InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Revenge ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2
Sam sat in a small room in front of a cold steel table. She listened to the sounds that were coming from outside the door. `I wish I could here who was talking.' Her thoughts were suddenly shattered when the door was slowly opened to reveal a tall figure.
“Well Sam this was not how I planed on seeing you again.” Said the man as he entered the room. Although his voice was grim his face held know emotions at all. The man sat down opposite of Sam. “I'm sorry Sesshomaru.” Sam said hanging her head to avoid his eyes.
“ I may be able to help you out but you will have to leave your home.” Sam's head shot up in alarm. `No I can't leave this is all I have left. I won't leave.' These thoughts were rushing through her head so fast it was almost nauseating. “You can't be serious. I won't leave.”
“Sam! If you choose to stay I can't guaranty what will happen to you. You are to young to go to jail but considering how long your record is they could just make an exception. Now there is also the younger one Shippou, he will most likely go to a foster home. If you come with me you will be helping to find someone we have been looking for, for a long time. So what will it be?” asked Sesshomaru. “I guess I don't really have a choice. Fine we'll do it, but why do you need Shippou and me to help you?” Sam asked finding it strange that they would need the help of two teenagers.
“as I understand it your friend Shippou is very good with computers, right?” Sam nodded and he continued. “ Well no doubt he knows a lot of illegal hackers who will have inside information, therefor he will be useful. As for you, you have connections and are able to think like a criminal, seeing as you have lived like one for the past 10 years.” Sesshomaru finished. The glancing at his watch said “ if your coming then we better go.” And with that he led Sam out of the room to retrieve Shippou.
Sam, Shippo and Sesshomaru road in the back of a black car in silence until Sam asked. “where are we going to stay?” “you will stay with me and my half brother and Shippo will be staying with one of the other agents. I had to make a deal with them so you weren't put in jail. Someone must stay with you at all times out side of the house.” Replied Sesshomaru. “why aren't we staying together?” Sam asked with concern in her voice. “Shippo is the one with the computer smarts therefore he will be staying with our hacker. And you have the street smarts so you're with my brother and I although it will mostly be just you and him because I will likely be on business.” He stated in his usual calm cold voice. `I wonder if his brother is the same way, cold, yet calm at the same time and even as good looking as him.' Sesshomaru was very hansom and the way he kept his emotions hidden made him out to be mysterious and tuff. He was about 6”2 and had long silver hair that reached to the middle of his thigh and his skin was fairly tanned. He had that elegant elfish face the one that seems so unreal to the onlooker, finly cut, slim but still full. On the surface was a calm beautiful man but one could only imagine the conflux going on underneath those emotionless features. Sam was jerked from her thoughts when the car puled to a stop outside a rather small two-story building.
“come on and don't linger.” So Sam and Shippo followed Sesshomaru out of the car and into the building. Once in they got a good look around `why are we here it's empty?' thought Sam as she watched Sesshomaru scan the area then head over to a door, open it and motion for Sam and Shippo to follow. After all three were in he closed the door and said “Sesshomaru. ID number 613.” There was quiet and then a keyboard came out of the opposite side of the wall from where the door was. Sesshomaru typed something no doubt a password. By this time Sam had figured it out, the actual SS building was under that rundown old one that they had entered. Soon after the room started to move and after about two minuets the door reopened and Sesshomaru stepped through followed closely by Sam and Shippo. They walked down a long hall and came into a large room that had four doors leading out of it. Sesshomaru turned left and took one of the doors.
“Sesshomaru sir it's nice to see you again” came a woman's voice “ likewise Rin.” Sesshomaru replied to a rather small woman, not in the short way but quit slim it didn't look abnormal just she was a lot smaller then most people. With dark brown hair and a warm face she was very beautiful. “who are these two?” said Rin noticing Sam and Shippo. “this is Sam Smarts and Shippo they are under my protection and will be helping us with our little problem.” “oh I see well it's nice to meet you guys.”. the three of them carried on down the hallway until they reached a large open area that was bustling with noise.
