InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ Good times ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

And I have downloaded all these songs by Do As Infinity and if you didn't know they sing a lot of songs in InuYasha and they are giving me a hell of a lot of confidence even though I can't understand most of the songs lol! And thanks to my friend Calie who helped me with a part in my fic, yea if you forgot Calie is a real person but she doesn't really act like that anywho... Anywho just thanks I love ya'll here be the fic.

And yes you have noticed that InuYasha is picking up more things from Miroku each day. Well, hey doesn't that mean that Miroku could pick up things from InuYasha?! Well you'll see cause in this fic I'm screwing every little thing around *grins*

A few days later, after the..ahem..'festivites' things were going a bit different for everyone with Sess and Rin around, more changing was going down, more exploring good LA was going on and best of all any time they saw Calie she ran for the hills because of Kagome. ((Muwhahahaha gotta love that kick ass girl power!! Yeah baby!! Eh..anyway....))

"You guys I'm so damn bored...I mean July is almost over..." Rin said looking up at the sky leaning on Sessho-maru from the side beach next to the hotel. ((Yeah...forgot to tell you guys about that but yes there is a little beach near the hotel, there's a kinda lake thing there so eh yeah...))

"Yep you gotta a point..what'd you guys-" Kagome got cut off by yet another yell from Sango and a big thump which you could have guessed was Miroku getting knocked upside the head for touching her ass. They all just chuckled watching Miroku desperately run away from Sango the mad crazed killer.

"Muwhahahaha!!" Kagome cackled and dove over on top of InuYasha and began pilling sand on him!

"Hey wench what the hell do you think you're doing'?! Sessho-maru help meee!!!" he struggled around unsuccessfully hiding his laughter.

"Nope you're on you're own lil bro. you can handle you're woman." He just grinned at him and looked away and started caressing Rin's cheek whispering little nothings in her ear.

"You know you're a really bad lair Sessho-maru, you are going out with Rin who would happen to be I dunno...MUCH YOUNGER THAN YOU!" he laughed but then growled when Kagome shoveled more sand on him.

"Hehe.." She giggled. "Kagome gonna make InuYasha a prettyful mermaid!" she bobbled up and down while InuYasha just stared up at her. 'She's lost her mind....again!' he thought to himself and tried to get up but it was too late she had him packed down in the sand hard.

"Kag common let me up!" he pleaded. "No way man I had my sugar for today and now I'm gonna make you a mermaid!" she said like she was ten year old and got off him and grabbed some near by shells and put one over where InuYasha's manly nipples would be! ((NIPPLE!!! INUYASHA NIPPLE! Ok sorry ignore me..))

"HEY! Okay Kagome that is just wrong!" he shook his head starting to blush, only to realize when he looked back she was well off of him and he was covered in sand looking very much like a mermaid.((Naw....really?!))

Kagome, Sessho-maru, and Rin started laughing their heads off at InuYasha like there was no freaking tomorrow. Then after what seemed like forever to InuYasha and almost the end of their lives to the laughing hyenas, Sango came over all huffy with Miroku just a little behind with little scratch marks on him.

They stared at InuYasha.

They fucking rolled over and started to cry laughing hitting the sand. The sand started fly up and get in their noses but they didn't care, it was freaking funny I mean common! Kagome grabbed the video camera she had and started to film the laugh festa trying to talk.

"And here it is, another-" Kagome laughed really loud."d-day here in Sunny freaking Caliiii" she sputtered

"And here is InuYasha the BEAUTIFUL!! MERMAID!! " her little eyes bulged out of her head and she started to laugh again, then she suddenly stopped.

"Or shall I s-say...merman!!" and then she was off again howling in her own world like the others, her face looking like a bright red balloon.

'They've all gone mad' InuYasha thought to himself as the laughing went on. 'That's it!! Must...get...up! Then, Kagome's gonna get it!!' he grinned evilly and used all his force he could and got all the sand off of him and got up. Everyone stopped laughing and stared up at him he only stared at Kagome. "You better run." He said flatly.

There was no question about it. She got her butt up and ran. "IM GONNA GET YOU KAGOME!!" he yelled, but not really all that mean...kinda playfully.

"EEEEEEK!" came from Kagome as she ran, but well let's think of it this way: Kagome runs like an old lady, all she needed was the saggy stockings and she had herself made. ((Sorry okay dude my mean P.E. teacher said I ran like an old lady so I had to put that in there!))

"NOOOOO!" she cried out as he wrapped his arms around her small waist and lifted her up.

"You really are too sexy in that bathing suit....I wonder how it would look it you got a little...wet" he said I a low voice in her ear.

'Uh oh' she thought to herself trying to struggle free. No good though. "ONE! TWO..." he twirled around in circles with her in his arms laughing wickedly with her rambling on how unfair it was.

