InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Me For Who I Am ❯ Human Eyes ( Chapter 4 )
***hey there people, well like I've said, that if I don't get enough review from people, then I don't want to continue this story.
But then I had some of my friends read it and they say that I have to get to the "exciting" part of the story, which is the chapter, so I guess I'll put up this chapter to get everything all juiced up ok…
Well here are a couple notes… ummmm…. Hummm… well I can't think of anything right now for the time being.. But I think it'll come to me after this chapter ok…. Well enough now, you guys are probably wanting to read the story now so well here it is…..***
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Ch. 4 - Human Eyes
It was a beautiful clear morning. Sakura's family treated Rin with care and kindness…
Shinji's herbs helped Rin recover from her headache, but the wounds on her body will have to take time.
The towns people were very anxious to see this "Samurai Woman" Sakura was so in pride about, but no one have gotten a glimpse of the woman, since she was still recovering from her headache and injuries.
Rin's headache still spins at times, and the heat still remains in her body. Rin knew that she had to go to a nearby river, stream, or any kind of water sort to wash away the wounds and treat it.
Rin had gotten up from her sleeping mat and slip off her undergarments. She put on the soft green kimono that Hanna and Sakura had provide for her and tie on the pink sash.
She put her hair up with a chopstick, letting a strand hanging down from her now put up hair, to the right side of her breast.
With that done, she slowly took a few slow steps towards the door, being careful not to hurt herself from her burses and cuts on her back.
She came into the living room to see that no one was there. Rin looked around the house trying to find Sakura, Hanna, Shinji or even Goro, the father of the house; to tell them that she wanted to go outside for some refreshments.
Rin came into a room, filled with many scrolls on the cabinets. She did not dare to read any of the scrolls due to her weakness and lack of eye sight from the snake youkais bubble attacks.
*They won't mind if I was only gone for a few hours would they?* Rin thought to herself as she made her way out of the front door.
As soon as she came out of the house, the towns people stared at her in awed. No one has seen a true beauty before.
Hanna was known to be the most gorgeous in the village, but the samurai woman had a different look to her, that makes her stand out and more appealing from any other woman.
With the green kimono that she was wearing, it really brings out her pale color skin, her ruby lips, and those beautiful chocolate brown eyes.
She was almost known to be a youkai, if it weren't for her human resembling of eye color and her short ears.
The people make waves for Rin as she passes. Men's stare at her, mouth and eyes wide open, looking at the woman with every single movements that she makes, every steps that she takes, wishing as if they owned her.
No matter the ones who are young or old, they would admire her beauty. The young ones would wish that they were old enough to court her, the old ones would wish that they were young again, and the men's who were married, wish that they were still single and bare no children.
The women and children's were all quite and the young girls who were laughing and giggling before, were now admiring her beauty along with the men as well.
Rin ignored the people as she walked by and made her way down the streets to the path where Sakura had taken her to the village from the stream.
As soon as she was out of their sights, she sigh with relief and headed down to the stream.
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Sesshoumaru was away from the castle for days now, not wanting to return due to his mind that was still trying to figure out what else he wanted in his life.
He was walking along the stream and came to a clearing where the water coy into a small pond that were held together from rocks. The water from the small pond flows out into a beautiful fall and the sounds of the fall were soft and relaxing.
Sesshoumaru spotted a tall tree, a few yards from the pond and walk over to it. Standing underneath it, he looked up and grabbed onto a branch and made his way up to the middle of the tree.
*I wonder if this is how that half-breed put his thoughts away.* As Sesshoumaru always sees Inuyasha sleeping upon on a tree.
He came to a stop and sat down upon it with his arms cross, looking down at the beautiful scenery.
Once again, his thoughts were distracted, not from a servant, not from his uncle or cousins, and especially not from Jaken, but from a scent of a human.
He can hear foot steps and from the scent of the human, he can sense that it was injured from a fight and was still weak from it.
