InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ Changed the Game ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was now about eleven AM as InuYasha yawned still driving towards Sango's house to drop her off first. "So, InuYasha, where exactly do you have in mind for us going to for the summer?" Sango asked curiously. "Well,...what's about the most exciting place that you could go to which just so happened to be in the state we are going to college?" he grinned and perked up in his seat feeling very satisfied with himself.

"OH MY GOD!!" Kagome jumped out her seat, smacked her head on the roof, Sango's eyes bulged out so far you thought they would never go back in her head again, and Miroku jumped into Sango's lap and licked her cheek he was so happy.

"OWW!" Kagome screamed rubbing her head and sinking low into her seat

"DAMN HENTAI!" Sango screamed and started waking him in the head with the owner's manual to the car.

"OWWW MOMMY WHY YOU SO MEAN TO ME?!" Miroku whined trying to give Sango puppy-dog eyes to reduce the wrath of Sango. It didn't work worth a damn. Sango threw him out of her lap and held up the rolled owners manual. You try anything funny and I swear I'll beat you with a newspaper with those puppy-dog eyes you give me." She whispered and twitched then winked at him and looked away.

'I am the master.' She thought. 'My pimptress is gonna beat me...oh yay.' Miroku thought. ((For all of you who don't know what a pimptress is, well it's just a female pimp, which Sango is not no one else wants her, or else they're too afraid to go for her cause she will kick their ass. If you don't know what a pimptress is then I feel sorry for you that is all.))

"HEY calm the fuck down! Be happy we're going to California!" InuYasha desperately tried to calm down his friends. "Yeah you guys it'll be fun!" Kagome turned around in her seat to the couple in the back-seat destined for downfall. ((Ha Ha)) "But..we'll have to say good-bye to our families sooner than we would have!" Sango whined. "Well, then give it a day, we still need to get our plain tickets and crap before we leave, so you can spend all you're time today saying good-bye." InuYasha said flatly pulling into Sango's driveway.

"Well, hold on I'll bring you my ticket so you can exchange it for an earlier date...."Sango looked to the side sadly and got out of the car. "Ya know Miroku, you could try helping her." Kagome pointed out. "Hey! What did I do?!" he sat back in the seat grumbling little nothings under his breath. Kagome- *coughs*LEACHER*cough. InuYasha chuckled. "So uh make out master, you got you're ticket?" InuYasha grinned evilly and honked the horn for Sango to hurry her ass up.

"What ticket?" he said and smiled out the window at Sango who was approaching the car. Kagome and InuYasha looked at him like he was insane. "You idiot you actually thought WE were gonna get the ticket for you?!!" Kagome said and then busted out laughing. "Whoops..."

"Well, eh you better find some money so I can get the tickets.." Inu laughed and rolled the window down and took Sango's ticket. "See you later." She said and sighed walking back into her house. "And try to help out you're girlfriend man!" Inu snorted adn started up the car again to go on towards Miroku's house.

****15 minutes and seven attempts to touch Kagome's breast by Miroku later....****

"LEACHER!!!" Kagome screamed at the op of her lungs punching Miroku repeatedly over and over again as InuYasha pulled into Miroku's driveway. "Calm..DOWN PLEASE!!" he begged for mercy and well didn't get any.

"THIS WILL TEACH YOU NOT TO TOUCH MY WOMAN!" InuYasha yelled and tried punching on Miroku and started to beat the crap out of him. He kicked Miroku in the gut and pushed him out the car. Kagome blushed and grabbed InuYasha's arm right before he was about to step out the car to knock more sense into the already unconscious Miroku.

"It's okay, leave him alone for now." She smiled still blushing and sat back in the car. "Yeah..okay...soo should we leave him in his driveway or have decency and bring him to his door step?" he smirked starting up the car. Kagome smirked back and sank down in her seat riding the rest of the way back to her house in silence.

'Wonder what it'll be like in California. with InuYasha..' She thought staring out the window watching the houses go by with little old ladies in their front yards and kids starting up mayhem in their front yards. 'And I wonder what happened in his dream last night...' she stared over at him wondering what goes on in that head of his and when would he share those thoughts with her.

