InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Consequences ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters listed below. They all are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.
A/N: Lemon Warning
Chapter 3
A few days later and it was finally the morning of the day they were going to go back through the well. Not that Inuyasha minded when it was just him and his mate alone in the house, but Kagome insisted on spending half the day in that school place. That pretty much left him sitting in the tree outside her classroom while she took notes. Occasionally she would start to doze off and then Inuyasha had fun by throwing pebbles softly against the window. If she insisted on going, then she sure as hell wasn’t going to waste the time by sleeping through it. Nobody else reacted to the pebbles hitting the window, but Kagome jumped every time like the letch had just goosed her. He supposed that was because she knew he was out there watching her and was nervous about him being seen. Stupid ‘modern’ era. At least in his time he could be himself even if he was hated by the majority of the people there.
Inuyasha pulled a sleeping Kagome closer to him while they were lying on her bed. It was still early and he was enjoying the feeling of their bare flesh pressed together too much to wake her up. He buried his nose in her neck near her still-fresh mating mark and inhaled. He had a mate. He was still trying to wrap his head around it. As much as he wanted to think someone could one day love him, he had always believed that it was just a fantasy. Who would want to sully themselves with a filthy half-breed after all? Apparently there was at least one girl from the future that would do so willingly. And also with his monstrous youkai half. Kagome would probably never cease to amaze him. Now, it appeared that never had actually extended to ‘never,’ as opposed to ‘when she comes to her senses and leaves me to return to her time forever.’ At least he hoped so. After the last week they shared, he never wanted to be apart from her ever again.
Without even thinking about it, he began to kiss and lick Kagome’s neck over the kanji for his name. He would never tire of her taste or the noises she could make. Speaking of noises, Kagome had started to moan as she began to wake up.
“Mmmm…. Inuyasha….” He smirked and let his fangs run across her sensitive skin before mixing in little nips with his licking and kissing routine. One of her arms raised and her hand searched out his ear. She began rubbing his ear in time with his nuzzling. After a moment, he started making a contented growling sound deep in his chest. This was something he was amazed to discover that he could do. The first time he had ever produced this noise was during the last week with Kagome. He still didn’t know if it was something that he could have always produced if he had ever felt this content before or if it had something to do with the apparently permanent purple crests on his cheeks.
He brought one hand up and began kneading one of her breasts while the other hand slowly crept down to caress her slick folds while still giving loving attention to her neck and making that strange growling sounds that he discovered he had no control over. Kagome gasped and arched her back at the continuing wonderful sensations. Soon, he found her nub and starting rubbing it and slipped a finger inside her and began pumping. When he did that, she threw her leg up and over his to give him more room. He smirked and slipped in a second finger. Before too long, she was gasping and moaning as she drew closer to her climax.
He didn’t let her reach it now though, he drew his hand away and whispered in her ear, “Ready, Bitch?” She turned around in his arms and gave him a searing kiss while her arms wrapped around his neck.
“Inuyasha…” she moaned when she pulled away for air. “Yes, oh Kami, yes,” she answered as she adjusted herself beneath him. He rolled himself on top of her and gave her another deep kiss while he positioned himself at her entrance. He was aching to join with her and knew that this might be their last chance to be together for a while. Who knew when they would get some privacy in his time. When he pulled away from the kiss to let his mate get some air, he started to sink into her moist opening. When their hips met, he just stayed there for a moment reveling in the sensation of being one with his mate. He looked into her beautiful brown eyes and allowed his love for her to shine through his own amber orbs. He still wasn’t good about saying the words, but he hoped Kagome would realize that he loved her more than anything.
He started giving her small little kisses all over her face and neck before pulling back and thrusting into her. Once he found a rhythm that they both seemed to enjoy, he simply watched her face. It was enchanting to watch the emotions flicker across Kagome’s face. He was giving her that pleasure, and no one else ever would. If someone so much as thought about touching his Kagome in that way, they would end up with missing body parts. Vital ones. Like their head.
“Harder. Faster,” Kagome commanded from under him, bringing his thoughts back to the present. He gladly complied. She knows what her human body can handle, and he was always holding back to keep from hurting her. Once he realized that their relationship had changed, he had decided that he would always let her set the pace.
