least it was nominated!
Warning: Implied non-consensual in this chapter, explicit sex, and some domestic violence.
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Lies, Letters, and Calloused Fingertips.
Chapter Nine: A Lover's Betrayal Never Tasted Sweeter.
“I can't believe that you nearly tore that guy's head off!”
“Well, he shouldn't have been trying to dance with my woman!”
“And why the hell did you call him `Hakudoshi'?” Kagome wanted to know as they entered the master bedroom. She was trying to keep her tone low and calm, since they had invited Shippo and Ko to stay in one of the extra bedrooms downstairs. “Hakudoshi died with Naraku five centuries ago, didn't he?”
“Keh,” came Inuyasha's grunted reply, and Kagome rolled her eyes. “Shippo and I ain't too sure sometimes.”
“Whatever. You just wanted an excuse to assert your manly authority over me.” Kagome's tone dripped with sarcasm and disdain, but Inuyasha didn't catch it. He snarled at her gently, glaring at her back. A'course I did, he thought before striding across the room and grabbing her by the arm.
She let out an outraged and confused gasp as he spun her around to face him, and her face was already turning red in indignation. “Inuyasha, you ass! Lemme-” Kagome stopped with a loud squeak when Inuyasha slammed her petite body into his hard, muscular chest. Her breathing soon became hard and laborious as he slid his hand underneath her button-down blouse, and both relished the warm feeling of skin on skin.
“Inuyasha-” Kagome tried to murmur, but her breath caught once again as his hand rose up her body, his fingers finding their way past her bra and capturing her plump, sensitive nipple. He gave it a hard tweak, and his wife's knees became jelly with a loud cry; Inuyasha threw his arm around her back quickly, to hold her up.
Suddenly, because of his pause in his ministrations, Kagome's head cleared just a bit, and her brown eyes narrowed at her hanyou husband. “You jerk!” she cried out, yanking herself out of his reach and slapping him fully across the face.
Inuyasha's head snapped to one side, and he just stood there, dumbfounded by the turn of events. We had her…
Kagome blinked as her husband slowly turned his head to look at her. Golden eyes flashed red, and a tiny twinge of fear the former Miko in the pit of her stomach. “Inuyasha…”
A growl reverberated from deep within his throat, and it reached his mouth after only a minute, suddenly transforming into an angry snarl. He gripped her shoulders and shoved her clumsily back, eliciting a surprised cry from Kagome when her head met the hard, unforgiving wall.
“Inuyasha, stop!” she cried out, to no avail. Inuyasha sniffed lightly along his mate's jawline and collarbone, and he gave her a toothy grin when her scent became heady with her arousal.
“Mate must know place,” he murmured in her ear, his breath warm against her cheek, and Kagome felt her pelvis catch fire. She groaned as his hands left her arms, and his fingers slid into the slit in the fabric, careful of the buttons. With one good, hard yank, Inuyasha ripped the fabric apart, the buttons popping off and flying into oblivion. Kagome's eyes widened as she just became more turned on; that was the single most enticing act she had ever seen.
Suddenly, she gasped as Inuyasha, in his demon haze, turned his attention to her breasts, still encased in the soft, nylon bra. With a quick and precise flick of his wrist, his claw severed the fabric between her globes, and the offending bra fell away, revealing his prize. Careful of his claws, his fingertips squeezed and pinched the gorgeous nipple, and Kagome threw her head back wantonly and let out a throaty moan.
Inuyasha growled and threw himself forward, his lips resting at the base of her throat. As if by his command, she stilled beneath his touch, and he scraped a fang against her tender skin in approval. “Mate must beg,” he mumbled as he grasped her hips firmly in his hands and threw her onto the bed nearby. She let out a surprised, very Kagome-like squeal as he leaped onto the bed with her, pinning her beneath him.
Her chest heaved as he worked off her accursed jeans and panties; once they were gone, Inuyasha dove for his treasure, his face disappearing behind Kagome's black curls. She let out a loud grunt, and Inuyasha's demon sizzled beneath his skin, excited by the extremely unfeminine noises emitting from his mate.
His tongue flicked out tentatively, stroking her clit with the hot, wet appendage. Kagome's hips bucked unconsciously into her husband's face, and Inuyasha growled at her gently. “Beg, mate,” he murmured, his eyes flashing between gold and red.