"We're here...b-babe." he sputtered memories from last night coming back to him. "Huh?" she raised an eyebrow. "Oh nothing," he looked up innocently. "Yeah sure." She rolled her eyes, annoyed at the fact she had so many questions unanswered. "Hey, come here." He softly smiled and pulled her back to him for a long passionate kiss. He let his tongue explore her mouth, loving how she tasted.

She wrapped her arms around him and let one start to slip up his shirt as she kissed him hungrily letting her tongue glide over his lips and then slip into his mouth. She thrusted her tongue down and around his throat then pulled back and looked all malicious. He gently ran a hand threw her hair looking deeply into her eyes. "I'll be right back..then we can go on a walk okay?" she asked and he nodded in response.


It was about eight thirty, and InuYasha and Kagome walked hand in hand in a park. They turned a corner slowly and walked past a stone fountain with a little boy and a little girl siting together, watering running out of the holes placed in the fountain. InuYasha saw a wooden bench and motioned for Kagome to start heading that way.

They sat back, still not having said a word to each other, just happy to be together in peace. Kagome leaned her head on his shoulder staring out at the fountain still wondering would InuYasha still keep his promise not to leave her. Finally she broke the silence. "So, we leave tomorrow eh?"

"Yeah, that's the plan. Good thing Miroku got his ass to the airport and got his ticket" he smiled down at her and rubbed his hand up and down her arm. "Yeah ... he needs to get his act together, before Sango tries to murder him." She broke out laughing imagining the many ways Sango could kill him, oh what fun. "And we have the reservations for the motel?" she asked and he nodded slightly.

"You said good-bye to you're family Kagome?" he asked running his fingers through her hair. "Yeah, my Mom was all hysterical, I swear it was like wrong, but kinda funny, but they let it go in the end, it's not like they can stop me," she said stubbornly. "How about you?" "Ah, Keade will miss me, but it was coming so she'll get used to a house by herself...but I liked living there with her a lot though..." he looked to the side and shook his head.

"Oh no.." Kagome whispered. "Heh" "Think about it InuYasha, we're going to be alone with Miroku...for HOURS on ONE plane going all the way to AMERICA!" she started to bite her nails nervously. "Hey..don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't touch my Kagome." He whispered into her ear and gently kissed her cheek. "Hehe, otay." she said softly then yawned stretching her arms out and snuggled up to InuYasha.

***Kagome's dream***

Kagome slowly walked up the stairs of her house and up to her bedroom happy to finally get some real sleep. She turned the doorknob and opened the door and gasped. "W-who are y-you?" she stuttered still in the doorway looking at the woman up to down sitting on her bed. The woman looked fairly in her thirties, with long black hair, deep violet eyes wearing a long black sleeved shirt that fit the woman nicely and a blue skirt.

"I think you know very well who I am, Kagome." She said softly smiling brightly at Kagome. 'Who the heck is this woman?! She looks so familiar...InuYasha?? No..can't be...' as if answering her thoughts the woman broke the silence. "Yes, I am InuYasha's mother dear, sit down." She patted the space next to her on Kagome's bed. "W-what do you mean?! His mother's like um...ER.."

"Dead?" the woman finally said. "Yes, I am well aware I am dead now sit." She commanded. Slowly Kagome walked over and sat down by the woman thinking 'She looks alive...but she's dead...I really hope this is a dream.'

"Hello Kagome. I bet you're wondering what I am doing here right now appearing before you am I correct?" Kagome nodded staring at the woman with her mouth hanging open a bit. "Don't let you're mouth hang open, you'll catch flies." She laughed a little and Kagome couldn't help but laugh with her.

"Well, the reason I am here is to tell you a few things. And they all are mostly about you and my son. See InuYasha, has been very unable to open up to anyone since me and his father had died...but then you came along and you changed that." She paused trying to think of what she would say next as Kagome started to blush.

"InuYasha deeply cares for you kagome." She smiled and Kagome started giggling blushing violently now. "He's just afraid more than ever now of losing you and telling more of what he feels to you. I want you to stay with him, no matter what will come up, make him see how much he can trust you. You understand?" The woman said standing up.

"Yes,...don't worry I won't let you down." Kagome looked up at her. 'Well, this is strange but I'll take her word on it...because I really care for him too...' Kagome thought looking down and then suddenly looked up and she was gone. "Hello?! Where'd you go?!" Kagome started to raise her voice looking around the empty room.

