InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ In the End Epilouge ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yes has come to an end, I thought about a sequel but damn it I am sick of this thing so I am starting another one and I'll have a few one shot fics and stuff they'll be R so don't bother reading them if your not into that stuff all I ask is for a review to know that I am still loved by you guys! Anyway here it is.the.*sniffles* epligoue.

Oh yeah and before I forget.


Well in the end guess what? Kagome and InuYasha stayed together. Kagome sat InuYasha until his back started to give out. As a matter of a fact he flew back to Japan (Thank goddness without Miroku!) to try to murder Keade for giving Kagome those beads.

"YOU BITCH!" he roared and started chasing Keade around the house, knocking the vases and what not trying to get a good grab at her.




"Yeah because I'm the only one who can." InuYasha and Keade stopped and whirled around and saw Kagome standing there with a hand on her hip and a backwards cap on looking very ghettofied if I do say so myself.


But of course Kagome followed him and stopped him. Not just by sitting him until he started to cry, but by threatening him with never having sex with him.

"Yes that's right no sex no loving from me." Kagome said and started to walk out the door. InuYasha whimpered and started to crawl after her out the door.


And that was all it took.

Kagome looked forward to the times of the month when it was a full moon so she could her chance with those cute ears of InuYasha's. And hell even.doing THAT, in his demon form. Good times! They went clubbing often dancing their asses off and getting stares even while they were in college with the big piles of work they received.

As for Sango and Miroku, they became sex fiends just like InuYasha and Kagome! Sango finally gave into Miroku, but that still didn't stop her from chasing him down with her magical frying pan even once in a while.

But with all sex comes a consequence! They had about four kids a few years after college, two boys and two girls, the boys picked up their fathers groping hands. Imagine then at pre-school trying to look up little girls skirts. Priceless.

The girls were like their momma going after the boys for scaring away their friends. But after the four kids Sango found a little thing called 'birth control' and that was easily fixed.

Kagome, InuYasha, Sango and Miroku all stayed together all those years workin gin the same places still maganing to have all the fun they could.

As for Sessho-maru and Rin, well Rin went back to get her education and then finally got to go to college herself in no other place other than California!

When she finally came of age well.she and Sessho-maru jumped on the band wagon and did the thing! Sessho-maru went to work at a big newspaper company in California and well Rin gad to be wild.

So she became a waitress in a bar and did table dancing! Anyone who tried to rape her would have to go through Sessho-maru first who always just happened to show up and save his woman.

Now for Calie and Herione Bob.well he stayed on his addiction for a few years until the police hunted him down and took him and Calie to jail. On the court date, Sessho-maru showd up and offered a lawyer for Bob and they won the case.

Herione Bob went to a clinic. And then he realized one thing.

He was gay.

So the relationship broke off and Herione Bob went to live in San Francisco the gay pride city. But then he found that acting was more of his calling so he went to live in New York.

No one ever knew he really ended up being gay except Calie, Sessho-maru and all of them. The rest of his family considered he finally got into jail. Served him right. Some family huh?

And remember Menomaru and the walruses? Well he ended living 'happily' ever after with big Bertha walrus! They had a nice old country walrus wedding and if re he refused he died. The honeymoon was a riot.

Imagine a huge sex craved walrus.

Flying around trying to attack this little pale guy with long whitish hair.

Yeah his life sucked but he got used to it! They actually had little children who always got teased because they were half walrus and half freaking human!!!

As for Huri and Rari, they ended up stripers at Denny's. They got thrown out though shortly after and from all that smoking they looked 40 at age 20 so they were screwed over. They ended up ugly with a lot of cats which they decided to cross breed with dogs to get some money. But it didn't work. The animals fought so much they ended up drying getting caught in the way of the cats' claws and the dogs' teeth.

Oh but wait! We can't forget Kokoro! She ended up having a small chain of restuants all over LA and then began to sprout to other parts of California, and she made a hell of a lot of money! But she still stayed in LA with the many children there because they needed her more.

So that was it.they all stayed in contact, and lived on there dreamy lives waking up a week at a time.


*sniffles*ITS OVER!!! Oh gosh it's over?!! I feel so empty!!! But I hope you guys enjoyed this! And if you like angst you'lll like the story I am working on now. I am planning to get it at least half done before putting it out so no extremely long waits for updates okay?

Let's see it's about Kagome around 16, her mom died years before and InuYasha her next door neighbor gave no sympathy when they were supposed to be friends! So from then on her attitude went down and their hate for each other only grew. Kagome' trying to find out secrets about her mother's past, but no go. Can she get a little bit of help from her friend from so many years ago? You'll find out when I put it up.