InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Consequences ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters listed below. They all are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.

A/N:  This follows immediately after my previous fan fiction, A Future Push of the Past, that can be found in my profile.  It is highly recommended that A Future Push of the Past is read before this story.  Several scenes will also coincide with another previous fan fiction, The Great Mom Detective, also in my profile.

Just a note:  due to the upcoming holidays the updates for this story may be slow in coming.  But I’ll never give up, and never surrender.  By Grapthar’s Hammer, this story will be finished.

Important recap:  Inuyasha and Kagome are newly mated with unknown help from their future selves.  Their future selves also have bugged Kagome’s backpack with spy cameras in a desperate attempt to, in some way, see their old friends again.  And now, on with the show!


Life and Consequences

Chapter 1

Kagome snuggled up in the warm embrace of her very own hanyou.  Inuyasha had his arms wrapped around her holding her close and his head buried in her neck right beside her new mating mark.  Every time he breathed on the sensitive skin, she had to stop herself from shivering in delight.  When he decided to gently lick the mark, she couldn’t hold back the shiver or her moan.

I don’t know if the human body was made to handle this much sex…’ she pondered.  She had long ago lost count of her activities with Inuyasha’s youkai side and then his hanyou side after they got all that pesky talking out of the way.

Pressing needs was urging Kagome to get up however and she couldn’t ignore them forever.  

“Inuyasha?” she asked softly.

He opened his eyes and gave her a gentle and very rare smile, “Yeah, wench?”

“I need to get up.”  He reluctantly opened his arms, and she crawled out of bed.  “I’m going to the bathroom, then I need to get something to eat.  You hungry?”

“Keh, of course.”

She laughed, “Of course you are.  I think I’m gonna cook something.  I feel like something a bit more substantial than ramen.  And yes, I’ll still fix you a bowl on the side,” she said before he could protest.  She threw on her robe, “Be right back.”

Inuyasha watched her walk out of the ruined doorway.  He frowned at it and cursed his youkai half.  What else did that maniac destroy?  It was a good thing that his relationship with Kagome wasn’t one of them.  If anything, it got him closer than he probably ever would have himself.  He knew his pride, or his mouth, would have gotten in the way and he still knows that now she will face a harsher life than if he never mated her.  She doesn’t seem to care though, so he would just have to try to make her as happy as he can.

He got up and decided he would use the bathroom and clean up a bit when Kagome got finished in there.  As he walked across the room to collect his clothes, he caught sight of himself in the mirror and froze.  He approached the mirror and stared intently at his face.  He had jagged purple lines running across his cheekbones, and he wasn’t anywhere near to turning full youkai again.  His pack had told him about them, but this was the first time he had ever seen them.  Not including the ones that had appeared on Kagome.  He ran his finger along one of them and didn’t feel any difference in the skin texture.  It was just like his skin was a different color in those two lines.

He eventually shook his head and backed away from the mirror.  There wasn’t anything he could do about it now.  He stooped to gather his fire-rat, then paused.  That powder or dust or whatever he had gotten exposed to may still be on the garments.  The last thing he wanted to do was turn youkai again.

“Oi, Kagome!” he yelled down the hallway.

He heard the noisy-bowl flush and water running for a little bit.  Then his miko emerged from the water room.


“I think these clothes need washed.  I got into some fucking dust and it made me fucking transform.  It could still be there.”

“No problem, I can put them in the washing machine downstairs.  I’ll find you something to wear while they’re washing.”

He nodded and found her scarf from her shredded uniform.  He carefully checked the uniform for blood to make sure he didn’t scratch Kagome while he was out of his mind.  Seeing none, he dropped it back on the floor and tied the scarf around his head so he wouldn’t inhale more of that dust.  He gathered up his discarded clothing and went downstairs.

Meanwhile, Kagome entered her mother’s room and found some clothes that her mom had bought in case Inuyasha wanted to blend in while in their time.  Kagome knew how stubborn her hanyou was, so she had never brought it up.  She grabbed the bag and headed downstairs.

Kagome met Inuyasha at the bottom of the stairs and giggled a little because he was still naked except for her red scarf across his face.  “This way,” she said cheerily as she led him to the utility room.  “Ok, just drop in the reds.  We’ll wash the whites next.”  Nodding, he did as she asked and dropped the whites on the floor.  She added a powder, closed the lid and moved some knobs.  Soon there was the sound of water filling the machine.

“There we go!  And here you go,” she added as she handed him the plastic bag.  “Mama bought these for you a while back but I know you’re attached to your fire-rat and you usually don’t leave the shrine so we held them as ‘just in case’ items.”

“You… your m…mom bought clothes for me?  She…she shouldn’t have.  She could have used the money for something else,” Inuyasha replied with a stunned look on his face.

Kagome gave him a puzzled look, “It’s no big deal.  Just a couple pairs of pants and a few shirts.  Maybe also a pack of underwear, I don’t remember.”  

After hearing that, Inuyasha’s eyes widened a bit more.

