InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life Ain't Sweet ❯ The Man With The Cold Heart ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey! I am so happy I have at the least one reader so far! ^_^ Me feel so loved!! Just so you all kno, Rin is my favorite char! She is so I'm so cruel tho! I call my friend (who likes the show Inuyasha too) Grandpa, you kno kagome's grandpa, and then she trys to call my Sesshoumaru...but i just laugh at her and point and call her Jakken. lol then I'd tell her I guess I am like him, I do have a half sister and I hate her..And being called Sessy isn't as bad as "Grandpa" or "Jakken"! lol! ^_^ well, hope you enjoy this chappy! WARNING: This one is very depressing and most likely going to have Hentai in this chappy, Beware! oh and plz!! R&R!!! Or I'll...Never eat sugar again!!! ...wait! thats bad for me not you!!! NOoooo!!!

DISCLAIMER: Nope...Inuyasha isn't mine yet...BUT! I will take Monekymary89's Idea of TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!! THEN I WILL OWN INUYASHA!! MWHAHHAHAHAA!! Not to mention Sesshoumaru...*huggles sessy* mine!! ^_~


Me: .....-_-* Yessss ma'm....



Oyeah..I forgot I took my alarm cloak out of the living room yesterday...I better get up. My light chocolate brown eyes popped open and my legs forced me out of bed. I yawned and headed over to my closet. I sighed, knowing I'd be going to a privet Highschool, Uniforms and all. I grabbed the horrible uniform and slipped it on. Oh, thats lovely...I get to show off my little ol' tooth pick legs! Yay for me..

I went into the bathroom next to brush my hair, and put on a little bit of lip shine or gloss. My hair felt smooth as silk. I did my usual hair style, one little amout of hair in a small ponytail at the top left side of my head. I sighed looking at myself in the mirror. Its going to be a long day. I pushed myself to the kitchen for breakfast, and the fish food.

"Wish me luck at school today Koshi..I hope I don't mess it up!" I told my goldfish as I took a large bite of my Cereal Bar. I looked at my watch, I had about 30 minutes to get to school, good thing it was just a few blocks from here. "Cya after school Koshi!" I yawned, picked up my Cereal bar and went out the door.

I ran into Kagome on the way out. "Oh! Hey Rin!" she smiled at me as we stepped into the elevator. I walked backwards thinking nobody eles was in there, but I was wrong. I bumped into someone, AGAIN. Kagome giggled at me and I blushed. I must have bad luck or somthing to run into the same guy three times in a row. At least I didn't hurt myself again. "Oh! Uh..hi!" I stuttered, not knowing what to say to him. A smirk crept up on his face as he looked at me. This made me blush even more.

Then, the elevator started to freak out. It came to a dead stop, making my body fling into the air a couple of feet, then falling to the floor of it. "Ow! what happened to the elevator?!" I asked. "I'm not sure!"Kagome answered. Then the light went out. "Ow! Who did I bump into?" "Me." the un-named man Rin liked. "Oh! sorry!" Then the elevator started up again, it was going deadly fast!

I screamed, I was sure I was going to die. "Oh my god! Were going to die! Sesshoumaru! Can't you stop it?!" Sesshoumaru was his name? He stayed silent. The elevator dropped down fast from the top. I could feel my body lifting from the floor. I screamed loudly, thinking I was going to die right then and there. I felt something hold on to me, It was Sesshoumaru. He held me in his arms, and then he let go of me and Kagome hung onto me. I started to cry, knowing my family blood would never be heard of again after I was dead. I had no none relitives with my family name.

The light flashed for awhile nonstop. Where'd Sesshoumaru go-? Then the Elevator stopped, and opened. We saw Sesshoumaru infront of the entrance of the door. He smirked at me, and I melted. Kagome walked over to him and shook his hand firmly. " I hate you, but thank you for saving our lifes."Kagome said and walked off, stumbling as she left the building. I walked out of the elevator feeling dizzy. Then I tripped over the rug infront of the doors. I stumbled to my feet as fast as I possibley could and walked out the door.

