InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life Ain't Sweet ❯ A Stress filled Day In Tokyo ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
DISCLAIMER: I dont own Inuyasha...Pfft...Its not fair is it?

Oh! AND PLEASE R&R! READ AND REVIEW!! PLEASE! And tell me if there is anything you want me to add to the story or if there is something I should take out or something like that!(And if you have any Idea's just say so on the review page!)


Wow, I'm finally in Tokyo! This place is way more crowded than back home in Kyoto. I thought to myself as I walked to my apartment. I Open the door finding the place looking like crap. Jeez what a mess. I walked into the living room, seeing that it looked like someone died in there, smelled like it too. Wrinkling my nose because of the stench, I start to see flys all around the kitchen. I'd have to clean sometime in my live, why not now?

By sundown, I was done with the kitchen. I looked up at my Gold-fish Koshi. "I know...but you should make the best of this Koshi! It's not my fault we live in a...a dump!" Koshi just stared at me and moved back and fourth, telling me no, its not good living here. "At least you don't have to clean Koshi." I sighed and began to clean the living room. This is so going to take forever.

Thank God its only saturday tomarrow. Then I can get my school's supplies. This place isn't so bad! I don't need to be so Negitive! I can make the best of this place! By tomarrow, this apartment will look like home! Jeez I'm already getting tired. I yawned. Owell gotta keep cleaning! I Scrubed the floors, and by eleven o'cloak, the living room was finished. I had the T.V. Set up and a couch, and I was ready to sleep. I kissed Koshi goodnight(atleast his fishtank) and fell asleep in a matter of minutes while watching Telivision.


My alarm clock went off, it was more annoying than usual. I layed there for a minute with my eyes closed. After about ten minutes I decided to make my eyes poped open. I yawned as I stretched, bonked my alarm, and headed to the kitchen to get the fish food. I fed Koshi his favorite, Little crumbs of Gold-fish crackers, ranch flavor. I slipped on my bright neon Orange T-shirt and light blue Jeans, along with my black skate boarding shoes. I didn't skate much, but I love the way the shoes look. I Brushed my hair, ate breakfast and brushed my teeth, etc. Then I went outside carrying my purse, and headed torwards my new highschool.

I Entered the school, feeling odd, like I was an Outlaw or something like that. I went inside the Office, and found the most annoying secretary in the world. I smiled at her and continued to wait. She had annoying and Ugly checkard pants on, that showed her fat legs off, and a white shirt that looked stained of dark frosting of some sort. It was Hideious. She also had her hair in pig tails, and slutty make-up on that looked like it was trying to cover up her doubled-chin. I trembled in disgust and looked away.

Her voice was hoarse, and she was yelling into the phone with her mouth fool. I tried to ignore it. Then, I saw someone enter the school, as I peered out the see-through wall. A tall teenaged man, with long silver hair and golden eyes, with a dark blue cresant moon on his forehead and some red/purple markings on the sides of his face. He was kind of cute.

"CAN I HELP YOU?" the Secretary yelled at me, I jumped startled and turned around. "Oh, yes I'm sorry! I'm new here and I need a school supplies list, can I have one Please?" "Of course! I need your fisrt and last name." "Rin Hishigomi." "Okay..ah, here we are!" She said typing something into the computer.

A List printed out on the other side of the computer. She yanked it out and threw it at me, I cought it though. The phone was ringing and it was annoying the Secretary so, "Uhh...Arigato!!" I waved and ran out the office door. I looked back and acciedently bumped into the person I saw earlier from the office. I fell flat on my ass, hurting my tail bone. He looked down at me, and for some reason, I blushed. My face was as red as a rose.

He extended his hand to me to help me up. As soon as I was on My feet, I brished myself off and smiled at him, still red as a ripe strawberry. "Sorry!"I told him blushing, I think my head is swelling up.. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Gotto go now, I have to buy school supplies! Sorry!! Arigoto!" I felt like an Idiot as I walked out the door. I looked back at him, feeling like he was watching me walk off. He wasn't though. Thank god someone in this city isn't a Pervert, like when I arrived here, a man pinched my butt!

After I was done at the mall, I returned home, Tired and lazy. I took a nap on the couch, but it was intterupted by a knock at the door. I moaned as I got to my feet to answer the door. It was a women. "Hello!"she waved slightly at me. I smiled and greeted her back. "I live right next door, and I just found out your my new neighbore! I'm Kagome!" "Oh, I'm Rin. Do you want to come in?" "Sure!" "Sorry, its not too clean, When I got here yesterday, it was completely trashed! I was just going to work on it again!" "I can help!" "Nah, you don't have to!" "But I will!" "Well, Okay if you insist!" Maybe life here won't be as bad as my old town..

Kagome smiled and helped Me out with the entire Apartment that day. By five O'cloak we'd finished. The apartment had a fresh smell, and it wasn't so..Icky. "So your going to go to my high, thats cool-!" Before Kagome could finish, her watch began to beep." Oh no! I gotta go, I have to make sure my brother gets home save!" and with that Kagome zipped out the door."Hey, thanks for helpin' out Kagome! Cya at school!" I yelled after her.

I sighed and sat down on the couch. I looked over at Koshi who was bubbling around in his tiny fish bowl. "Why are you always so damn happy?" I asked the pethedic fish, knowing it wouldn't answer. I looked for a horror movie on the T.V., they always make me feel better, you know, Screaming at the top of your lungs making the people in the entire place think your dying. It's fun. None were on though. I skimmed through the channels, soon loosing count of how maney times I've looked at the same channel over and over again.

I turned the T.V. off and layed in the dark, looking at the ceiling. I was thinking about the the golden-eyed man at my future school today. Don't ask me why, but he did come to mind every...five seconds. I can't already have a crush on him! I don't even know him! I'm not even sure he goes to my school! But he might since he was there...What AM I doing thinking about him again?! I wish I had a hammer to hit myself with..I thought to myself for a long time, and soon, I fell asleep.

