InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ Mates, Babes, Pups & more... ( Chapter 14 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 14- Mates, Babes, Pups and more...
10 years later...
Kagome stood beside Sesshomaru at the gate of the castle and listened to the head of the guard, Ginjiro, a silver kitsune, discuss the new uniforms for the guards and the positioning on guards on the lower east end of the castle. Sesshomaru nodded and ‘hnned’ when necessary but Kagome noticed how the kitsune kept looking past them to the castle window where a certain young girl was peering out. Kagome thought ‘hmm I guess I never noticed how grown up Rin was now and that she might want to find a mate of her own. She is 20 years old now and its obvious that Ginjiro likes the girl, which makes sense since he has known her since she was a child and since her brother Shippo is a kitsune too. Oooh I haven’t been this excited over someone else finding their mate since Inuyasha and Aiko fell in love and mated 6 years ago. He he he. I wonder what matchmaking things I can get into and if Sess will allow our little Rin to finally be a grown up. Thats going to be hard for him to accept, her falling in love and mating someone. Hmmm, I’ll need to work on him some.’
Kagome touched Sesshomaru’s arm to let him know she was returning inside and gave a smile and nod to Ginjiro before slowly making her nearly 8 month pregnant body move up the walkway. It was hard to believe that she and Sesshomaru had been mated for so long and that they now had 9 and a half year old Tsukiko and 5 year old Yuzuki, her beautiful little boy with long white hair like his father and golden eyes but cute little silver puppy ears like his sister and uncle. She was now ready to give birth soon to another pup but this time was different because she and Sango were both pregnant at the same time. They referred to the time they got pregnant as the ‘sake incident’ because there was a celebration for the birth of Inuyasha and Aiko’s second daughter, Sakura and everyone got a little drunk. It was fun though and neither woman regretted it since Sango and Kagome had both wanted more children, with Sango and Miroku only having Kaneko and 8 year old Ichiro, a calm quiet little boy with the wisdom of his father and none of his mother’s aggressive tendencies. Kagome decided to see who was around before attempting any of the stairs that led to the second floor of the castle. “Aiko? Are you around here? Inuyasha? Hello?” With her last call out came Kiku with her two sisters and asked what she needed and to tell her where the others were. Inuyasha had taken Aiko to visit Sango and Miroku in the slayer’s village and to let them visit with the new baby, Sakura and her older sister, Sayuri who was now 3 years old. Kagome never ceased to be amazed by the growth of her pack and the number of children born to her little group. She hoped to see Rin mated soon and Shippo had already been talking about the eldest maid servant, Kiku and how he had been in love with her for years but never had the nerve to ask to court her. Sesshomaru and Kagome had both given their blessing but the kitsune was still tripping over himself whenever she came into a room. No matter how old he got, he was 21 in human years now, he was always going to be her little kitsune. Kagome sighed and decided to go and speak to Rin before Sesshomaru came back in the castle, ‘well here goes nothing.’
When Kagome reached Rin’s room she knocked and then pushed the door open slowly, not expecting to see the girl staring out the window with a serious expression on her face. “Rin honey, are you okay?” Rin turned slowly from the window not really seeing her mother standing there until Kagome reached out and touched her arm.
