InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ A New Pup and a Lovesick Hanyou ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 13- A New Pup and a Lovesick Hanyou

The days seemed to run together as Kagome’s pregnancy began to show and the palace of the Moon began to prepare for the arrival of the heir of the Western Lands. Kagome was handling the stress of pregnancy well and except for her mood swings she was happier than she had ever been. Inuyasha was spending more time at the castle trying to learn his proper role as second in command of the Western Lands and to try and help with the patrolling so Sesshomaru could stay with Kagome. The distance to the slayer’s village was not so far that Sesshomaru and Kagome visited one week and the others would come to visit them the next week or so. All the friends and members of the pack that they now were got to see each other just about every week and this was to the delight of all involved. Shippo decided to continue his training with Sesshomaru and came to live in the castle where he could spend time with his mother and new sister, Rin. All seemed to be happy in the Western Lands and the Fall turned into winter and then finally Spring broke through with a flourish of flowers and a very pregnant miko ready to give birth.

“Uh-oh, I think a certain pup is ready to make their appearance.” Kagome looked to her mate and breathed out a deep sigh of trepidation and relief. She knew that the time had come to give birth to her little bundle of joy but she was slightly afraid and nervous about this momentous occasion. I hope I can do this... I know I can... I’m strong, I have Sesshomaru here and Kaede arrived a few days ago to help me... so its going to be okay. I’m okay... wow...this kind of hurts now... oh Kami... breathe, breathe. “OWWWW!!” Kagome clenched her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut as Sesshomaru helped her sit on the futon and called for the servant Natsumi to fetch the miko Kaede from the garden. Rin and Shippo hurried into the room followed by the elder Kaede who immediately called for the children to be taken to their rooms and for Sesshomaru to step outside for a few moments.

“Is it time child? You must remember to be calm and breathe slowly. We will get you out of your kimono and comfortable in the bed before we see how much progress you have made. Alright.. Lets get you ready for this pup!” Kaede smiled reassuringly at Kagome and helped her to get out of the uncomfortable kimono and hakamas and positioned up against the pillows on the futon. After talking with the young miko and checking to see how things were progressing she allowed the taiyoukai to return to the room and sit with his mate. It would be several hours before a tiny cry and bark like sound would be heard coming from the Western Lord’s chambers and another few anxious minutes before he would emerge holding a tiny pink bundle that featured large golden eyes and tiny black ears on the top of her head. Sesshomaru walked to his brother who was waiting nervously to make sure all was well with his sister and newest pack member. He said, “Uncle Yasha may I present your niece, Tsukiko.” Sesshomaru then placed the tiny squirming bundle into Inuyasha’s arms and smiled a proud smile for the rest of the group to see. “Kagome is fine and resting, she will be allowed visitors when she awakes. Sango you may be the first to visit with her if you like.” Sango turned and smiled at the demon lord before peeking into the bundle and having her finger grasped by a wide eyed little hanyou girl. “Oh she is so cute! Look at her ears Inuyasha... they are just like yours! Oh I bet Kagome loved that!” Sango tried to whisper knowing that their ears were more sensitive and she didn’t want to squeal into them. Sesshomaru looked at Inuyasha’s face and saw the look of pride and love that shone there and he knew that all was right in his world, his pack was strong and loving and his brother was back where he should have always been. He knew that the fact that he now had a hanyou child would lead to several jokes later on about Sesshomaru’s less than tolerable behavior towards his brother in the past but somehow he knew it would all be in jest and the hanyou didn’t hold a grudge any longer.

Before anyone knew it Spring had faded into Summer and the castle was abuzz with energy and new life. The Western Lord and Lady were hosting a gathering of the other lords to meet their new addition and heir and some of the others had just arrived. Several of the servants were gathered in the front entrance waiting to show the lords and their ladies to their rooms, Kiku, Fuji and Botan were human sisters that came to live in the castle when their village was destroyed in a fire last year. Shippo had developed a crush on the young Kiku who was only 12 years old and the youngest of the three sisters. It was Botan the eldest sister who announced the arrival of Lord Kouga and Lady Ayame of the Northern Lands, as Ayame had mated Kouga and thus made him leader of the Northern and Eastern Wolf Tribes. Kagome embraced both wolves and they smiled and made introductions to their three little cubs, “Lady Kagome may I introduce my cubs: Reika, Isamu and little Kenta.” Ayame showed graciousness where Kouga puffed up with pride and stated how much the cubs were like him. Everyone laughed when the littlest one Kenta stripped off his clothes and ran naked through the castle, while Kagome said, “Yeah Kouga he is just like you!” He immediately ran after the little cub and Sesshomaru decided to introduce Ayame to his newest pack member and pup, “This is Tsukiko, heir of the Western Lands and the cutest little inu hanyou ever.” Somehow the way the serious taiyoukai said this made everyone laugh and Inuyasha immediately answered back, “yeah well only cause I’m her uncle you pompous ass! Ha ha ha!” From the look he received Inuyasha high tailed it out into the courtyard and out the gate before anyone could blink. Kagome laughed before taking little Suki and telling Sesshomaru to cool it and go bring him back before dinner.

Inuyasha had made it to the gates into the castle before he stopped and checked that his brother wasn’t following him...yet. He knew it was only a matter of minutes before Kagome told him to come bring him back in so he decided to hide in the trees and make it a game of hide and seek. After he had hopped back and forth through several trees to spread out his scent he stopped and sniffed the air, huh I wonder who that is I smell. It’s a female...inu hanyou like me? What? I better see who it is before Fluffmeister gets here. Inuyasha jumped down and slowly made his way to where he smelled the girl. He stopped at the edge of a clearing and spotted a beautiful hanyou just like himself with silver shining hair and cute little gray ears perched on the top of her head. He cleared his throat and said, “Excuse me... are you lost or something?” The hanyou turned and shot her green eyes at him before answering, “well not really lost, I’m heading to the castle of the Western Lord... my village was attacked and I have no where else to go. The human villages are afraid of me and this was the only place I knew of where hanyous such as myself were accepted. You are an Inu hanyou like me aren’t you?” She walked closer to Inuyasha and looked at his hair and ears and then curiously into his eyes before he shook himself enough to answer her, “uh yeah, I’m a hanyou like you. I’m Inuyasha, son of Inu Taisho and brother to Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands. I can take you to the castle if you want. What’s your name?” The girl smiled at him and Inuyasha felt like his entire world got brighter all at once before he listened to her say her name, “Aiko”. She walked beside him as he lead the way back to the castle gates just as Sesshomaru came out and called to him to come in and tell him who the newest visitor was. Aiko was a bit nervous but after being introduced and explaining why she had come to the castle then everyone just smiled and Kagome had her servant Natsumi show her to a room where she could clean up and rest before dinner. After the arrival of the Eastern Lord and Lady, tiger youkais and the Southern Lord and Lady, bear youkais, the dinner guests were assembled and served in the great hall. After dinner they had a little introduction of baby Tsukiko and everyone laughed at the antics of ‘Uncle Yasha’ and the use of his and little Suki’s puppy dog ears. Kagome was happy and thankful that all her friends could attend and that Inuyasha had obviously been over the moon at the newest guest, Aiko.