“hey Sesshomaru! ahhh who is this?” a tall young man with jet black hair tied into a small ponytail at the back of his head grabbed Sam's hand and got down on one knee then said “ I must say you're the best thing that's come my way today. Will you do me the owner of baring my chil-” he never got to finish his sentence for Sam had slugged him in the side of the head successfully knocking him out. “oh sorry Sesshomaru was he a friend?” asked Sam innocently. “That's quite all right. He seems to be getting up so I don't think you did to much damage.” And sure enough the man with the black hair got up and brushed off his jacket then faced Sesshomaru and said. “right sorry about that I'm just glad Sango wasn't here or I'd be out for a good two hours.” Ignoring him Sesshomaru said. “Miroku this is Sam Smarts and Shippo. Sam, Shippo this is our lecherous friend Miroku.” “Nice to meet yo- wait what do you mean lecherous.” Miroku said to Sesshomaru. “he means that you can't control yourself.” Said a female voice from behind them, Miroku's eyes grew huge and he turned to leave but a hand reached out and held him in place. “well Miroku it was nice to see you again but we really should get going. Have fun.” Said Sesshomaru and motioned for Sam and Shippo to follow once again. They walked through the long rows of cubicles and stopped here and there to say hi to some people and then carried on.
“a Koga how are you?” asked Sesshomaru. “fine thank you. I see you have some company.” Said the one now known as Koga.
“ yes and infected Shippo here is the one that is going to be staying with you. Shippo this is Koga he is our computer expert. Koga this is Shippo the boy genius hacker.” “Ahh so you're the famous kid. Ha the shi type I see.”
“well I think I'll leave him here to get used to you wile Sam and-” “Sam, Sam do you mean Sam Smarts?” asked Koga craning his neck to see around Sesshomaru.
“yes this is Sam Smarts.” Said Sesshomaru stepping out of the way so that Sam could be seen. “man I did not expect to see you here! You know you have a criminal file like a mile long, but somehow you always managed to get out of it all with minimal punishment. You know you're pretty hot, your picture on the file looks nothing like you. Well it's nice to meet you.” He finished holding out his hand. Sam just gave it a glare and said.
“don't push it body.” Then turned her back on him and crossed her arms. “don't worry she's always like that to people she doesn't know.” Shippou said speaking for the first time making everybody give him astonished looks. “what?!? I do talk yaw know. God!” “yea but not often. Any ways if he gives you any trouble just call.” Said Sam seeing Sesshomaru ready to continue and giving Koga one last death glare that seemed to say `hurt him and I'll make it so you can't have kids even in the next life time.' Then turned and followed Sesshomaru.
**with Koga and Shippo**
“ sorry about that she's kinda protective of me.” Said Shippou to Koga. “ don't worry I've seen her profile and got the jest of what she's like.” replied Koga
“yeah, she's only 17 and she's had to deal with things that people twice her age haven't even come close to.” “I haven't read anything about her Sesshomaru said I'm not aloud to look at personal files. So she's 17 huh I new she was younger then me but not just a year.” Said Koga.
“ sometimes I wonder if she was supposed to be where she is.” “what do you mean?” asked Koga curious to know more about this girl that intrigued him so much.
“well she's so nice and happy with people she's close to and trust like Sesshomaru. She's known him ever since her parents died he was the person that found her crying in the corner of the room where it happened. He helped her through it all and let her stay with someone from our gang. He was one of the only people she trusted for awhile after her parent's death. But I always find myself asking what if they hadn't died? What would have been the out come? Would she be the same anger filled person as she is now?” finished Shippo with sad eyes he looked up at Koga to see him looking down at him the same sorry eyes. “ how were her parents killed?” asked Koga thinking that he mite not want to know.
“ all I know is Sam was there in the room when it happened and she didn't talk for five months after except to Sesshomaru.” answered Shippo. “ I think Sesshomaru knows who killed them but wont tell. I don't think he even tolled Sam `cause she is one of those people that will go to any length to avenge her loved ones. That's partly why she's so protective of me, for a similar thing happened to me, and she immediately went looking for the person who murdered my family. At that time I was 12 and she was 14 she almost got herself killed but did a lot of damage to the other side as well. In the end Sesshomaru saved her and told her if she did that again he would kill her himself. He doesn't show it but he cares for her.” Shippo told Koga who was listening intently. “ how did you get to be apart of this gang thing?” Koga asked.