“Oh sorry okaa-san I didn’t hear you knock. Did you need me? Are you okay?” Rin looked, really looked at her mother and reached out to touch her belly and smiled. “I can’t wait to meet my newest brother or sister. I wish that I had someone that loved me as much as otou-san loves you so I could be mated and have a pup of my own.” Kagome noticed that Rin said pup and not baby which implied that she wanted a demon mate not a human one. “Oh well Rin I’d say that a certain silver kitsune was staring up at your window like he could devour you straight through it.” She smiled and hugged her daughter and told her, “Rin, if you love someone you have to fight for it, work for it and make it happen. You can’t just look out a window and hope that he sees you. I think Ginjiro is a fine youkai and will make an excellent mate for you. You have my blessing and I will start working on your father so it won’t shock him to death. Ha ha. It’s an exciting year for us all with me and Sango getting ready for these new ones and with Shippo trying to get a mate of his own as well. Do what your heart tells you Rin, if I hadn’t just jumped into that well 11 years ago because I loved Lord Sesshomaru so much then who knows what might have happened? I love you my beautiful daughter and cannot wait to start planning your mating ceremony.” Rin looked a little shocked at how much Kagome had said all in practically one breath but then again Kagome could talk up a storm with the best of them. Then Rin giggled that sweet little laugh that she had never grown out of and hugged her mother carefully before beginning her tale of love and lust for the fabulous silver kitsune head of the guard. She and Kagome talked for over two hours before Shippo bounded in chattering about how he finally spoke to Kiku and she was in love with him too! The little group chatted for a while longer before the bell chimed for dinner and the three walked together down the stairs and into the dining room where Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and Aiko were already waiting.
“Hey what were you guys yakking about for so long, huh?” Inuyasha asked as he sat cross legged next to his mate, Aiko who had 3 year old Sayuri next to her, the baby was asleep in its room with the nurse maid. Aiko hushed her mate and waited on Lord Sesshomaru to sit so they could begin eating. Kagome hurried to her mate’s side, well as fast as she could hurry being as big as she was, and they all sat and began to eat. Shippo kept passing nervous glances at Kiku while she served dinner and she kept glancing at him with a soft look in her eyes. Rin, however, was thoughtful as she picked at her food and then finally asked to be excused so she could go for a walk before it was too dark. Kagome immediately said yes and smiled as she watched Rin scurry away, not out the back towards the gardens but out the front door towards the main gate. Sesshomaru looked at Kagome with a smirk and questioning gaze and decided to wait until later to find out what was going on with Rin.
Rin walked slowly towards the main gate where she saw Ginjiro standing facing the forest and nervously wrung her hands while deciding what she should say. ‘Oh how do you tell someone you love them exactly? Do I just say hello Ginjiro I’ve loved you since I was a little girl? No, no no that would be weird right? Oh my what would Lord Sesshomaru do if he was faced with a serious situation that required cold, calculated facts? Oh wait this isn’t like that though, is it? I feel all warm and tingly when I look at Ginjiro and when he smiles I feel my heart beat twice as fast... and-..’ And with that Rin walked straight into Ginjiro’s back and fell on her backside while he stumbled forwards before swiftly turning around and pulling out his sword. “My Lady Rin, are you alright? What happened?” Ginjiro helped Rin to her feet and felt the urge to not let go before quickly remembering his place and that Lord Sesshomaru was his employer as well as respected friend and he had no place thinking of his lord’s daughter in such a romantic way. Rin on the other hand smiled a shy smile at Ginjiro and asked if she could speak to him for a moment alone. He nodded and informed the other guard to call up a replacement for him while he escorted Lady Rin on a short walk. When they were far enough away from prying ears Rin turned to Ginjiro and took his hand in hers. Ginjiro was shocked and not unhappy that his Lady wished to hold his hand but was curious as to what she wanted, “What is it that you needed from me my Lady?” He carefully took his hand back and stepped back from her a step or two which hurt Rin’s feelings a bit but she knew it wasn’t going to be easy to persuade the head of Lord Sesshomaru’s guard to fall in love with her and risk Sesshomaru’s disapproval. Rin decided it was worth the risk to her and she stepped towards Ginjiro and quickly reached up to kiss him before stepping back fast and saying, “Don’t say anything okay? I care for you, I have since I was a little girl and I want with you. Kagome knows how I feel and she is going to try to persuade otou-san to realize its okay for me to grow up now and be with someone of my own. I want you to think about it and just know how much I... well...I love you. There now I’ve gotta go now. Bye!” And with that Rin ran all the way up the path and into the castle without a look back and the shell-shocked Ginjiro who had a dazed expression on his face and a kind of goofy grin.