Rin slowly walked out from the trees and went over to the small pond. She went onto her knees and threw the petals that she had picked along the way into the water.
*Pathetic wench! What does she think she's doing, fighting to get herself injured like that and coming here, with her filthy human scent, sickening me to my youkai brains. Her bloody scent is unbearable, and I don't understand why that half brother of mine, and father can actually stand that horrifying human smell!!* Sesshoumaru thought to himself as he watches the human undresses.
Rin slowly raises her hands up to her sash and unties it, letting the sash fell off from her slim waist.
She then puts her hands on the collar of her kimono and took it off slowly, revealing her bright, pale smooth shoulders.
Then, down to her pale, soft back, and to her small, slim, beautiful waist. She stops as she reaches her hips and slowly waked into the water, not being aware if there were intruders nearby.
She got to knee length until she fully dropped the kimono into the water, exposing her fair behind and her breast, that were beautifully round from her workouts of trainings.
Reaching up to take out the chopstick from her hair, and let her hair fell loosely down to her buttock. Rin let go of the chopstick as it fell to the bottom of the pond.
She made her way to a near by rock and sat on top of it with her knees in the air. She ran the right side of her head with her left hand, making her way down to her shoulders, and down to her arms.
And from her arms to her right hip and she put her and in the water, swinging her hand back and forth, making ripples from it.
Cupping her hand with water in it, Rin slowly bring her cupped hand to her right shoulder, rubbing it as the water ran freely down to her elbow.
Rin continued this with each side of her shoulders. She finally came to a stop and cover herself with her naked arms.
She tilted her head up and closed her eyes as a sign of calling for the winds. A small whistle of wind came to Rin, blowing her hair from her back to cover her beautiful face.
*Darn it, I was just about to see what that ugly human looked like* Sesshoumaru thought as he narrowed his eyebrows.
Even though Sesshoumaru didn't want to admit it, the human was very beautiful, even more beautiful from any other youkai woman that he's seen.
Many female youkai had undress in front of him, wanting to satisfy him, but their pleasure was never a seceded because he would drag them out the door before he even take a second glimpse at them.
As Sesshoumaru watches, the human step back into the water and went lower and lower into the water until her head was not seen.
The wind blew the petals to formed a pile on top of where Rin had disappeared under and it gave a sort of glow. Rin did not come out of the water for minutes as Sesshoumaru smirks to himself.
*Hump! Good, she drowned herself and die, at least I didn't have to kill her with my bare hands! Dam that human wench!* Sesshoumaru thought to himself closing his eyes, with a satisfying smirk that the human killed herself in front of him.
Just then, the wind came in with a howl, making a dust devil of petals to where Rin had gone under.
Rin pop up from the water, her hair, her bare shoulders, and face was trailing down with water as the dust devil of petals died out and making the petals fall onto her from above.
*What is she, a witch or something* Sesshoumaru thought as he witness of what just happen between the human and the gust of petals.
*It can't be, no human can do that*. He tries to calm himself as he feels a rage of killing coming.
Rin flop backwards into the water again, making splash sounds. She was now swimming in the water happily as if she was never injured.
Every time when Sesshoumaru tires to get a glimpse of what the human look like, it was neither that her back was to him, or her long hair was in her face, or she was ducking into the water, as if she knew the whole time that he was there, and purposely not wanting to face towards him.
He couldn't make out clearly of what she looked like. But by judging the shape of her body, Sesshoumaru had to admit, that he was quite wrong about her smelling nasty and looking ugly before.
Throughout the whole scene that had taken place, Sesshoumaru did not move or take his eyes off of the naked human girl that was swimming in the small pond.
He feel that as soon as he takes his eyes off of the girl, everything would disappear. It would just be a dream.
*How can she be so foolish, if there are any youkai nearby, they would definitely have taken her for a mate. How can any youkai resist her… Dam it, how can I think this way towards this lowly human?* Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyebrows at himself for thinking in such a way about the human.