Her eyes widened as he must have hit a sensitive spot somewhere deep inside her. He tried to repeat his thrust to hit it again, but must have missed.
“Har-der, In-u-yash-a, har-der,” his mate panted. He clutched the bed on either side of her to help gain some leverage and pounded into her harder. He didn’t even notice when his long claws punctured the bedding. He was beginning to break a sweat and his vision narrowed down to his bitch under him. She had her eyes scrunched up and was continually making more and more incoherent noises.
“Mate,” he growled out, and thrust even harder into his bitch. His mate gasped and opened her eyes. He gave his bitch what felt like a feral grin as he thrust again.
Her eyes roamed his face then gasped out, “Your mate.” The noise his bitch made was barely coherent, but he thought he understood. He buried his face in her neck to get close to his mark on her neck. His bitch was making those pleasurable noises again, and he started growling and moving faster as he felt himself tightening. He gave a final few thrusts in her tightening walls and then he released his seed into his bitch. At the same time, he bit into the mating mark again to strengthen their bonds. His bitch gasped and screamed what might have been his name as she reached her own high.
He removed his fangs from her shoulder and began licking up the little bit of blood that escaped and to help his bitch’s wounds heal faster. He moved his hands to her legs and helped his bitch to wrap her legs around him. It would injure his bitch if she tried to pull away while they were tied together.
“Kagome,” he growled in a voice he barely recognized as his own. He knew his mate liked it when he used her name for some reason. He leaned down and gave her rough kiss. She reciprocated and allowed her hands to creep up and rub both his ears. He closed his eyes and lightened up on the kiss, but still kept it deep and passionate. He heard himself make that rumbling noise again. Before too long, he opened his eyes and pulled away to allow Kagome to catch her breath. The odd pressure he felt where they were joined together had also lessened. That was new.
When he pulled back, Kagome opened her eyes also. When she looked into his face, her eyes widened a little bit.
“You’re back!” she exclaimed.
“Huh? Wha?” Inuyasha was confused. He hadn’t went anywhere…
“You transformed,” she explained.
“I…I did? When? Are you hurt?” he asked anxiously.
“I’m fine. You transformed while we were… when you was giving me my wake-up call.”
Inuyasha tilted his head to the side and looked at her funny, “Are you sure? ‘Cause I remember all of it… I think…” He went to pull away from her, but her legs tightened around him holding him in place.
“Wait a minute, Inuyasha. We’re….we…we can’t separate yet,” she trailed off with a mumble and bright red cheeks.
“Not that I’m complaining, but why not?” he asked, confused. There had never been an issue before pulling out after he had released.
“Umm…” If Inuyasha didn’t know better, he would swear that she blushed even deeper. “You see, when your youkai is out, we kinda… umm… get… you know… stuck…” She said the last part while her hands covered her face.
Inuyasha had a blank look on his face while he processed what she just told him. Then his eyes widened in shock, “You…you mean…I…I…” She knew what he was trying to ask, so she just nodded. He groaned and lowered his head to her shoulder to hide in her hair since he couldn’t get away from her for the moment. “Kami, just how much of a freak am I?” he moaned.
“Inuyasha, you stop that this instant,” Kagome commanded in a stern tone of voice. “You are not a freak, nor are you filthy or unclean or any of that nonsense!” Her tone softened, “You are my beautiful protector, my wonderful friend, and my hard-headed mate. I love you for you my unique and wonderful hanyou. One day, I hope you can love yourself too because you are a wonderful person, my love. Your entire pack sees it or none of them would have stayed around.”
Inuyasha kept his head buried but felt his heart soften just a bit more for his fiery miko mate. He was also touched that she referred to their little group as a pack. That was the way he always referred to them in his head, but he always tried to play up his human-side to make the other humans more comfortable with his presence. Maybe…maybe he didn’t have to try so hard if they really accepted him like Kagome thinks they do.
“Keh,” he finally replied and nipped her on the neck. She giggled and he pulled back to look into her face.
She was smiling up at him, “There’s my beautiful hanyou,” she whispered.
“Keh, stop that,” he replied without any heat while his cheeks got slightly red. “So…um…when can we move?” he asked embarrassed. Even though he was the one keeping them together, she currently had more knowledge about it. How embarrassing…
Kagome wiggled a bit causing Inuyasha to groan in pleasure. She giggled and replied, “I don’t know, maybe another 15 minutes or so…”
Inuyasha tried to remember her era’s timekeeping terms and was coming up empty handed. “Is that long?” he asked as he gave up.