I...I'm home? No it's a dream..

I awoke from my sleep in my bed and walked into the living room. Then, a window broke, and Youkai popped through the windows. Smoke bombs were threwn, and I couldn't see anything. I heard my mother scream for my father, then her screams were cut short, and I knew she was dead. My dad was next, I watched him, he pulled out his gun and pointed it at the youkai leader. The leader smirked and dodged his bullet, slicing him with the large knife he held in his hand. I saw my fathers body fall to the floor, the demon smiling viciously. I cried loudly as a body clung onto me, but I stopped, knowing it was only my brother, Koshi. "Koshi! I'm scared!!" I sniffled and cried into his shirt. He patted my back and took me to hide in the pantery.

Koshi ran back out, and I peeked open the door to watch. "KOSHI!! LOOK OUT!!" I cried out to him, seeing the leader Youkai speeding up to him, Koshi was practically in front of me, But...He hadn't made it. "KOSHI!!" I screamed. "KOSHI!! PLEASE!! DON'T DIE!!" I was crying harder, but I knew he couldn't come back. I saw the Leader of the demons' throw his knife, and I saw it peirce my brother in the heart from the back. Koshi fell into my arms, lying there dead. The leader left me living, but I had no clue why. I cried even more, looking down at my brothers dead, cold, and lifeless body. I was embracing my brother in my arms.

My dream was over, and I only saw black. I knew how the rest went, and I didn't need to remember it anyway. In my memories, the Police showed up finally, but they were too late to save anyone but me. I was sent to maney foster homes after the Insident. But on my fifteenth birthday, they let me live on my own. And that was my tragic life story of me as a child. And thats how I also ended up naming my fish Koshi. If I had a dog, I would have named it after him but I couldn't get a dog.


I opened my eyes, finding myself on my couch once again. I needed to start falling asleep in my own room, it got way to cold in the living room. I did the same thing every morning, Feed fish, get dressed, Feed me, brush teeth. " Koshi, I think I'll try to find a job today!" I smiled to my gold fish and stepped out my apartment, ready to get my mail. But I bumped into someone. Infact, when I looked at him, it looked like the same man I met at the school.

He turned and looked at me, then I knew..It was the man I saw at the school! How emmbaressing! I run into the guy again! And not to mention I've been thinking of this guy all yesterday. I blushed, and my head, once again, felt swellen. He didn't have any real expresion in his face, how is that so? He's not me, he doesn't seemed to get emmbaressed easley. Infact, what Kind of a person am I to get emmbaressed infront of somone? Well..I did fall flat on my ass, all over again, so that would be embarressing... Oh no! I'm dozing off again into my thoughts! ..Why are my eyes closed?

I opened my eyes to find him looking down at me. I was in his arms, and in a totally diffrent place. Where was I? "So your finally awake." he said looking down at her. " I guess I didn't get enough sleep!..Jeez..what time is it?" I said rubbing my head. "Its already one pm." he looked down at his watch. "Am I at your home?" "Where eles?" "oh..Thank you for helping me..I think I should get going home. Cya later!" I waved at him and opened his door and left. Once again I had failed to ask him his name or give him mine. Am I smart or what?

I went to the mail box's right outside the apartment complex to grab my mail and the newspaper, then i headed back up to my little ol' place I was forced to called home. I yawned as I entered my room for the first time. I plopped down onto my water bed and opened my mail. First I opened my box. I ripped it open to find my school Uniform. It was green, white and red, with socks and shoes. Wow they really thought of everything huh.. Then I opened my small envolope. It was a letter from my best friend from Kyoto, her name was Chika.

I looked at the letter.

Dear Rin-chan,

I miss you so much! Hows Tokyo, and When did you get there?
Your starting school monday right? Hopefully theres cute boys
there..I miss you so much Rin! I heard there are more Youkai
in Tokyo than here, I thought I'd worn you. If you change
your mind and come back to Kyoto, You will always have
a place here with me!

Lots of Love,


I stared at the note for a second. Why does she act like I have something against all the Youkai in the world? I guess she thinks I do, since I told her about how my Family died. But I don't have anything against them, its not every single Youkai who did it so it's not like I should blame them all. Chika must hate all of them..Thats just how she is though. Owell!

I looked through the newspaper after that. Maybe I'll work at the coffee shop. I put the newspaper down and left my apartment. I took the elevator down and walked to the nearest Coffee shop. There was a wanted sign up. I guess I was lucky to get here. I went inside and applied for the job. My apointment was going to be next week Sunday they told me. It was a good thing I got this apartemnt free, and it was all prepayed till I'm supposed to be out of College. Chika's parents payed for me. Chika was my best friend for the last five years, and my family the last two years.

The day was Finally pretty much over. My first day of school in Tokyo was tomarrow, I guess I couldn't complain, I got to go shopping all Saterday and I met a cute boy, though I still don't know his name. I took a bath that night aswell. I didn't just buy School supplies, I need to Live you know.

After my bath, I got into my Night-gown, brushed my teeth, blow-dried my hair and layed in my bed, listening to music. After maybe, five minutes I fell asleep. It was about 9:30 pm, I went to bed earlier this night because I had to get up tomarrow at 6:00 in the morning, and I needed all the energy I could get.


Hey! Wooh! Can you believe how long that Chappy was?! Oh my god! This chappy was fun though...^_^ Since you read, Review please! AND e-mail me if you have any ideas for chappy 2!! All i know is its Rin's first day at school, and Its gonna be horrorible! ^_~ sounds like Okay me is tired! Night night! ...maybe... !_! ^_~