InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ Yes and Spoke Too Soon ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Oh yay! I am actually getting people that I have sent this story to review it! I so happyful. Well, here be the next chappie, I hope ya like it. ^_~ Sorry about takin so grounded(whoops)Just imagine what could happen. Friday afternoon...Inu must ask Kagome out before he gets jumped by Sango think of the possibilities!!! O.o and then think of the other ones I'd have if only I owned InuYasha, but I dont..bleh ~_~ bark....((and I know what you're thinking and the answer is no, I wasn't a dog in a past life.))

Yes and Spoke too Soon

'Grrr, evil wench, threatening me like that!' he glared over at Sango. 'Hm well its not like its a big deal, she's just knocking some sense into you, you ass' he walked out of the cafeteria into a silent hallway and started down it looking for Kagome with just a little bit of anticipation." Where is she," he mumbled

"She should be in here at--"
"Hey InuYasha!" she said cheerfully
InuYasha *sweat drop* "H-hey" he stuttered
"Yeah, Sango said you would be looking for me?"

'There, the wench strikes again!' he shook his head
"Is there something wrong?"

" I wanted to ask you something" he started to breathe a little heavier and popped his knuckles trying to think of something to say.
"Yeah" she looked at him oddly and thought 'eep common ask me to the prom go on ask me to the proommmmm!'

'No don't ask me to the prom, you don't like em anyway!'

He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and blurted out

"WILL YOU GO TO THE PROM WITH ME?!"he crossed his eyes and fell over' Now that wasn't so hard now was it? Mwuahahaha'
She looked down at him 'Ahh say yes you idiot yes..Yesss...YES!'

((Yes, remember those times when you really want to do something yet you're brain says it a thousand times in your head, but you're mouth won't budge...ehh that's what's going on now..))
she leaned down her hair falling right next to his face." You okay?" she said softly "Eh" *_*

"Uh..I...y-y-yes I'll go with you." she blushed deeply and giggled. ((I still have to wonder, who the hell invented blushing anyway?! I mean its annoying cause you really can't stop it...but I don't have to worry you can't see me blush I'm too dark you'd see blushing form me once in a blue moon, and let me shut up now!))
He looked up at her in shock

"R-really?" he said trying to hide his excitement but miserably failed.

"Yes!" they furiously looking like their faces were going to explode. They quickly got up and looked away from each other. He glanced at her. What time should I pick you up then?"

"Umm..I guess at 8 o'clock would be alright."
He sorta managed a smile

"Ok, I'll see you then."

"Yeah guess so"
They stood there in silence then quickly hurried off and just happened to think at the same time 'HOW THE HELL DID I JUST SAY THAT?!!' InuYasha skipped down the hall in one direction as Kagome jumped in the air and squealed in the other.

~7th period~

InuYasha sat only half listening to his English teacher, Mr.Samu. 'Damn...this man is boring' he groaned and looked up at the clock 'Hell, its only 2:25....'bout 35 minutes to go...that's gonna go by pretty slow, gr.. Well, can't be too bad, I'm going to the prom with Kagome all thanks to Sango even if she is insane..ah can't any better than this.,' his thoughts were interrupted by Mr.Samu's voice getting louder..

"Class, we have a new student joining our class today"
'Hm wonder what crazy person could be transferring so late like me.'

"This would be Kikyo Littlemotherfuckerwhoisasoulsuckinbitch" she walked into the classroom 'NOOOOOOOOO!!! GODS NOOO!!!! WHY?!!!?!! Oh yeah that bitch just has to come and ruin everything! Common give me a break!!' he just looked at her with his jaw hanging open and twitched.

"You can take a seat next to InuYasha" he pointed to him and she walked over to him grinning. 'Oh yeah not only does she have to come to this school, but the evil boring man must sit her next to me,perfect, just perfect.'

"Hey Hun"she smiled fakly to him
"Don't talk to me

"Aww didn't you miss me?"
"Hell NO"

"Godforsaken bitch" he mumbled to himself

"Excuse me?"

"I said you're a bitch and you're a whore too! So just leave me the fuck alone damnit."he said plainly somehow managing to keep his voice down. "Well, fine, you can be that way if you want, but that just means I'll make you're life a living hell the rest of time we're here."

'Damn.....I spoke to soon' she smirked and looked back at Mr.Samu.

*InuYasha Flashback*

"Hey Kikyo! Where are you woman?"

He laughed looking through the woods for her. They had been celebrating their six month anniversary and had gone out to the woods and decided to go play a little game of Hide and Seek.((Yes I know pretty lame but bear with me here!)) "Kikyo!" he kinda whined. "AW!" he heard someone cry out. "Kikyo?"

he followed the voices, starting to get louder and louder.

it sounded a woman...he stopped in his tracks just to see Naraku fingering Kikyo and kissing her neck. She looked over and saw InuYasha "Oh, hey, I'm bored lets not go out anymore." She smirked and continued moaning.

"You DAMN SLUT!!"he yelled and threw a branch at her and ran away glaring into the darkness back to his car.
*Flashback end*
InuYasha glared at the ground not noticing that the bell had rung ten minutes ago. Miroku stood over him and shook him.

"Hey InuYasha, you ok?" he sighed "Uh...yeah I'm ok" he got up and started out the door. "Hey common what's wrong with you, you should be happy you're going to the prom with Kagome."

he snickered "Who told you that?" he raised an eyebrow. "Heh uh no one" he looked form side to side and took off running. "Whimp..."he shook his head and started to walk home. 'Just have to focus on Kagome....can't let that whore screw it up...'