***Dream End***

InuYasha started to shake a very fidgety Kagome awake. "Huh..what?? InuYasha?" she said drowsily slowly opening her eyes shivering. "I'm here...common let's go we have to leave early tomorrow it's late." He said and picked her up in his arms without struggle and began to carry her off to the car.

"What did you dream about?"

"Nothing much, just stuff..." she glanced up at him wondering if he would believe her. "Hmm suurree." he shook his head blushing just a little reaching the car. He opened the door and set Kagome in her seat and drove to his house so Kagome could drive back to her house.

He stopped in front and quickly kissed her good-bye and walked to his door and went inside. Kagome drove back home thinking about her dream, about what new things she would come across once she got to California, and would things stay the same with her and InuYasha?


"HURRY UP YOU GUYS!!" InuYasha shouted to his friends behind them jumping over a four foot pile of luggage and landing on his feet. "Common!!" they all yelled in unison back at him. 'Shoulda a never made that quick stop for breakfast!' he thought and growled. "Hey!" Kagome panted running up next to him.

"We're gonna be late the gate it another like mile away!!!" he breathed. Kagome kept running as Sango and Miroku ran up next to them. "Hey!!" she said and then nearly ran over an old lady. "Sorry!!!" she yelled back and slowed down. "We're not gonna make it! The plane leaves in like five minutes the gate is too far away!"

"Hey, kids need a ride?!" a girl in a navy blue uniform said with a perky voice. They all stared at the girl in shock. "KIKYO?!?!" Kagome and InuYasha screamed not believing what they were seeing in front of them. "Hi!! I can get you where ever you want to go in this airport!! Now come on!" she kept her perky tone smiling insanely.

"Eh why the hell would we try to take a ride with you, you'd purposely crash!!" Kagome barked out at her. "Oh no I wouldn't silly! I went to a special doctor to help me with all my problems! I went into surgery and they shot a few brain cells and now I'm all better!!" They all stared. Sango sighed. "Okay well she's insane, but we have no other choice so let's get in!" They all nodded and got in the golf cart looking thing and quickly they zoomed down the airport.

"So what gate do you have to go to?"

"Uh, gate 127" InuYasha grumbled as he held onto the bottom of his seat. "Okay then!" she squealed and swerved to the right and started going 80 miles. They all screamed at the top of their lungs as the insane Kikyo drove pushing her foot down all the way on the accelerator almost running into anyone and everyone!

"KIKYO ARE YOU INSANE?!!!!" InuYasha screamed and made a grab at trying to strangle her. Miroku held him back right as they were all jerked forward out of their seats and onto the ground reaching their gate. "Here you are gate 127!! Have a nice day!" and then she was off again, on her way to run over innocent pesidetryans.

"Last call for gate 127!" a man standing at the entrance of the gate called out. "WAIT!!" they all ran up to the guy threw their tickets and passports at him. The dude checked their passports and stamped their tickets and they proceeded to the plane. Sango sighed happily and she walked down the aisle of the plane and took her seat.

"Well, we made it you guys!" she smiled putting on her seat-belt. Her smile quickly faded as Miroku sat down next to her. "Awww...damn...Miroku, I am stuck 32 freaking hours on this plane with you, don't mess with me!" she sent him that you-touch-me-or-even-think-about-it-or-stare-at-anything-you-shouldn't-be-s taring-at-then-you-have-a-death-wish-and-I-will-knock-the-living-hell-outof -you-so-BACK-OFF! glare

"Eep, yes my sweet!" he kissed her lips and lightly poked her butt "accidentally". "LEACHER!!" *SMACK* he settled back into his seat rubbing the cheek she hit with a hand print starting to form. "Ain't that so cute?!" Kagome whispered and turned to a very pale looking InuYasha.

"Heh" he looked nervously over at her and gulped. "Is something wrong?" she rubbed her hand over his lightly looking at him with concerned eyes. "Eh..just a little afraid of..planes..." he started to breathe quicker biting on his lip. "Don't worry, I'm here for you okay?" she smiled and he nodded quickly in return.

Then over the speaker of the captain began to talk: "Hello, and welcome to Something-or-Other airlines, flight 13, I will be flying you're none-stop trip to the United States to California for the next thirty-two hours! Enjoy you're flight, there will be no smoking and if you have any questions ask the flight attendants."

