InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life Ain't Sweet ❯ Spring Break Part one ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey everybody! Glad I finally got SOME reviews...*whimper* You bad bad pplz!! *sniff* owell! As you can see, I have been sucking down all the hot sauce and Sugar packets like mad!! So here's my third chappy right here, right now!!!! MeeP! >.< ON TO THE STORY OR OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!!
Veiwers: O.o
Me: Seriously.
Veiwers: *steps back a few feet* O.o
Me: *Sweat drop* -_-* On with the story now..
Sunday is already almost over, and I have gotten got my job! Yes! Coffee Time the Coffee shop! "I got a Job! I got a job!!" I started chanting while runing around Koshi's fish tank. I was acting like a child who just had sugar for the first time in days.Then the door bell rang and I hopped over to the door with a giant smile on my face. It was Miroku, but he was delivering me my pizza. I thought he looked funny in the suit he was wearing. "Don't ask about the suit.." "Don't worry I won't."I giggled at the yellow chicken suit he was wearing. I couldn't believe he'd wear something like that. He handed me my Pizza and left, looking so embaressed, he almost blended in with the mouth of the chicken suit where his head was.
I sat down on my loving couch and ate my pizza. I was loving life at the moment and nobody was going to ruin it. I turned on the T.V. and started watching one of the good scary movies I hadn't seen. Jeepers Creepers 2. I was so easley scared by this movie. When I watched the first one, I screamed almost every five seconds and now I was watching the second one. I screamed alot at this one too, but not nearly as much as I did at the first one.
That night was probley the best night I'd have since I'v moved in. I had Pizza, a new job, a scary movie, and a clean apartment not to mention. It couldn't be better. Life here was getting much more enjoyable. After my movie ended, I fed my fish one last time, and went to my bed and fell asleep. I dreamed about something diffrent that night for once.
It was about Sesshoumaru and the Creeper. Yes, it was weird. But I didn't die atleast or anyone I knew. The creeper died finally when I bonked it on the head with Jakken. Jakken must be a deadly wepon when fighting the Creeper. Then the song, "Jeepers Creeper" popped into my head. 'Jeepers Creeper, where'd you get those eyes? ' were the last words before my Alarm cloak went off. It was finally the first day of March, and that ment my birthday was coming up. I yawned, also remembering it came the weekend of the first week of Spring break. I was feeling lucky today already.
Before school, I headed to work. I slipped on my "Coffee Time" apron and started to serve up coffee. Sesshoumaru walked in and stepped up to the counter. "Ice mocha carmel please."he asked with a sigh. I did a double dip seeing him. "Oh, hey. I didn't think I'd see you here. Okay, that would be a dollar fiftey, Thank you!" I winked at him and he smiled, realizing it was me. "I didn't know you worked here." "Well, I just got this job yesterday you know. Hey, if you can wait five minutes I'm off untill three this afternoone. " He nodded at me and took a seat at one of the side tables. After I got done with my shift, I grabbed an Ice mocha myself and walked to school with Sesshoumaru.
I still didn't understand why everyone said he was a jerk or he was mean or anything like that. He was actally kind of sweet and cute. "Hey, do you want to hang out sometime over spring break with me? I'm most likely not going anywhere 'cause it will be my birthday around then. So.." "Sure."he answer, with light emotion showing. I smiled happily and took his hand. I guess I've been close to him ever since he'd saved me from the rapists.
After a few weeks, Sring break was here. I had two week off from my job too. I was happy, and Sesshoumaru was going to be there with me. I think I may be falling in love with him too. I thought my crush would have blown over by now, but it just grew the more I was around him. He always made me happy and cheerful, even though he wasn't Mr.I-make-you-laugh-so-hard, type. Then I heard a knock at the door. And I practicly skipped to the door.
I opened the door to find Kagome smiling inoccently. "Hi Rin!" "Uh, Hi Kagome!" I greeted her a little unsure of why she was here. "Uh, can I talk to you?"She asked me, she kind of sounded unhappy. "Uh, yea come in! So whats wrong?" I qestioned her as we stepped inside. I bet it was because I was hanging around Sesshoumaru and Jakken. "It's about Sesshoumaru and Jakken." Hah, I knew it. " Me and my friends just wanted me to tell you that..." Here we go..Me and Kagome have been fighting about this ever since I started siting with him at lunch.