I took a deep breathe as I walked into the highschool. I turned around to leave but I found Sesshoumaru looking at me now face to face, when I could of swore he stayed behind when I went out the door. I blinked at him curiously. He was smirking at me. "Oh..Uh, My name is Rin." I shook his hand lightly. I thought it was nice but old fashioned. I blushed, "And your Sesshoumaru right?" He nodded at me. "I'll see you around, Rin."He smirked at me and walked down the oppisite hall way as me.

I walked down the left hall, while looking at my map of the school, heading to home room. I had five minutes before class started, so I could take my time. I thought about how Sesshoumaru looked so emotionless, he had an emtey smirk too. He didn't seem to like Kagome either, maybe they're enimies..I sighed as I entered home room. "Oh! Rin over here! Sit by us!" Kagome yelled over at me.

She was sitting by a girl with brown hair in a pony-tail and dark brown eyes. She smiled and waved at me, and I just smiled. Then, behind Kagome, was a boy with silver hair, who looked alot like Sesshoumaru, but this boy didn't have markings of any kind on his face and he didn't look so, expresionless. No, this boy here looked unhappy and bored. I can already tell he's a self-centered brat by looking at the look on his face. I pitty people like that. And, behind the brown haired girl, there was a guy with black hair in a short pony-tail, and blue eyes. Why does he keep smiling at the girl?

I grinned at Kagome and sat down by her. "Hello!"I greeted her. "Hi! Here, these are my friends, This is Sango beside me, thats Inuyasha behind me, and-" "HENTAI!" Sango screamed as she slapped the guy with black hair in a short ponytail. there was a red handprint on his face. "Thats Miroku, he is the bigest pervert in the school." Kagome giggled. "Wasn't that scarey in the elevator earlier? For a second I thought we were really going to die!" I smiled. "Yeah I know, It was a good thing that Sesshoumaru was-" "Feh! Sesshoumaru is a basterd! He probeley only saved you two because he knew I'd kill him if Kagome would have died!" Inuyasha rudely interupted crossing his arms.

I nodded at him. "Oh so thats why.." I didn't really believe it though. Then, I saw cute Doggy ears on Inuyasha's head. I gasped and sat up and touched them. "Wow..are they real?" Inuyasha jut growled after I asked him. "How cute!" I exclaimed as I continued to play with his ears. He sweatdropped, then the teacher came in, and I stopped.

"Today we have a new student. Rin Hishigomi. Is there anything you'd like to say to the class Rin?" Not really.. "Umm..Sure." I told her as I stood up and looked around at the class. "Hi, I'm Rin Hishigomi, and I transferd from Kyoto Public Highschool Masigawi. I live by myself in an Apartment up the street now with my Goldfish Koshi..." Maybe I shouldn't have added the part about my gold fish. "Does anyone have any qestions for Ms.Hishigomi?"The teacher decided to ask for me. I started to blush like crazy.

Then a boy in the back raised his hand. "Yes Hiroshi?" "Uh, Why do you live alone?" "My family was killed along time ago, so I went to foster home to foster home untill now." Another hand was raised after I answered his qestion. "Yes, Estu." "How did your family die?" I found this extreamly rude, and I blushed furiously.

"They were killed by Youkai who were stealing from how house." It hurt to hear myself say it. "Two more qestions and then its back to work! Yes Zinan and then Naomi." "Why did you name your gold fish Koshi?"Zinan asked the qestion like it was a joke. I honestly didn't want to answer him. "I named him after my dead brother." "Okay, Naomi, ask your qestion so we can get started today." But I didn't hear Naomi's qestion. I saw Sesshoumaru walk by through the window in the door. He looked at me for a second and continued to walk on.