With that, there was a little click and the plane was off. InuYasha gripped onto Kagome's hand starting to sweat and Sango shook her fists at Miroku.....the most likely to drive his friends insane before the flight was over.
Thirty-two hours of hell Later.....

InuYasha....Kagome...Sango....and Miroku all slugged their way out of the plane with very dazed looks on their faces as they walked into the Los Angels airport at around 5PM. "Remind NEVER fly planes EVER, EVER AGAIN!!! Especially IF THEY'RE WITH MIROKU!!!" InuYasha yelled as he walked into the airport and plopped down in one of the chairs.

Kagome cringed and sat down next to InuYasha breathing slowly and glared up at Miroku. "Now I know, even if you're with women for 32 hours you still act like a pervert!!!!" she laid her head on InuYasha's shoulder pouting. Sango, well she didn't have any words for Miroku she just gave him that bloody murder stare like she was freaking dead. "Oh common, I was just kidding around!" he said and shrugged.

"Hah...well we need to take care of business first, as much fun staying in this airport would be...WE need to get the car we rented and all that..." Kagome said and stood up and walked over to the information counter to ask where they could pick up their car and where their hotel was.

After about ten minutes she came back with directions and keys to the car. "Well, let's go!" She started off towards the parking lot when Sango grabbed the keys from her. "Hey!! Give those back!" she took a grab for the keys and well missed. "Nu uh I don't trust you're driving anymore!" she snickered.

"Whatever" she shook her head and hopped in the back-seat of the car. InuYasha came in behind her and poked her. She turned and grinned at him and the poke fest was on! Sango started up the car nervously looking over at Miroku, who just stared out the window. "Take that you fiend!!" Kagome hissed at him and poked InuYasha in the stomach.

"Hah take that you vandal!!" he hissed back at her and poked her in the boob and snickered and blushed a deep red. Kagome giggled blushing an even deeper red than InuYasha and the poking war was back on. 'I have to deal wit this for another hour that it takes to get to that darn hotel....God why me...' Sango thought as she pulled on the freeway and sat back to enjoy a little thing called traffic.

They all walked up into the pale green motel over to the check-in counter. "Hello, how can I help you?" and old saggie woman said in the most boring voice of all freaking time. "Eh, yeah I have two rooms reserved under Hirshburg." Kagome said just as boring back to the woman.

"Feh, hold on." The woman slowly made her way over to her computer and checked the name and came back a few minutes later with four room keys. "Here, these two are for room 22 and these are for room 23 and they're on the ground part of the motel, and if you need help with you're bags there's a bell boy over there." She motioned to a skinny kid around fifteen with acne that was coming towards them pushing one of those cart thingys that you put you're bags on.

"H-h-hi!" the boy stuttered nervously and attempted to push the six bags Kagome and Sango had each then the guys three bags. After the third bag he fell over and groaned. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" they all pointed and laughed at the kid and then made their way to their rooms. Right when they were about to walk into their rooms with their little cart of luggage behind them, a girl around their age 'accidentally' bumped into InuYasha.

"Hey..sorry 'bout that." The girl smiled and batted her eyelashes. Her hair was died navy blue and purple with blonde roots. She had on navy blue eye shadow, wearing a tight black T-shirt and a black skirt over tight blue jeans and wore black sandals with little peace beads.

"Uh hey..." he responded and tried to step around her, but she blocked him. "My name's Calie, what's yours, sexy?" she licked her lips. "Um InuYasha..." he backed up a little, but she kept on stepping closer to him.

Kagome saw this and glared and the girl and smirked. She came up behind InuYasha, stepped in front of him and grabbed him pulling him in for a long deep kiss. As she kissed him she brought her hand down and flipped the girl off while no one was looking.

"Oh...hi." Calie said to Kagome and rolled her eyes. "Hi..." then good old Miroku came in and grabbed Calie's hand and kissed it. "Why hello there!" he hugged her and sneakily slipped his hand over her butt. "PERVERT!" she screamed at him and kicked him in shin. "Owwww..." he hopped back over to Sango who just slapped him upside his head and poked him in his eye.