When she didn't answer, he reached up and grasped her hips roughly, digging his claws into her soft flesh; Kagome squirmed a little, surprised by her mate's attitude. Normally, Inuyasha was much gentler with her… Apparently his demon has no shame in making me wonder whether it's the pleasure I like… or the pain. Kagome hissed as his hands shifted, moving along her bare, marked up hips.
He hissed back, pulling himself up along her body, covering it with his own. He blinked furiously as he captured her plump lips with his own, and when he opened his eyes to watch her for a moment, they were a clear, solid amber once more.
Kagome and Inuyasha worked together to free him on his tee, undershirt, blue jeans and boxers; once the two of them were both completely nude, Inuyasha kneeled onto the bed and picked his mate up by her hips. He settled her gently against the same wall that his beast had just ravaged her against, and Inuyasha reached down, his hand working its way between her legs, and thumbed her clit.
She gasped and moaned as he worked his magic on her nub with one hand, using his thumb to pressure the tiny piece of flesh and two fingers to slide inside her wet entrance. Inuyasha's other hand reached up and found her pert nipple; he pinched it lightly, and Kagome's brown eyes disappeared into the back of her head. Unconsciously, she tilted her head back slightly, caught up in the moment and not realizing that she was submitting to him and his demon side. His eyes flashed red once more, and Inuyasha couldn't stop himself from leaning forward and sinking his momentarily elongated fangs into the crook of her throat.
Kagome gasped, her head instinctually snapping forward, and Inuyasha growled at himself and pulled away from her throat. Catching her eyes, he ran his tongue along the base of her neck and shoulder, lapping up the thing rivers of blood with ease.
He removed his hand from between her legs and urged them wider apart. Kagome complied, and he pushed her against the wall, sliding her upward by her back. Inuyasha cupped her ass cheeks firmly in his hands, and he smirked up at her as he balanced her expertly with one hand, using the other to reach down and ready his rock-hard cock at the beginning of her smoldering pussy.
With a slow, tentative thrust forward, Inuyasha entered his mate and wife; their eyes met in a torrent of fireworks that erupted from their individual loins and surged upward and together. As he pushed into her all the way to the hilt, Kagome gasped and trembled against him; she reached up, gathering fistfuls of his thick hair in her fingers. The hair knotted in her hands as she clenched her hands into fists and squeezed her eyes shut, the burning gaining intensity, the pressure building.
Holding her hips and ass carefully, Inuyasha continued to pump into her, every now and then leaning down and catching a perky nipple in his teeth and giving it a good suckle. It excited him more to hear Kagome's surprised groans and her breathy curses of his mouth. After he released her nipple, the hanyou leaned forward, pressing his lips against her sternum. Then he rested his forehead against her neck. Kagome could feel his hot, erratic breath against her sticky skin as he continued to thrust, whispering,
“I just can't get enough of you and your fiery cunt, woman.”
His words were dirty, as dirty as Inuyasha could ever hope to be. He was a callous, arrogant, ill-mannered male - and, in this case at least, it worked for him.
The pressure reached its breaking point right then, and Kagome's entire body tensed suddenly and lit up with her climax. Her back arched expertly off the wall, her breasts shoved into Inuyasha's firm chest, and she let out a howl of ecstasy that was probably heard in Kyoto. Inuyasha joined barely a second after, grunting his own release.
Kagome's breathing slowed quickly, and Inuyasha, coming down from the high of his orgasm, listened as calmly as he could to her steadying heartbeat. When he pulled back, he smirked widely upon finding her falling fast asleep, obviously all tuckered out by the night's events.
Carefully, he pulled the both of them away from the wall and set her gently on the king size bed. Inuyasha climbed in beside her and pulled the thick, warm comforter over the both of them. In her unconscious state, Kagome smiled and rolled over, snuggling into his shoulder. Inuyasha grinned a foolish grin and put his arm around her shoulders, squeezing her closer to him.
He kissed his mate's forehead before embarking upon the journey to dreamland himself. I love make up sex with you, Kagome.
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A/N: Hope this was a satisfactory lemon for you both! I promised Shannah (Kirarakat56) that I'd have both this chappie and Chapter Ten of One Night out tonight, but I so tired. Gonna go sleepy. Night night. :)
Next Time:
Chapter Ten: And Violet Eyes Will Grow Wider.