InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love in strange places ❯ Remembering the past ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 13

"is he going to be ok?"

"I knew one day he would be killed"

"Can I have his C.Ds?"

"Hn. Stupid Ningens"

"I'm NOT DEAD YET!!!" Yusuke screamed at the people who surrounded him as he slowly lifted himself off the floor and grasped his head to ease the pain. He saw a small white blur in front of him as his vision cleared his eyes stared stupidly into Maneis eyes.

He turned to his parents and asked " is he my uncle" Kagome shifted uncomfortably under everyone's eyes whom she felt was burning holes over her body. "Hai" hearing his mother's confermation he over to his uncle and took a big whiff of him. True he had some familiar stuff in his uncle as to his mother but his uncle was human.

"Momma why is uncle human?" She had dreaded that question, for she would have to explain what she was too. She slowly held her head up matching the looks of confusion everyone shot her. She sighed knowing she couldn't hide it any longer so she removed the illusion and scent spell from all of them. Starch white hair tumbled in waves down her back in an elegant hair style. Her clothes changed into a silver and white overlapping clear material. Markings in silver and blue appeared upon her face, upon her forehead was a teardrop and sword. Her silvery royal blue eyes rested upon the gaping group.

Manei looking more like the surrogated parents for he regained his bluish maroon coloured strips and his blue and amber eyes. Sora regained her blondish hair with pale yellow eyes and her golden strips. A tanned tail lay behind her. Shippo had redish hair and greenish brown eyes.

" Kagome?....your a youkai??" her cousin was stunned, there stood his cousin as a beautiful cross breed youkai, the future lady of the Western Land. Then his anger took over his better judgement. " What is the meaning of this."

"what…." Kagome was now confused why would her cousin be angry. Clearly he was just warming up as he shot her a death glare.

" your barely 17 and now you have a mate and children, you are truly disgraceful" Yusuke spat not caring the wince he earned from Kagome. " You have brought shame to the family, and what's worse you turned yourself youkai. It was bad enough your mother fell in love with one, don't you see he's going to leave you as soon as he is bored. Youkai's cannot love. They are cold blooded and merciless. Your father left you. I defended your mother's honor when my father told me of your mother mating with a youkai. Hoping that you may turn out human.!" Every word cut through her like knifes, she felt shameful, but then something snapped in her. Tears threaten to spill over her cheeks as he mentioned her father. Yes her father, he had left her mother before she was even born.

"YOU LEAVE MY MOMMA ALONE" Shippo jumped in between her and Yusuke and clenched his claws. Red seering into his eyes as he stared with hatred and hurt at his Uncle whom he had just met. He launched at him slashing him across the face, not hurting him too badly but enough to let blood flow. Yusuke stumbled back as sense was knocked back to him. He turned his gaze to his cousin who crumpled to the floor, crystal tears spilled down her pale cheek as words of her father hit her with it's killing blow. Sesshomaru had enough, he promised her no blood spill but he couldn't control it any more. He let out a bone chilling roar that shook the very ground they stood on. Youko Kuruma immerged. He stared at horror at the picture the lord painted. Eyes blood shot, poisonous claws lengthened, fangs protruded his lips and a growl that would make dead bodies turn over. This, was a painting of raw power, this, was a painting of vengeance.

A pale slim hand grasped Sesshomaru's pants as his red gaze turned down to see his broken mate. A quiet whisper of words passed his ears though he was demon, he could of missed them. "Leave him be"

"Kagome…I'm..I'm so sorry I didn't mean to … I …" Yusuke tried to apologize but could not find the words. He had beaten his cousin's sprit, spat on it and turned her away. He was no better than a ruthless cold monster of those who he speak of. He lowered his gaze to only see four small hateful gaze. Manei's tail bristled at his face, his eyes turning blood red, beckoning to spill his blood.

Sora though small clawed the floor, her little throat produced her first hate filled growl. Tears streamed down her baby face as she saw her mother. Though she didn't understand what would hurt her mother so much, but what she did understand was the wave of pain that emitted off of Kagome.

"lets go home" was all that passed her lips as another wave of emotions knocked the air out of her lungs. Her father had left her mother because she wasn't what his family wanted, noble blood. He had chosen to betray her with another while she was carrying his pup. The look in her mother's eyes when she first asked about her father was forever etched into her mind. The emotions that flashed through them first sadness, anger, betrayal, then love. Through all of this she still loved him. He had mated with another when she went to tell him of the pup that she carry. Her teary eyes were unable to block the site of her mate mating with another. She left him with the wind , it carried a piece of her heart and soul away.

Kagome weakly made her way to the well and fell into it over come with sadness and shame. Sesshomaru quickly lept through leaving behind Yusuke who sat emotionless replaying what he had just done.

……………………Sesshom aru and Family………………

Kagome had fainted. He pulled her into his arms and walked away from the well promising hisself that he would keep her safe from pain away from the well. Away from all the prejudice that her family brings. He promised silently to her that he would forever love her and never leave her site. He stopped at a clearing near a small waterfall. He slowly set Kagome down on the grass as he looked up at the ski and questioned. *what could bring her so much pain* he knew that there was more to what Yusuke had said that hit her hard. He left to gather food carefully sniffing the air sensing for danger and then he left.

Heart beat sped up signaling her awaking. She took in her environment and came to a conclusion that Sesshomaru had brought her here. She walked into the woods and found a waterfall. She took in the serene peace that seem to wrap it's self around it. She crumbled to the floor looking at the water as tears splattered on the grass. * Will Sesshomaru leave me once his family finds out I'm not noble blood?.... how can he love me..* doubts slowly won their way to her mind. She was so deep in thought that she did not notice Sesshomaru coming up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her sensing that her muscles were tense with fear and then slowly relaxed realizing it was him. Still she refused to meet his eyes.

"what brings you this pain?" He took her chin in his hands and tilted her head to stare into his eyes.

"Sesshomaru will you promise to never leave me?" She ignored his question as her heart clenched waiting for an answer that would calm her soul. She stared into his amber eyes and begged for an answer that would bring her peace.

"Hai you are my mate I would never leave you." He stated with tenderness as he gathered her in his arms. He slowly made his way back to the camp "When the time is right you may tell me your story for I will not pressure you"

Kagome only nodded and buried her nose into his chest inhaling his scent of nature. She had put a masking spell on her self for she knew that if she did not disguise one of the scent that was coming off of her he would discover her secret. She was scared.