InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ Memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Lost time: an Inuyasha fanfic

Chapter 1- Memories

Kagome looked longingly at the well and wished that it still worked as a way to reach the Feudal Era and all her friends. It had been 3 long years since the final battle against Naraku and her wish on the jewel that sent her into the abyss and back home again. The final battle had been long and hard and took 7 days to kill that bastard, along with his reincarnations like Kagura, Kanna and the others. No one had emerged unscathed but thankfully no one had died on their side and she wondered how everyone was doing since that last fateful night when she made her wish.

*Flashback- 3 years ago*

The battle was over and Kagome slowly made her way to each member of her group to make sure they were alive and able to move around. First her sister in heart, Sango stirred awake after being knocked from Kirara and hitting her head pretty hard on the ground; next was Miroku who had thrown himself at Sango in an attempt to protect her from one of Naraku’s tentacles after she fell. He appeared bruised but fine, including the look of amazement at realizing that his wind tunnel was finally gone. Kirara meowed and pushed her head against Miroku and Sango and was only limping slightly before letting Kagome know that she would watch over them. Next Kagome crept over to little Shippo who had fought bravely against Kanna and had used his foxfire magic to break her evil mirror and thus shattering her as well; he was laying quite still but breathing peacefully so Kagome knew he would be alright. Lastly she walked to Inuyasha who was pretty messed up after suffering several impacts from his Adamant Barrage being backfired at him from Naraku’s barrier until Kagome had shot her arrow and broken the barrier at the end. Inuyasha opened his eyes and looked sadly at Kikyo who was obviously dead and broken in her clay body, while her soul had finally escaped back into Kagome once again directly after the battle. He sighed and Kagome helped him lift himself off the ground while using Tetsusaiga as a crutch and they walked over to the others. Everyone looked around the battlefield and at last Kagome spotted the Sacred Jewel, whole but not completely purified, so she walked over and picked it up carefully. Kagome held it in the palm of her hand and concentrated on purifying the Jewel, she and the Jewel took on a blindingly bright light that shone over the entire battlefield until finally turning white and pink and settling softly in her hand. Kagome looked different, radiant and glowing and powerful, very powerful while the others looked on in stunned silence before coming out of their trance-like state and moving together towards her. They all looked at the Jewel as Kagome put it around her neck and told them she would make her wish later after everyone had healed and she could say good-bye to everyone. It took a week for everyone’s injuries to heal enough that Kagome felt she needed to make a wish before other demons came looking for the complete Jewel; she felt so bad at the thought of leaving her friends and her little adopted kitsune, Shippo, who wanted to stay with her. The only other person that Kagome wanted to see and say goodbye to was Sesshomaru who had fought hard in the battle with Naraku and was the one who had helped her right after the battle when all her comrades had been unconscious. Her heart fluttered at the thought of not getting to see him again and realizing that though she loved Inuyasha it had become as a brother, not as a lover.

Though Kagome had not told a single soul of her love for the demon lord and never thought in a million years that he could love her in the same way, which is why she hadn’t told anyone, especially knowing the relationship that Inuyasha had with his half-brother. Kagome finished gathering her things and told everyone good-bye and that she hoped the Jewel would disappear forever but wanted the magic of the well to still work. Kagome stood beside the well and palmed the Jewel in her hand somehow hoping that Sesshomaru would feel her need to speak to him but she knew it was unlikely because he hated humans. She had long ago figured out that though he cared for Rin like a daughter he was not so forgiving towards other humans, including a powerful miko like herself. Kagome had done all that she could to show Sesshomaru that she could be an asset in battle and protect herself and her friends, she had shot the arrow to weaken Naraku so that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s combined attack would kill him and she had gathered all the shards of the Sacred Jewel in order to make it whole again and purify it. Kagome shook off her negative feelings and prepared to make her wish... please allow all those tainted by Naraku’s evil to be happy once more and free to live and love as they choose. *Pop!* With a slight hiss and pop the Jewel lit up and exploded in a rainbow of light sending Kagome into darkness before returning her to her time on the other side of the well, 500 years in the future.

*End Flashback*

Kagome sighed again and went to sit beneath the Goshinbuko tree, rubbing her hands along the bark and thinking about her friends and the one man she would never stop loving. Little did she know that the same man or demon lord was on the other side of the well standing beneath the same tree and wondering where the strange little miko had disappeared to after the battle with Naraku those few years ago. Sesshomaru sighed and decided that it was time to deal with his little brother and his odd pack and to find out what had become of the Jewel and its priestess.