"THREE!!!" and with that he threw her into the lake/ocean thing and she landed with a huge slash right on her tummy.

'AHH!!!! I gonna get him!'

No you're not you started it you little hyper girl you

She thought breathlessly turning around in the cold water clutching her stomach. 'Grrr damn you InuYasha I wanna hurt you....but noo you got me wrapped me around you're little finger with that look of yours!' she growled which only ended up to be bubbles as she was still underwater.

rose up out of the water and put her hands on her hips sending a glare at InuYasha. He lowered an eyebrow to her and just grinned back at her. "Go little brother!" Sess cheered. "Hey you show him Kag!!" Sango yelled to defend her friend.

"You're gonna get it boy" Kagome said and slowly started to walk toward him. "Oh really, you think so?" InuYasha sighed and licked his lips. "Cause I think you're the ones that gonna get it Kag, I bet I can teach you a lesson" he chuckled a little bit knowing it was all a joke But hell let the fun last.

"Well, La, DE freakin' da! I'll teach you a thing or two!!!" she yelled and laughed running out of the water to InuYasha and tackled him to the ground and believe it or not they began to wrestle.

All their friends crowded around the guys going for InuYasha and the girls for Kagome. "WHOOT WHOOOT WHOOT!!!" they were all cheering as InuYasha and Kagome rolled around in the sand. ((Mmmm InuYasha...rolling around in the that is da shit really? right there man Lol.))

"You fiend, you shall pay!" Kagome stuck a finger out at InuYasha standing up and eh came up right with her.

"Me in trouble...."he said in a kid kinda tone and then she chased him. As a matter a fact she chased him right into the lake thing. Splashing and kicking up the water laughing.

"Ain't that cute?" Rin said in awe at the couple as they collapsed into the water and began to kiss passionately wrapping their arms around each other without a care in the world in their minds. "You bet you're ass it is." Miroku responded laughing and slapped Sango's ass.

"HENTAI!" she screamed and hit him upside the head. 'I've still got it' he thought to himself and then passed out.

Sessho-maru pinched Rin's butt and grinned. "Hey!!" she yelled and punched him in the arm.

"Hey yourself." He responded simply. Then they started to run around along the shore and Sango just sighed to herself and knelt down next to Miroku and poked him. "Hey you get up, I know you're not really passed out." She said blandly giving him that kinda look.

"You know me oh so well my Sango." He smiled sitting up. She smiled a little back and sat down on the sand facing the lake, Miroku quickly turning and sitting next to her. She turned to him and tilted her head and gently brushed some sand off his cheek. They stayed in silence a while looking out at their friends running around.

"Sango?" Miroku said softly.


"I love you...with all the things I do, I really do just love you." He smiled a big old smile and kissed her lips.

"I love you too boy even if you constantly grab my ass." She snickered and then they both fell backwards onto the sand and started to make out only to be interrupted minutes later by their friends making little kissing sounds.

InuYasha walked into a little video store,((Little because well it's a Japanese store so they don't have to watch those annoying American films!!! Lol yup that's me dissing my own country anyway....)) with Kagome on his back, Sango and Miroku right behind them.

"So why aren't Rin and Sess here again?" Miroku asked making his way over to the porn section only to be dragged away by Sango.

"Oh..they wanted some 'alone' time" InuYasha snorted using two fingers for the quotations around alone. "Okay then..." Miroku said then gave then gave Sango his set of puppy-dog eyes trying to go back over to the porn.

"Oh no you don't little mister, not everyone wants to see porn, besides I already know what naked women look like!" she said getting little frustration marks on her forehead and blushed just a tad bit.

"Hey here's a good one, Princess Mononoky " InuYasha said picking up the tape. "Oh yeah yeah! I like that movie!" Kagome zealously said bobbing up and down on InuYasha's back.

"Um yeah okay Kagome, you have to get off now." He kneeled down and let her off as she whimpered in protest.

"No fairs..." she folded her arms across her chest and stuck out her lower lip at InuYasha.

"What's that movie about anyway? I haven't seen it..." Miroku came up sighing finally giving up on the porn.

"Oh it's about this girl who grew u in this forest and is the 'daughter' of this wolf spirit." Replied Kagome.

"Eh...okay well just in case you know, let's get...Rush Hour, cause you know Jackie Chan is DA shit man!" Miroku slapped his knee and head-butted InuYasha who just laughed.

Sango and Kagome*anime sweat drop* "Guys" they both sighed shaking their heads and walked to the counter and waited in line. "H-hello there." A man said form behind them. "Heh" Sango turned around to see a man about Miroku's height with long dark brown hair, that was just a little fizzy. "Who are you?" she said cocking her head back.

