InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ My heart belongs to you. ( Chapter 9 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Nine: My heart belongs to you.
It took him a minute to think about what she just said, and when he did realize what she told him it made him furious. Inuyasha stormed off to the roof, trying to get away from all the bull shit around him. As he sat on the edge he took out his phone and dialed a number. It rang for a few minutes before an annoyed Miroku answered.
"Moushi Moushi." He said quickly
"Hey, Miroku it's Inuyasha." The hanyou said depressed.
"Hmmm…" Miroku replied.
Inuyasha heard a few different sounds on the other side of the phone,
"Uh….am…I interrupting something?"
"Yep, I'm on a date." Miroku chuckled.
"Who's the unlucky girl this time?" Inuyasha grunted.
"She's not," there was a little pause. "Unlucky," followed by another, "It's….Sango…." he replied uneasily.
"So you're saying that you're on a date with our friend Sango, and you're making out with her while you and I are on the phone!" Inuyasha said very irritable.
"Well, we were making out before you called. Thanks for ruining the moment Inuyasha!" Sango said angrily.
"No problem." He sighed.
"So tell me what's going on?" Miroku asked.
Miroku had thought that he was all bad because he had put Inuyasha onto his speakerphone, but the hanyou was too depressed to care.
"Everything's gone horribly wrong." Inuyasha glumly answered.
"What do you mean?" Miroku and Sango questioned in unison.
"There's been two murders, Koga's here and I've lost Kagome." He blurred out, he was on the verge of tears, but he quickly forced them back, 'I won't cry.'
"Please go on Inuyasha," Miroku said shushing the hysterical Sango.
Inuyasha let out a heavy sigh and began to tell his friends everything that had happened so far since Kagome first came into his life. It only took him about the whole first hour to tell half of what was going on. That's when the bell rang.
"Fuck! There's the bell." He growled.
"YOU'RE NOT HANGING UP UNTIL YOU'VE FINISHED EXPLAINING!" Sango yelled, not knowing the words, "indoor voice''
"Fine, but if I get kicked out of school, I'm coming for you!" Inuyasha threatened, and then continued on his story.
Kagome yawned as she tried to stay awake during her third hour class. So far Inuyasha had all his classes with her and he hadn't bothered to show up. Not that it mattered to her. The teacher droned on about the importance of Word War I when she closed her eyes.
"Ms. Higurashi!" the teacher yelled slamming a book down onto Kagome's desk. Kagome Jumped, her eyes shot open and were wide.
"Please, If your sleeping habits are more important then World War I, then leave." The teacher said roughly, resulting in other students giggling.
"Yes Mr. Edwards," Kagome said as she got out of her chair, grabbing her things and walked out of the classroom, leaving a very confused teacher standing over her desk.
Slowly she made her way across the campus, it wasn't the first time she got kicked out of class or mainly just ditched her classes. Usually she would wait for Koga by his classroom, but she didn't feel like it today. Inuyasha plagued her thoughts and she felt like she knew him from somewhere, but where? Any why couldn't she remember? Kagome walked over to a tree and sat under it, everything was confusing, and nothing made any sense.
'I wish I could call Sango.' She thought pulling her book from out her things. She'd only been reading for a few minutes when she felt someone staring at her. Angrily she looked up to see nobody around, then she looked up at the school building and her eye caught the slightest tint of silver and black from the roof. 'Is that who I think it is?' putting her things away she walked towards the school, her eyes not leaving the figure on the roof.
The bell signaling the end of the first half of the day rang as Kagome made her way up the tiny steps before the entrance of the school. Before she got to the door, students came pouring out, some going home, others going off campus for lunch, and some just going outside.
Heading for the staircase that would lead her to the roof, Kagome sprinted down the halls ignoring everyone around her. She turned down different hallways, even passing the cafeteria where Koga yelled for her, getting no reply he then chased after her.
"Hey Kagome wait up! Kagome!" he yelled.
She was about two stairs up when Koga grabbed her hand panting and out of breath.
"Let go." She said calmly.
"Why didn't you wait for me?" he sounded hurt and disappointed.
"I don't want to talk to you right now Koga, so go away." She replied flatly. She wanted to climb up the stairs to see who was watching her.
"Now listen here!" he started, smelling Inuyasha coming close he moved closer to Kagome and smiled evilly.
He knew a way to hurt Inuyasha's pride and Koga always wanted to get back together with Kagome, so he almost laughed out loud, but kept himself under control, for now.
"Hey! What are---" she was cut off when Koga crushed his lips against hers. She let out a muffled cry her hands were pressed tightly against his chest.
