InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ Everything goes wrong and I get stuck with him. ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter eight: Everything goes wrong and I get stuck with him.
Inuyasha angrily stormed home, he jumped into the tree by his room and climbed onto his roof, where he gently opened his window and climbed into his room. His music had been shut off and the room was clean. Clothes were folded and put away, he stared wide-eyed as he circled his room, it was clean.
"Dammit Kaede, why did you clean my room!" he yelled as he walked down the stairs into the living room where Kaede was watching TV.
The elderly woman looked pretty irked. She placed her cup of tea down on the coffee table and looked up at Inuyasha.
"Because ye live in a pig sty, and while I'm here ye house will stay spotless, including ye room Inuyasha." She stated, "Where were ye earlier Inuyasha? And why did ye try to fool this old woman?"
"That's none of your business you old hag." He growled as he plopped down on the couch across from Kaede.
"It's my business since Sesshomaru and yer foster parents took a surprise flight to Tokyo, leaving ye without supervision." Kaede argued with the hanyou.
"They what!" he screamed, "Why did they all leave and not tell me. Those fucking stupid--"
"Inuyasha! Watch ye language! Now, tell me where ye went off to!" she didn't want to yell at him, but she wasn't getting any answers.
Inuyasha immediately grew quiet, he wasn't getting anywhere and if he didn't at least lie, she wouldn't shut up and eventually she would go snooping around.
"I went walking around." He said and technically he wasn't lying.
"Where'd ye go walking around?" she pushed for a more specific answer from him. 'He's hiding something from me!' she thought.
"I went to the park!" he yelled as he stood up, "ARE YOU HAPPY? I WENT TO THE PARK! IT WAS EMPTY! NO ONE WAS THERE! THERE YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED! Now leave me alone you old hag!"
The newly angered hanyou stormed back up the stairs to his room yet again for that day. When he got to his room he slammed his door shut, turned on his music and started trashing his room.
Kaede sighed and shook her head, "He needs to control his temper or he won't last long enough to see his twenty first birthday."
Sango sighed as she poked at her lunch, she tried to listen and pay attention to Miroku, but she had other thoughts on her mind. Miroku had stopped talking and looked at the depressed Sango. He got up from his seat and moved to one next to her. Putting his arm around her shoulder he smiled.
"Sango, my love what's eating you?" he said as he thought, 'Hmm I know what could cheer her up.'
"It's that well I miss Kagome and….AHHH Hentai!" she pushed Miroku to the floor and gently kicked his legs. "Why can't you be a descent boyfriend and not grope me while you're trying to cheer me up! You're such a pervert!"
"I'm sorry Sango, my love. Let me make it up to you." He begged as he got to his feet.
Sango rolled her eyes and nodded, "Fine, but no funny business mister. Or I'll break up with you and spread evil rumors about you and that one boy in the library!" she thought about what she just said as a grin spread on her face, "And I'll hit you were it hurts, not literally though."
Miroku gulped as he brushed himself off, "Yes Sango dear."
She pulled him into a tight hug, then kissed his cheek before she headed off to her next class. He sighed as he slumped into his seat. "You tell a woman one thing, and they walk all over you."
The ever so perverted Miroku got up out of his seat and made his way to his next class also. A group of guys stepped in front of him, blocking his way. 'Okay this is irritating,' he thought. "Can I help you?"
A rather scraggily looking fellow loomed over Miroku and calmly asked, "Have you seen Koga? He's been missing for over a week."
"Wow, a week? Crap that's bad." Miroku gasped, "but I haven't seen him, and if I do, you'll be the first to know."
Miroku smiled sheepishly and walked into his classroom, sat down in a chair, and a waited a long and boring rest of the day to come to an end.
As Inuyasha threw his chair into a wall he noticed a small silver glistening object under his computer table. He walked over to his computer and reached for the object. When he picked it up he sighed and went over to his bed. 'It's Kagome's necklace.' Inuyasha turned off his c.d. player and laid don on his bed still holding the necklace in his palm.
