InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love From the Ashes ❯ Litter-Mates Maybe ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: All Inuyasha characters belong not to me, but to Rumiko Takahashi and related companies. No money is being made off of this fic. Yuji is belonging to me.

(A/N):Whoa this is going to be longer than I thought >< man my arms ache just thinking about it *drama*, but I will go on! I won't stop writing--I will finish this! *determined*
--This is a . . .slightly weird chapter I think. We all have our momemnts . . . I just have more than most. Those who keep up with this story will or already have figured that out.
--Double posting this week, just because

Inuyasha smirks as he picks himself up from the ground, they had too stop wiping the blood from his lip. He is highly amused, and a bit scared. His brother was grinning, openly-- granted it was a half grin, and almost . . . rusty? They had been beating each other into a pulp and they were both grinning. Granted they knew when to stop, it'd do no good to spar themselves into a healing coma just to have Naraku come in and kill them all. They were actually . . .bonding-- fists, fangs and feet against flesh that was mostly unmarked until now. The wounds would heal nicely though, as it happens with youkai, even if Inuyasha was only half.
"Pretty nice shot there Sesshoumaru" the hanyou's smirk widens a bit, his chest bare and bleeding, his haori and under kimono long ago discarded at the outer parts of their sparring area. Sesshoumaru was in a similar state of undress, his still tucked into a retied sash and hanging about his waist. His upper-armor set off to side
"of course it was" Sesshoumaru's tone is smug in an almost joking way, but not condescending. His Moko-Moko-sama lay against bare flesh. Inuyasha almost laughs, he was unable to resist himself and had felt it before . . . it was even softer than it looked or he remember.

Sesshoumaru watches the hanyou in turn. He was pleased at Inuyasha's changes, he was falling nicely into his pack-leader role-- if he was not the taiyoukai would have already taken over the pack to lead it correctly. It was a good pack, albeit strange. Inuyasha was also, to Sesshoumaru's pleasure, letting his youkai instincts guide him a bit more. The hanyou had unconsciously pushed them back in exchange for acting more 'human' with his mother and after her death. Humans were the lesser evil when you're torn between them and youkai.
"you're one smug bastard, Sesshoumaru"
Sesshoumaru rights himself regaining his regal posture
"yes, yes all of that" a ghost of a grin still lingers on his face as he makes his way over to his brother, who straightens himself out as well.
"I'm glad you accept it" Inuyasha'a grin broadens
Sesshoumaru gives a small snort that is more of a loud breath as his clawed hands run harmlessly over the wounds on Inuyasha's torso and face, arms and neck that they had so easily made before. He pushes they hanyou to the ground. Inuyasha lands on his but with a grunt and protest, a weak 'hey!'


Miroku sits still as the older miko, designated their pack elder by his own mate, gives him his weekly check-up. Hearing a gasp he looks down to where the woman was holding his arm in place and checking the bone. The hand checking his arm falls to her side, surprise evident on her face. His own is questioning.
"What is it Kaede-sama?"
"I . . . believe it's healed" his eyesbrows raise in surprise
"what? That's not--" what Inuyasha said pops into his mind, but . . . they had only been mated for what? It hadn't been long. According to the healer he should need another two weeks normally
"see for yourself" she gently lets the apendage fall out of her grip, unconciously Miroku braces himself for a jolt of pain . . . but nothing.
"it . . ." he presses at the once tender area, nothing, he flexes his arm and stretches it "it's healed?" Kaede simply nods.
"the question is how?"
Miroku smiles a bit, a small laugh escaping "Inuyasha . . .when we mated, I gained some of his abilities" he once again flexes the arm, still disbelieving "he said that he should gain some of mine as well, but we've yet to see anything"
"I see" Miroku nods "well then, where is that mate of yours?" Miroku's smile widens as the woman grins, it was nice to hear Inuyasha referred to as his . . .anything, more so his mate.
"he is sparring with Sesshoumaru-sama" Keade gathers the used bandages and things
"you should inform him as soon as he returns"
"yes, of course" Miroku stands "you said you were expecting someone after this?"
"yes, Kagome-- has finally asked for proper training, by request of Inuyasha, however"
"that is good at any rate" a small smile "good luck to you Kaede-sama"
The older woman smiles "you know I liked it better when you called me Kaede-ba-chan"
"Kaede-ba-chan then" with a small a bow he exits the hut, gesturing Kagome inside.
"Kagome-sama" he nods in greeting
"thanks Miroku"


"Welcome Kagome-sama"
"Kaede-ba-chan" the girl a bows shortly
Kagome kneels watching the older woman, determined to learn this. Kaede smile softly, as she had told she had been waiting for the young woman to ask for actual training, though she hadn't. Though now was a bit late, but late was better than never.
"Now before you can create even the smallest barrier you must be able to pull the power for the barrier forward. Since you won't be conducting the power through an object like your arrows, it will be a challenge" 'without any formal training anyway'
Kagome nods "I'll work hard" Kaede nods, she hoped so.
"good, now let's begin, first . . .relax".

(A/N): I'm considering changing the posting schedual to every Saturday, not sure???
Thanks to my reviewers, once again! *hearts you*
--Responce for reviews in next Author's Note.

tbc . . .

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