InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ Cruzin or Loozin' ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

InuYasha stared out the window of the car as they cruised down the streets of LA, trying to find somewhere to go and be the real tourist they were. 'I think she really has a problem with me being demon, she seems weird when I bring it up like she is afraid' he frowned thinking to himself.

'No she doesn't you fool! It's al in you're head!...uh wait...that was confusing...' InuYasha blinked and hit his head. 'Shut up will you?!' his thoughts were interrupted by Kagome's small hands resting on his shoulder.

She mouthed, 'Are you okay?' to him but all he did was shrug in response when they all noticed they pulled back up to the hotel. "I have a great idea you guys!! Let's go to the beach!" Miroku said excitedly that little bit of lecherous glint in his eyes.

"Hell no!" Kagome and Sango shouted at him in unison. "Don't worry Kag..I'll look out for you." He smiled down at her and got a smile in return. Then he glared at Miroku giving him a heads up not to touch his woman.

'Hah..all you wanna do is see her in a swim suit...hell I wouldn't mind!' that perverted part of InuYasha's mind called to him. 'Grr..shut up, do not' he thought back to himself and got out the car a small blush starting to creep up over his face.

Miroku just grinned happily like there was no tomorrow and went into the room to change along with InuYasha((i know that sounds wrong but you guys know what I mean!)) and Kagome headed to her room along with Sango.

*On the way*

All the gang walked down the streets of LA looking at all the little shops. InuYasha and Miroku had to pull Kagome and Sango away from the shops or else they would never get to the beach by the end of the CENTURY. "Oh common you guys let's go into one shop!! Just one pleaseee?!" Sango whined starting to jump up and down giving the guys puppy-dog eyes.

"Oooooh no!!" InuYasha shook his head and pried her hands off of Miroku. "If we go in one of those places there's no turning back!" he said as a matter a factly only to turn to see Kagome's pleading eyes. "Aww meanie!" she scrunched up her noise and laughed.

"Ha ha-" InuYasha stopped dead in his tracks and his jaw dropped. "whoa.." He said almost breathlessly...They all looked out to see what he was staring out and they got the same surprised looks on their faces. Where the heck are we InuYasha wondered and taped his finger against his chin in deep thought.

They stood there not moving, but looking up at a sign that said 'Venice Beach!' Kagome grinned and ran-away from the group. Hehe this will be fun she thought and jumped over a dog with sunglasses and wearing a Hawaiian shirt on a skateboard. ((Hey I actually saw a real dog on a skateboard with sunglasses at Venice Beach when I was there I can't leave him out!!))

"Hey Kagome! Wait up!" InuYasha cocked his head back and ran after her. Sango and Miroku ran after him and ran kept running down the sidewalk of the place passing by small booths with all kinds of jewelry, pizza and hamburger places, and old fortune teller guys that much resembled hippies.

Damn where the heck is she going?? He thought and then suddenly stopped when she stopped right in front of him. "Heh" was the only thing he could say when he looked at where they were. "whatcha doin?" he asked looked down at her grabbing some rollerblades. "I feel like skating around, get some it'll be fun!" she winked and flashed him a 'sexy' grin that he just couldn't refuse.

"Fine, fine" he grunted and got some skates from the man and finally Sango and Miroku strolled up to them. InuYasha and Kagome's jaws dropped. They saw Miroku's hands wrapped tightly around Sango's waist and she was giggling whispering little nothings in his ear.

"OH NO RUN FOR YOU'RE LIVES THEY'RE POSSESSED!!" Kagome and InuYasha shouted and then skated away fast leaving their friends behind sweat droppin.

"Hey!!" Miroku yelled and then grabbed some rollerblades for him and Sango pulled them on and skated down the sidewalk chasing after his friends.

"Ahh!!!" Kagome waved her arms in the air like an insane person which we all know she is. InuYasha snuck up behind Kagome and pinched her butt and she turned a deep, deep red.

"Ah!! You've been around Miroku too freaking long!!" she laughed and playfully punched him in the gut. "Ouchies" he commented and grinned evilly at her. "Uh oh." She skated faster But with his speed he caught up to her and picked her up and started skating around in circles laughing down at her.

She laughed wildly with him some of his dark hair flying into her face. But she didn't care, so what a little hair, but she was into him and there was no changing that. He was half demon, so what? He couldn't hurt her. She just looked up into his eyes deeply laughing her ass off for no reason.

"HEY InuYasha!!" she laughed out loudly.

"WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!" he laughed back at her and then fell onto the ground not too hard though.

"I LOVE YOU AND I WANT THE WHOLE WORLD TO KNOW!!" she laughed still tears starting to form in her eyes she was laughing so hard.

"GOOD CAUSE I LOVE YOU TOO!!!" he laughed and he choked a little, not being able to breathe almost. Every passerby just looked at the insane couple thinking, they may be insane but so very cute!

"Hey you two!" Miroku shouted over the insanely laughing couple. "WHAAA" Kagome bulged her eyes out and giggled. "Eh me and Sango will meet you around 4 or 5 by that fortune teller guy OK?"