Just then, it was as if his thoughts came true, a youkai scent caught his nose as he turn his head to where the scent was coming from. Sesshoumaru turn his body a bit, making a small rustling sound as he saw that it was a Green Snake Youkai.
Rin heard something from the trees, it was as if someone was watching her for a very long time now.
Thanks to Sango who had teach her how to use her sense of hearing, now she has a perfect hearing if anything that moves around her.
She did not just heard the one who was in the tree, but also of a youkai nearby. But for right now, she just wants to poke the owner of those eyeballs out that have been stalking her in her privacies.
Rin slowly flows out of the water and taking each step on the petals that was in the water, quietly making sure that the intruder had not escape, so that she can pop those eyes out.
Sesshoumaru was still concentrating on the snake youkai scent and debating if he should help this human nymph.
*Why should I, I am Lord Sesshoumaru, Lord of the West Lands. I'll just let that lowly human wench die, this should be fun to watch. It's not like she's worth it anyway, it's her own fault that she came here in the first place, to get herself kill* thinking this to himself as he look back to where the human was bathing, only to see that she was not there.
*Where could have she gone to?* as a hard kick came to his cheek, knocking him out of the tree.
He landed on the ground, and within a second, Sesshoumaru was spinning in the air with another kick as the girl slip his yellow and blue sash from his waist and wrapped it around her naked body.
Sesshoumaru landed on the hard ground again, putting his sense together of what just have happened.
Rin was now standing in front of him, who was still on the ground, and again, her long black hair was blocking her face from his view.
"Who the hell are, and how dare you stalk me in such a way!" Rin said with anger, as Sesshoumaru got off of the ground with speed, aiming at her throat with his clawed hand.
Rin spun from him just in time and grabbed the inu youkais sword form his waist, putting the sword up against to his own throat.
*how can she be that fast? And what does she think she's doing holding toukijin like that! Can't she sense the evil aura from the sword?* Sesshoumaru froze at the sight of her.
He still can't see her face from all her hair, but her, this human, wrapping herself from his sash, the sash that only he himself and no other youkai or human would dare to touch with their filthy hands.
But how could she, how dare this lowly human touch the Lord of the West Lands possessions.
"Hump! I swear I'll pop your eyes out with your own sword for stalking me in such a manner. No one, but me, myself, and I have the rights to even think of glancing at myself!" the human said.
Her voice was low, and loud with anger, telling him that she will kill him. No matter who he is, not even if he was Lord of the World, she will kill him for looking upon her naked form.
Just then, the snake youkai came out of its hidings and blew out bubbles at the two.
Rin pushed Sesshoumaru out of the way as the green bubbles came onto them but had missed. The green snake youkai swings its tail at Rin, as she jumped up from it.
Sesshoumaru was once on the ground again. This time, he really is going to kill that human wench. But first, he must take care of the snake youkai.
*That snake youkai!!! Hump! I'll make sure to kill it this time!* Rin thought, as the snake youkai swings its tail at her again.
The tail came dashing onto Rin once more. With the inu youkai's sword in her hands, she cut off the youkai's tail, letting purple blood flow from the snake youkai, leaving the cut off tail wiggling from the ground.
"You'll pay for this human!" the snake youkai cried out loud. The snake youkai send off bubbles at Rin again. She blocked it with the inu youkai's sword and tries to aim at the youkai's head with it.
As she tries to make her way to the youkai's head, Sesshoumaru came in front of her with great speed.
Rin drew the point of the sword away from Sesshoumaru, as he grabbed it from her hand.
The snake youkai blew a bubble to Sesshoumaru's back and send him off flying into a nearby tree.
The green youkai dash its way at Rin once more, but she jumped out of the youkai's way.
*I can't call for the winds now, I'm still wet and I'll freeze up just like last time*. Rin panic.
She jumped her way to get her pink sash, but the youkai came onto her and knocked her away.
Rin received a cut from her right arm, as she hit's the hard ground. Blood trails down her arm as she gets up again, looking at the youkai with raging eyes.
