InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love is complicated; but it doesn't need to be. ❯ "But I can't go into a loveless marriage ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of Rumiko Takahashi's characters nor do I own her original story, but I do own this fan fiction and I do own Saku as well as Kenumaru, Duokotsu (who shows up much later) Menia and Kora.
Chapter 1
“……..But I can't go into loveless marriage…”
It was spring time and blossoms started to bloom everywhere all over Japan. Some say that having a demon companion during spring was good luck for romance life, but Saku Tatsuya didn't think so. She currently was stuck with a dog demon named Sesshomaru who had seemed nice to even Saku but somehow she didn't love him. There were plenty of girls who would die to have an arranged marriage with Sesshomaru, which Saku pitied very much. It wasn't that she hated him; it was just that she felt that she didn't deserve him. Every time that thought came to her, she would just say “as much as I was forced into this engagement, I'll have to find a way to come out of it, I know that my father would become very angry but I can't just go into a loveless marriage.” She would always sigh in pity afterwards. Who knew that she too had an opinion on this arranged marriage? It was Sesshomaru's mother, InuKimi, who had discovered Saku and also had introduced her to Sesshomaru and also arranged her to him.
As much as she wanted to tell InuKimi that she couldn't accept the marriage; it was too risky to tell because what would InuKimi think of Saku? What would she do? Saku couldn't bear thinking about what may happen if she did tell. It seemed so easy to some but to her, it was difficult. Nobody seemed to know what Saku was going through, and if anybody did know, they wouldn't care. She wanted to burst out in tears, but because to most people she was lucky to be accepted by demons, she didn't.
Around the time spring was starting to end and there was about a year before the marriage, Saku left InuKimi's home to spend some time by herself in her home village. Thinking that maybe than she could try to think up of ways to try to tell Sesshomaru that she didn't want to be married to him without hurting his feelings and putting him on a killing spree. It wasn't that he would try to kill her if he truly cared about her, but you never know.
This however didn't bother her at all; she didn't want that to ruin her fun of spending free time in her childhood home and enjoying her time of having her way for once. Saku thought about how she was going to surprise her family with coming home for the first time in three months. Ideas kept ramming in her head until she smelled fire; now where was that smell coming from? This scent interested Saku, which persuaded her to chase after the smell; like any human would if they smelled a fire.
Shock all the sudden came to Saku; that fire was coming from her village. She was close enough to not only smell the fire but also see the rising flames that were burning down her memories. How did this happen? Why was the village set on fire? What demon did this? If not a demon, than who would have the heart to burn down the once peaceful village? Questions came into Saku's head as the flames rose. She was not only confused but also she was scared. Why should something like this happen unexpectedly? Whatever set the village on fire, why would he/she/it do it? This village had never done anyone harm; it was just a peaceful village until now, which is just a burning fuel for the flames.
Saku sat there and watched the flames eat up the remaining of her once home. At that point she heard laughing. Now who would laugh at a time like this? This wasn't something worth laughing at; this was something to be taken seriously. `Whoever is laughing has a sick sense of humor.' Saku thought to herself as she looked at the rubble of burned wood, bodies laying there burned and the remaining sets of fire burning little pieces of burned wood. Smoke hissed from the earth and vanished before Saku's eyes. The laughing was getting louder and louder. This annoyed Saku because this wasn't something to be laughing at. If she were to say that to the laughers than they wouldn't understand; they would just laugh harder.
Than a group of men came along laughing, one of them was a huge giant with green eyes, dark colored skin, lifeless eyes, big fangs and huge muscles. Then there was a mechanical one, red hair, steel body and appeared to have something over where his mouth should be, but he had no mouth underneath. Another was tall, feminine looking; he had his hair tied up in a loose bun, blue marks under his eyes and also red lipstick made him look more feminine.
There was also a tall bald man, purple stripes covered most of his face, he had a light blue kimono on with reddish armor covering it, and he also seemed to have an unemotional expression compared to the rest. There was also a rather scary looking one; he had spiky hair, green marks all over his face, a blue kimono covered with black armor and claws attached to his glove. There was another scary one; although he was short, he seemed threatening. He had a mask on which covered his lower half of his face, red marks on his face, white clothing all over his body and he seemed like the most ugly person ever seen. The last one seemed more comforting and indeed very handsome; he appeared to be around Saku's age which seemed like a good thing to her. His long black hair was tied back in a braid. He had a blue and white kimono covered with blue and grey armor. He also had blue eyes so full of life, unlike everyone else who didn't seem so full of life. This one was also very attractive in such a way that girls would die for.
Than Saku finally remembered the laughing she heard. “Okay you guys what was so funny about a village burning down?” All seven men began to laugh. “Aw geeze where's your sense of humor? It's also amusing to see people go down on their feet and beg for mercy. HA why can't you see that?” surprisingly it was the handsome one saying that. “Well you guys do have a very sick sense of humor. I think you need to think about what you're doing.” The handsome one walked up to Saku and grabbed her by her wrist. “You think that you can talk to us like that, don't you?” Saku glared and than spit at the man's face; he wiped the spit off in fury. The other six men went “oooooo” as he glared at her.
“You need to learn some respect!” he snarled; Saku tried to get away but since he was stronger than her; she couldn't get away from him without hurting herself. She slapped him and than glared again. “Don't touch me!” she hissed. All the sudden she felt proud of herself for sticking up like that. She had never gotten the guts to do so until now. She wasn't afraid anymore. But at the same time she didn't know what was going to happen next. The man than said “well I'm just going to let you my name. My name is Bankotsu, the one with the claws is Suikotsu, the girly man is Jakotsu and then there's Mukotsu, Renkotsu, Kyokotsu, Ginkotsu. So if you want to live than I suggest that you run off and try to find some comfort from someone. Okay?” Bankotsu let go of Saku at last, she looked up and glared “Actually no! I'm not backing away from this so easily.”