10 years later...
Kagome stood beside Sesshomaru at the gate of the castle and listened to the head of the guard, Ginjiro, a silver kitsune, discuss the new uniforms for the guards and the positioning on guards on the lower east end of the castle. Sesshomaru nodded and ‘hnned’ when necessary but Kagome noticed how the kitsune kept looking past them to the castle window where a certain young girl was peering out. Kagome thought ‘hmm I guess I never noticed how grown up Rin was now and that she might want to find a mate of her own. She is 20 years old now and its obvious that Ginjiro likes the girl, which makes sense since he has known her since she was a child and since her brother Shippo is a kitsune too. Oooh I haven’t been this excited over someone else finding their mate since Inuyasha and Aiko fell in love and mated 6 years ago. He he he. I wonder what matchmaking things I can get into and if Sess will allow our little Rin to finally be a grown up. Thats going to be hard for him to accept, her falling in love and mating someone. Hmmm, I’ll need to work on him some.’
Kagome touched Sesshomaru’s arm to let him know she was returning inside and gave a smile and nod to Ginjiro before slowly making her nearly 8 month pregnant body move up the walkway. It was hard to believe that she and Sesshomaru had been mated for so long and that they now had 9 and a half year old Tsukiko and 5 year old Yuzuki, her beautiful little boy with long white hair like his father and golden eyes but cute little silver puppy ears like his sister and uncle. She was now ready to give birth soon to another pup but this time was different because she and Sango were both pregnant at the same time. They referred to the time they got pregnant as the ‘sake incident’ because there was a celebration for the birth of Inuyasha and Aiko’s second daughter, Sakura and everyone got a little drunk. It was fun though and neither woman regretted it since Sango and Kagome had both wanted more children, with Sango and Miroku only having Kaneko and 8 year old Ichiro, a calm quiet little boy with the wisdom of his father and none of his mother’s aggressive tendencies. Kagome decided to see who was around before attempting any of the stairs that led to the second floor of the castle. “Aiko? Are you around here? Inuyasha? Hello?” With her last call out came Kiku with her two sisters and asked what she needed and to tell her where the others were. Inuyasha had taken Aiko to visit Sango and Miroku in the slayer’s village and to let them visit with the new baby, Sakura and her older sister, Sayuri who was now 3 years old. Kagome never ceased to be amazed by the growth of her pack and the number of children born to her little group. She hoped to see Rin mated soon and Shippo had already been talking about the eldest maid servant, Kiku and how he had been in love with her for years but never had the nerve to ask to court her. Sesshomaru and Kagome had both given their blessing but the kitsune was still tripping over himself whenever she came into a room. No matter how old he got, he was 21 in human years now, he was always going to be her little kitsune. Kagome sighed and decided to go and speak to Rin before Sesshomaru came back in the castle, ‘well here goes nothing.’
When Kagome reached Rin’s room she knocked and then pushed the door open slowly, not expecting to see the girl staring out the window with a serious expression on her face. “Rin honey, are you okay?” Rin turned slowly from the window not really seeing her mother standing there until Kagome reached out and touched her arm.