The snake youkai laughs at the girl.
"You killed my mate girl, now I shall have your life in return" the snake said as it makes it way down on Rin again.
Sesshoumaru watches as the two fight. He can smell blood on the girl. *She's hurt*. He thought as he sees the snake youkai come down onto the girl again.
He has never seen a human, especially a woman fight with such bravery, before that demon slayer Sango.
The humans moves were just as quick as any strong youkai, maybe even faster than some. But she was diffidently not as fast as he himself, the great Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru was just about to leave the two alone to fight to the death, until he sensed the energy on the snake youkai.
*She's a human and is not quick enough for this youkai's attacks.* Sesshoumaru thought as he slowly turns back to the fighters.
Rin was now nearly dry and jumped into the air to call for the winds, as the snake youkai spat out some poisonous attack at her.
Sesshoumaru ran with speed to where Rin was and ducked her out of the way, sending both of them spinning in the air.
They landed on the hard ground, rolling a couple of feet's to where Rin's pink sash was. With the great Lord on top of the human girl.
And again, the humans black long hair covered up her nose and her lips, only revealing her chocolate brown human eyes staring up at Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru stared at the girl who he was on top of. With her naked arms and legs, he cannot stop telling himself of how soft she was.
But even if she was appealing to him, he cannot take her for a mate. She, who was underneath him was his long time hatred, and he must not be like his father and his half brother Inuyasha.
Their eye contact was like forever and Sesshoumaru can feel her heart beating within her skin. His own breath was heavy, mixing up their scent together.
The snake youkai seeing this, he made his next move towards them once more. He send off another of his poison attacks.
Sesshoumaru sense the poison and rolled off with Rin a couple of feet's away from the aim. He got up quickly and trashes up to the green snake.
Rin's heart was still bounding from what had just happened between the inu youkai and herself. She, on top of a youkai! A inu youkai.
She got up and ran to where her pink sash was. Grabbing it, she strike the ground with her sash and was now in the air.
Sesshoumaru was fighting with the snake youkai now and was getting very tired of it.
He gave one swing of toukijin at the green snake youkai's head and successfully killed it.
The green youkai's body beamed down with a loud thud. The youkai died and Rin made her way back to the ground.
Sesshoumaru sense her coming down, he then speed off towards her and grabbed his sash that she'd wrapped herself around with.
He pulled at it, letting her spin in the air and was now in her naked form again. Rin fell and splashed back into the water.
She popped up again with her back to him, feeling a little shame that a male has seen her naked form.
"If I ever meet you again, I surly will kill you, and that's a promise" Rin says this as Sesshoumaru ties his sash at his waste again.
It was a good thing he had on a small white sash to secure his pants under his yellow one, or else his pants would have fallen off when she took it from his waist.
"Same here, wench" Sesshoumaru said coldly as he walked away leaving Rin still in the pond.
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***ok people, well here it is, chapter 4!!! Argh, wow, this chapter was like so long and stuff. And with all the describing and stuff well I just hope that I did ok on that too.
I did the best I can for all of the describing and stuff… well if I suck at it, please forgive me and stuff ok….
Well here are like a couple of notes to you all… well first of all, Sessy still had his pants on and stuff… ok… gosh imagine that, wouldn't he be mad at her if it really did…
And well… Rin kicked him in the face, so that he can't see her up close of her naked form. She kicked him again because she was wrapping herself in Sessy's sash…
Lets just assume that his sash is at least 3 feet wide ok… and about her hair well, I didn't want him to see what she looked like yet, not until like later ok…
Well I can't really think of anything rite now, so if there is anything that's confusing to you guys, feel free to email me or review it ok….
Oh and another thing, if I don't get enough reviews from you guys, then I can't move onto the next chapter and stuff ok…. Well make sure to write a lot of review ok, that makes me feel special and makes me feel like writing more alrite…. Well laters now….. @___@!!!!!