"So that's what happened." Inuyasha finished, his head hurt and he felt like crap.
"But how can she not remember you?" Sango asked sadly.
"I wonder who's Naraku's little puppet." Miroku sighed giving Sango a hug.
"I don't kn…." Inuyasha heard yelling near by and mainly he could hear was Koga, "Hold on."
Inuyasha walked towards the stairs, his phone in his hand. What he saw at the bottom of the stairs made his stomach heave and his heartbreak in half.
"K….Kagome." he whispered as the cell phone slid from his hands and dropped down the stairs.
Koga looked up and smiled at Inuyasha's expression. Letting go of Kagome before he was kicked, he tumbled back when she pushed him. Inuyasha didn't see this because he grew even more depressed then earlier and walked away from the scene over to the ledge of the building.
Kagome looked at Koga furiously, her body fumed with rage, "Who the hell do you think you are!"
"Just a little…" he didn't finish
"Why don't you go fucking back to Tokyo where you belong! Inuyasha's been right all along! I DO DESERVE BETTER THAN THE LIKES OF YOU!" she screamed angrily.
Getting to his feet Koga yelled back, "FINE!"
She could hear little hoots and hollers coming from somewhere also followed by a "Way to go Kagome!" She recognized the voice.
"Sango?" Kagome asked completely confused.
Looking down and spotting the phone she picked it up, though it was pretty battered she placed it next to her ear.
"Sango is that you?" she questioned.
"KAGOME!" Miroku and Sango said in unison.
"Oh, my god I miss you two!" she said quickly.
"We've missed you too!" Sango replied.
"Where did Inuyasha go?" Miroku asked.
Kagome gasped as she went running up the stairs, things were becoming a little clearer, but her memory still failed her.
"Kagome.." he whispered letting go of her, "Don't be afraid I wont--"
Just as Inuyasha began, she slid her arms around his neck and pulled him back towards her. Gently Kagome pressed her lips against his, the hanyou was shocked, but he pushed her against the car, intensifying the kiss. He wrapped his hands around her waist again, pulling her slightly off the ground a little. Kagome giggled as his hair tickled her cheek.
She came upon the roof, looking for him but not able to see him. Tears fell from her eyes as she called out to him. Wishing for him to reply.
"Inuyasha?" she said aloud walking out onto the roof, but there was no answer.
A gust of wind flew by sending chills up her spine. As she turned around there he stood, she sighing heavily as he stared at her. His eyes had gone dark, almost lifeless. Kagome flung herself onto his chest, embracing him and she began to cry.
"I'm so sorry." She sniffled through the tears and his shirt.
He put his arm around her, patting her back. His heart hurt and he just wanted to die. Pulling away from her, lifting her chin with his hands so he could look at her.
"It's okay…but why are you sorry?" he wanted an explanation but not wanting to piss her off.
Cautiously he wiped away her tears with his clawed hand. He loved the way she smelled, but he hated the way she cried. More tears seemed to swell in her eyes as she stared into his amber orbs.
"I don't know who you are," she began to cry again hiding her head on his chest. "But I feel as though you're mine and that my heart belongs to you."
Inuyasha smiled as he heard giggles with "oohs and awes" coming from his phone. Taking the phone from Kagome's hand and putting it to his hear he said, "I'll call you back later Miroku." Then he hung up.
The hanyou wrapped his arms around her, leaned down and kissed her forehead. Kagome stopped crying and just stood there. She felt like melting in his strong arms, and standing there, never moving from that very spot.
Koga angrily walked to a payphone and dialed a number. He waited for an answer.
"Hello?" a man said.
"Hakaku, its Koga--"
"Where the hell are you!" Hakaku yelled into the phone.
"I'm in the states," he replied.
"How did you get all the way there?" Koga's confused friend asked.
Koga grew angrier, his blood was almost at its boiling point, "If you don't quit interrupting me I'll beat the shit out of you when I get back! You numbskull!"
"Sorry Koga." Hakaku said cowardly into the phone.
The angry wolf youkai began to talk quickly and softly, incase anyone was to over hear him "accidentally". And somebody was.
Naraku hid in the shadows, listening to Koga's conversation, his mind raced with new ideas and plans to get rid of both Inuyasha and Koga, plus any other distraction that he may encounter later. After hearing what he needed, Naraku walked out from the shadows. Koga's new found anger was inspiring. He had hatred, rage, sadness but everything would soon overwhelm him if Naraku had his way.
"Soon," Naraku cooed, "Inuyasha will be mine for the killing."