"Rin?" "Huh?" "She said, 'where do you get your hair done?' "The teacher told me. "Oh, I do my own hair." "Thank you Rin, you can take a seat now." I sat down Emmbaressed through out the whole next two periods. I rested my eyes for the rest of the next ten minutes of the period, and I day dreamed about the end of the day.


The bell rang and is startled me, and I saw everybody getting up and walking out of the room. Kagome and her friends were waiting for me. I smiled and got up with them to head for lunch. "Rin, did you bring lunch money or your own Lunch?" I gasped, I forgot all about it. I was broke but the food in my kitchen. "Oh no!! I forgot!"I moaned. " Don't worry Rin, I'll pay for you." Miroku said with a grin. Then Miroku reached out to grope me. I dodged it with a disgusted look on my face. "Nice try Miroku." "It's okay, I'll pay for your lunch Rin." Kagome smiled . "Thanks, I owe you." Wow, life here isn't so bad. I've already got friends.

We took our lunch outside to eat. We all sat under a shaded tree together. Then, I saw Sesshoumaru walk by, going to go eat by himself. I smiled at him, and told my new friend's I'd be right back. I got up and walked over to Sesshoumaru who was eating on a stone fence. I wanted to eat with him. "Uh, Hi. Do you mind if I sit over here with you?" I asked him keeping my reddness under my skin. He shook his head and let me sit down. A green little demon trotted over to Sesshoumaru and sat down on the otherside of him. "Hello Jakken." he said to the little green toad. He didn't sound to pleased to be bothered by such a little disgusting thing in public.

Jakken sat down and started to stuff his face, but then he stopped when he saw me. "Sesshoumaru! Look! A Human has tooken a seat by you!" Jakken stood up and started a little speech about humans. Sesshoumaru blinked, he seemed bored with Jakken and then he threw a rock. It hit him in the head. "Oh!I see Sesshoumaru!" Jakken winked at Sesshoumaru. He picked up an even bigger rock and threw it at him. Jakken fell over into the grass. "Oh I'm sorry Sesshoumaru! I won't speak for the rest of the day.."the little toad youkai stuttered out. I started to giggle, then I covered my mouth quickly and began to eat with a grin on my face.


(Okay, this is Kagome talking its all from her for this little part untill u see my mark!)

"I wonder whats Taking Rin so long.." I said looking over where I saw Rin walk off. "Feh. She probeley ran off to eat with that basterd.."Inuyasha was such a jerk at sometimes. "I'm going to go look." I said and got up. I walked away from them and soon after a couple of minutes, I saw Rin eating over with Sesshoumaru. I hate to admit it, but Inuyasha was right.

I walked back over to Inuyasha and everyone eles. "So where is she?" Sango asked me. "She's eating over with Sesshoumaru." "Feh, I knew it! The little trator!" Inuyasha exclaimed as he took another bite of his rice ball. I sighed and wondered why would Rin want to hang out with Sesshoumaru..?

((look bellow, thats the mark I was talking about. Now we switch to Rin again!))


Rin took another bite of her corn dog and looked at Sesshoumaru. He didn't react in anyway when I did. " So, your a Inu Youkai? "I asked him after I swallowed my bite of corndog. He nodded at me as he finished chewing up his food. I smiled at him kindly. I'm not afraid of him, he's like everyone eles exept for a few skills. "What are you smiling about?" He asked me, but I just smiled up at him. He had a curious look on his face. "But It's not that I care or anything, I just want to know." I looked up at the baby blue sky. It was beutiful. Sesshoumaru just stared at me curiously.

"You know, at first I thought I'd hate it here, but so far its not so bad." I said closing my eyes while facing the sun. "Hmm.."was all he said. He put his hand down acceidently on my own. My eyes opened and I finally turned bright red. He scooted his hand over onto the stone, as I looked at his face, and saw red tint in his cheeks. So he does have expresions. Thats a suprise.