"Oh Sango, this a new friend I made while looking at movies." Miroku called walking over to them. "They call me Heroine Bob." The dude said to her and held out his hand. " then..." she looked at his hand quickly shook it and turned around rolling her eyes.

'Why do I have a feeling that this is going to be a freaky ass night with this guy?' she thought looking up at the ceiling. But then...oh yes then...a hand glided over her butt...

"MIROKU!" she screamed annoyed with how many times she had to deal with this a day, but saw the guy instead. "DAMN IT! EW!!" and then Sango..being the insane women we all know started to beat the living hell out of the guy. A few people stared, while Kagome and InuYasha went to pay for the movies, and Miroku tried to help Heroine Bob only to get punched in the nose himself.

"GRrrrrr..." Sango got up and fixed her clothes that had gotten messed up and started to walk out the door with Kagome once again.

"Man...that's one hell of a woman..." Heroine Bob said rubbing his jaw. "Yeah.."Miorku sighed. "But next time hands off, she's mine and I suggest you lay off Kagome too, who you saw. But there's one girl who we'll meet up with that you can hold onto." Miroku grinned widely.

'Hm this should be interesting he thought walking out with Heroine Bob next to him, but ended up slapping into the door, which he thought automatically opened. But too bad. It didn't.

Then, once outside they stared at Heroine Bob, who had started twitching insanely and rocking back and forth as he had looked to his left and saw one poor guy smoking and Drag Queen sticking herself with a needle.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Herione Bob screamed and closed his eyes starting to wheeze. "What the fuck is wrong with him?!" InuYasha barked grabbing Miroku's arm and pulling him towards the car.

"Oh, yeah that, I forgot to tell you that um the reason he is called Heroine Bob is because heroine is the only thing that comforts him with his phobias." He said sweating a little and rubbing the back of his neck as they all just looked at Miroku, like he was insane. Well, he technically was to want to hang out with a guy named 'Heroine Bob'.

"Okay, so what are this dude's phobias?" InuYasha asked and helped the guy up and started to pull him over to the car. "Oh well, he has a phobia of smoke, needles, and basically everything to his left."

'Okay....this is insane, I swear Miroku is the one on Herione!!' InuYasha thought and shook his head and slapped Miroku upside the head. "Okay, we'll let him back to the motel only because he seems okay, just not now! If it gets too weird, I'm going after you, Miroku" and with him saying that they all loaded into the car. Kagome had some difficulty, but managed to get a bandana around Heroine Bob's eyes so he could settle down. And he did.

'Mm makes you glad that no one around this place smokes..' Sango thought as she got out of the car and walked into her and Kagome's room.

"We'll see you in a bit." Kagome said and slammed the door in the guys faces. "Hehe.." She giggled.

"You know, I have to wonder about Miroku's sanity sometimes...." Sango shook her head starting to change into some clothes to hang around in.

"Yeah, you're right....but maybe the guy won't be so bad he seemed okay before, all we have to do is keep him away from like drugs and make sure he doesn't look...left..." Kagome said kinda mellow changing into some baggy blue cargo pants and a black net top that had a black tank top underneath.

Someone knocked on the door and they both growled together and Kagome yelled walking to the door about how they said they'd be out in a minute, but when she opened the door, all she saw was Rin.

"Eeep!! Help meee!!!" she squealed and ran into the room. "Heh." Kagome looked confused and closed the door.

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"See this dude with long brown hair, me and Sessho-maru were walking over because we heard you come back and-and then the guy who was actually good looking but he came over and slapped my ass! And then Sessho-maru kicked the guy and I ran," she said really quickly, her leg bouncing up and down.

"Calm down Rin. Don't worry it's just some guy we had met at the video store...well Miroku met him actually, just stay to the right of him at all times and you should be fine so let's go shall we?" Sango got up and walked out the door, with the rest of them cautiously following behind.

*~*Movies or the end of days*~*

"HIIIYAAAAAAAHHH!!!" was all that came from Sango and Rin as they imitated the moves they saw from Rush Hour on Heroine Bob AKA Miroku's lecherous clone. He had long since passed out after the many attempts to touch Rin. It took about one hard ass punch from Sessho-maru and then some cool moves to get him in that state.

"Oh yea, we are the WO-men" Sango high fived Rin grinning widely and sat back down continuing watching the rest of the movie. Then..little mister sunshine started to wake up a little.

"You have some really tough women you know that?" Heroine Bob wheezed. "Well, maybe you shouldn't try to grab onto us like we're pieces of meat." Rin commented and thumped him upside his head. He flinched.

"Well, I guess that means that my new friends don't want to go to the rave in the downtown Asian part of LA later this month to see Do As Infinity with me then," he smirked at them as all their jaws dropped open. "W-w-what?!!! How is that possible?! I mean this is the US!" Kagome stuttered grabbing Heroine Bob by the collar of his shirt.