"OKAY!" they exclaimed and him and Sango walked off hand and hand. InuYasha got up chuckling some and helped Kagome up. "Mmm me love you." He whispered and then started to laugh in her ear and kissed her lips messily.

"Eep!" she kissed him back and lightly nibbled at his lower lip. "I love you toooo" and with that she started to skate backwards swaying from side to side just high of her own good mood.

He came up to her and held her hand tightly memories from the night of the full moon running through his mind then memories from that night at prom. He only smiled down at her softly with his deep violet eyes shinning in the summers' sun.

She looked up at him and lightly touched his cheek thinking how happy they would be together...they were ready to face the world. She suddenly started to sing to the music to a little booth where music was.

It was Alien Ant Farm, 'movies'. Kagome grinned and licked her lips and sung to him holding out her hands to him. "At slow speed we all seem focused. In motion we seem wrong. In summer we can taste the rain" her eyes were bright as she began to dance with the music singing out more.

"I want you to be free. Don't worry about me. And just like the movies. We play out our last scene! You won't cry, I won't scream!" he took her hand again and together they danced/skated down the sidewalk.
He closed his arms tightly around her and sung low still in melody with her. "Two can play this game. We both want power. In winter we can taste the pain. In our short years, we come long way. To treat it bad and throw away!!" then he started laughing and slapped on his thigh. But they slowly kept going kept singing as people just stared and actually stopped to look at them.

"I want you to be free. Don't worry about me. And just like the movies. We play out our last scene. You won't cry, I won't scream! " they stopped in their tracks when they people gathered around them, they thought, hey I guess they think we're good so the couple got on their knees InuYasha behind Kagome rocking form side to side.

"In our short years we come long way. To treat it bad and throw away. And if we make a little space. A science fiction showcase. In our short film, a love disgrace. Dream a scene to brighten face. In our short years we come long way. To treat it bad, just to throw it away!!" then all the tourists starting taking pictures and let out all their "Aww"s and stuff.

Then when the song was over people ACTUALLY threw money at them! A few quarters here and couple ones there even a twenty! They looked at each other blushing furiously grabbed the money and ran like bandits! "Ooooh now that was so fun!!" Kagome beamed still humming the tune to the song. "Yep..."

InuYasha sat down on a bench and started to take off the rollerblades and Kagome looked down at him questionably. "Hey..whatcha doin?"

"Taking off my rollerblades, I wanna go swimming." He flashed her a sly grin and all she could do was giggle as she took off her rollerblades too. They walked out over the hot sand hopping trying to find a place close to the water where they could lay down there towel. They 'Oow!'ed hopping over the hot sand scrunching up their faces.

"AH it burns!" someone yelled in the distance. It was Miroku who was just as red as can be sitting on his knees on a towel next to Sango. InuYasha dashed over to where he was and laid the towel down and sat on it very relived. Kagome jumped into InuYasha lap and he let out a low

'Ouf!' "So uh ... it looks like SOMEONE forgot to put sun block!" InuYasha snorted and then he and Kagome fell over laughing. "Feh" was Miroku's only response.

Then he looked over at Sango and grinned. "Hey! Want me to some sun block on you're back?" Miroku grinned slyly and blew her kiss. She caught the kiss and motioned throwing it into the ocean.

"Hmph...that's cold.." He looked down all sad and whimpered. "Oh shut up you fine you can put some on my back!" Sango rolled her eyes somewhat annoyed, but happy he was putting sun block on her back anyways.

She laid down on her stomach and Miroku started to put the unblock on her back grinning happily to himself thinking he was in heaven almost. Then he poked her butt, but luckily she didn't notice because she had gone to sleep he was rubbing her back so good. ((Lucky ass don't you think? Yes,...very lucky..even though she knows she loves it when he's perverted!))

He continued rubbing on the sun block and decided to put some on her legs and arms so she wouldn't end up having a bad tan like he had unfortunately gotten. "Hey Miroku, can I have that after you're finished?" InuYasha asked and slightly glanced back at Kagome, who he knew she probably had a confused look on her face.

"Sure, here I'm done." He handed over the sun block and sighed letting his eyes wonder over Sango's resting body..more of her resting butt so he didn't really notice that she had woken up and side glanced at him to see his lecherous eyes.

"HENTAI!!" she roared and got up and started to chase after Miroku over the hot sand. People just watched in amazement as Sango cussed at Miroku in Japanese as she ran after him into the water.

"Uh...anyway..." InuYasha turned back to Kagome giving her a little sexy smile. 'Damn..those eyes are too sexy for his own good' he thought and bit down on her lip hard.

"Can I put some sun block on you're back?" he asked innocently. "Ah sure" she shrugged not thinking much of it and took off her shorts and tank top and laid down on the towel and he began to rub the stuff over her back.

'Mmm this is good...' she smirked thinking and yawned a bit. He rubbed it all over her back and began to just massage her shoulders for a while. That put her in about a half sleep state which he noticed and glanced down at her in her black bikini and drooled a little and started rubbing down her legs.