“well Sam was the one how found me basically the same way Sesshomaru fond her, and she new it was the same person as before, the same person she'd bin searching for, for 7 years. She toke me from my house before the feds came and placed me in a foster home. When she was sure that I was ok that's when she went after our parents killer.” Finished Shippo. “ when you said she did a lot of damage to the other side what did you mean bye that?” Koga asked wondering what a 14-year-old girl can do to a whole gang.
“she found out where their second in command was stationed and attacked all by herself killing a lot of bad dudes and some just knocking them out, but those went to prison after, but still taking out tones of their men.” Shippo said while Koga had a look of pure amazement on his face. “ and she did all this at the age of 14?” Koga said still in disbelief.
Nodding Shippou continued “Sesshomaru said when he found her, her eyes where filled with hate and said he hadn't seen that in her ever.” Shippo looked away from Koga then continued on. “that's why I think it's not fair the way she was brought into this it shouldn't be her with all this stuff on her shoulders she's to young. I mean I know I'm younger but I'm different, I don't have the weight of the hole world on my shoulders Sam on the other hand thinks it's her job to do so.” Koga just stared at shippo who looked sad. `man I didn't think that a girl could do and think all this at such a young age. I wonder if she's a good fighter?' thought Koga.
** with Sesshomaru and Sam**
They walked down the rows of offices continuing to stop and say hi to random people that Sam really couldn't car less about.
“Sam this is Ayame, Ayame this is Sam.” This Ayame person smiled and held out a hand wile saying very cheerfully. “hi nice to meet you.” Sam just turned and said to Sesshomaru:
“ you have got to be kidding me. Is everyone here so cheerful ALL THE TIME?” Sesshomaru ignored her and said good bye to Ayame then carried on. “you know you're not going to make friends with that attitude of yours.” he said with a sigh.
“ how come you think I want friends who ask me to bear their child when I have know clue who they are or people who just plain hit on me or people who are to happy for their own good.” Finished Sam getting a little pissed off. “If that's how you see things you're going to live along life by yourself.” Said Sesshomaru.
“if it's ok with you I think I'll stick with myself.” Sam said then put on one of her genuine smile and said “although I will have you to keep me company and when I feel like it I can piss you off enough to make you show some emotion. How dose that sound. You know you'd keep me company huh sesshy.” Sesshomaru snorted but looked over and smiled.
“ahh I see the king of no emotions can smile.” Sam said teasingly. “so can you tell a joke? Or maybe sing? Or even dance?” “now you're pushing it.” Answered Sesshomaru but still smiled down at her.
They entered a large office with bookshelves felled with books lining the walls. Sam gasped at the beauty of it all. “is this al your office? How many books do you have? Can I read one? Where did you get all these books? Wher-” “hold on I can only answer one question at a time. Yes this is all my office. I don't know how many books there are. Yes you can read any book you want and I collected them over the years.” Sam made an `o' and just stared around in awe this was her heaven. When she was growing up she never had enough money to by books but that didn't stop her from loving them.
As Sam walked around the office she noticed some pictures hanging on the far wall. She made her way over to them and saw a lot of them were of a very beautiful woman. In each picture she wore something elegant or just something that made her look like one of those woman on the covers of magazines. Sam looked down at what she was warring and sighed. `I feel so small and insignificant just looking at pictures of her.' Sam thought. She was warring some tight hip hugger blue jeans, a pair of black converse all star and a black halter top that ended at the small of her back revealing the tattoo of an angle entwined in a Celtic knot. Just as she was about to ask who the woman was Sesshomaru came up behind her and answered her unasked question.
“that's my mother. She was an amazing woman who lit up a room by just entering it.” Sam spun and stared at him with confusion emitting off of her. “but she looks human and you're a full demon”
“she was my step mum, my brothers mother. My own mother left me with my father when I was born, he remarried and had my brother. It took me a wile to worm up to her but after I did I just considered her my rightful mother, she didn't seem to mind she actually called me her son.” Sesshomaru had a far off look in his eyes as he spoke but when he heard a nock on the door he immediately snapped out and answered it. He came back in and said. “well looks like my dear brother is here. Now I must worn you he has quite the temper, so it would be wise to not do anything to provoke it.” “keh he sounds like an arrogant ass who's to full of himself.” Sam stated firmly.
