InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Me For Who I Am ❯ The Samurai ( Chapter 5 )
***** ok people, well hello again… well here's chapter 5 and if you guys read the note that I put up, as you can see, I have a lot of errors in my last chapter…
****** but I'm not going to change any of that because I'm lazy and it just takes too much to go through and change all that…
***** well if you guys have any questions what so ever, please feel free to review or email me ok… ^__^
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Ch. 5 - The Samurai
Rin stood in the water for a long time, running the scene over in her mind of what had just happen. The inu youkai who had spotted her in her privacy's image flash through her mind like a dream.
She kicking him; she wrapping herself around her body with his sash; he in the air; he killing; he on top of her; his ember eyes; her long dark hair; their scent mixing in the air; his body; he pulling away the sash; she in the water again; his voice; her response…
All this made Rin feel so like such an idiot. Every male who has desire to take her as a mate from the past, died in her hands or her masters.
But how could she had let that white mutt get away. Was she too insular at the time or was she a shame that a male had seen her naked body? She was the wind, no one can see the wind but only to feel it.
"Damn that bastard! I should've killed him!" Rin scolded herself. She had the chance to kill the inu youkai, but had let the chance slipped away.
"How could I've let that… that perverted… bastard get away?" She said to herself.
"I'm the wind, no one can see the wind. How could he? That bastard!" She clenched her eyebrows at the thought of him.
She couldn't get a clear picture of what he had looked like. The least thing she remember about him was his ember eyes, his white clothes, and the resembling on his face, proving that he's a highly class rank youkai.
* If it wasn't for that snake, he be dead!* She thought. She look around to find her green kimono, only to see that it was no longer where she had dropped in the water. The kimono had floated away long ago during the fight.
"BAKA!!!, what's wrong with you today" saying this as she flopped back into the water. Now she has no clothes and will have to find a way to get back to the village.
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Sesshoumaru was back at the castle. He inter his private quarters and into his chambers. He toss his sword tokijin onto the bed, not wanting to hold the sword any longer for that human wench's scent still lingers at it.
He looked at the counter to where tenseiga was placed on and glared at the sword coldly. He smirked to himself; the sword was worthless to him and he has no plan and no use of the sword.
Sesshoumaru left his room and walked down the hall and down the stairs to the bathhouse. He had to get the human scent off of him before any of the servants smells it on him.
He came up to two doors that was close in together; the doors were at least fifth teen feet high. He inter the bathhouse and close the doors behind him. He first took off his sash and threw it to the ground with disgust.
He then took off his armor and his fur pelt letting it drop to the ground, as he remove his haori revealing his well built form.
His chest and shoulders were board and his stomach held a six pact. His skin was thick and pale; and his white silky long hair trailing down his back.
He unties the small white sash that secure his pants together and let that drop to the ground. He slipped out of his white pants and ducked into the warm water. Sesshoumaru scrubbed his whole body with his clawed hands.
He didn't care if he tears his youkai skin, all he wanted to do was to get the human scent off him.
Until he can no longer smell the scent on him, he settle down into the warm water and put his thoughts onto the human he met at the small pond.
Flashes of her flush his mind as he clench his brows at the thought of her. He surly is going to hate her forever and will kill the human the next he sees her.
"Baka!" he told himself. He got out of the water and put on a white robe.
*Where is that Jaken when you needed him?* He thought to himself again. Jaken was the only one who would understand him, and now he needed Jaken to wash his clothes to get the scent off.
He did the next best thing he could and he'll have to call for Kioko, the servant that organizes his bed chambers, to wash the garment.
Kioko was a middle age female raccoon youkai that had once baby-sit Sesshoumaru when he was a child. But then had been asked by Sesshoumaru's father to take care of Inuyasha and his mother.
After Inuyasha's mother died and Inuyasha became old enough to take care of himself, Kioko went back to the Northlands and served Lord Yamurohiko, Sesshoumaru's uncle.
Sesshoumaru left the bath house and went back to his quarters. Hopefully that no one will go into the bathing room to see his garments on the floor.
Kioko was already in his room organizing the bed sheets as Sesshoumaru inters. Sesshoumaru was relieve to see that she was there, so that he can tell her to get the garments out of the bath house.
"Lord Sesshoumaru, you have return."
"Kioko, go to the bath house and get my clothes. Take it to the stream and wash it there. Make sure that no sees you. After you clean them, go back to the bath house and make sure that the scent no longer lingers in there."
"Yes my Lord, is there anything else you would like?"
"Yes my Lord." understanding this, Kioko left the room to the bath house.
*What could have Sesshoumaru gotten into this time?* Kioko thought to herself as she walks to the bath house.
As she enters the bathing room, she spots Sesshoumaru's clothes on the ground. As she bends down to pick up the garments, she can smell the scent that was on Sesshoumaru's yellow sash.
It was a scent of a woman's; a human scent. Kioko sniff the sash and the clothes to pick up any signs of mating, but none.
Kioko, having to be around humans when she had to take care of Inuyasha and his mother, can sense that the human was quite strong.
