InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Me. I Dare You. ❯ Seven Times Seven ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

7 x 7=?
I used to run to, the lets just say… the not that wealthy area of town, to meet with Kagome. We had a code, funny one I guess. I would yell the factors of seven from bellow and if she answered I knew she was home. Then she waved her hands and came down to play…
“One times seven!!” Inuyasha panted and waited for an answer
No answer.
“Two times seven!” he yelled louder, looking everywhere for a sign of Kagome.
“Three times seven!” he still panted and waited…
“21!” a small cheeky voice answered from the 5th floor
He grinned “Four times seven!”
“28” Kagome waved her hands
A soft smile spread across his soft features “Five times seven”
“35!” she knotted her fingers and waited for the next question.
“Six time seven” he took a deep breath
“Seven times… seven” he finally asked in a soft voice
With a gentle grin she said “49” and leaned on the terrace bars.
Swiftly she came down the stairs to meet up with her dearest friend.
“So? What's the play for today?”
“I call it… The Class Sabotage” he smirked and walked side by side with Kagome, to school.
“Common nouns that start with `A'? Anyone?...” ordered the teacher, walking up and down, and between the desks.
An kid raised his hand “An Animals?”
“Animals! An Animal, two Animals! Come on kids!” she paced around asking more questions “Anyone else? Sango?”
A girl with hazel eyes and a long ponytail kept staring at the teacher.
“Eh.. uh. Apricot?”
“Very Good! Apricots!”
Meanwhile Inuyasha was in the back bored, and almost falling asleep on his desk.
“Yash! Wake up, she is coming” said a boy with next to him with indigo eyes.
“I need something to do! I'm bored as hell!” he groaned. Suddenly he looked down at the merry go round box and remembered his plan. Yes!
He poked Kagome on her shoulder gently. “Hey! Raise your hand for the next letter and say all the bad words you know that start with it. Dare or no dare?”
“Dare” she sighed
Next to them the boy with the indigo eyes secretly spied.
“Now with the letter `B' children!” the teacher announced
Kagome was slowly raising her hand
“Uuh.. `B' for: Big-Dick, Bonk…”
“KAGOME!” the teacher exclaimed
“… beat the beaver, balls, blow job…” she muffled a giggle. She didn't know but that girl `Sango' was looking at her and trying not to laugh as well.
The class began to laugh histericaly and the teacher was turning a dark shade of red
“Bug-eyed-Baboon! Bitch! Bitch-bag? Beat it bitch bag!” she yelled laughing.
Afterwards she saw a hand flying, and before she knew it she was slapped… again.
“Think you are so funny, Miss? What Language!” the teacher was now walking back to her desk
“I'm giving you a zero, `Z' for ZERO!”
Inuyasha stirred in his seat
“We'll see if the principal thinks its funny!” she yelled at Kagome.
Meanwhile a colorful box was slid to Kagome's right shoulder. She smiled and grabbed it while the teacher was still talking.
“INUYASHA! What is going on?” the teacher put her hands on her hips.
“To the principal's with Kagome!”
Both paced down the hall behind the temperamental hag of a teacher they had.
“Boner” he whispered.
“What?” Kagome looked at him funny.
“ `B' for Boner!”
Kagome nudged him hard “I didn't have time”
“Discipline!” a toad like man with a friar like cut said loudly.
“Discipline is the… m-mother! Of respect… Without respect, it's the end of civilization. The decay of the fundaments of the city! T-THUGOCRACY!” he spat.
A small hand was raised to clean up the spit from the tip of his nose… Keh
“And all thanks to whom?” the toad man principal continued
“To Miss Higurashi and Mr. Takahashi, huh?”
Swiftly Kagome whispered to Inuyasha “Pee on the floor? This is payback. Dare or no dare?”
He stood still, and Kagome looked at the principal as if nothing has happened.
He leaned over her and whispered. “… Dare”
“Excuse me Mr. Takahashi?” the toad man insisted. “If its of any interest please… Do tell!, What half baked idea crossed your puny little brain, to dare interrupt me eh?!?”
Kagome gulped… Crap
Inuyasha just stared at the now furious man.
“You surely imagine Mr. Takahashi, that….”
Then a 3 second silence filled the room, continued by a pouring sound. That lasted a good, half a minute.
It was a great game. The problem is… that one found it funny
They smiled at each other until a loud yell stunned them around.
“SEPARATE THEM!!” principal `toad' ended up panting. “S-separate them Miss!”
Separate Us?... They wouldn't dare. Well they did, we ended up at opposite sides of the school. But like I said once… “School Sabotage”
Inuyasha came back from the office and everyone was whispering like a bunch of old ladies in a club.
“I'll be back class, I have to take Miss Higurashi to her knew… class” the teacher glared at both of them and closed the door behind her.
Suddenly out of nowhere the indigo eyed kid jumped right next to Inuyasha
“Duuuuude! That was WICKED! What is that game you play?... TELL PLEASE?!” he begged
Inuyasha looked at him funny then smirked. “Its called Dare, rules are dead simple”
Then the `Sango' girl stepped in front “Sounds interesting!! Is Kagome okay?, can I join the game?”
He was a bit hesitant, he didn't want to share their game with the rest but… “If you dare” he shrugged and returned to his seat. He could hear the yeses and wooohoos! Coming from his two new contestants.
On his way to his next class he bumped with her “Kagome!” she smiled and handed him the box
“Your turn”
No one could separate us, the game had barely started!
Inuyasha was sitting in his desk, while the teacher was pouring ink in the ink holders from each table. “Dare” he whispered to himself. Afterwards he flicked the ink pot right after the teacher poured dark blue ink in it.
“INUY-“ she was interrupted when he grabbed the bottle and started pouring it all over the class.
The sound of a door slamming shut crossed the principal's office. In came a blue teacher dragging a laughing Inuyasha in hand.
“Mister Takahashi, come join your classmate Miss Higurashi…” while the principal was babbling he smiled and slowly reached for Kagome's hand. She giggled and knotted her fingers through his.
“…Great minds think alike no? Know the meaning of the word `punishment'?” He continued talking but both of them… were stuck in their own game.
A door flew open “- But this isn't about you! Have you thought about what her future will be, if you don't inculcate a minimum of education? What are the od-”
“HEY! I'm not her mother” Kagome's aunt interrupted the hysterical
“Vulgarity is NOT in the curriculum of the Academy Miss Higurashi! So I must, once again, summon your parents!” he persisted
“Our parents only speak Japanese! For them `Boner' means nothing! Anything else?” Kagome's aunt crossed her arms waiting for a reply.
All they heard was a snort and the shutting of a door.
“You know what you are in for Kagome? You are grounded! No more desserts, TV…” said her aunt.
Meanwhile across the hall Inuyasha was receiving the same speech. But with every forbidden thing he got a smack to the head
“No more sweets” smack “No more.. comics!” smack “and certainly no more light across the hall! Now get your coat” said his angry father while dragging him down the hall. In the meantime Kagome and her aunt were crossing the hall, both Inuyasha and Kagome exchanged glances, she smiled to him, and he followed her stare and turned around.
“That's enough Inuyasha!” his father grabbed him by the back of his coat and pulled him back.
Kagome giggled and said “Cool, You too!”