Five minets past and Sam was getting impatient just sitting there doing nothing. All of a sudden the door was flung open and an angry hanyou came charging in. Sam didn't turn to look at him just sat there in the chair facing Sesshomaru's desk with her arms crossed in front of her chest.
“alright why the hell did you call and wake me up at 6 in the firkin morning, today was supposed to be my day to sleep in.” the new man yelled. “Inuyasha calm down. The reason I called you here was to meet the person that will be staying with us for a wile.” Sesshomaru said with a board expression on his face.
“well this `person' better be important or a really hot chick.” Said Inuyasha with sarcasm lacing his voice. “ as a matter of facet I'd say she is a `hot chick' as you so crudely put it and yes she is impotent.” Sesshomaru stood and walked around and over to the chair that Sam was in and spun it around to face Inuyasha. All Inuyasha did was stare. ` you got to be kidding me I get to live with her….yes!' Inuyasha thought to himself.
`wow he's hot but his attitude sucks. What the hell is he looking at' “what are you looking at? You got a problem with me or something?” said Sam getting angry with his continues stare. “why the hell would I be staring at you bitch I got better thing to look at.” Inuyasha said but immediately regretted it. He watched the cold fury, come to her eyes as she got up and slowly began to advance on him. All Inuyasha did was stay right where he was. He was tempted to back away but then he would admit that he was scared of her and he was not going to do that. As she came closer and closer his head was plagued with thoughts.
`man she's even hotter when she's mad'
`what! where did that thought come from?'
`it came from me'
`who are you?'
`I'm you'
`Look at those lips they look so soft.'
`yeah. WHAIT!! Wrong thought. God Inuyasha get your mind out of the gutter.'
Inuyasha's thoughts came to a halt when he realized that she was millimeters away from him and was slowly leaning in so that her mouth was as close as she could get it to his ear. Inuyasha was a little more then half a foot taller then her. With a cold empty voice that sent involuntary shivers up his spine she said. “don't ever call me bitch again, the names Sam nothing else got it” she looked up at him with an emotionless face then turned and sat back down in her chair. All Inuyasha could do was stand there. Know one save for his brother had ever done something like that and that thought just made him angry. He was about to say something when his brother feeling that this was about to get messy stepped in and said. “Ok… Sam this is my brother Inuyasha and Inuyasha this is Sam Smarts.” “ you mean the person Koga and I saw when we were looking at those police files. Dam you know you got a file the size of Texas” said Inuyasha looking at her with surprise.
“yes I've been informed of that already but thank you for bringing it up.” Reapplied Sam giving Inuyasha a look. “any time.”
“right Inuyasha I would like you to take Sam to the house I'll join you as soon as I finish up here.”
“WHAT!!!!!!!!” Inuyasha and Sam yelled at the same time.
“come on Sessh don't do this. Why can't you just give her the address and let her get there herself?” Inuyasha pleaded. “she is not aloud to leave here or the house without someone to watch her, that is the deal I made so that she would not go to jail, so you must take her there yourself but I am telling you to stay with her at the house.” Finished Sesshomaru and Inuyasha knew that there was know arguing with him.
“fine but you can't make me like it.” He huffed. “ god you're such a kid.” Sam said while rolling her eyes.
“keh `god you're such a kid'” said Inuyasha trying to mimic Sam's voice. “ thank you for just proving my point.” Was all Sam said before the sound of laughing was heard coming from Sesshomaru. Both Inuyasha and Sam turned to look at him very surprised.
“I sorry Inuyasha but she got you there. Your such an idiot.”
“keh” Inuyasha getting pissed at his brother got up and said “if you're coming then hurry up I don't got all day.”
As Sam and Inuyasha drove down the streets in Inuyasha's black Viper he looked over at her and asked “so what did you do to get yourself here, rob a bank or steal from a cop?” Sam glanced at him and started. “no…… I was looking for someone.”