He walked down a dark street, letting the cold air nip at his ears. Koga rubbed his arms as he neared his hotel.
"Wow, I didn't know how long of a walk this was or I would have gotten a cab." He said to himself.
Koga could hear the faint tapping of heels down an empty road, but they weren't coming from his shoes. He turned around as a cloaked figure stopped behind him. Koga could tell the person, by her scent, but he couldn't tell who she was because her cloak covered her face.
"Can I help you?" he asked warmly.
The cloaked young woman pulled out a slender black pistol from a pocket and pointed it at the wolf youkai's head. His eyes went wide as he stared into the barrel of the gun. Then she spoke in an awkward, yet piercing voice.
"Stay away from Higurashi. Mind your own business and you might live to see another day." She said coldly.
Koga growled angrily, "And what if I don't?" he challenged the young woman.
"Then it's going to get a lot worse than this." She replied as she pointed the weapon to Koga's left shoulder. She began to laugh as she pulled the trigger.
At first he didn't know what hit him. He put his hand onto his shoulder and the blood poured from his arm. He let out a cry of pain as he collapsed onto his knees. The young woman practically cackled as she turned walking away, disappearing from the scene. Disappearing into the rising fog. He clutched his wound as he slowly got to his feet. The wolf youkai stumbled a bit then quickly taking off in a rather fast run. There was only one place that he could be at least a little safe until he could heal.
The very tired Inuyasha was only a few moments away from a restless sleep when there came a faint tapping from his widow. At first the hanyou ignored the noise until he could smell the blood. Reluctantly he rose from his bedside and walked to his window. He opened it and looked out, there he saw a very injured Koga.
"What the fuck!" Inuyasha growled moving away from the window.
Slowly Koga made his way into the hanyou's room, holding his wounded shoulder. "The bitch shot me." He panted as blood dripped down his already blood-covered arm.
"What bitch? You have to be more specific dumbass." Inuyasha said seriously as he grabbed a sheet, covering up the bloody mess.
"I don't know who it was dog shit! But I could smell Naraku all over her." The wolf youkai winced in pain dropping onto his knees.
"Tell me what happened." Inuyasha demanded.
"I will once my wound is taken care of!" Koga growled.
Inuyasha took off out of his bedroom and practically flew down the stairs. "Kaede! Kaede! Where in the seven hells are you, you old hag!"
He went through every room in the house in a matter of minutes before he walked out into the backyard. Ironically there was Kaede, lying down on a lawn chair out in the grass, a cup of steaming tea at her side.
"Can I help ye Inuyasha?"
"Yeah, you can help me." He replied sarcastically, "By getting yer old fat ass upstairs and helping with my blood soaked carpet!"
"Before I do anything, ye must ask nicely," she smiled curiously as she eyed him curiously with one opened eye.
"Come on!" he said pleading, "Koga's been shot!"
Inuyasha rushed back into the house, he ran up to his room faster than normal, 'I may want to ring the bastards neck, but nobody needs to die on Naraku's grimy claws.'
Koga was lying still covered in his own inky black blood, the shag blue carpet around the wolf youkai, which had turned an eerie purple color. The hanyou went to his rival's side and could feel Koga Struggling for life. A few seconds later Kaede entered the room. She quickly knelt by the unconscious Koga and growled, "He's lost a lot of blood. Inuyasha fetch my herbs and hurry!"
The hanyou nodded and flew back down the stairs, rushing into the guestroom. He grabbed all of the herbs and medical things that he could find and scrambled back up to his room.
"H…he-here!" he choked out.
The elderly woman soon kicked Inuyasha from the room and the hanyou was resorted to sleeping in his brother's room. He shivered as he turned on the light to keep the elegantly decorated room lit. He made his way to the gigantic bed and laid down. Before closing his eyes he chuckled.
"I wonder if Sesshomaru's gay?"
