InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ Down the Rabbit Hole ( Chapter 12 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 12- Down the Rabbit Hole
Kagome, Sesshomaru and the rest of the group arrived at the Bone Eater’s Well the next afternoon and everyone was nervous to find out if Inuyasha would be able to travel through the well.
Kagome was nervous and was trying to think about how she would handle things if Inuyasha was not permitted through the well. “Should I attempt the well? Would I want to? Do I have to choose who I love more? Who I would rather be with? My family here or my family in the future? I don’t want to choose, I love them all. I need to meditate before Inuyasha attempts the well, yes, that is what I’ll do right now.” Kagome thought quickly and as they all stopped and looked at each other, she spoke “Guys I’m going to need a few minutes to meditate on this, okay? Just in case it works or doesn’t I need to sort out how I’m going to deal with this situation.” Everyone looked at the little onna they all loved so much and decided to give her a few minutes alone at the well to sort out her thoughts and feelings. “Lady Kagome, we will go into the trees and give you some privacy but not too far that we cannot hear you if you need us.” Miroku spoke and then led the others towards the treeline while Sesshomaru leaned over and quickly kissed her cheek and looked deeply into her eyes, showing her deep emotion that would soothe her heart and thoughts. He strolled off towards the others without a backward look, knowing that she watched him walk away and would not wish to be apart for too long, he smirked to himself before the hanyou saw him and then he was wearing his usual stoic mask.
Kagome sat down beneath the Goshinbuko tree and sat in the traditional meditation pose with her hands lightly placed on her folded up knees. She breathed deeply and focused her energies on the place beneath this same tree in her time, suddenly finding herself looking at the shrine house and her mother, jii-chan and little brother standing there. They all smiled at her and she sensed their love and understanding and she smiled in return before speaking, “mama, I am finally with the one I love, my great taiyoukai Lord Sesshomaru... I am now his Lady of the Western Lands. I am so happy. I miss you all and I love you but I cannot return now. Perhaps I can come here and speak with you at times... I don’t know. I need you to understand that I will always be with you if you sit here under this great tree and remember me. Can you hear me? Is it okay with you all?” Kagome spoke out loud to them all and when she finished her mother stepped forward and told her, “yes Kagome, my lovely daughter, we hear you and we understand. We love you more than you know and we are glad you have been sent back to where you belong. All things happen for a reason and I pray to the Kamis that you have a long and happy life with many children. I know you are with your friends now and they are your family now. Be happy and know that we are also with you always.” Her mother reached out and for a moment she felt the touch of her mother on her cheek, warm and comforting and most importantly, understanding. Kagome sighed and smiled and then opened her eyes again and was back exactly where she was before, she had willed herself to them through the span of time and knew that if she could do it once then she could do it again soon. There was no need for Inuyasha to attempt the well now, she had her peace and could move forwards in her life in this time, with her new family. Which would be growing soon if she had just sensed what she thought she had... the beat of a heart, a new life inside of her.
She had something to tell her demon mate and her friends... “Sesshomaru-sama, can you please join me here?” Kagome spoke softly knowing her mate heard her with his superior hearing and with his speed he was standing in front of her within moments.
Sesshomaru wondered at the expression of peace and serenity that his mate was wearing and decided he liked it but was curious as to why she was wearing it now instead of later. “Perhaps she has decided to forget about the well, or maybe she has decided to leave us. NO NO NO. I will not think such things. Our mate would never leave us! She is different though.. What is different? She is peaceful, calm, she smells different. Only slightly... what is that smell? I will demand to know what has changed!” “This Sesshomaru demands to know why you are so peaceful. Why are you not concerned for your family anymore? Why has your scent changed? Tell me!”
Kagome couldn’t help but smile and laugh a little at the childish behavior of the great taiyoukai but decided he should know what was going on now. “My Lord, I have transcended time and met with my okaa-san, jii-chan and Souta and spoken with them. They understand I am staying and they are happy for me and for you. They know this is what I want now and I am at peace with my decision to stay here with you, with my new family... and with our family.” Kagome smiled at him and pressed herself against him before saying softly, “I think our pup would like me to be around its father, don’t you?” Kagome laughed at how quickly Lord Sesshomaru pulled away from her before kneeling down and placing his face against her stomach. He sniffed and listened before looking up at her and smiling, “Yes our pup is there. I feel it, I smell it and I can hear its heartbeat. You have pleased me more than I thought possible, my mate. My Kagome.” Sesshomaru pulled her into his arms and breathed in the subtle scent her neck was giving off and buried his face there, nipping her mating mark gently.
The others had begun to walk back towards Kagome when they noticed the pair intimately embrace and then stopped in shock as Sesshomaru knelt and smelled Kagome’s stomach. Immediately Inuyasha looked at Shippo and they knew that they were going to have a new member of the pack. Sango looked at a slightly confused Miroku before explaining that a dog demon could smell his offspring within the belly of its mate, and with that information he smiled and laughed. They waited a few minutes before slowly approaching the pair and Inuyasha immediately leaned forward to sniff Kagome without touching her. Sesshomaru allowed it knowing what his brother was doing and simply said, “Brother, if you are quite done sniffing my mate then we can forgo the mission into the well and return to the village.” Before walking away with Kagome he turned and smirked saying, “oh and uncle Yasha could you please lead the way?” This statement caused the hanyou to grin widely and shoot off towards the front of the little group and towards the village in the distance.