"Um do you listen? Did you not just here me say Asian?" He laughed and slapped her hands away. "Oh course we want to go! They're the coolest Japanese rock band!!!" Rin got all excited. Sessho-maru put a hand on her shoulder and looked at her to try to calm her down. It didn't work.

The movie had long since ended and they were all talking about it as Heroine Bob started to give them details telling about all his connections he had. Well, no duh he'd have connections, he has connections to get heroine, getting into a rave should be no problem.

((In case you didn't know for all you that watch InuYasha, this group Do As Infinity is a group that sings like I think half the songs in InuYasha and they're really cool, they have a lead singer, then like of what I know two or three guys who play the music. I encourage you to go download their songs.))

"Yeah, the gutiarist, Dai is soo cute!!" Sango said then all the girls squealed together. All the guys (not heroine Bob) growled. "Aww how cute they're jealous!" Sango said snickering looking at the guys faces. Sessho-maru, InuYasha, and Miroku *anime sweat drop* "ARE NOT!" they all yelled in unison, irritated.

"Yes, you are." Heroine Bob said grinning at them. Then the guys sent them the you-say-something-else-and-you-die-a-painful-slow-undrugged-death glare. "Don't hate me because I have connections! And you have to admit that Tomiko is pretty hot!" Heroine Bob said slyly and high-fived the guy who of course agreed with him.

Well,...steam started to rise over the girls heads...never good. 'Hm...what would happen if we...' Kagome taped her chin deep in thought.

"Well, if you think she's so hot, I guess you won't want to play strip poker with us anymore since we're OBVIOUSLY not hot enough for you." Kagome stuck out her tongue at them. Rin and Sango nudged Kagome like 'what the hell?!'.

..Dudes flew over to their women trying to coax them saying they didn't mean any of it. Ah the pervs. 'Fine we can play you guys." Kagome sighed and patted InuYasha's head.

InuYasha, Sess, Miroku- 'Yay!'

Miroku got out a deck of cards, passed them out and began to play. May I add that well, its southern Cali. Even at night they didn't have many clothes on. If you got a low would be easy to loose this game. There was a hell of a lot of growling and yelling everyone was down to their underclothes in minutes.

"The deck was rigged!!!" InuYasha shouted as he had just one piece of clothing left on. "Yeah right" Kagome rolled her eyes but quickly winked at him.

((*sits back with popcorn thinking about how sexy InuYasha is* ah...being the author of you're own fic is the life!))

Kagome-*puts down a 8*

Heroine Bob-*puts down a 6*

Sango-*puts down a 11 (or a Jack)*

Sess-*puts down a 9*

Miroku-*puts down a 5*

Rin-*puts down a 13 (or a King)*

They all grinned and looked at InuYasha. 'Oh...yup I'm gone' he thought when he picked up his card and flipped it over. "WWWHHAAT?!! NOO!" he had draw a two. ((YAY!!!)) "Well Inu, babe, take it off!!!" Kagome whooped and started chanting little nothings about him pulling down the boxers.

He pulled them down blushing like twenty shades of red and no one really looked...except for...KAGOME! '' Kagome gaped and blinked blushing redder than InuYasha. "Eeep" he let out and pulled his boxers up. "Okay that's it no more game!!" and with that he hid under the bed.

Everyone went to talk about the rave over in a corner and Kagome peeked under the bed and slid under it herself. "InuYasha?" she whispered and poked him. He grunted a little.

"Oh it wasn't that bad." She said and nudged him blushing a bit, lucky them they were under a bed, no one could see.

"Yes, it was!" he whispered in a kinda furious tone and shifted away from her under the bed. "Well, I liked what I saw," she purred lightly in his ear and giggled. "R-really?"

" quit being a baby and come out here!" she laughed and started to pull him out from under the bed and went over with the others to talk.
"So, I'll be staying around here, how about I show you downtown LA some night soon?"

Heroine Bob slyly grinned looking around him. "Sure" everyone agreed. The night went on with slapping and gabbing away with knocks at the door every once in a while, their neighbors trying to get them to shut their pie holes!

"Good times man good times!" Miroku yelled and started singing 'The Day that I Die.' by Good Charlotte.
~~~Hey my fellow readers! I'm sorry if this chapter got abit boring...but after a while I wasn't feeling the vibe! But I had to update just for you guys! Makes you feel special huh? Well, I dunno man I am thinking about wrapping this fic up, but then I am debating should I do this all over again and have a sequel?!

I do not know but I will have another fiction up too which I am hardly working on but I swear when I have it up that it WILL be complete I will just be waiting for reviews. Which reminds me, please review this I got so many reviews on my last chapter keep it up!