Sesshomaru sat uncomfortable in his first class chair. He had his lab top on his lap and a rather small glass of red wine in his claw. Jaken had been asleep for the last seven hours and he snored like a horse. He had succumbed a headache earlier as his wounds healed, but now the Inuyoukai had a migraine so bad that if looks could kill, the flight attendants would be dead a million times over. The same movie was played twice and he wasn't so fond of the nonsense of "Tomb Raider".
"What a waste, I could have flown in a personal jet and I would have gotten some peace and quiet." He grumbled while he began to work on his laptop.
The annoyed Inuyoukai pulled out a very small pair of headphones that would be hidden behind his gorgeous silk locks of silver hair. He turned on his mp3 player and listened to Beethoven's "Fur Elise", along with many others of his classical favorites. Sesshomaru finished typing and closed his laptop, he was about to try and relax when his cell phone, set on vibration went off. Irritated he answered.
"Sesshomaru Tama, you've interrupted me during my work hours. Please call my office and leave a message with my secretary. Don't bother trying to get a hold of me unless it's important or you do have a death wish? And trust me, you're not important enough to---"
"Lay off that shit, I know you're there Sesshomaru." The man on the other line hissed.
"So Naraku, you finally grow enough balls to confront me." Sesshomaru mused.
"Don't interfere, or you'll lose more than some flesh from your arms." Naraku threatened.
The Inuyoukai chuckled, "You're nothing but a half breed. Even if you used that human girl, you couldn't take on a full blood like me down. So don't threaten when you can't deliver."
"If I were you I would have never crossed some one like myself, Sesshomaru Tama, for I will hit you where it hurts and hard." Naraku growled growing angry.
"I have no use for you, or your kind. I'm relieving myself of your trash. Now don't call me again." Sesshomaru said calmly as he hung up his cell phone tossing it into his pocket. He flipped up his laptop and began to work on a new way to improve his company's security and all of his valuable employee's and client's safety.
"Kagome dear, It's time to get up and ready for school." Her mother said shaking the girl slightly until her eyes opened lazily.
"Er…okay,…I'm up don't rush me." Kagome replied climbing out of the comforts of her bed and heading towards her bathroom.
She closed the door behind her and slowly peeled off her pajamas. Kagome turned on the shower and stepped inside the tub. 'Nine hours of sleep really kills you.' She thought. She let the hot water beads drip down her body as the she stood silently enjoying the warmth.
"Kagome hurry up or you'll miss breakfast." Her mom called from down the hall.
"Almost done mama!" Kagome called back as she turned off the water and put on her robe. Quickly she made her way down stairs and into the kitchen.
Her mom was cleaning dishes from the previous night's meal, and Kagome sat down at the table and began to eat her cereal and toast.
"How did you sleep dear?" Her mother asked trying to make a nice conversation.
"Hmmf." The young girl gobbled down her food quickly almost inhaling it. Then quickly rushed back up the stairs to get dressed.
"What am I going to wear!" she sighed tossing clothes onto her bed.
"Kagome Dear." Her mother said walking into Kagome's bedroom, "I want you to wear something warm, it's kind of chilly outside."
Kagome sighed, picking up a pair of tight blue jeans and a black T-shirt that read "Pervert". She walked back into her bathroom and got dressed. It took her fifteen minutes to finish getting ready for school, putting on a light jacket and picking up her backpack Kagome headed down stairs. She grabbed a set of keys and walked out of her house.
"Wow, it's cold," she shivered making her way quickly to the bus stop.
"Inuyasha? Inuyasha?" Koga yelled loudly into the hanyou's ears.
"AHHH!" Inuyasha woke up screaming, "WHAT THE FUCK'S YOUR PROBLEM!"
"You're going to be late for school." The wolf youkai muttered.
Inuyasha got out of his brother's bed and walked to the bathroom wiping the sleep from his eyes he turned around to face his rival.
"Well you don't have to follow me into the shower!" the hanyou growled shoving Koga from the room and locking the door, "Stupid wolf."
Slowly Inuyasha got undressed and stepped into the shower. He turned on the hot water and let the sheets of water pour onto his chest.