Kagome continued watching him, then had an idea, “I think we’re doing that culture-clash thing again.  Tell me what you’re thinking.  What does this mean to you?” she asked softly.  Hopefully her hanyou hadn’t actually hit his word quota for the week because this was an odd reaction.

He blinked at her and realized she might be right.  She wasn’t acting like it was a big deal at all and she said that they had the clothes for a while now.  

In a questioning tone he started, “Kagome, clothes are expensive.  Most people only have one or two outfits and there’s a good chance they’re used.  My mother was the only person who ever gave me clothes, my father’s fire-rat in fact.  And you just said your mother has bought me at least two outfits.  I…I don’t deserve that…”

Kagome nodded.  It was just as she thought, culture-clash.  “Ok, A, yes you do deserve nice things, Inuyasha.  More than a lot of other people, in fact.  And B, clothes are not as expensive or as hard to come by as they used to be.  I promise you, we spent more on medical supplies and ninja food this month than the price of the clothes in this bag.  And if you want more clothes, we’ll get some more clothes and you can be the richest hanyou on your side of the well.”

Inuyasha pulled Kagome into a hug, “I’m already the richest hanyou on my side of the well.”  Then he leaned down to kiss her.

Before the kiss could get too heated, Kagome pulled away.  “I need food, remember?  Here,” she reminded him as she put the bag of clothes into his hand.  “Let me know if you need help with them.”


She smiled as she went into the kitchen to fix something to eat.  As she walked to the refrigerator, she noticed the clock on the wall said it was after five.  She froze as she remembered about her history test she was supposed to have taken that day.  Instead she had stayed in bed with her historical hanyou.  Granted she had a better time at home than she would have had at school.  Doubly so since she didn’t get any studying done the night before.  Well, she didn’t study history anyway…   She would just have to talk to the teacher tomorrow and see if he would allow her to take a make-up exam.

She just sighed as she continued gathering cooking supplies.  Inuyasha came into the room then and Kagome nearly dropped the spatula she was holding.  He looked hot!  He was finally in a pair of blue jeans and Kagome was overjoyed at the result.  The red T-shirt he was wearing was probably a size too tight and looked painted on him.  It really showed off all his muscles.  He blushed at her scrutiny.


“Oh, sorry!  Do they fit ok?” Kagome asked as she shook herself out of her daze.

“Alright, I guess.  Are they supposed to be this tight?” he asked while tugging on his shirt.

She walked over to him with a semi-serious look on her face.  “Well, the shirt might be a little small, but it looks good.  The jeans look like a perfect fit.”  As she said the last bit, she reached around and groped his bottom.  Inuyasha’s eyes widened and she smirked, “Yup.  Perfect.”  Then she walked off like she hadn’t done anything special.  Inuyasha just watched her, then shook his head.

After a hearty supper (Kagome hadn’t eaten since breakfast the previous day and she was starving!), the couple mostly just cuddled and watched some television.  They chatted some and kissed occasionally all in all just enjoying each other’s company until Kagome decided it was time to go to bed.  She got up, put Inuyasha’s clothes in the dryer and headed up to her room.  Not long after that, she was bringing all her bedding downstairs to the utility room also.


The next day Kagome got up and got ready for school and hated to leave her hanyou’s arms.  She noticed she was running low on uniforms again.  All of her adventures in the past was hard on her wardrobe.

She showered and ran downstairs for breakfast.  Inuyasha made ramen again for her and she gave him a huge smile, “Thanks, Mate.  I love you.”

Inuyasha instantly blushed.  He was still not used to all the newness of being mated and showing or receiving affection.  “Keh,” he replied softly.

“How long do we have until the guys come back?” she decided to change the subject while she devoured her ramen.

“Sango expected four more days for the repair and for travel.”

Kagome shot him a look that Miroku would have been proud of, “So I get you for four more days before we have to go back?  Nice.”  She finished her breakfast by drinking the ramen broth, looked at the clock and muttered something about running late, then dashed out of the kitchen.

“Inuyasha, why won’t the front door open?” Kagome called from the door.  Inuyasha followed her voice into the living room to see if he could see the problem.

“Don’t know.  Looks ok.  Maybe you should go out the back?”  She nodded and started heading back towards the kitchen and the back door.  “Oi, wench!  You gonna be ok going to school with that purple on your cheeks or do you need to hide it?”

Kagome gasped, “I forgot!  I didn’t even pay attention when I was brushing my hair.  One sec!”  She rushed up the stairs to her bedroom.  When she came back, the markings were gone.  “How’s that?”  Inuyasha just nodded.  She came over and gave him a heated kiss.  “That’s for you to think about.  There’ll be more tonight.”  She grinned and walked out the door.

He just shook his head and followed her to make sure she made it to her friends all right.  Once he caught up with her, they walked down the shrine stairs hand in hand.  When they reached the bottom, they kissed again.

“Have a good day, Bitch,” he said softly.

“You too, Mate,” she returned with a smile.  Then she turned and headed off to school.