No one has ever been able to put a finger on Sesshoumaru's clothing, only when it needs to be wash. But youkai clothes don't need to be wash so often; hardly at all.
This was the first time Sesshoumaru has asked Kioko to wash his clothes, no one has ever since he came here, and that was at least for about a year and a half now.
Kioko knew why Sesshoumaru wanted her do so, it was to wash off the human scent. It'll be a shame to have the youkai's here to even think that the Lord of the West lands is just like his father and his half brother Inuyasha.
With a shake of her head and letting out a sigh, she picked up the garment and left the bathing house to the stream.
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It was now nearly dark until Rin had finally made a decision to go back to the village. She had skinned off the snake youkai, and made it into a kimono like' to put on.
Though the piece was short, it'll have to due for now. She tie on the pick sash and walked barefooted.
When she reach the village, people once again stared at her as if had never seen a human being before.
But she knew the reason for them to be staring this time; it was because of her skinned clothes she made from the green snake youkai, and her loose hair that was not put up.
The outfit was too tight on her and it was showing off every part of her body. Plus, the length of it gave her a slavery look, more likely to be very seductive.
There were many horses being tied to the poles of Sakura's house; and as she approaches the house, there were voices coming from inside of it.
Rin decided not to enter the house and was about to leave when the front of the door slid open.
"Rin-chan!" Shinji coming out of the door and running down the steps to where Rin was standing.
"Rin, my dear, where have you've been? The people here said that they saw you left early this morning. Where did you go, and why didn't you tell us where you were going? And why are you wearing this?"
Shinji was shocked to see what Rin had had on. Shinji made a worried face as she examines the outfit.
"Rin, what are you wearing? This is a snake youkai skin that you're wearing. Where's the kimono I gave you?" Shinji said with a worried voice, thinking about what Rin had to go through to be wearing this.
"Um… it's ok aunty, I'm fine."
"You certainly am not fine! You have a headache, and should have stay inside, Rin-chan!"
"I wanted to go out this morning for some refreshment, but found myself being attacked again by the same youkai I fought before. The kimono you gave me was tear to shards, so I had to skin the snake to make me something to wear. That's why it took me so long to come back. Gomen nasai aunt Shinji." Rin lied, not telling about her incidents with the inu youkai.
"Well then, we'll have to go inside and I'll give you something to wear. My …"
Shinji was interrupted when a man popped out of the house. "Mother, who are you talking to?" he said.
Rin stared up to see a young man dressed in a highly rank samurai suit. His hair was not cut or shaven in a traditional hairstyle of a samurai, but had it held in the back of his head.
The colors of his clothes were rich silky fabric, and his face was smooth and pale like Sakura and Hanna's. He was quite handsome in a way; very handsome actually, Rin admitted.
In some way though, the man that was standing in front of the door way reminded of someone who Rin had once knew.
The eyes, the nose, and the lips were very familiar to her. But she cannot remember who; perhaps she had seen him somewhere before, due to that he is a samurai.
"Rin-chan" Shinji finally said, "this is my eldest child, and also my son besides Hanna and Sakura. His name is Teiji."
Teiji! Yes of course… Teiji, he look just like her older brother Teiji himself. Though this man here was the older version of her long dead brother, their eyes, nose, and lips were the same.
Teiji, Rin's brothers face was more round and this man here's face was more skinnier and had sharp features. But to have the same name? That took Rin into curiosity.
"Hello" Teiji said to Rin with a nod.
"Hi" Rin said with curiosity eyes.
She stared at Teiji, studying his every movement, only reminded her more of her brother.
Teiji, her brother die when he was twelve, but the way this Teiji here talks and moves, he was exactly the same as her brother.
For a moment there, Rin had believe that it really was her brother until Shinji had told her of where he was born and of his age.
Rin's brother was six years older than her and they had never really gotten along. He was always picking on her and she had hated that for she was still very young to pick on him back.
But he was very protective though, even if he does pick on her often, he would fight back any boy or girl who make fun of her themselves.
He would always say that she was his worm to peck on and that they should go find their selves a worm to eat.
And when the bandits came to kill her family that one night, she had survive because of him.
He had stood up to her, holding her protectively, telling her to run while he fought the bandit with his own hands. It was a Teiji she never thought she'll see.
And he was killed in front of her very own two eyes, with his last words of saying to run away.
Rin never knew why her brother and her never got along until her master Xhing-Yi told her that it was because of their zodiacs.
Rin was born under the tiger sign and her brother was born under the monkey. They were six years apart, and animal zodiacs, if you're six years apart, then you won't get along at all…
Rin wasn't sure how old this Teiji was, and it was rude to ask so soon. Shinji led Rin into the house with Teiji following behind.
Shinji had one arm over her shoulder, covering her feminine shaped body due to the men's who were inside. All the men in the house looked up and all was quite when they enter.
They men's started whispering to one another as Shinji led her to the butterfly room which she woke up from that morning.
They enter the room, and to see that Hanna and Sakura was also sitting in the room made her feel relieve.
Hanna and Sakura stare at Rin with wide eyes. They got up quickly from the mat they were sitting on and ran to where Rin and their mother was.