Kagome, Sesshomaru and the rest of the group arrived at the Bone Eater’s Well the next afternoon and everyone was nervous to find out if Inuyasha would be able to travel through the well.
Kagome was nervous and was trying to think about how she would handle things if Inuyasha was not permitted through the well. “Should I attempt the well? Would I want to? Do I have to choose who I love more? Who I would rather be with? My family here or my family in the future? I don’t want to choose, I love them all. I need to meditate before Inuyasha attempts the well, yes, that is what I’ll do right now.” Kagome thought quickly and as they all stopped and looked at each other, she spoke “Guys I’m going to need a few minutes to meditate on this, okay? Just in case it works or doesn’t I need to sort out how I’m going to deal with this situation.” Everyone looked at the little onna they all loved so much and decided to give her a few minutes alone at the well to sort out her thoughts and feelings. “Lady Kagome, we will go into the trees and give you some privacy but not too far that we cannot hear you if you need us.” Miroku spoke and then led the others towards the treeline while Sesshomaru leaned over and quickly kissed her cheek and looked deeply into her eyes, showing her deep emotion that would soothe her heart and thoughts. He strolled off towards the others without a backward look, knowing that she watched him walk away and would not wish to be apart for too long, he smirked to himself before the hanyou saw him and then he was wearing his usual stoic mask.
Kagome sat down beneath the Goshinbuko tree and sat in the traditional meditation pose with her hands lightly placed on her folded up knees. She breathed deeply and focused her energies on the place beneath this same tree in her time, suddenly finding herself looking at the shrine house and her mother, jii-chan and little brother standing there. They all smiled at her and she sensed their love and understanding and she smiled in return before speaking, “mama, I am finally with the one I love, my great taiyoukai Lord Sesshomaru... I am now his Lady of the Western Lands. I am so happy. I miss you all and I love you but I cannot return now. Perhaps I can come here and speak with you at times... I don’t know. I need you to understand that I will always be with you if you sit here under this great tree and remember me. Can you hear me? Is it okay with you all?” Kagome spoke out loud to them all and when she finished her mother stepped forward and told her, “yes Kagome, my lovely daughter, we hear you and we understand. We love you more than you know and we are glad you have been sent back to where you belong. All things happen for a reason and I pray to the Kamis that you have a long and happy life with many children. I know you are with your friends now and they are your family now. Be happy and know that we are also with you always.” Her mother reached out and for a moment she felt the touch of her mother on her cheek, warm and comforting and most importantly, understanding. Kagome sighed and smiled and then opened her eyes again and was back exactly where she was before, she had willed herself to them through the span of time and knew that if she could do it once then she could do it again soon. There was no need for Inuyasha to attempt the well now, she had her peace and could move forwards in her life in this time, with her new family. Which would be growing soon if she had just sensed what she thought she had... the beat of a heart, a new life inside of her.
She had something to tell her demon mate and her friends... “Sesshomaru-sama, can you please join me here?” Kagome spoke softly knowing her mate heard her with his superior hearing and with his speed he was standing in front of her within moments.
Sesshomaru wondered at the expression of peace and serenity that his mate was wearing and decided he liked it but was curious as to why she was wearing it now instead of later. “Perhaps she has decided to forget about the well, or maybe she has decided to leave us. NO NO NO. I will not think such things. Our mate would never leave us! She is different though.. What is different? She is peaceful, calm, she smells different. Only slightly... what is that smell? I will demand to know what has changed!” “This Sesshomaru demands to know why you are so peaceful. Why are you not concerned for your family anymore? Why has your scent changed? Tell me!”
Kagome couldn’t help but smile and laugh a little at the childish behavior of the great taiyoukai but decided he should know what was going on now. “My Lord, I have transcended time and met with my okaa-san, jii-chan and Souta and spoken with them. They understand I am staying and they are happy for me and for you. They know this is what I want now and I am at peace with my decision to stay here with you, with my new family... and with our family.” Kagome smiled at him and pressed herself against him before saying softly, “I think our pup would like me to be around its father, don’t you?” Kagome laughed at how quickly Lord Sesshomaru pulled away from her before kneeling down and placing his face against her stomach. He sniffed and listened before looking up at her and smiling, “Yes our pup is there. I feel it, I smell it and I can hear its heartbeat. You have pleased me more than I thought possible, my mate. My Kagome.” Sesshomaru pulled her into his arms and breathed in the subtle scent her neck was giving off and buried his face there, nipping her mating mark gently.
The others had begun to walk back towards Kagome when they noticed the pair intimately embrace and then stopped in shock as Sesshomaru knelt and smelled Kagome’s stomach. Immediately Inuyasha looked at Shippo and they knew that they were going to have a new member of the pack. Sango looked at a slightly confused Miroku before explaining that a dog demon could smell his offspring within the belly of its mate, and with that information he smiled and laughed. They waited a few minutes before slowly approaching the pair and Inuyasha immediately leaned forward to sniff Kagome without touching her. Sesshomaru allowed it knowing what his brother was doing and simply said, “Brother, if you are quite done sniffing my mate then we can forgo the mission into the well and return to the village.” Before walking away with Kagome he turned and smirked saying, “oh and uncle Yasha could you please lead the way?” This statement caused the hanyou to grin widely and shoot off towards the front of the little group and towards the village in the distance.