The bell Rang and I walked back inside with him, Jakken was stumbling behind us. I smiled at him again noticing he still had red in his face. So this is him when he shows his true feelings around people. I never would know. I waved at him as I turned to goto my next class. And I didn't see him for the rest of the day.

School was finally over around 2:15 pm. I walked outside and a two men walked up to me. "Uh, hi." I greeted them. They had an evil look on their faces as they grabbed my arms and took me away. I screamed and kicked and told them to let me go. "Oh, we'll let you go, you just wait!" The first guy said. "Yeah, we'll let you go after we have a little fun."the second guy said. They both laughed and I was scared. I was pretty sure what they had in mind to do to me. I started crying adn screaming louder. I didn't want this happening, I thought I was having a great day until now.

"HELP!!! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!!" I screamed loudly, struggling to get free from their grasp. They hit me in the head, knocking me uncoutius. What was happening? I needed help, not to mention that I didn't feel like loosing my virginity like this, and not to ugly men I didn't even know.

I awoke naked and tied to a bed. I saw the men undressing, then they saw I was awake. I started to scream again. "HELP! HELP SOMEBODY! HELP ME PLEASE!!" I screamed so loud my throat started to hurt. What if they Kill me after they rape me? Oh god! I much rather die from a Youkai than this!

The first guy ducktaped my mouth, and then he got on top of me. I was so scared and tears started to dripped down my face. The guy tried to put himself in me, though it didn't look like he had much. I cried more, and more. My face was drenched with salt water. Before he could get inside me, the door slammed open, and I saw Sesshoumaru.

He still had a calm look on his face, "I advice you to leave now if you value your lifes" He said showing his clawsto them. The guy got off me and grabed his pants and left. The other guy fallowed, but he already had his pants on. Sesshoumaru walked over to me and pulled the duck tape off my mouth, and untied me. He handed me a blanket to cover myself with, and then he hesitated to wrap his arms around me to hug me. I clunged onto his shirt and cried into him. Sesshoumaru cuped my face with his hands and wiped my tears off my face. " I-was sssso scared!!" I told him and I began to cry more into his shirt. Sesshoumaru got up and handed me my clothes.

I got dressed and he walked me home. " Get on my back" He told me, I did as he said and he leaped up on a building, and went roof to roof until we reached the apartments. Inuyasha and Kagome saw Sesshoumaru walking me to my door. I turned around and hugged him, and he let me lean into him. Sesshoumaru actally smiled down at me, Ignoring his brother and Kagome watching. He opened the door to my apartment with my keys and layed me down on the couch. "Are..Are you leaving me?" I asked him. He sat down beside me, "I will leave if you want me to." I shook my head, and Sesshoumaru stayed there the whole time.

Around 7:00 pm, I told Sesshoumaru he could leave if he wanted to, and he did, but he told me he'd be back tomarrow to walk me to school so I would be safe. He also left his phone number with me so I could call if I needed him. I smiled to myself. Sesshoumaru isn't as cold and heartless as everyone eles discribed him. Maybe they just don't understand him. I looked up at the ceiling thinking about school and life here in Tokyo. It isn't too fun living unprotected. I got up and fed Koshi before I took a bath.

The day was over now, and I felt much better. When I entered my room, I flopped down into my bed and watched a pay perview horror movie. Horror movies are my favorite. After the movie I fell asleep, and I felt much better than earlier. It felt great to know people actally cared about me... That night, I had the same dream as the night before. I had that dream almost every night ever since it happend. I've been running from it for a long time. And now, five years later it's came back to my dreams.


Hey, howd you like it? I know, very dramatic! Sesshoumaru is showing more to her than anyone he has before. Come to think of it, He never has! Wait till chappy three to see what happens! Oh! and REVIEW! ..Please. And don't worry, I wont make it the next day in chappy three. I'll make it next week sunday, when she applies for the coffee shop job! thats how it will start anyway.. And yes, Sesshoumaru is starting to get a lil' crush on Rin! ^_~ cya next time!