"Well, I can help you guys unpack." She zealously said to them and winked at InuYasha. "No, no that's okay." Kagome fakely smiled and opened the door to the rooms and started to throw her and Sango's bags into one room and InuYasha and Miroku's bag in the other mumbling under her breath. "I'm going to a club tonight, I can probably show you around if you want." She leaned onto InuYasha a bit.

He looked nervously at Kagome and mouthed 'Help me'. "You know what? sure why not, we have nothing else to do, so yeah." Sango blurted out and grabbed Miroku and InuYasha and pushed them into her room and kicked Kagome in the ass into the room too.

"BYE!" Sango ran in the room and slammed the door. "Eh I'll be back around 9 then to pick you guys up!" Calie yelled through the little key whole and went back to her own room a few doors down.

"Next time I see that girl touch you and I kill her damn it." Kagome grumbled and protectively hugged InuYasha.

"And as for YOU Miroku, you're in trouble!" Sango leaped onto Miroku and started punching and biting him "OUCH!! THAT HURTS! ahhh stop the biting!!" he started squealing like a little girl begging for mercy.

"Eh don't worry Kagome, I'll make sure that girl won't get anywhere near me." He kissed her forehead. "My, my so protective aren't we?" he snickered and pointed at her.

"Hah, and you're not?" she cocked her head back and lowered an eye brow as a light blush rose on his face. Then they went back to looking at the still bickering couple with Miroku getting the crap beaten out of him. "Ten bucks says Sango beats him up and forgives him by the end of the night." Kagome held out her hand and waited for InuYasha to shake it.

"Make it twenty that she beats him up and forgives him by tomorrow morning." "Deal" and Kag shook his hand fiercely and blushed a little. Then out of nowhere Miroku came flying across the room and knocked InuYasha and Kagome off the bed.

"Hey! Watch it!! Get off of me!" Kagome's lil body wiggled under Miroku. "And if I don't?" he looked down at her maliciously and rubbed her leg. "MIROKU!!!" Inu roared and got up to start beating Miroku himself who had scars and bruises on his face. "AHHHHHHH!!!" Then..Miroku ran out the room and into his and InuYasha's room.

"Dudes...." Sango sighed and plopped down on the bed next to Kagome's. "Mmhmm." Kagome nodded. "Let's get ready for that club,'ll take a while and it's 7:30 already!" "Damn...why did you have to agree to that party I'm tired from the plane.." Kagome whined and cringed at the thought of the plane ride over.

"Hehe I GET SHOWER FIRST!" Sango dashed to the bathroom and turned on the hot water. "NOOOOOO!! DON'T TAKE ALL THE HOT WATER!" Kagome ran and started to bang on the door, but it was no use, for Sango had started to sing loudly in the shower.

'I'll kill that girl one day I will damn it..mark my words!' Kagome growled standing in the line to get into the trashy looking club from the outside under the full moon. She looked dully at Calie yanking away with HER man. Kagome gagged at the site of seeing her flirt.

So...Kagome grabbed InuYasha by his collar and dragged him over her way as they made their way up to the front of the line. "ID's please." A tall African American guy said to them and they showed their id's and they walked in the club.

Right then, the reality on how loud the music was came into focus. There was real loud tech music playing with flashing disco lights flashing everywhere. "Well, go ahead and have yourself some fun you guys!!!" Calie yelled.

"Hold on I'll introduce you to some of my friends!!!" with that she disappeared into the crowd. "Hmm, well....wanna dance?!!!!" Kagome yelled into Inu's ear. "SURE!" he grabbed her up in his arms and brought her to the dance floor and they started their dirty dancing'. (( ^-^ naughty...whooot whooot!))

Kagome turned around and lifted her hand up and InuYasha put his hands up on her hips and the grinding and good fun began. Kagome grinned and watched all the girls with their ugly looking dudes glare at her because she had the hottest guy there!

"Hey Kagome!!!" someone yelled behind her and she turned around to see Sango going along with Miroku's freak dancing. Her eyes bulged out when she saw Sango of all people, FREAK dancing with Miroku. She just shook her head and gaped trying to find something to say.

"Hey Inu babe, where's my twenty dollars?!" she broke out laughing and faced InuYasha. "!!" he handed her twenty dollars starting to laugh himself.

"Sango!!" Kagome yelled and grabbed her friends arm and pulled her away to the bar. "Hey two watermelon margaritas thingys!!' Kag yelled at the bar tender laughing. "Feh..." the guys turned around fixed their drinks and slammed them back on the table.