“No, not too long,” Kagome replied and tried to think of something he could relate to. “It’s about the same length of time it takes us to gather firewood and get a campfire started.”
He nodded and smirked, “From now on, use the phrase ‘one campfire’ when talking about that amount of time.”
She laughed, glad to see that he was out of his little funk, “Ok, Inuyasha. Just for you.”
He smirked, “I like the sound of that. You should do more things ‘just for me.’”
She smiled, “Oh please. If I told you the amount of stuff I do ‘just for you,’ you’d get a big head and be insufferable to be around.”
“So, Inuyasha…” Kagome started in an ‘I’m about to change the subject’ tone of voice. “Do you know why you transformed?”
Inuyasha actually thought about it before replying, “I don’t really know, Kagome. Like I said, I think I remember everything. There don’t appear to be blanks in my memory like there usually is. I…I think my thoughts became more instinctual, but that’s not all that unusual… I..I remember not being able to understand you too well, but I also put that down to what we were doing… I just don’t know…”
“Hmm, ok. Maybe this is a good thing. If you transform in battle, you may have some control next time.”
“Keh, I’d rather not lose my sword to find out.”
“Well, you never know…” Kagome replied.
“Feh,” Inuyasha replied, not wanting to talk about this anymore. But there was something that he had wanted to talk to Kagome about before they went back. Now time was running out since they planned on leaving this morning, so since they were stuck, he decided to bring it up now.
“Hey Kagome?” he started. She looked up at him questioningly. “When we go back, take that flesh-colored face-paint you have to use on your cheeks. We can tell the pack,” it was nice to use that word in conversation! “about us mating, but it wouldn’t be a good idea to let the villagers know. Especially in strange villages. We don’t need them turning on us because of you bedding a youkai.” His voice turned sad towards the end as he remembered the way his mother was treated because of him. He didn’t want Kagome to go through that if he could help it.
Kagome’s eyes were searching his face then she reached some decision, “Ok, Inuyasha. For now I will hide the marks of my love for you. You’re right in that we need help from strange, possibly prejudiced, villages to find jewel shards and Naraku. And it would be wise to keep the facts that we are mates from Naraku because that makes me even more of a target than I already am. But I want you to know that I am not ashamed of them and will only hide them on the other side of the well because you asked me to. I love you, and I don’t care who knows it.”
“Keh, are you done with the mushy stuff yet?”
Kagome laughed, “And there’s the ‘mushy stuff’ limit. I honestly thought we hit that a while ago. One more thing while we’re talking, I think this will have to be the last time we make love until after my period. We don’t want to get me pregnant while we’re hunting Naraku.”
“Feh, don’t worry, Kagome. I can tell when you’re in heat and know enough not to get you pupped just now.”
“Well, that’s handy… Not that I would mind having your children, it’s just that now is not the right time.”
Kagome smiled and wiggled again. Then she unwrapped her legs from around Inuyasha, “Ok, I think you can pull out now.”
The day was slipping away from the newly-mated couple. Inuyasha had wanted to be through the well shortly after sunrise, but his libido had taken over. Then they needed showers. Then it was lunchtime. And now Kagome was hurrying to throw everything in her yellow backpack that she could possibly need. Schoolbooks, changes of clothes, toiletries, medical supplies, ninja food, lots and lots of ramen… She sighed as she was feeling rushed.
Suddenly, she heard her lover yell at her from downstairs, ““Oi, Wench! Hurry up! The humans are waiting on us!”
“I am hurrying! And I’m human too, you know!” she yelled back. She ran to the mirror to apply the make-up she promised Inuyasha she would wear before throwing it in her bag.
“Feh! Could have fooled me the way you… Oi, your family is back!” was yelled back. Oh no! She really hadn’t wanted to face her mother just yet. She was still getting used to the thought of being mated. How could she possibly tell her mother that she was practically married? She was only sixteen! She grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs to try to provide some interference and to get them out of the house.
She entered the kitchen and suspected that she was too late as she saw her mother and noticed that her hanyou was blushing heavily. “Hi, Mama! I thought we were going to miss you entirely. We were just about to head out again,” she said as she started edging towards the back door.