“Oh sorry okaa-san I didn’t hear you knock. Did you need me? Are you okay?” Rin looked, really looked at her mother and reached out to touch her belly and smiled. “I can’t wait to meet my newest brother or sister. I wish that I had someone that loved me as much as otou-san loves you so I could be mated and have a pup of my own.” Kagome noticed that Rin said pup and not baby which implied that she wanted a demon mate not a human one. “Oh well Rin I’d say that a certain silver kitsune was staring up at your window like he could devour you straight through it.” She smiled and hugged her daughter and told her, “Rin, if you love someone you have to fight for it, work for it and make it happen. You can’t just look out a window and hope that he sees you. I think Ginjiro is a fine youkai and will make an excellent mate for you. You have my blessing and I will start working on your father so it won’t shock him to death. Ha ha. It’s an exciting year for us all with me and Sango getting ready for these new ones and with Shippo trying to get a mate of his own as well. Do what your heart tells you Rin, if I hadn’t just jumped into that well 11 years ago because I loved Lord Sesshomaru so much then who knows what might have happened? I love you my beautiful daughter and cannot wait to start planning your mating ceremony.” Rin looked a little shocked at how much Kagome had said all in practically one breath but then again Kagome could talk up a storm with the best of them. Then Rin giggled that sweet little laugh that she had never grown out of and hugged her mother carefully before beginning her tale of love and lust for the fabulous silver kitsune head of the guard. She and Kagome talked for over two hours before Shippo bounded in chattering about how he finally spoke to Kiku and she was in love with him too! The little group chatted for a while longer before the bell chimed for dinner and the three walked together down the stairs and into the dining room where Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and Aiko were already waiting.
“Hey what were you guys yakking about for so long, huh?” Inuyasha asked as he sat cross legged next to his mate, Aiko who had 3 year old Sayuri next to her, the baby was asleep in its room with the nurse maid. Aiko hushed her mate and waited on Lord Sesshomaru to sit so they could begin eating. Kagome hurried to her mate’s side, well as fast as she could hurry being as big as she was, and they all sat and began to eat. Shippo kept passing nervous glances at Kiku while she served dinner and she kept glancing at him with a soft look in her eyes. Rin, however, was thoughtful as she picked at her food and then finally asked to be excused so she could go for a walk before it was too dark. Kagome immediately said yes and smiled as she watched Rin scurry away, not out the back towards the gardens but out the front door towards the main gate. Sesshomaru looked at Kagome with a smirk and questioning gaze and decided to wait until later to find out what was going on with Rin.
Rin walked slowly towards the main gate where she saw Ginjiro standing facing the forest and nervously wrung her hands while deciding what she should say. ‘Oh how do you tell someone you love them exactly? Do I just say hello Ginjiro I’ve loved you since I was a little girl? No, no no that would be weird right? Oh my what would Lord Sesshomaru do if he was faced with a serious situation that required cold, calculated facts? Oh wait this isn’t like that though, is it? I feel all warm and tingly when I look at Ginjiro and when he smiles I feel my heart beat twice as fast... and-..’ And with that Rin walked straight into Ginjiro’s back and fell on her backside while he stumbled forwards before swiftly turning around and pulling out his sword. “My Lady Rin, are you alright? What happened?” Ginjiro helped Rin to her feet and felt the urge to not let go before quickly remembering his place and that Lord Sesshomaru was his employer as well as respected friend and he had no place thinking of his lord’s daughter in such a romantic way. Rin on the other hand smiled a shy smile at Ginjiro and asked if she could speak to him for a moment alone. He nodded and informed the other guard to call up a replacement for him while he escorted Lady Rin on a short walk. When they were far enough away from prying ears Rin turned to Ginjiro and took his hand in hers. Ginjiro was shocked and not unhappy that his Lady wished to hold his hand but was curious as to what she wanted, “What is it that you needed from me my Lady?” He carefully took his hand back and stepped back from her a step or two which hurt Rin’s feelings a bit but she knew it wasn’t going to be easy to persuade the head of Lord Sesshomaru’s guard to fall in love with her and risk Sesshomaru’s disapproval. Rin decided it was worth the risk to her and she stepped towards Ginjiro and quickly reached up to kiss him before stepping back fast and saying, “Don’t say anything okay? I care for you, I have since I was a little girl and I want with you. Kagome knows how I feel and she is going to try to persuade otou-san to realize its okay for me to grow up now and be with someone of my own. I want you to think about it and just know how much I... well...I love you. There now I’ve gotta go now. Bye!” And with that Rin ran all the way up the path and into the castle without a look back and the shell-shocked Ginjiro who had a dazed expression on his face and a kind of goofy grin.