"Hmph how rude!" Sango wrinkled up her nose and stuck her tongue out at the guy and started laughing along with Kagome.

"So!! Why the hell were you freak dancing with Miroku!!!"

"Hey! I thought maybe if I started something a little lecherous then..I dunno!! He was all freaked out but we ended up having some fun! He should cherish the moment 'cause tomorrow it'll be gone!!!" Sango said and broke out dancing in her stool like she was on top of the world.

"Okay no more drinks for Sango!" with that Kagome gulped down the rest of her drink and pulled Sango away from the bar and back to InuYasha. About ten feet away Kagome stopped suddenly to see Calie...dancing closely with InuYasha. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kisses his lips quickly pushing his face up against hers.

Sango stood right next to her just as shocked as Kagome was and then Kagome took off running when Calie pulled away from InuYasha and looked towards Kagome and mouthed 'I won' to her. InuYasha turned around and looked at Kagome and yelled out to her. "KAGOME!! COME BACK!!" and he took off running after her.

"You BITCH!!!" Sango roared and ran up and started to beat the crap outta Calie. Calie yelped as she fell over. "AHH!! Sango!!" Miroku came from where ever he had been and pulled a ranting and raving Sango off of the helpless Calie. "Miroku! Where the fuck were you when this happened?!!!" she said. "I was looking for you and Kagome!!!" Sango *anime falls*

*On the flip Side*

'What the fuck was I thinking!!!!' Kagome thought pushing roughly through the crowd warm tears starting to stream down her face. "KAGOME!!! WAIT PLEASE!!" InuYasha started to catch up to her and she screamed back.

"WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I?!!!!" she quickened her pace, adrenaline started to pump through her blood pushing more people out her way, memories of her and InuYasha racing through her head.

InuYasha caught up to her and flipped her around and screamed stuttering "B-B-BECAUSE I-I LOVE YOU KAGOME!!!" he blushed violently panting a serious look in his eyes. "What did you just say?" she looked at him shocked "I said, I love you..." he slightly smiled down at her. "I'm sorry, it was that thing she wouldn't get away from me!"

More tears ran down her face and she hugged him tightly and said into his ear "I love you too InuYasha." He smiled and thought to himself 'I don't know how the hell I finally got myself to say that, but hey...I'm glad I did.' InuYasha grabbed a hold of her hand and slowly made their way through the crowd back over to Miroku and Sango, who were dancing like there was no tomorrow.((Believe me there is :-) ))

"Hey you two! You guys okay?" Miroku shouted and wrapped his arms around Sango's waist and kissed her cheek from behind which made her giggle. "Oh yeah we're fine." Kagome said smirked up at InuYasha.

Then Kagome looked around in the crowd and spotted Calie. 'Oh..revenge will be sweet..' Kagome cackled to herself and rushed over to Calie who was chatting and dancing making fools of themselves.

"Hey! Calie also known as what you Americans call POSERS!!!" Kagome twitched and then some people turned to stare at her. "I do not know what the heck you're talking about." Calie looked around nervously to her friends.

"Oh yes of course you do you POSER! Trying to steal my man away from me huh? I got news for you he loves me!!! So FUCK OFF MY PROPERTY!!!" Kagome screamed right in the girls face and then punched her in the nose and kicked her in the gut and smiled happily to her friends.

"BYE." So Kagome quickly turned around and slowly walked back over to InuYasha, who's mouth was hanging open a little. "You're naughty, Kag." "Yes I know InuYasha, now dance with me!!" She grabbed him and began to dance, dance, dance shaking her body around, just for our good friend InuYasha to enjoy.

At like two in the morning they finally got back to the motel sweaty and tired and collapsed into their beds going right to sleep. An hour later, someone quietly made their way through the girl's window and sat by Kagome's bed looking softly at her face in his pajama pants. He had cute little doggy ears on the top of his head, golden eyes, with long white soft hair flowing down his back.

He bit down on one of his claws 'thinking..'She loves me..she should except me right?' he tilted his head to the side and lightly touched her face. She breathed deeply and suddenly woke up. "Hmmm?" she squinted her eyes and looked straight into the face of the guy and choked out, still managing to whisper.

