InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love From the Ashes ❯ Unsure Alliances ( Chapter 14 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: All Inuyasha characters belong not to me, but to Rumiko Takahashi and related companies. No money is being made off of this fic. Yuji is belonging to me.
(A/N): Not turning out to be much of a romance huh? Lady luck is really hard on our guys. Maybe Sesshoumaru can help . . .hnm.
Sesshoumaru glances down at the hanyou, his brother. He was staring at the ground under his clawed toes as they walked.
"You are going to trip over your own feet that way Inuyasha" Sesshoumaru presses back a smirk, raising an eyebrow when he gets a dark look thrown in his direction.
"As it is, Naraku seems to be gathering his forces" ears perk up at the name "--rumors of someone drawing youkai from mountains and forests in large numbers have surfaced. Apparently soon after the youkai just disappear, the rumors are rampant. There is no doubt it is the wretched hanyou's work and no doubt he will use these low level youkai to try and weaken or overcome us during the upcoming battle" ears twitch in the direction of the older of the two brothers
"us?" Inuyasha stares up at his brother. They were walking now, on the pretense of 'business', no cutting words and blades between them and now the youkai lord was-- what? "what do you mean us?" 'has he really set aside his pride?'
Sesshoumaru stops, Inuyasha doing the same.
"Us, by us I mean yourself, your pack, my forces and myself" Sessoumaru looks the younger male in the eye. Inuyasha finds himself wanting to turn away, but holds the gaze stubbornly. "We cannot afford to be enemies at this point, it will take all the power between the two of us and more to defeat Naraku. For now we are allies" it was hardly a request; Inuyasha nods sharply.
"heh" he grins "To tell the truth I was going to say the same thing, but I wasn't sure you could give up your pride as a 'taiyoukai' to side with a 'worthless hanyou' even if he was your brother" Inuyasha turns back towards the direction of Kaede's village, preparing to leave "you know where the village is right? You found the forest easy enough" 'of course he does' "--just try not to scare the villagers"
"Inuyasha" Inuyasha looks back
"what is it?" Sesshoumaru glances around, mentally recalling the layout of the forest before giving the hanyou a pointed look
"you swing your sword like an idiot with a club, you will train with me in the morning" he recalls a suitable location "we will start at dawn"
Inuyasha laughs haughtily "is that asshole for 'would you like to train with me at dawn tomorrow?' Sesshoumaru?" he gets only a raised eyebrow in response. He waves it off
"yeh yeh, I'll be where you found me just before, the valley where the stream once run" with that Inuyasha disappears into the foliage a few rustles in the brush.
Looking after him Sesshoumaru scoff inaudibly, before starting towards where he'd left Jakken, Rin and Au-Un, satisfied with the agreement.
Sighing Miroku leans all of his weight against the thick trunk of a tree. Inuyasha really did treat him like a woman sometimes, but it was not to an extreme, so it did not bother him. A small smile graces his lips as he thinks of when he first injured his arm. The look of protective rage on the hanyou's face before he sliced the youkai in two, the satisfied look and concern after. He closes his eyes Inhaling deeply
"My mate" jumping Miroku chokes on the air for a second, a firm hand pats him on the back
"Inuyasha" he straightens himself out his eyes going to the hanyou's face, he looks concerned. Yes, he is 'I can feel it . . . so strange, and love' He smiles 'I can feel it, though neither one of us can say it. I'm sure he can feel my love as well'
"are you alright?" his smile widens
"I'm fine Inuyasha" Miroku steps forwards pulling his mate in for a kiss. He feel Inuyasha smile against his lips as he wraps an arm around his shoulders.
Breaking the kiss Inuyasha nuzzles the other man's neck. He nips at his mating mark lightly, before soothing the bite with his tongue
Miroku's fingers comb lazily through the thick mane under his fingers as his body relaxes under the loving attentions. His throat ached to say the words, but his lips were uncooperative. Forcing the feeling down he allowed his mate to lower them to the forest floor, and pull him into his lap, continuing his attentions. Willing his body to become one with the other man's Miroku rests his head against Inuyasha's chest, being relaxed further by the comforting hum of his mate's content growls. He smiles sadly, he could loose this . . . but, it was decidedly better to have had it even for a short time than not at all.
"Sesshoumaru-sama you're back!" The little girl jumps up from her place on the ground smiling "Rin missed you Sesshoumaru-sama!"
"Yes, I missed you as well Rin" the girl's smile threatens to split her face in half "Rin, why don't you go play with Au-Un" He nods towards the two-headed dragon who was lazily grazing a ways off
"yes my lord!" she does as he asks, a small pout on her lips.
"Jakken" Sesshoumaru addresses the small frog-like youkai
"yes milord?" the youkai shuffles over carrying a two headed staff twice his size
"Jakken do not comment" he nods "The final battle against the hanyou Naraku is upon us, you are of course expected to protect Rin with your life" he sends a pointed look in the smaller youkai's direction, Jakken frowns
he starts to protest "mi--"
"do not comment Jakken" the youkai bows many times in apology, mouth shut
"the miko woman will assist you" Jakken's eye widen in surprise, but his mouth does not move "Inuyasha and his companions shall accompany us in battle. We are allies at this point, and you shall treat them accordingly. Is that clear Jakken?"
"yes milord" Sesshoumaru nods approvingly
'Au-Un has been given orders to protect Rin shall Jakken fail or . . .have a waver of loyalty, in my absence' His eyes land on the dragon and Rin 'there is much to do, and not nearly enough time to do it'
tbc . . .