( A completely over used Flash back)
He panicked grabbing her wrist, "Wait Kagome."
She stopped and looked directly at him, "How do you know my name?"
"How could I not, You've all I've been able to think about since we met." He's poured his heart practically out to her.
( Fin )
'But she doesn't know who I am.' He thought as he rinsed the soap off his body and turning off the water, reaching for a few towels and wrapping up his hair in one and another around his waist.
Inuyasha went into his own room and picked out his clothes for the day and tossed them on. He brushed his hair and fangs then put on his favorite shoes. When he had finished, Inuyasha walked down the stairs to find both Kaede and Koga sitting at the table having a very deep conversation.
"Aye, my child it is best that ye go back to Tokyo for ye own safety." Kaede calmly said.
"I agree." Inuyasha said opening the fridge and grabbing a soda.
Angrily Koga stood up knocking over his chair, "I will not leave Kagome here with the likes of you dog shit!"
Inuyasha rolled his eyes and walked out his front door, "I'm not going to waste my time arguing with wolf trash."
The hanyou got into his car and started the engine. He waited a few minutes then honked the horn. A moment later a very irritated Koga came into view and got into the passenger seat. Inuyasha grunted and put his care into reverse, pulling it out of the driveway and heading to the school.
Kagome silently read her book in the cafeteria as she waited for Koga to arrive. Usually she never read her books at school because Koga would always go off and start saying, "Pretty girls shouldn't read."
She sighed looking up at the clock, 'He's late.' She thought putting her book into her bag. 'He's never late. I hope everything's okay.' She stood up from her seat and began to walk out when somebody yelled for her.
"Kagome," he said in a rather low voice as he reached her side.
"Yes, can I help you?" she smiled.
It was Naraku. Though he was pretty nice to her he still managed to give her the creeps. He was a foot taller than she was, and his long black hair and eyes scared her.
"I here that you're going out with Koga," he frowned. He was disgusted.
"Where did you hear such nonsense Naraku?" she was a little angry, 'Who in the hell would say something like that. I would never date Koga…again.'
"Inuyasha Tama." Naraku smirked, his plan was working like a charm.
"Who?" she grew angrier.
"I don't care if somebody shot you! I'll still kick your ass!" a voice said from down the hall.
"Bring it on dog shit! I'll take your ass on any day!" Koga yelled.
Kagome took off sprinting down the hallway, until she saw Koga and the boy from the other night. Angrily she stormed over to the fighting boys.
"What's going on!" she yelled causing the two boys to grow quiet and look at her.
"Kagome…I…Uh…He…Uh…we.." Inuyasha started.
She turned to face the hanyou, putting her hands on her hips and yelling, "Who the hell are you and how do you know my name!" She stalked up to him furiously and stared into his eyes. Boy, was she furious.
"I already told you how I know you!" he growled, "I'm INUYASHA!"
Her hand soared to his cheek, she'd slapped him hard in the face. Inuyasha stumbled back a few steps, he could hear Koga laughing.
"Shut up Koga," she yelled to the wolf youkai, "Go away!"
"But, but" he started,
"GO!" she screamed.
"What the fuck was that for wench!" Inuyasha yelled as Koga reluctantly disappeared down the hallway.
"For saying things to people that aren't true!" she yelled back swinging her first at him this time.
Inuyasha saw it coming and he grabbed her wrist and angrily growled, "What the fuck are you talking about!"
"You're the one going around and telling people that I'm going out with Koga, you jerk!" she said trying to pull away.
He was confused at first, "But aren't you--Hey wait a minute! I didn't say that! You told me that you were Wench!"
"Don't call me names you jackass!" she threatened,
"Why in the hell would I say something stupid like you going out with Koga when I think that you deserve better Kagome?" he whispered to himself mainly, and letting go of her wrist.
Kagome smiled as she leaned over putting her lips to his "ears" and whispered back, "Because you're jealous. And there's no way that you could ever have me." Then she turned and walked away from him as the bell rang signaling for class to start.