"I-InuYasha? Is that you?" suddenly he got up and started to back away from her panicking, but she grabbed his arm and pulled him back down to her. "It is you..." she tilted her head slightly smiling looking up at his ears. He held a claw to her lips for her to be silent and quietly opened the door to outside pulling Kagome along behind him.

'Crap..crap..shit...SHIT!!! What the fuck am I gonna do?!?!!!' he thought and let out a low growl. "InuYasha..." she kept staring up at him. "Kagome....I-I'm sorry...I'll understand if you don't want to be with me anymore..." he looked down sadly and started to back away.

"Why would I do that? I love you." She hugged him tightly and thought 'So this is what she meant...interesting...' "My father was a demon...and my mother was human" he whispered running his claws through her hair. "I didn't know they still existed..." she whispered back to him.

"Oh yes they do, they just choose not to tell..." he pulled back and looked deeply into her eyes. "I'm only in this form, when the moon is full at sometime in the night." She just nodded and leaned up and kissed his cheek. "It's okay, I love you for you InuYasha, don't be afraid to tell me things, I'll understand."

He smiled showing his fangs to her. "Go back to sleep." He purred into her ear and she lightly giggled. "Hold on." She quickly reached up and rubbed his ears and softly purred more. "Hehe okay had to get that out of my system. Goodnight." She waved and creeped back into her room and closed the door. 'That was nerve recking.' He frowned and shook his head and walked back into his room himself.

Kagome yawned getting up and shook Sango. "Hey...get up you." Kagome mumbled sleepily. "Huh?" Sango grogily said and rolled over to Kagome revealing messed up hair. "I'm hungry, let's go wake up the gu-" she was cut off by a knock at the door. "Hold on.." Kagome walked up to the door and opened it to be blinded by the sunlight and then looked up to see InuYasha standing in front of her. '

Suddenly Kagome gasped and remembered events from last night. 'Was that a dream?' she looked down and frowned getting lost in her thoughts. "Hey you okay?" InuYasha looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Y-yeah I'm fine. Uh I'm hungry...let's go find a place to eat..."

"Okay sure...and Kagome?"


He leaned down and lightly whispered into her ear. "Last night was real...." he quickly walked back to his room and closed the door leaving her standing there motionless staring out at the pavement heat just rising above it. '' she blinked and slowly backed into her room.

"Hey Kag, what's wrong?" Sango called from the bathroom seeing Kagome's expression in the mirror as she was putting on some makeup. "Nothing" she responded flatly. "You sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure..." she walked away thinking about last InuYasha had looked...thinking about why hadn't he told her this before? She sighed deeply putting on some clothes and brushing her hair waiting for Sango to get out the bathroom.

After a while she did and got ready then went out into the blazing heat and knocked on the guys door to see if they were ready. "Hey! Hurry up!!! We want food!!!" Sango and Kagome yelled and started to bang on their door.

Suddenly Miroku opened the door and hugged Sango. "Yeah yeah don't break the door!" he laughed and walked out to the car holding Sango's hand. InuYasha walked out and stared at Kagome. "Hey.." He said kinda low, blushing.

"Hey..." she grabbed his hand and started to pull him to the car. "I'm hungry dang it!" he snorted and quickly got in the back seat with Sango and InuYasha got in the front with Miroku. Miroku started up the car and turned on the radio only to hear Surfing Colorado by Bowling for Soup.

He turned the corner and found an International house of Pancakes! He speeded up and parked and everyone dashed out of the car and into the restaurant and grabbed a booth. A lady dressed in an all light blue uniform came by and took their orders and left. "Hey Kagome, can I talk to you?" InuYasha asked form across the table. "Sure." She got up and followed InuYasha to the corner of the place. 'Oh no..he's gonna bring up last night...bleh...' she bit on her lip as he stopped in front of her.

"About last night...I'm sorry I didn't tell you before I just wasn't sure if you would except me you know, if you found out..." he looked away from her and shoved his hands deep into his pockets. "It's okay...I understand, I wish you had told me, but it's okay..." she giggled and kissed his cheek whispering into his ear. "I like you're dog ears."

He rolled his eyes and laughed. "I love you Kagome."

"I love you too...let's go back and get some food." She said and without hesitation he ran back to the table, Kagome following and began to eat their food that had come while they were talking.