IreviewLOVEreviewYOUr eviewALL!
(A/N): Not turning out to be much of a romance huh? Lady luck is really hard on our guys. Maybe Sesshoumaru can help . . .hnm.
Sesshoumaru glances down at the hanyou, his brother. He was staring at the ground under his clawed toes as they walked.
"You are going to trip over your own feet that way Inuyasha" Sesshoumaru presses back a smirk, raising an eyebrow when he gets a dark look thrown in his direction.
"As it is, Naraku seems to be gathering his forces" ears perk up at the name "--rumors of someone drawing youkai from mountains and forests in large numbers have surfaced. Apparently soon after the youkai just disappear, the rumors are rampant. There is no doubt it is the wretched hanyou's work and no doubt he will use these low level youkai to try and weaken or overcome us during the upcoming battle" ears twitch in the direction of the older of the two brothers
"us?" Inuyasha stares up at his brother. They were walking now, on the pretense of 'business', no cutting words and blades between them and now the youkai lord was-- what? "what do you mean us?" 'has he really set aside his pride?'
Sesshoumaru stops, Inuyasha doing the same.
"Us, by us I mean yourself, your pack, my forces and myself" Sessoumaru looks the younger male in the eye. Inuyasha finds himself wanting to turn away, but holds the gaze stubbornly. "We cannot afford to be enemies at this point, it will take all the power between the two of us and more to defeat Naraku. For now we are allies" it was hardly a request; Inuyasha nods sharply.
"heh" he grins "To tell the truth I was going to say the same thing, but I wasn't sure you could give up your pride as a 'taiyoukai' to side with a 'worthless hanyou' even if he was your brother" Inuyasha turns back towards the direction of Kaede's village, preparing to leave "you know where the village is right? You found the forest easy enough" 'of course he does' "--just try not to scare the villagers"
"Inuyasha" Inuyasha looks back
"what is it?" Sesshoumaru glances around, mentally recalling the layout of the forest before giving the hanyou a pointed look
"you swing your sword like an idiot with a club, you will train with me in the morning" he recalls a suitable location "we will start at dawn"
Inuyasha laughs haughtily "is that asshole for 'would you like to train with me at dawn tomorrow?' Sesshoumaru?" he gets only a raised eyebrow in response. He waves it off
"yeh yeh, I'll be where you found me just before, the valley where the stream once run" with that Inuyasha disappears into the foliage a few rustles in the brush.
Looking after him Sesshoumaru scoff inaudibly, before starting towards where he'd left Jakken, Rin and Au-Un, satisfied with the agreement.
Sighing Miroku leans all of his weight against the thick trunk of a tree. Inuyasha really did treat him like a woman sometimes, but it was not to an extreme, so it did not bother him. A small smile graces his lips as he thinks of when he first injured his arm. The look of protective rage on the hanyou's face before he sliced the youkai in two, the satisfied look and concern after. He closes his eyes Inhaling deeply
"My mate" jumping Miroku chokes on the air for a second, a firm hand pats him on the back
"Inuyasha" he straightens himself out his eyes going to the hanyou's face, he looks concerned. Yes, he is 'I can feel it . . . so strange, and love' He smiles 'I can feel it, though neither one of us can say it. I'm sure he can feel my love as well'
"are you alright?" his smile widens
"I'm fine Inuyasha" Miroku steps forwards pulling his mate in for a kiss. He feel Inuyasha smile against his lips as he wraps an arm around his shoulders.
Breaking the kiss Inuyasha nuzzles the other man's neck. He nips at his mating mark lightly, before soothing the bite with his tongue
Miroku's fingers comb lazily through the thick mane under his fingers as his body relaxes under the loving attentions. His throat ached to say the words, but his lips were uncooperative. Forcing the feeling down he allowed his mate to lower them to the forest floor, and pull him into his lap, continuing his attentions. Willing his body to become one with the other man's Miroku rests his head against Inuyasha's chest, being relaxed further by the comforting hum of his mate's content growls. He smiles sadly, he could loose this . . . but, it was decidedly better to have had it even for a short time than not at all.
"Sesshoumaru-sama you're back!" The little girl jumps up from her place on the ground smiling "Rin missed you Sesshoumaru-sama!"
"Yes, I missed you as well Rin" the girl's smile threatens to split her face in half "Rin, why don't you go play with Au-Un" He nods towards the two-headed dragon who was lazily grazing a ways off
"yes my lord!" she does as he asks, a small pout on her lips.
"Jakken" Sesshoumaru addresses the small frog-like youkai
"yes milord?" the youkai shuffles over carrying a two headed staff twice his size
"Jakken do not comment" he nods "The final battle against the hanyou Naraku is upon us, you are of course expected to protect Rin with your life" he sends a pointed look in the smaller youkai's direction, Jakken frowns
he starts to protest "mi--"
"do not comment Jakken" the youkai bows many times in apology, mouth shut
"the miko woman will assist you" Jakken's eye widen in surprise, but his mouth does not move "Inuyasha and his companions shall accompany us in battle. We are allies at this point, and you shall treat them accordingly. Is that clear Jakken?"
"yes milord" Sesshoumaru nods approvingly
'Au-Un has been given orders to protect Rin shall Jakken fail or . . .have a waver of loyalty, in my absence' His eyes land on the dragon and Rin 'there is much to do, and not nearly enough time to do it'
tbc . . .
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