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter eight: Everything goes wrong and I get stuck with him.
Inuyasha angrily stormed home, he jumped into the tree by his room and climbed onto his roof, where he gently opened his window and climbed into his room. His music had been shut off and the room was clean. Clothes were folded and put away, he stared wide-eyed as he circled his room, it was clean.
"Dammit Kaede, why did you clean my room!" he yelled as he walked down the stairs into the living room where Kaede was watching TV.
The elderly woman looked pretty irked. She placed her cup of tea down on the coffee table and looked up at Inuyasha.
"Because ye live in a pig sty, and while I'm here ye house will stay spotless, including ye room Inuyasha." She stated, "Where were ye earlier Inuyasha? And why did ye try to fool this old woman?"
"That's none of your business you old hag." He growled as he plopped down on the couch across from Kaede.
"It's my business since Sesshomaru and yer foster parents took a surprise flight to Tokyo, leaving ye without supervision." Kaede argued with the hanyou.
"They what!" he screamed, "Why did they all leave and not tell me. Those fucking stupid--"
"Inuyasha! Watch ye language! Now, tell me where ye went off to!" she didn't want to yell at him, but she wasn't getting any answers.
Inuyasha immediately grew quiet, he wasn't getting anywhere and if he didn't at least lie, she wouldn't shut up and eventually she would go snooping around.
"I went walking around." He said and technically he wasn't lying.
"Where'd ye go walking around?" she pushed for a more specific answer from him. 'He's hiding something from me!' she thought.
"I went to the park!" he yelled as he stood up, "ARE YOU HAPPY? I WENT TO THE PARK! IT WAS EMPTY! NO ONE WAS THERE! THERE YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED! Now leave me alone you old hag!"
The newly angered hanyou stormed back up the stairs to his room yet again for that day. When he got to his room he slammed his door shut, turned on his music and started trashing his room.
Kaede sighed and shook her head, "He needs to control his temper or he won't last long enough to see his twenty first birthday."
Sango sighed as she poked at her lunch, she tried to listen and pay attention to Miroku, but she had other thoughts on her mind. Miroku had stopped talking and looked at the depressed Sango. He got up from his seat and moved to one next to her. Putting his arm around her shoulder he smiled.
"Sango, my love what's eating you?" he said as he thought, 'Hmm I know what could cheer her up.'
"It's that well I miss Kagome and….AHHH Hentai!" she pushed Miroku to the floor and gently kicked his legs. "Why can't you be a descent boyfriend and not grope me while you're trying to cheer me up! You're such a pervert!"
"I'm sorry Sango, my love. Let me make it up to you." He begged as he got to his feet.
Sango rolled her eyes and nodded, "Fine, but no funny business mister. Or I'll break up with you and spread evil rumors about you and that one boy in the library!" she thought about what she just said as a grin spread on her face, "And I'll hit you were it hurts, not literally though."
Miroku gulped as he brushed himself off, "Yes Sango dear."
She pulled him into a tight hug, then kissed his cheek before she headed off to her next class. He sighed as he slumped into his seat. "You tell a woman one thing, and they walk all over you."
The ever so perverted Miroku got up out of his seat and made his way to his next class also. A group of guys stepped in front of him, blocking his way. 'Okay this is irritating,' he thought. "Can I help you?"
A rather scraggily looking fellow loomed over Miroku and calmly asked, "Have you seen Koga? He's been missing for over a week."
"Wow, a week? Crap that's bad." Miroku gasped, "but I haven't seen him, and if I do, you'll be the first to know."
Miroku smiled sheepishly and walked into his classroom, sat down in a chair, and a waited a long and boring rest of the day to come to an end.
As Inuyasha threw his chair into a wall he noticed a small silver glistening object under his computer table. He walked over to his computer and reached for the object. When he picked it up he sighed and went over to his bed. 'It's Kagome's necklace.' Inuyasha turned off his c.d. player and laid don on his bed still holding the necklace in his palm.
