InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love is Fate ❯ A day with sango ( Chapter 7 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7 a day with Sango
“Sesshomaru…” she stared into his golden eyes and smiled.
He grabbed her hands in his own.
“There no need to be shy around me” he kissed her. `Kagome what are you doing! Stop him before it's too late!' her mind yelled at her screamed at her to stop. She gave in.
“I'm sorry I'm just not ready.”
He nodded. He then wrapped his arms around her waist and fell backwards and turned facing her.
“It's ok, sleep…”
“Did I disappoint you?” His shocked expression caught her off guard not to mention himself.
“No my dear you didn't, rest now.” She nodded and fell asleep.
Kagome awoke before the sun rose and slipped from the bed. She was in her room. She peered out her door down the darkened hall then closed her door.
`I know that wasn't a dream…why did…I almost…' she blushed. She looked out the window.
`I'm in love…but what of Inuyasha?' she went back to her bed.
`Inuyasha you're a brother to me but Sesshomaru is…a lover? He spoke to me about the mating and stuff but am I ready for that kind of commitment? I'm still in high school I'm not ready for a husband yet, nor a boyfriend what do I do?' she let her mind abused her for another hour before allowing her to drift into sleep.
Saturday Tashio Manor (noon)
Kagome opened her eyes. She stretched then went to the bathroom to get dressed.
`Today is the day; I'm going over to Sango's today.' She put on a pair of low rise jeans and a pink baby tee that said good bad girl on the front and put on some matching earrings and bracelets to match. She suddenly got happy and hummed down the hall.
`Feels good to be out the house, and out of school.'
She ran into a chest and hands were placed on her shoulders.
“Where are you going and why do you look so nice today?”
“Inuyasha, I am going over to Sango's house today and we are going shopping, would you like to go?” he backed up.
“Uh no thanks I'll wait for you to get back.” She smiled.
She walked down the shrine steps and hopped in Sango's car.
“Hey Sango!”
“Hey Kagome, you ready?”
“Yea!” they sped off. Sesshomaru peered through the window at the retreating car.
“Are you worried?”
“Of what Inuyasha?” Sesshomaru turned to his younger brother.
“Did she reject you last night?” Sesshomaru's vein popped.
“No she didn't now drop it.” he walked passed him.
“Here we are.” Sango turned towards kagome.
“What's wrong Kags?”
“Are you worried about something, or someone?” she blushed.
“What?! No let's enjoy ourselves today ok?” Sango nodded.
“Sure!” they walked in the four story mall.
Kagome sat in the chair and placed her bags in the chair beside it. Sango did the same. They were in the food court.
Kagome played around with her food then sighed as she took some oden in her mouth.
“Kagome are you sure you're ok?” she shook her head.
“there is sango last night something almost happened between me and sesshomaru but I pushed him away and I think I disappointed him in some way I don't know…but I haven't seen him all morning.” Sango drunk some of her tea before replying in a slightly angered tone.
“That jerk!!! I bet he…” she stopped when a figure approached behind kagome. Sango's face turned white when she ushered kagome to look behind her.
“K-kagome…look behind you.” Kagome turned and her face paled.
“k-kouga…” his face was angered.
Another cliffy but I made up for it by putting up the following chapter arigato!