"We really think that you shouldn't hang around them! They're a bad influence! You'll turn into someting...well, horrorible! AND He's probeley going to use you!" If I could tell her about how I was almost raped, then she'd beleive he wasn't using me. "So, me and my friends just thought that you outto know...Sorry to bother you Rin! See'ya at school tomarrow!"She waved at me and then she left.
I sighed, trying not to worry what Kagome and her friends thought. I mean, they're my friends too, but..I don't know...they just weren't so nice, Chika was changing too...Why did everyone do this to me? Owell, people are people and we're all diffrent..I'm tired. I plopped down on the couch, put my feet on the coffee table and looked up at the ceiling. Then, Once again there was someone at the door, "It's Open!" I yelled from the couch, and groaned.
Sesshoumaru stepped in, shutting the door. Then he came over to the couch and Suprised me. I didn't think It'd be him. I scooted over so hee could sit down. As he sat there, I couldn't help but look over at him. I rested my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped one of his arms around me. I slightly shutted my eyes and just sat there with him listening to the silence. I couldn't believe how I was so happy earlier to becoming so easley depressed. It was frustating.
I looked up at him, seeing a smile I hadn't seen since I made a very disturbing joke about this annoying nerdy guy at school. I hadn't ever seen him laugh like that. Hell, I don't think anyone's ever seen him like that. I smiled about it, and closed my eyes. It was ood that he could make me happy like that. Then, I suddenly had a strange Urge. I got out of his grasp, and got up to his face, noticing his eyes were closed. Then, I kissed him on his soft lips. I didn't pull back at all. But then, I wondered as I looked at him as hi eyes poped open. I accidentally put my tongue in his mouth and I saw him blush. It was cute too.
Then, Kagome walked into the apartment, seeing me on top of him, tongue tied. My eyes went wide as I saw her before she exited. I looked at the expression on her face, she was blushing just as Me and Sesshoumaru were. This was so embaressing for me. I pulled out of his mouth, speechless. I felt bad, but it didn't stop Sesshoumaru or myself from sharing feelings with each other. We didn't really talk much, we were wrestling with our tongues at the moment.
Later that day, we went to the amusment park. It was my Idea, but he was paying for me and himself. We walked around happily together, and we went on all the rides.
Wooh! I am soooo tired! I made this part 1 for this chappy because I dont feel like adding onto this! >_< Wooh! Bed time! Nighty-night! Review aswell please! ^_~
Veiwers: O.o
Me: Seriously.
Veiwers: *steps back a few feet* O.o
Me: *Sweat drop* -_-* On with the story now..
Sunday is already almost over, and I have gotten got my job! Yes! Coffee Time the Coffee shop! "I got a Job! I got a job!!" I started chanting while runing around Koshi's fish tank. I was acting like a child who just had sugar for the first time in days.Then the door bell rang and I hopped over to the door with a giant smile on my face. It was Miroku, but he was delivering me my pizza. I thought he looked funny in the suit he was wearing. "Don't ask about the suit.." "Don't worry I won't."I giggled at the yellow chicken suit he was wearing. I couldn't believe he'd wear something like that. He handed me my Pizza and left, looking so embaressed, he almost blended in with the mouth of the chicken suit where his head was.
I sat down on my loving couch and ate my pizza. I was loving life at the moment and nobody was going to ruin it. I turned on the T.V. and started watching one of the good scary movies I hadn't seen. Jeepers Creepers 2. I was so easley scared by this movie. When I watched the first one, I screamed almost every five seconds and now I was watching the second one. I screamed alot at this one too, but not nearly as much as I did at the first one.
That night was probley the best night I'd have since I'v moved in. I had Pizza, a new job, a scary movie, and a clean apartment not to mention. It couldn't be better. Life here was getting much more enjoyable. After my movie ended, I fed my fish one last time, and went to my bed and fell asleep. I dreamed about something diffrent that night for once.
It was about Sesshoumaru and the Creeper. Yes, it was weird. But I didn't die atleast or anyone I knew. The creeper died finally when I bonked it on the head with Jakken. Jakken must be a deadly wepon when fighting the Creeper. Then the song, "Jeepers Creeper" popped into my head. 'Jeepers Creeper, where'd you get those eyes? ' were the last words before my Alarm cloak went off. It was finally the first day of March, and that ment my birthday was coming up. I yawned, also remembering it came the weekend of the first week of Spring break. I was feeling lucky today already.
