InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lonely hanyou ❯ Lonely hanyou ( Chapter 2 )
AUTHOR- Animelover123
AN: as of a review I am making another chapter for my fanfic lonely hanyou.
Lonely Hanyou Chapter 2.
He awoke with a startle to find someone pressed up against him. He opened his eyes to find that he was in kagomes room. He looked thunderstruck as he looked down to see kagome sleeping soundly upon his chest. As his memory of the previous night flooded back in he was relieved. He thought and remembered that she wanted to do it so it was all right to go back to sleep but he thought that if she got up she would feel angry. So he didn't go back to sleep until she awoke. Kagome woke up about 2 hours later to her alarm clock ringing. She pressed the snooze button and started getting up but suddenly stopped because of a weight was on her arm. As she looked down she met a sleeping hanyou. Her eyes went wide as the nights events came back into her head. She was about to wake inu up but he opened his eyes first and jolted upright.
"Hey kagome you all right" he asked hoping she wouldn't sit him until he was in hell. She looked at him with red cheeks as she just figured out that she was totally nude and he was as well. She covered herself from his eyes and went a deeper shade of red.
"Wha…what..Happened last night," she said cheeks redder then red. He looked at her closed his eyes for a minute and opened them.
"We aaaaa…made love kagome" he said hesitating. She looked at him like what the hell are you saying.
"Inu..Inuyasha" she asked. He looked up.
"What" he said thinking she is so going to sit me. But before he could mumble an apology he was in a tight lip lock with kagome. He kissed her back of course. They broke off after a few minutes breathing heavily.
"I love you so much inuyasha," she blurted out not caring who heard. He was absolutely taken aback as she said this. His heart thumped strongly as if it were about to burst.
"I love you to kagome" he said going into another heated battle of tongues. She looked at her alarm clock. It was 6:35 almost time for school. She broke the kiss and started toi get dressed.
"Sorry inuyasha, I have to go to school," she said looking, as she was about to die. "But you can stay and help my grandpa out with the shrine duties, ok?" she was tying her shoes at this point.
"ok kagome, but were going back to my time after you get back right?" He said expecting a quick answer. She mumbled something about she was going to be late the looked up.
"Yes inuyasha we are right after I get out of school" she said quickly and ran out the door. She grabbed a piece of toast and went out the door. Inuyasha started getting dressed. When he was done he went down to the kitchen and asked kagomes mom for something to eat.
"Oh, inuyasha when did you get here" she asked. Inuyasha went red at the question.
"Umm, jus got here" he said quickly still red but trying to hide it. Kagomes mom just looked at him. She knew something was up but dropped it thinking that it was his business.
"Ok what do you like?" she asked giving him a big smile. he looked at her wondering what he wanted. He remembered kagome saying that her moms French toast was the best.
"French toast please" he said remembering kagomes attempt to teach him proper manners. Kagomes mom smiled at him and nodded. He went to the living room and sat down on the couch. It was too soft for him so he sat down on the floor thinking it was much more comfortable.
"oh hey inuyasha" said kagome's grandpa. Inuyasha looked at him with an odd look.
"what do you want old man?" he said getting up off the floor. Kagome's grandpa just stared at him for a few seconds.
"Can you help me with the chores please?" he asked with a pleading voice. Inuyasha walked over to him and looked at him straight in the eye.
"feh, I'm about to eat" he said. Kagome's mom walked in the room carrying a plate of food. Inuyasha was drooling over the smell. The plate consisted of French toast, sausage, bacon, eggs, and an odd looking brown thing kagome said was a hash brow. He stepped away from kagome's grandpa to inspect the food more closely.
"your breakfast is ready inuyasha" she said with a big smile towards inuyasha. She handed the plate to inuyasha. He took it and went to sit back on the floor. He was already half done with it by the time he sat down.
"yours is to grandpa, its in the kitchen" she said before leaving to the kitchen. Kagome's grandpa walked over to inuyasha.
"Can you please help me with the chores inuyasha?" he asked before leaving the room but before he could leave inuyasha got up as now he was finished with his meal.
"hey gramps" he said with an evil voice which made kagome's grandpa stop in his tracks.
"What inuyasha" he said with a shaky voice. Inuyasha walked over to him and pot a hand on his shoulder.
"I'll help you if you tell me when kagome gets back" he whispered not wanting kagome's mom to hear.
"She gets back in about four hours" he said. Inuyasha frowned at this answer. He thought about just going to her school and dragging her out but she would sit him until a crater was formed.
"What do you need help with old man" inuyasha snickered. Kagome's grandpa was not happy at that comment but brushed it aside for the time being. They both set of towards the shrine.
"ok I need you to pull the weeds, sweep and mop the floor inside, and water the plants, ok" he said with a grin but to his amazement inuyasha went right to work. he on the other hand had plans to wash the windows he gave inuyasha the rest of the chores. After they were done three hours passed like nothing. Inuyasha now was resting on top of the gishonbuku tree ware he was trapped for fifty years until kagome set him free. He waited there until kagome arrived. He picked up her scent before he saw her coming up the steps. He jumped down to go greet her.
"hey kagome" he said with a yawn. She looked at him an yawned as well.
"Hey inu" she said hugging him. He looked surprised but hugged her back.
"ready to go to the feudal era?" she asked with a smile.
"Not yet no" he said before picking her up and jumping up towards her bedroom window. He leapt in after opening it an closed it and threw kagome on her bed and went to her door and locked it.
"don't want my prey getting away now do I" he said to kagome with lust in his eyes. He jumped on her and proceeded to kiss her deeply. He swiped his tongue across her bottom lip asking entrance to her mouth she gave it to him freely. They kissed for about 3 minutes until they broke away for air. In there actions the top 2 buttons on kagomes shirt undone. Inuyasha ripped of her shirt and bra and started biting, licking, and squeezing her left tit all the while rolling the other tit between his thumb and forefinger. She was moaning inu's name. Inuyasha switched breasts and did the same to it that he done with the other. He trailed down leaving butterfly kisses between the valley of her breast on down to her navel and then to his ultimate goal in live right to the nectar of her flower. He so loved the taste of her that and her arousal was making his member stand at attention. He started to lick her and play with the bud of her flower making her push up into his face. He nibbled and licked the outside and inside furiously. He then put a finger in and started to pump in and out. He had about three fingers in before she came with a broke up version of his name. She was at the height of her orgasmic bliss before she realized inu had gotten undressed and was entering her. He pumped in and out fast not wanting to start slow. Kagome gave a deep moan and lifted her hips to meet his she was going pace to pace with inuyasha keeping up with his thrusts. He felt her near her point and flipped her over on her stomach all the while keeping his pace. Kagome was startled but dint care because she couldn't think rationally so she went with it. Inuyasha was bent over her playing with her breasts. She was close to her breaking point. A few more thrusts and she came. Inuyasha sunk his fangs into kagome ware the neck met the shoulder. Kagome screamed out but not in pain it was pleasure. Inuyasha came inside of kagome after they where off there orgasmic high inuyasha took his fangs out of kagome and licked the wound. They both layed on the bed purely exhausted breathing heavily.
"what was that for inuyasha?" she asked eyeing him lovingly. He looked at her and yawned before answering.
"I marked you as my mate" he answered looking straight into her eyes. She layed back down rolled over.
"you mean im yours forever" she said smiling. Inuyasha smiled for a different reason.
"I cant wait until we tell that mangy wolf koaga" he said with the smirk still on his face. But kagome had fallen asleep already so he layed down and drifted of to sleep thinking of the reaction koaga would have when he smelt his scent on kagome later. He fell asleep with a smile on his face.