He walked down a dark street, letting the cold air nip at his ears. Koga rubbed his arms as he neared his hotel.
"Wow, I didn't know how long of a walk this was or I would have gotten a cab." He said to himself.
Koga could hear the faint tapping of heels down an empty road, but they weren't coming from his shoes. He turned around as a cloaked figure stopped behind him. Koga could tell the person, by her scent, but he couldn't tell who she was because her cloak covered her face.
"Can I help you?" he asked warmly.
The cloaked young woman pulled out a slender black pistol from a pocket and pointed it at the wolf youkai's head. His eyes went wide as he stared into the barrel of the gun. Then she spoke in an awkward, yet piercing voice.
"Stay away from Higurashi. Mind your own business and you might live to see another day." She said coldly.
Koga growled angrily, "And what if I don't?" he challenged the young woman.
"Then it's going to get a lot worse than this." She replied as she pointed the weapon to Koga's left shoulder. She began to laugh as she pulled the trigger.
At first he didn't know what hit him. He put his hand onto his shoulder and the blood poured from his arm. He let out a cry of pain as he collapsed onto his knees. The young woman practically cackled as she turned walking away, disappearing from the scene. Disappearing into the rising fog. He clutched his wound as he slowly got to his feet. The wolf youkai stumbled a bit then quickly taking off in a rather fast run. There was only one place that he could be at least a little safe until he could heal.
The very tired Inuyasha was only a few moments away from a restless sleep when there came a faint tapping from his widow. At first the hanyou ignored the noise until he could smell the blood. Reluctantly he rose from his bedside and walked to his window. He opened it and looked out, there he saw a very injured Koga.
"What the fuck!" Inuyasha growled moving away from the window.
Slowly Koga made his way into the hanyou's room, holding his wounded shoulder. "The bitch shot me." He panted as blood dripped down his already blood-covered arm.
"What bitch? You have to be more specific dumbass." Inuyasha said seriously as he grabbed a sheet, covering up the bloody mess.
"I don't know who it was dog shit! But I could smell Naraku all over her." The wolf youkai winced in pain dropping onto his knees.
"Tell me what happened." Inuyasha demanded.
"I will once my wound is taken care of!" Koga growled.
Inuyasha took off out of his bedroom and practically flew down the stairs. "Kaede! Kaede! Where in the seven hells are you, you old hag!"
He went through every room in the house in a matter of minutes before he walked out into the backyard. Ironically there was Kaede, lying down on a lawn chair out in the grass, a cup of steaming tea at her side.
"Can I help ye Inuyasha?"
"Yeah, you can help me." He replied sarcastically, "By getting yer old fat ass upstairs and helping with my blood soaked carpet!"
"Before I do anything, ye must ask nicely," she smiled curiously as she eyed him curiously with one opened eye.
"Come on!" he said pleading, "Koga's been shot!"
Inuyasha rushed back into the house, he ran up to his room faster than normal, 'I may want to ring the bastards neck, but nobody needs to die on Naraku's grimy claws.'
Koga was lying still covered in his own inky black blood, the shag blue carpet around the wolf youkai, which had turned an eerie purple color. The hanyou went to his rival's side and could feel Koga Struggling for life. A few seconds later Kaede entered the room. She quickly knelt by the unconscious Koga and growled, "He's lost a lot of blood. Inuyasha fetch my herbs and hurry!"
The hanyou nodded and flew back down the stairs, rushing into the guestroom. He grabbed all of the herbs and medical things that he could find and scrambled back up to his room.
"H…he-here!" he choked out.
The elderly woman soon kicked Inuyasha from the room and the hanyou was resorted to sleeping in his brother's room. He shivered as he turned on the light to keep the elegantly decorated room lit. He made his way to the gigantic bed and laid down. Before closing his eyes he chuckled.
"I wonder if Sesshomaru's gay?"
