InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ The Countdown has begun ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

OOhh yay! I hope you liked the last chappie! Thank u so much for those reviews!! And you can count on cliffhangers I love it when ya'll scream my name for more!!! Wait, that doesn't sound right anywho no more delaying! Here is be...tehee tehee. And sadly...I still no own InuYasha...V.V but I can in my own lil mind! :)

She skipped into her house smiling. "Hey why are you so happy?" her little brother, asked like the brat that he is. "Cause I got a date for the prom so there hah! " she stuck her tongue out at him and giggled running up the stairs.

"Sisters..."he mumbled and walked back into the living room to watch TV.
Kagome plopped down on her bed and sighed looking at the dress she had picked out for her prom. "Damn, why did I have to get that dress" she said out loud to herself.

"I can only hope he likes it...urgh.." she stared at the long royal blue dress she had bought with a petty coat to go under it. ((You know those formal dresses you wear to proms? Well they poof out right? There's like this thing under it to make it go out and its called a petty coat, just in case you were wondering you silly billy)) 'I'm actually going to the prom with him..he actually asked me! yay' she rolled over on her bed 'Oh so now you want to think like that, hmph and I don't get one bit of credit fine then' 'Shut up' she looked at her phone and picked it up.

"Hi!" it was Sango.

"Hey! guess what?!"
"Inu Yasha asked you to the prom!"she blurted out

"Hey how did you know?!"
"Oh was obvious he was going to ask you"

"Eh sure."
"So anyways..."
"You going to the dance with Miroku aka the groper?"

"Feh, whatever...."

"Uh well I better go...good luck with Inu Yasha tomorrow, just about a day and counting"
"Yeah yeah bye"

She was about to hang up the phone when her Mom burst into the room. "KAGOME! Just told me you have date for the dance that's so sweet!" Kagome just stared out at her Mother like she was insane. ((Which most mothers are big surprise..))

"Uh..yeah I do" Her mother ran up to her and hugged her "Let's go get you ready!" Kagome tilted her head to the side "Heh"

"Well, the prom is tomorrow, you need to start now!" Her mother dragged her out of the room groaning trying to fight back to run away as fast as she could. "Mommmm" she whined

"Stop making such a big deal out of this and let me go! Grandpa! Make her let me go!" she yelled downstairs. "ZZZZZZZZ" All she could hear was his loud snore come up the stairs as her answer.

"Urghh" she rolled her eyes as she was dragged into the bathroom. "Ha, ha" he stuck his tongue out at her only about two seconds before she got to kick him in his back on the way to the bathroom. "OWW! MOM!" he yelled, but she didn't get to hear him because she had slammed the door. "Okay, well here we go first wee need to get your hair done..." her Mom rambled on while Kagome sat there on the side of the tub zoning out. 'I bet InuYasha doesn't have to go through this now, he's a guy....a very cute guy, no a very, very hot guy...'

InuYasha sat on his bed at around 8 PM and looked over at his tuxedo he had rented just a few hours ago, thoughts of Kagome and the hateful thoughts of Kikyo running through his head. 'That slut Kikyo better not do anything to ruin things for me and Kagome..' he kinda frowned

"She's special. I don't know if I can tell her that, but she's the only who has talked to me, and kept trying to talk to me until I could give in, if only I could tell her...' a light blush began to rise over his face right at Kaede walked into his room and smiled. "Well, you seem happy, you got that girl, Kagome to go to the prom with you?" He looked at her in shock

"WhA?! First how did you know about me asking her and second how did you know there was a prom coming up?!!" he shouted to her. She simply said "Well the principle told me the prom was coming up and I knew you would ask her anyway because I know everything." he rolled his eyes "Sure" he nodded and looked towards the window.

She smiled and sat next to him "I know you like her, I can see it. I'm glad to see you're letting someone in you're life now." she patted him on the back. He started to blush "I don't know what you're talking about.." he looked up whistling. "You're a very bad lair you do know that?" he lowered an eyebrow and sighed 'Damn, this woman is good.'
"Yeah I know..."

"I'll tell you what, I'll let you borrow my car to take her to the prom..."

"..if you bring her inside so I can talk to her sometime."
InuYasha *anime falls* 'How did I not see that coming?'

"Well?" she nudged him and winked

"Fine! But if you bring anything up from my childhood like photos or anything like that, I will get my revenge!" he said stubbornly. She giggled a bit and got up and slowly walked out of the room her long gray and black hair shinning in the light of the hallway as she left.

She walked into the big room filled with silver and blue balloons and tables with a little disco ball flashing around the top of room, cuffed arm and arm with InuYasha. She gasped looking at it, so amazing in her eyes. He looked down at her and smiled.

She looked up at him and smiled back. "You look really great tonight." She blushed and giggled "Thanks...I'm glad I'm here with you." he only smiled and proceed into the room.

"InuYasha, Kagome! Over here!" Miroku yelled across to them. They walked towards him and we suddenly stopped by a girl. "Hey InuYasha honey," she smirked and kissed his lips. Kagome's mouth dropped open as InuYasha didn't turn away.

"Who the hell are you?!" she glared at the girl and pushed her away. "Hah I'm Kikyo, you know, InuYasha's woman." she wrapped her arms around him as he wrapped her arms around her. He looked down at Kagome and smirked.

"You actually thought I would like a quiet one like you?" he laughed "Think again." he smirked and walked off with Kikyo not looking back. She backed up in shock and began to cry. "Why, why, why?!" she started to scream to herself.

"What's wrong?" she heard and looked around to see where it was coming from. "Kagome, what's wrong?"
*Dream end*

Kagome screamed and woke up. "Huh? What?" she looked up only to see her Grandpa towering over her. "What happened?" he sat on her bed looking concerned. She groaned

"Nothing, just a bad dream..." she scratched her head. "Grandpa, what time is it?" she yawned. "Oh it's around 1:30" "W-what are you talking about?"

"It's about 1:30 PM" he said. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!! OMG!" she fell outta bed "AHH!!! THE PROM IS IN ONLY FIVE HOURS! GRANDPA GET OUT!" she shouted and pushed him out the door and ran around her room panicking trying to find all she needed to get ready.