“Oh, no you don’t young lady,” Mama replied firmly. “You’re going to sit right here and tell me what happened to my front door.” Her tone brightened then, “And then I imagine it will be close to supper, and I insist that you two stay for that. I can’t in good conscience send my daughter and her…” Mama paused and shifted her eyes to Inuyasha for a split-second, “…friend into battle without making sure they have at least one decent meal in them.”
Kagome sighed and crept towards a chair to sit down. Inuyasha also sighed.
“I did it,” he said softly with his head was down and his ears were very low on his head. His posture was slumped and he looked defeated. He was already feeling bad about himself and his youkai-side, and now Mama brought up the damage his youkai-side had caused to the house.
Kagome blurted out, “But it was my fault! I can explain!” to take any potential heat from her fragile mate.
“Kagome, don’t…” Inuyasha started before she interrupted him.
“Mama, we had gotten into one of our arguments, a bad one,” Kagome started with a believable lie. “We were yelling at each other as we walked to the house. When I got inside, I slammed the door on him and then yelled, ‘osuwari.’”
“GAH!” Inuyasha yelled as his subjugation beads lit up and slammed him to the floor. Her mother’s hands flew up to her mouth as she gasped in alarm.
“Kagome, why?...” Inuyasha whined as he was stuck to the floor.
“Oh, Inuyasha! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it!” Kagome jumped out of her chair and ran to his side.
“Kagome!” Mama exclaimed. “That is a terrible thing to do to the boy you… you’re friends with! You need to take those things off of him!”
By this time the spell had released him and Inuyasha was standing up, “Keh. Don’t worry about it,” he muttered.
Kagome stood beside him slightly teary-eyed, looked into his eyes and grasped the rosary, “Mama’s right. That’s no way for me to treat my ma-ahhh….. friend,” she covered her near slip-up. “I should have removed them a long time ago.”
Inuyasha grasped her hand and looked back into her eyes, “Feh, leave them alone, Wench. They’ve come in handy a couple times.”
“We’ll talk about it after we kill Naraku.”
“If you’re sure… sorry…” Kagome replied softly.
Mama clapped, startling the other two. “Well, now that that’s straightened out, how does steak sound for dinner? And Kagome, you will stop using that rosary, right?”
“Yes, Mama…”
“Ok, dears, run along. I’ll let you know when supper is ready.” Kagome knew that she had been outmaneuvered, so she squeezed Inuyasha’s hand and nodded to her mother. After that, she took Inuyasha upstairs to her room. They wouldn’t be able to do much with her mom in the house with them now and with her bedroom door busted.
They would need to hide his purple markings from her mother though. With that thought, she pulled out her desk chair and gestured for Inuyasha to sit down.
“What?” Inuyasha demanded.
“Have a seat so I can put this makeup on you.”
“Feh, you’re not gonna paint my face, wench!”
“Look, if I have to hide my markings on your side of the well, you’re going to hide yours on my side. Now sit down,” she nearly growled at him.
“Feh!” Inuyasha replied, but he did sit in the chair Kagome pointed to. She grabbed her foundation and hoped that their skintones were close enough so that the makeup would not be obvious on his cheeks. He had his arms crossed and tucked in his sleeves with an expression that was nearing a pout on his face. She put some foundation on her fingertip and began lightly dabbing his cheeks. She was just about finished when she heard a sigh from her doorway.
“So, another argument? Or was it the same one?” Mama asked as she pointedly looked at the door hanging off its hinges. Inuyasha flushed and looked away while Kagome quickly straightened and brought her hand holding the makeup bottle behind her back and laughed nervously.
“Umm, it was the same one, Mama… I’m surprised that more things weren’t broken…” Kagome said nervously while lying through her teeth. Mama gave her the ‘I-think-you’re-lying-to-me-but-I-can’t-prove-it’ look, making Kagome squirm a little bit. But there was no way she was going to tell her mother that Inuyasha was in a youkai state of mind and was hunting her down to mate with her and he wasn’t going to let little things like doors get in his way.
“Kagome, did you get all the supplies you needed? I’m about to run to the store,” Mama suddenly asked and thereby changing the subject.