Sesshomaru sat uncomfortable in his first class chair. He had his lab top on his lap and a rather small glass of red wine in his claw. Jaken had been asleep for the last seven hours and he snored like a horse. He had succumbed a headache earlier as his wounds healed, but now the Inuyoukai had a migraine so bad that if looks could kill, the flight attendants would be dead a million times over. The same movie was played twice and he wasn't so fond of the nonsense of "Tomb Raider".
"What a waste, I could have flown in a personal jet and I would have gotten some peace and quiet." He grumbled while he began to work on his laptop.
The annoyed Inuyoukai pulled out a very small pair of headphones that would be hidden behind his gorgeous silk locks of silver hair. He turned on his mp3 player and listened to Beethoven's "Fur Elise", along with many others of his classical favorites. Sesshomaru finished typing and closed his laptop, he was about to try and relax when his cell phone, set on vibration went off. Irritated he answered.
"Sesshomaru Tama, you've interrupted me during my work hours. Please call my office and leave a message with my secretary. Don't bother trying to get a hold of me unless it's important or you do have a death wish? And trust me, you're not important enough to---"
"Lay off that shit, I know you're there Sesshomaru." The man on the other line hissed.
"So Naraku, you finally grow enough balls to confront me." Sesshomaru mused.
"Don't interfere, or you'll lose more than some flesh from your arms." Naraku threatened.
The Inuyoukai chuckled, "You're nothing but a half breed. Even if you used that human girl, you couldn't take on a full blood like me down. So don't threaten when you can't deliver."
"If I were you I would have never crossed some one like myself, Sesshomaru Tama, for I will hit you where it hurts and hard." Naraku growled growing angry.
"I have no use for you, or your kind. I'm relieving myself of your trash. Now don't call me again." Sesshomaru said calmly as he hung up his cell phone tossing it into his pocket. He flipped up his laptop and began to work on a new way to improve his company's security and all of his valuable employee's and client's safety.
"Kagome dear, It's time to get up and ready for school." Her mother said shaking the girl slightly until her eyes opened lazily.
"Er…okay,…I'm up don't rush me." Kagome replied climbing out of the comforts of her bed and heading towards her bathroom.
She closed the door behind her and slowly peeled off her pajamas. Kagome turned on the shower and stepped inside the tub. 'Nine hours of sleep really kills you.' She thought. She let the hot water beads drip down her body as the she stood silently enjoying the warmth.
"Kagome hurry up or you'll miss breakfast." Her mom called from down the hall.
"Almost done mama!" Kagome called back as she turned off the water and put on her robe. Quickly she made her way down stairs and into the kitchen.
Her mom was cleaning dishes from the previous night's meal, and Kagome sat down at the table and began to eat her cereal and toast.
"How did you sleep dear?" Her mother asked trying to make a nice conversation.
"Hmmf." The young girl gobbled down her food quickly almost inhaling it. Then quickly rushed back up the stairs to get dressed.
"What am I going to wear!" she sighed tossing clothes onto her bed.
"Kagome Dear." Her mother said walking into Kagome's bedroom, "I want you to wear something warm, it's kind of chilly outside."
Kagome sighed, picking up a pair of tight blue jeans and a black T-shirt that read "Pervert". She walked back into her bathroom and got dressed. It took her fifteen minutes to finish getting ready for school, putting on a light jacket and picking up her backpack Kagome headed down stairs. She grabbed a set of keys and walked out of her house.
"Wow, it's cold," she shivered making her way quickly to the bus stop.
"Inuyasha? Inuyasha?" Koga yelled loudly into the hanyou's ears.
"AHHH!" Inuyasha woke up screaming, "WHAT THE FUCK'S YOUR PROBLEM!"
"You're going to be late for school." The wolf youkai muttered.
Inuyasha got out of his brother's bed and walked to the bathroom wiping the sleep from his eyes he turned around to face his rival.
"Well you don't have to follow me into the shower!" the hanyou growled shoving Koga from the room and locking the door, "Stupid wolf."
Slowly Inuyasha got undressed and stepped into the shower. He turned on the hot water and let the sheets of water pour onto his chest.
