InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love in strange places ❯ Poison filled Letter ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 23

It has been nearly a week now since the beginning of the giving of blood started. Each night she would watch the toads appear with three pots and she closed her eyes as they started chanting. Though she should be use to it, each time brought new pain into her heart.

The pain was searing, she felt as if anything that touched her would hurt her most painfully during the ritual. She walked aimlessly throughout the lush garden. The moonless night made the air seem calmer and somewhat peaceful. She sat down on the grass making the tiniest dent as she removed her hand from the grass into her lap. She stared at her reflection in the water, she stared at her self hard. Her image was ruined as a single rose pedal landed gently on the water making gentle ripples upon the water.

She raised her head and calm breeze tousled her white hair making it look like a wave of snow. The stars blinked in her presence and the flowers bloomed more fiercely under her gaze. She was the goddess of light, of life, of joy, of sorrow, a forbidden child that shall carry the burden of loneliness, betrayal and doubt throughout her life. Her beauty was false in her own eyes. In her own eyes she sees herself as an unwanted demoness who could not be unselfish enough to save her own mate.

A silver colored breeze surrounded her form like a tornado and made gentle waves in the water. As the wind settle Kagome no longer stood there. But instead a beautiful and exotic white bird was looking into the pond in her place. The bird was a phoenix. None existed they were believe to be the most powerful bird to have lived throughout the ages but now they were myths. Her beautiful white feathers cascaded from the top of her head down past her shoulders. Her white wings were as twice as big as her body. Her feather and fur tails lay on the ground like a cape. She stared into the water as her white/blue eyes showed little happiness or awe.

She just laid on the ground like a broken bird, she did not stir as the night's air started to cool down sinaling a new day was soon about to dawn. She just stared intently at her image, the image that her mother stared at so many years ago. Suddenly she noticed a presence. It was the toads again. She turned into the inu/wolf/fox form as she buried her head in her paws in anticipation.

The toads choked on their breath as they stared at this astounding and mythical creature. When they had arrived they saw the most beautiful and mythical bird fire within it's eyes as it eyed it's surrounding. But the minute her eyes rested on the soul collectors she turned into a inu/wolf/fox form her eyes were now a dull blue. As if she's trying to shut out her soul in order to numb the pain.

They chanted the spell and watched once again in shame as the wolfish dog ground its fang in pain and tears swelled up her eyes as the blood dripped from the pore. When it was finally finished she collapsed on the ground gasping for breath as her whole body screamed at the contact of the earth.

She fainted and laid still on the ground with a smudge of blood upon her cheek. Two eerie violet eyes glowed in the darkness of the forest and came towards the young demoness's body. The servant slowly picked up it's mistress and walked towards the castle with concern and sadness in her eyes.

Kagome slowly opened her eyes to only see two violet eyes staring back at her. She sat back and observed the neko youkai who had two black ears upon her head and a plain green kimono on.

"who are you….?" She narrowed her eyes suspiciously as she awaited for the answer.

"Milady I am Yusha your servant." Said the Neko as she bowed low. Then she lifted her head back up and looked upon her mistress with pity.

"Did you bring me back here."all she got was a nod for an answer. Kagome sighed and moved to stand up. But was quickly stopped by a clawed hand.

"no Milady you must not move…..not after all that you've gone through" Yusha whispered quietly as she winced and prepared herself for punishment for spying upon her mistress. But none came as she looked up with scared eyes to see Kagome shocked.

"you….know about the …Life's blood offerings?" Kagome whispered softly as she fidgeted with the ties of her obi. The neko nodded. "Mistress you must tell my lord."

Kagome held up her hand and Yusha shrank immediately as she feared the wrath of many of her past lords and ladies. " call me kagome….."

Yusha blinked a couple of time and gaped in awe because never before had a lady been so nice to her and allow her to call them in such a familiar term. "hai….La-Kagome…."

Kagome moved off the bed and towards Yusha who was still tense and scared of her new mistress. Kagome gaze into Yusha's eyes and all Yusha could see was endless sorrow and many many hardships that her mistress must have over come. " I want you to promise me…. Promise me you will not tell a single soul of what you saw tonight."

"But Milad-….."

"no. No one at all." Kagome said as she turned to go back to the futon but didn't make it for she crumbled to the floor. Pain over took her.

"Lady Kagome………Lady Kagome………………" Yusha started to panic when she caught her Lady. What was she going to do. Without thinking she laid her lady on the bed and sped out the door but a hand stopped her.

"No…I'm alright.."She managed weakly. Yusha just looked at her with torn eyes. She lowered her eyes and said " no your not my lady now rest I shall get help."

"No……" kagome was slowly eveloped into darkness as she watched Yusha rush out the room and caused commotions in the castle. Yusha immediately rushed to her lord's study room and briskly knocked on his door.

"Enter" barked a cold voice.

Yusha hesitated and then went through the door facing a cold faced Sesshomaru she shuddered at her lord's gaze. "My lord, Milady has lost consciousness." All of the sudden Sesshomaru's ice mask vanished and he was but a silver blur to Yusha as he ran past her.

He bursted into Kagome's room and sat down gingerly by her. He shook her a little bit. Kagome lazily opened her eyes. "Ohayo Sesshomaru." She whispered without energy.

"Sesshomaru… you think…I could go outside"She then put her finger to his lips to prevent him from interrupting before she could finish.

"because I do not think I can hold this form any longer." She finished as Sesshomaru thought the fact over and nodded understanding what she meant. He picked her up bridal style and lept off the balcony landing beside a willow tree and blosoms.

Kagome glowed white then blue as a inu/wolf/fox demon with beautiful Phoenix wings and tails appeared. She sank into the ground quickly falling asleept. Seshomaru soon joined her and transformed. He laid beside her his muzzle in the crook of her neck and that was how they fell asleep.

The morning sun shone through the leaves, making gentle lights dance upon their fur. Sesshomaru woke up only feeling something very soft and warm snuggling underneath his chest. He cocked his ears listening for any sign of danger then opening his eyes to stare down at his mate who was laying beneath him who had her paw across her nose.

"Morning Koi" he said softly licking her fur covered cheek.

"Go away Buyo you lazy cat." She growled in Youkai language as she batted Sesshomaru's furry chest.

"This Sesshomaru is no lazy cat." He hissed playfully as he nipped at her neck.

She opened one eye and growled playfully then flipped him over so she was standing over him her tails wagging playfully. "Surpised?"

He was just about to reply when Jaken came running. "MASTER SESSHOMARU MASTER SESSHOMARU." He was just about to kick him when Jaken presented him an envelope.

"Master Sesshomaru forgive this lowly servant to interrupting but a urgent mail has arrived….. from Lady Nakama." He said the last part in fear. Sesshomaru flashed his fangs and growled. He then changed back into his humanoid form and snatched the letter and opened the envelope. As he glanced over the letter Kagome's tail twitched in annoyance as she waited for his reply.

Sesshomaru's expression turned sour as he let poison fill his claws and destroy the parchment. He growled in frustration and anger. *DAMN IT ALL! After all these years of shunning me they have decided to visit* He then looked back at kagome with eyes of worry. *She still doesn't know I know about the pups.* Sesshomaru looked at the ski and then begged every kami he knew of for once to give him peace.