He stared out into nothing rubbing her legs imagining little sex fantasies with him and Kagome not noticing that she had gotten up and turned over at looked at his blank face.

"Earth to InuYasha.." She called out and waved a hand in front of his face. "Huh? What? Where?" he panicked looking around. Kagome-anime falls. "Ah nothing turn around letme put some sun block on you cause I wanna swim!!!" she quickly got behind him and put some on his back blushing while doing so and got up and stared down at him. "TAG YOU'RE IT!" she had hit his arm and ran away out into the water.

"Hey come back here you!" he ran out after to her and tripped and fell head first in the sand. "HAHAHAHAHA!!" Kagome grabbed her gut laughing and pointing at him.

"I'll get you!" he playfully glared and then ran out into the ocean way far off from where Kagome was. "Heh." She looked around but didn't see him.

"Hey." Kagome jumped about four feet in the air and only turned around to find Sango. "Ohh hey!" Kagome laughed nervously and looked around as a wave came up to her knees and died back down. "Hey..."Sango sighed. "Hey you seen Inu?" Kagome turned back around and saw Sango wasn't there.

What the hell...she thought when she was suddenly pulled underwater. She gaped and tried to come back up but the figure under her wouldn't let her. She looked back and squinted. 'InuYasha!' she tried to yell but only bubbles came out. She saw him snicker and tried to get away again, mad at him for doing something so mean.

But he pulled her back in his arms and kissed her deeply and slowly rose to the surface. There they stood in the ocean, waves crashing against their thighs as they kissed in the hot afternoon sun.

He threaded his fingers threw her wet hair kissing her salty lips hungrily. But just to ruin the moment some little kids came by and slashed them and they broke apart grinning their asses off at each other.

"Hey love birds" Miroku said with Sango standing next to him. "Why do you guys keep appearing out of nowhere?" InuYasha pointed out. They just shrugged. "And how is my good friend Kagome?!" Miroku hugged her without asking and slapped her ass.

"DAMNIT BOY!!!" she glared at him. *SMACK* *WHAM* and Miroku stood there with huge knots on his head. InuYasha just shook his head and kicked Miroku in the ass. "Harassment!!" he yelped. With that they all broke out and started straight up slashing each other calling out names just laughing the day away as if they were eleven or something.


InuYasha held onto Kagome tightly trying to warm her up as they walked off the beach and Sango rode on Miroku's back which you wouldn't think as to the fact he acts so weak all the time.

They passed by more booths, that were now half empty as others were packing up to go home. At the muscle part of the beach they stopped and watched them for a while flexing their muscles...shinny was kinda gross.

Sango and InuYasha whined about being hungry so they stopped at a booth that was still open and got some cokes and what were called 'California wraps' they were like burritos, only they had lettuce, avocados, tomato's, and other stuff and any meat you wanted and a special sauce. ((I kinda haven't had one..I did but didn't like it and that was like two years ago but I dun exactly remember so that's basically it...))

"Hey.." Kagome said softly and tilted her head to the side. He lowered his eyebrow and followed her gaze. "Tattoo's?" he scratched his head. "Yea! Let's get one! You get a small tattoo that says Kagome and I get one that says InuYasha!" she said all enthusiastically her eyes got so big they could have popped out of her head at any moment.

"But..those are PERMEANT tattoos..." he bit his lip thinking. 'Well, believe you guys will be together permanently don't you?' he thought to himself and blinked. "Hmm yeah sure!" he grabbed her arm and pulled her over to the tattoo table. Sango and Miroku sat and watched from afar at their friends who had fallen in love like them.

"So what will it be?" a kinda heavy looking biker guy with a ponytail covered in tattoos himself asked. Kagome looked over the tattoos that were listed.

"Hmm..I want this one..." she pointed out a small symbol in Japanese that meant 'InuYasha to the guy. "Where do you want it?" he asked getting out his instruments.

"Eh..." she bit her lip thinking blushing. "Right here." She pointed to her boob that was exposed since she still had her bikini top on. This only made InuYasha blush too.

The dude started on her first, making up the symbol then slowly filled it in with a bit of color. A few tears fell down her cheeks in pain but held it in thinking, I'm doing this for him and that made her smile threw the tears. He held her hand and squeezed it smiling, giving her comfort that it would be okay.

InuYasha looked threw the tattoo's himself and actually found Kagome in the symbols so he got that. "I want it on my arm." He said and winked at Kagome who thought Damn will he be sexy with a tattoo on his muscly arm.. she shivered at the thought smiling and before she knew it they were done.

All of 'em kept walking around to the booths getting little knickknacks and such and then went back on their mary way to the motel. Everybody went back into their rooms and dashed for the showers. It was another two hours at about nine o'clock before they were done and Sango and Kagome went into the guys room, bored and a bit tired.

"We're bored.." Kagome commented and sat on InuYasha's bed and Sango sat down on the edge of his. "I've got an idea.." Miroku grinned. "Hmm?" Kagome looked at him wondering what was going threw the lecher's head. "Let's plat truth or dare!" he blurted out and they all nodded and smirked to one another in agreement.