( A completely over used Flash back)
He panicked grabbing her wrist, "Wait Kagome."
She stopped and looked directly at him, "How do you know my name?"
"How could I not, You've all I've been able to think about since we met." He's poured his heart practically out to her.
( Fin )
'But she doesn't know who I am.' He thought as he rinsed the soap off his body and turning off the water, reaching for a few towels and wrapping up his hair in one and another around his waist.
Inuyasha went into his own room and picked out his clothes for the day and tossed them on. He brushed his hair and fangs then put on his favorite shoes. When he had finished, Inuyasha walked down the stairs to find both Kaede and Koga sitting at the table having a very deep conversation.
"Aye, my child it is best that ye go back to Tokyo for ye own safety." Kaede calmly said.
"I agree." Inuyasha said opening the fridge and grabbing a soda.
Angrily Koga stood up knocking over his chair, "I will not leave Kagome here with the likes of you dog shit!"
Inuyasha rolled his eyes and walked out his front door, "I'm not going to waste my time arguing with wolf trash."
The hanyou got into his car and started the engine. He waited a few minutes then honked the horn. A moment later a very irritated Koga came into view and got into the passenger seat. Inuyasha grunted and put his care into reverse, pulling it out of the driveway and heading to the school.
Kagome silently read her book in the cafeteria as she waited for Koga to arrive. Usually she never read her books at school because Koga would always go off and start saying, "Pretty girls shouldn't read."
She sighed looking up at the clock, 'He's late.' She thought putting her book into her bag. 'He's never late. I hope everything's okay.' She stood up from her seat and began to walk out when somebody yelled for her.
"Kagome," he said in a rather low voice as he reached her side.
"Yes, can I help you?" she smiled.
It was Naraku. Though he was pretty nice to her he still managed to give her the creeps. He was a foot taller than she was, and his long black hair and eyes scared her.
"I here that you're going out with Koga," he frowned. He was disgusted.
"Where did you hear such nonsense Naraku?" she was a little angry, 'Who in the hell would say something like that. I would never date Koga…again.'
"Inuyasha Tama." Naraku smirked, his plan was working like a charm.
"Who?" she grew angrier.
"I don't care if somebody shot you! I'll still kick your ass!" a voice said from down the hall.
"Bring it on dog shit! I'll take your ass on any day!" Koga yelled.
Kagome took off sprinting down the hallway, until she saw Koga and the boy from the other night. Angrily she stormed over to the fighting boys.
"What's going on!" she yelled causing the two boys to grow quiet and look at her.
"Kagome…I…Uh…He…Uh…we.." Inuyasha started.
She turned to face the hanyou, putting her hands on her hips and yelling, "Who the hell are you and how do you know my name!" She stalked up to him furiously and stared into his eyes. Boy, was she furious.
"I already told you how I know you!" he growled, "I'm INUYASHA!"
Her hand soared to his cheek, she'd slapped him hard in the face. Inuyasha stumbled back a few steps, he could hear Koga laughing.
"Shut up Koga," she yelled to the wolf youkai, "Go away!"
"But, but" he started,
"GO!" she screamed.
"What the fuck was that for wench!" Inuyasha yelled as Koga reluctantly disappeared down the hallway.
"For saying things to people that aren't true!" she yelled back swinging her first at him this time.
Inuyasha saw it coming and he grabbed her wrist and angrily growled, "What the fuck are you talking about!"
"You're the one going around and telling people that I'm going out with Koga, you jerk!" she said trying to pull away.
He was confused at first, "But aren't you--Hey wait a minute! I didn't say that! You told me that you were Wench!"
"Don't call me names you jackass!" she threatened,
"Why in the hell would I say something stupid like you going out with Koga when I think that you deserve better Kagome?" he whispered to himself mainly, and letting go of her wrist.
Kagome smiled as she leaned over putting her lips to his "ears" and whispered back, "Because you're jealous. And there's no way that you could ever have me." Then she turned and walked away from him as the bell rang signaling for class to start.