Kagome breathed a sigh of relief, “We still have plenty and didn’t have to buy anything else. There was enough in the supplies you keep for me in the pantry.”
“Ok dear, I’ll be back in a little while,” Mama replied as she turned to leave.
Once Mama was out of sight, she bent back over Inuyasha. He leaned away from her a bit. She snapped out, “Keep still!”
“It smells!” was snapped back.
“Tough! And stop squirming!” she griped as she applied her finishing touches. “There, all done.” She muttered when she was finished. She put the cap back on and stashed the makeup bottle in her bag.
“Think we should tell her?” Inuyasha asked quietly.
“I…I don’t know… It’s not that she doesn’t adore you. The Kami knows she’s been going on about puppy-eared grandchildren since before I even realized that I loved you. I’m just too young in this time to be getting married, or mated as the case may be. I just don’t know how she’ll take it. Can…can we tell her later?...”
“She…she wants ‘puppy-eared grandchildren’? I must have mated into a crazy family. And here I thought it was just you.” That earned him a hit on the shoulder and he grinned at his smiling mate. “Poor, scared little miko,” he continued, “She can stand up to my asshole brother and the most evil presence known to Musashi, but is afraid of her own mother.”
“Damn straight,” Kagome replied, nearly making Inuyasha laugh at her unexpected use of profanity. “None of that is as scary as Mama can be.”
“Feh,” Inuyasha scoffed not believing her for a minute. There was no way that sweet woman could possibly be scary. But then again, Kagome could be scary sometimes and she was usually pretty nice.
Kagome woke up groggily. She didn’t have Inuyasha’s warmth pressing up behind her and for a moment that worried her until she remembered that her mother was home and they decided not to tell her about their current relationship status so they slept apart like they used to.
Her stomach was roiling. She thought that maybe if she continued lying on the bed, that it would settle down. She had been so hungry last night that she actually had a second steak along with all the sides her mother had fixed. Maybe her lunch was skimpy and her body wanted her to make up for it.
Then again, maybe that second steak had been a terrible idea! Kagome bolted out of bed like it was on fire and ran down the hall to the bathroom. In the back of her mind, she registered Inuyasha’s shocked face and him running after her. She just had time to slam the door and kneel over the toilet before dinner came up for a visit.
She heard a soft knock and Inuyasha’s voice softly ask, “Kagome, you ok?”
Kagome threw up again and groaned. She managed to gasp out, “Not really…” before groaning again and flushing the toilet. Kagome felt immensely better after that had left her system and rinsed her mouth out with some mouthwash.
“Inuyasha, what’s wrong?” she heard Mama asking through the door.
Before he could answer, she slid the door open, stepped out and said, “I’m fine! My stomach was just a little upset, but nothing happened. I think I just ate too much last night.”
“Are you sure, dear? You could stay if you’re getting sick,” Mama continued.
“Nope! I’m fine! Come on, Inuyasha, let’s get ready to go back,” Kagome said as she grabbed Inuyasha’s hand and dragged him back to her room.
Once they reached her room, Inuyasha stopped allowing himself to be pulled along and placed one of his hands against her forehead, then placed it against his.
“You’re not hot,” he muttered.
“I’m fine, now. I just ate too much last night, I guess. Let’s just go. I don’t feel like being mothered right now.”
“Are you sure?” he asked softly. “We don’t need any weak, sickly humans slowing us down,” he continued with a wry smile so she would know that he was joking.
“Feh, I’ll be sure to give the monk your message,” she replied in a terrible Inuyasha impression.
He smirked at her, “Bitch,” he said softly with a look in his eyes that melted her heart.
“Your bitch,” she replied just as softly and reached up to kiss him. Before she could make contact, he held her back.
“Oi! Go do something about your breath.” She glared at him, then realized that he was probably right and clamped a hand over her mouth. She whirled and went to the bathroom again to brush her teeth and continue getting ready for their trip through the well.
Once she was done, Kagome and Inuyasha grabbed a quick breakfast, waved goodbye to her mom, and made their way to the well house. In a surprising move, Inuyasha scooped up Kagome into his arms and gave her a long, lingering kiss. When he pulled away, he smirked at her.
“That’s better,” he said and kissed her again before jumping into the well with Kagome cradled in his arms. The lights of the time slip enveloped them as they traveled from one era to another.