Before school, I headed to work. I slipped on my "Coffee Time" apron and started to serve up coffee. Sesshoumaru walked in and stepped up to the counter. "Ice mocha carmel please."he asked with a sigh. I did a double dip seeing him. "Oh, hey. I didn't think I'd see you here. Okay, that would be a dollar fiftey, Thank you!" I winked at him and he smiled, realizing it was me. "I didn't know you worked here." "Well, I just got this job yesterday you know. Hey, if you can wait five minutes I'm off untill three this afternoone. " He nodded at me and took a seat at one of the side tables. After I got done with my shift, I grabbed an Ice mocha myself and walked to school with Sesshoumaru.
I still didn't understand why everyone said he was a jerk or he was mean or anything like that. He was actally kind of sweet and cute. "Hey, do you want to hang out sometime over spring break with me? I'm most likely not going anywhere 'cause it will be my birthday around then. So.." "Sure."he answer, with light emotion showing. I smiled happily and took his hand. I guess I've been close to him ever since he'd saved me from the rapists.
After a few weeks, Sring break was here. I had two week off from my job too. I was happy, and Sesshoumaru was going to be there with me. I think I may be falling in love with him too. I thought my crush would have blown over by now, but it just grew the more I was around him. He always made me happy and cheerful, even though he wasn't Mr.I-make-you-laugh-so-hard, type. Then I heard a knock at the door. And I practicly skipped to the door.
I opened the door to find Kagome smiling inoccently. "Hi Rin!" "Uh, Hi Kagome!" I greeted her a little unsure of why she was here. "Uh, can I talk to you?"She asked me, she kind of sounded unhappy. "Uh, yea come in! So whats wrong?" I qestioned her as we stepped inside. I bet it was because I was hanging around Sesshoumaru and Jakken. "It's about Sesshoumaru and Jakken." Hah, I knew it. " Me and my friends just wanted me to tell you that..." Here we go..Me and Kagome have been fighting about this ever since I started siting with him at lunch.
"We really think that you shouldn't hang around them! They're a bad influence! You'll turn into someting...well, horrorible! AND He's probeley going to use you!" If I could tell her about how I was almost raped, then she'd beleive he wasn't using me. "So, me and my friends just thought that you outto know...Sorry to bother you Rin! See'ya at school tomarrow!"She waved at me and then she left.
I sighed, trying not to worry what Kagome and her friends thought. I mean, they're my friends too, but..I don't know...they just weren't so nice, Chika was changing too...Why did everyone do this to me? Owell, people are people and we're all diffrent..I'm tired. I plopped down on the couch, put my feet on the coffee table and looked up at the ceiling. Then, Once again there was someone at the door, "It's Open!" I yelled from the couch, and groaned.
Sesshoumaru stepped in, shutting the door. Then he came over to the couch and Suprised me. I didn't think It'd be him. I scooted over so hee could sit down. As he sat there, I couldn't help but look over at him. I rested my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped one of his arms around me. I slightly shutted my eyes and just sat there with him listening to the silence. I couldn't believe how I was so happy earlier to becoming so easley depressed. It was frustating.
I looked up at him, seeing a smile I hadn't seen since I made a very disturbing joke about this annoying nerdy guy at school. I hadn't ever seen him laugh like that. Hell, I don't think anyone's ever seen him like that. I smiled about it, and closed my eyes. It was ood that he could make me happy like that. Then, I suddenly had a strange Urge. I got out of his grasp, and got up to his face, noticing his eyes were closed. Then, I kissed him on his soft lips. I didn't pull back at all. But then, I wondered as I looked at him as hi eyes poped open. I accidentally put my tongue in his mouth and I saw him blush. It was cute too.
Then, Kagome walked into the apartment, seeing me on top of him, tongue tied. My eyes went wide as I saw her before she exited. I looked at the expression on her face, she was blushing just as Me and Sesshoumaru were. This was so embaressing for me. I pulled out of his mouth, speechless. I felt bad, but it didn't stop Sesshoumaru or myself from sharing feelings with each other. We didn't really talk much, we were wrestling with our tongues at the moment.
Later that day, we went to the amusment park. It was my Idea, but he was paying for me and himself. We walked around happily together, and we went on all the rides.
Wooh! I am soooo tired! I made this part 1 for this chappy because I dont feel like adding onto this! >_< Wooh! Bed time! Nighty-night! Review aswell please! ^_~