InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love in strange places ❯ Seeing Sesshomaru ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4

The scent was…Rin's the cute lil human girl who traveled with Sesshomaru, but now fear was laced into the scent and was heavily in the air blocking out any traces of her usual peppermint smell. Kagome immediately changed course for her direction as trees whipped past her she could hear the lil girl's cry for her Sesshomaru-sama to save her.

She bursted through the trees and stopped in battle stance infront of Rin and pushed her children behind her. In front of her was a blood thursty snake youkai with it's ruby eyes filled with lust for blood.

"Kagome-Kaasan?" Rin was confused at her appearance * Wow Okaa-san is so beautiful maybe Fluffy-sama will…ma..mat….mate with her and Rin will finally have a real Okaa-san.

Kagome quickly dodged the slow youkai's attacks. Finally disposing it. " Rin what are you doing here all alone?"

"and where is Fluffy?" it was meant to be sarcastic.

"FLUFFY-SAMA!!!" shouted Rin angry that she didn't use her surrogated father's name with respect.

"Hai Hai SAMA!"

"Rin don't know"

"Sesshomaru-sama told Toad to watch Rin but Jaken gone and left Rin" a now sobbing Rin cracked open an eye and saw the two small golden bundles and squealed in delight. Kagome cringed at the ear piercing sound.


"Rin how about you stay with us until you can find Sesshomaru-SAMA, ne?"

Rin gave her a toothy smile and said "Agriato Okaa-san!!" Kagome blushed madly* if she thinks of me as her okaa then Sesshomaru's tou* She blushed even more at the thought. * Uh get your mind out of the gutter!" The children who was observing her had giant sweat drops coming down their head. It was getting late and Kagome transfored now carrying 3 pups headed west where it shall change her life forever.

…………………….With FLUFFY…………….

"Jaken?" said an icy voice.

"Ha..Hai Sesshomaru-Sama." As Jaken slowly approached his lord with fear.

"Where's Rin" he said monotoned not portraying any emotions termoils that now was going on in him.

"She ran away from me that stupid Ningen brat""Do not worry my lordship humans always come back like some lapd…*WHAM*

"Jaken I told you to watch her"" your insolence shall be your death"

Jaken shuddered as Sesshomaru left the ground for the sky heading for where he could smell Rin the strongest.

*hn…very interesting I smell two pups and an adult along with Rin one's a kitsune and the other kit is neko and the demoness is… interesting* Sesshomaru thought as he sped up in hopes of meeting this mysterious demoness..sooner.

……………..Kagome……… ..

"Rin-Chan, Sora-Chan, Okaa-san look" Shippo yelled excitedly as he made a foxfire projection of his mother in true form.

"WOW Rin want to do that Shippo-Chan" Rin said in awe.

"that was excellent Shippo, maybe I should start Training you by now" Said a proud Kagome.

"Will you Okaa-san? But where did you learn how to fight in one day?" Curiousity killed the Kitsune!

"uh…my father was the god of power and war so it comes naturally" She scratches the side of her head.

"Sesshomaru you can come out I know you're there" She said eyeing the trees near her.


*Interesting she's the daughter of the god of war and power….she must be extremely powerful and beautiful…Beautiful?? What the hell? She's Inuyasha's WENCH*

*but he did not claim her*


He growled out of frustration.

"Sesshomaru you can come out I know you're there!''

Sesshomaru leaped off the tree and infront of the beautiful demoness what he saw took his breath away. There was Kagome dressed in a white and blue kimono her hair up in an elegant collection of loops and two sparkly sapphire tears at her ears.

"So it seems you are youkai" he manage to not portray any emotions.

"No shit SHERLOCK!" She said sarcastically as she huffed in annoyance.

He raised an elegant eye brow but said nothing.

"Sesshomaru-sama! Sesshomaru-Sama came for Rin! Rin's SO HAPPY!" She immediately attached to hiss leg.

"Okaa-san has been taking care of Rin. Can we stay with Okaa and Nee-chan and Nii-chan tonight please SESSHOMARU-SAMA!" Rin pleaded.

*She thinks this Kagome as her mother?* He thought as he looked over the beautiful demoness who blushed under his gaze.