"Girls, find something for Rin-chan here to wear. I must go to the market to go get some things for tonight's dinner. We have a lot of guests tonight." with that Shinji left the girls in the room.
"Rin-chan, why are you wearing this, and how did you get it?" Sakura asked in a very childish way.
"Rin, you shouldn't have gone out like that, we were very worried. Now that my brother has come back, he has already send some of his men's to go look for you. They should be back by dark." Hanna said.
"Gomen nasai Hanna, Sakura. But I was at the river to refresh myself. And when I came back out of the water, the water had already floated the kimono away. So I had to kill the youkai and skin off its skin so that I can make something for me to wear to come back." Rin lied again.
"Oh my! But with that headache, you can still do that?" Sakura asked.
"If you're well train, yes" Rin replied.
"Enough now Sakura-san, we must find something for Rin-chan."
With that, the girls went to their chest of clothing and pulled out a red kimono. The kimono was nicely decorated with cherry blossoms at the hem of the sleeves and the bottom of the skirt.
Hanna pulled out a yellow sash to go with the red kimono and handed it to Rin. Knowing that Rin won't let anyone see her dress, the girls left the room, letting her dress in private.
After she had dress, she welcome the girls back in. The three girls sat down on the mats again and Rin told her fighting story to them as they listen in amazement.
"Rin-chan, how do you learn how to fight like that, who taught you and how can you make such powerful moves? I thought that you were a youkai when I saw you kill those fireflies!!!" Sakura said.
"Oh Sakura! Can you just stop asking Rin-chan such dumb questions! You've seen her fight, why are you keep asking the same questions you ask brother Teiji?" Hanna scolded at her little sister.
"Well at first I thought that Rin-chan was a boy, then I thought that she was a samurai, then a youkai and then…." *WACK* Hanna had smack her sister at the side of her head for her to shut-up.
"OUCH!! Why'd you do that for!!!" Sakura whine…
"You talked too much little girl."
Rin giggled at them. Hearing Rin giggled, the girls stop the arguing and turned to Rin.
"It's ok Hanna, Sakura can ask if she likes." Rin said to the arguing girls.
"See! Arggh" Sakura sticks her tongue out at her older sister who was getting annoyed by her childness.
"So Rin-chan, can you tell me how you get your special powers?" Sakura asked again.
"Sakura…" Hanna sigh and shakes her head. "Please forgive my sister for asking such questions Rin-chan. But she is a curious one."
"That's ok Hanna-san, I'll tell her if she wants to know." Rin said to Hanna.
"well first of all, I was train when I was a little girl. My master Xying-Yi, she's from China and she herself was trained in the arts of the virgin. She came to Japan and was injured form a serious fight. I saw her in the forest and was mistaken her for my own mother." Rin said sadly as the girls listen with sorrow.
"Gomen for asking you such a question Rin-chan." said Sakura.
"What are you saying, I've never shared my past with anyone else besides my master. I didn't stop calling her mother until I was ten.
That's when I realize that she can't be my mother. I've always knew, deep inside of me. But I was scared to admit it.
When I was ten, kids from the village would yell at me that I'm a youkai's daughter, and that I'm a hanyou.
But I know for sure that I'm human. My master never aged and that's when I realized it… that she can't be my mother.
But she didn't mind if I called her that. She sometimes… actually respond to it. People in my village were human, but they can't even love me just because I'm an orphan.
But my master, she loved me for who I am, for what I am. I've always thought that youkai's were scary and nasty, but seeing my master leaning up against that tree looking like my mother the first time I saw her, I just couldn't help it but think that she is my own mom.
The first time I called her master, she was shocked and surprise that she actually cried." Rin ended. By now her eyes was filled up with tears.
Hanna and Sakura was so moved by her story that it brought them to tears as well.
"Rin-chan, we're so sorry for having you to tell us this."
"Arigatou, I've never felt this close to any humans before. You guys are the nicest people I've ever met in my whole life."
"You mean you lived your whole life with youkai's?" Sakura asked with wide eyes. Rin nodded her head and seeing this, the girls leaped up to embrace Rin.
"Oh Rin…" Sakura sobbed.
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***** ok there you guys!!! Chapter 5, done!!! Well I think that there will be tears the next time I get back on Rin's past. I know that I'd cry myself.
Well… humm…. san, chan, who know's how to use these terms. Well at least I don't!!! @__@ well people, tell me how to use it ok. And hummmm…. Is there anything else??? Oh, and that name I gave Sessy's uncle, well I don't know it just sorta sounded like Japanese… @______U well don't sue me ok, I don't own any of these characters.
Well I can't think of anything else right now… but there'll be action in like the next chappie I think… I don't know, more like not sure, but hey, like I've said, I like action. So this story is on action ok… and romance, and drama, and conflict and stuff like that…
well if there are any question and comments, please please please pleaesssssseeeee review. Those reviews are like so special to me ok…
it makes me want to write more… so please do so ok…. Ja Ne…. (ha!! I don't even know what that word means!!! See it on others and just put there I guess…. T_T!!!!) well latas now ok… ^__^