“that can't be all. Who were you looking for?” “the person who killed my parents and I sorta killed some of his men but the feds have wanted something to use agents me for ever so they just used this and said that I killed innocent civilians.” Sam said staring out the window.
Suddenly something clicked in Inuyasha's head “are you that girl that Sesshomaru found? The one that would only talk to him for a long time?” asked Inuyasha. “ I guess so I was 7 then so I don't really remember much.” She answered him then added quietly so that he wouldn't here. “although I do remember enough.” Inuyasha did here this and he also caught the single tear run down her face before she brushed it away.
`I revues to cry. Not again.' “so now you know about me, what's your story?” Sam asked trying to change the subject off of her. `keh I don't consider that enough information from you. All you told me was that you didn't remember much.” Inuyasha said without thinking. `why do I always do that? Why can't I just leave it alone and tell her something about me?'
`cause you're an idiot.'
`Not you again'
`yes me again, I'm going to be here for a wile so you better get used to it.'
`oh just shut up.'
`look what you did now she's mad at you. Good job asshole.'
`Alright stop talking and leave. NOW!!!!!!!'
`fine but I'll be back just weight.'
`finely' thought Inuyasha as there was once again silence in his head.
They pulled up to a large steel gate and it slowly opened. Once Sam saw the house behind it her jaw dropped and all she could do was stare. The house was a huge mansion with at least 3 stories. “holly shit you guys are loaded. Man if I had this place I'd be in heaven.”
Yeah but you haven't seen the inside. It's way better.” Inuyasha said amused at the look on Sam's face. Once Inuyasha had shone Sam around the house he brought her to her room.
“ok this is your room.” If it were possible Sam's mouth would have hit the ground. It was perfect. The colors were blood red and black her favorite. “wow how'd you know that these were my favorite colors?” asked Sam as she stepped into the room.
“my brother probably called when he found out that you were going to be staying with us. This the first time that I've seen it to.” Inuyasha said looking around thinking. `man this is a nice room it's kinda like mine but hers has more black.'
As the days past Sam had still not gotten accustomed to the rich life style that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were so used to. The first time a maid came in to help her change her clothe Sam freaked out and tolled her to get out and that she could do it herself. The maid had not come back since. She also didn't like how everybody catered to her and served her they also followed her every where and always asked her `is there something we can do for you'. It wasn't until the fourth morning that she found the gym. `yes finally I can work out.' She ran up to her room and put on her sports bra and a pair of black cargo pants.
“Sesshomaru are you home. Hey ass wipe you there. Guess not.” Said Inuyasha coming out of his room having just woken up. `I wonder what time it is. 6:30 how come I'm up so early god. Oh well might as well go to the gym.' And with that thought he went back into his room to change.
`what the hell who's in the gym. I thought Sesshomaru was out' Inuyasha could here music coming from the gym. He stopped outside the door and slowly opened it. What he saw made his jaw drop. There was Sam in a sports bra leaving her well-defined stomach to be viewed by whomever was looking. Sam moved fast and gracefully while she fought an invisible foe. As Inuyasha stared he got a glimpse of her eyes they were set with know emotions but also had so many they were unreadable. `wow I didn't know that a human girl could move like that. The only other person that can is Songo.' Inuyasha thought as he watched Sam do a back flip and then punch her enviable enemy.
As Sam was training she could fell eyes on her and she suddenly stopped. “why are you standing there you can come in.” she said without even turning around. Snapping out of his gaze Inuyasha realized that he was just standing in the doorway staring. So feeling a bit embarrassed he stepped over the threshold and said. “keh I don't need you to tell me that I do live here.”
“why do you always talked to me that way. All I was doing was being polite. Anyway you can have the gym to yourself `cause you obviously don't want me here.” She started to leave but he caught her by the arm and held her there. “look… I don't mean half the stuff I say so just don't take it seriously ok.” He stared down at her and saw that she was smiling. That was the first time he had seen her really smile.
“do you … want to spar with me I'm kinda getting board fighting nothing.” She asked then noticed that he didn't have a shirt on and that he had a very well defined six pack `oh great how the hell am I supposed to concentrate with him half naked.' Inuyasha was having the same problem. `God, she's hardly wearing anything this is going to be tough.'
AN: Please review I want to know what you think.