Koga slammed don the phone and headed away from the school, he was going to leave as soon as possible. 'Screw everyone else! I'm not wasting my time!' he told himself getting into Inuyasha's car where he planned to wait until school was out.
Sango and Miroku let out a scream as Inuyasha hung up. Miroku smiled widely as he grasped Sango's hands with his, entwining his fingers with hers. Blushing heavily she looked up at his bright eyes, she couldn't resist but smile herself.
"Sango, my love, my darling can I ask you a serious question?" he said half-heartedly.
She nodded and stared into Miroku's violet orbs. He let out a deep breath as he got onto his knees, looking up at her.
He asked quietly, "Willyoubaremychild?" it all came out in two seconds flat.
"Will….you…" he paused glancing over to a blank wall then back to her, "bare my child?" the last part came out rather quickly.
Her eyes narrowed and her face grew agitated. Sango let go of Miroku and sighed grabbing her things. Miroku became confused at her actions, she seemed too calm. He cautiously walked up behind her as she pulled on her coat and slipped on her shoes.
"Are you okay Sango?" he asked.
She didn't answer, she slowly opened the door and walked out into the old night. Miroku followed her barefoot.
"You're not mad at me are you?" he was unsure and a little scared.
Sango stopped and looked back at him. She smiled lightly as she pulled her coat closer to her body. He could see it in her eyes that she was upset, "I'm not mad, just disappointed."
When the bell signaled that lunch had ended Inuyasha and Kagome quickly made their way to their fifth hour class together. Inuyasha spied his friends towards the window. He stopped and turned to Kagome.
"Go ahead and find a seat. I'll be there in a moment." He said softly.
Kagome smiled and quickly went to her seat, she placed her things on the seat next to her so Inuyasha would have a place to sit.
"Hey, Inuyasha welcome back!" Aaron yelled.
The hanyou walked to his group of friends and stood over them, he didn't say anything at first. There were things he needed to take care of.
"What's wrong Yasha?" Richard asked uneasily looking up from his computer.
Glancing around his ground, he noticed somebody was missing, "Where's Frank?" Inuyasha more or less demanded.
"Who knows. I haven't seen him since that one Friday when we were discussing that one girl and Naraku." Just replied cowardly.
"If you see him lemme know. I have a few bones to pick with that bastard." Inuyasha growled as he started to walk away, "Oh, and I don't want to hear you or anyone talk about Kagome anymore." He turned and glared at his friends, "Got it?"
All the boys nodded and the hanyou made his way to his seat as the teacher entered the room and sat down at his desk. Inuyasha sat down next to Kagome and smiled. She looked happy, though something plagued her mind.
"Hey Kagome?" the hanyou whispered.
She stopped typing and looked at Inuyasha, "Yeah?"
"Is something bothering you?" he blushed a bit, "Not like I care or anything."
"I'm just thinking," she replied, "trying to figure something out." She paused, "And it's not like I care if you care or not anyway."
Before he thought of a rude comment to say back, Kagome smiled then went back to what she was doing. Class went by slowly as Inuyasha stared at the clock. A few minutes before the bell rang Kagome nudged his side and whispered, "Shut down, it's about time to go."
"Feh." He replied, "It's not like I turned the dammed thing on in the first place."
She looked at the screen and giggled, nothing was there, just plain ol' black. Inuyasha eyed her curiously.
"What's so funny?"
"You," she answered putting her things away.
"Why do you think that?" he asked rolling a pencil between his fingers.
She shrugged her shoulders and put on her backpack. Kagome sighed looking out the window, at first she only saw a figure standing under a tree, but as her eyes fixated more on his features she noticed who it was. Then the bell ran and she walked towards the door, ignoring the person behind her.
"Hey Kagome?" Inuyasha questioned, "Hello? Earth to Kagome? Is anybody home?"
When she didn't answer he gently touched her shoulder. She let out a quiet cry and jumped dropping a few of the book she held in her arms.
"Don't do that!" she said looking at Inuyasha, then dropping to the floor to pick up her belongings.
"I'm sorry." He said lowering his gaze onto the very interesting tile beneath his feet.
"Yeah, well you shouldn't scare people like that." She continued while she got back up to her feet.
"I said I was sorry. What do you want? A mariachi band to sing it to you!" he growled crossing his arms against his chest.
She glared at him angrily, "Well you didn't have to get rude and snobby with me!"
"Well you started it wench!" he yelled
"Don't yell at me jerk!" she stammered gritting her teeth.
"I will do what I want! When I want! AND!" he was practically screaming at her now, "There's no way a stupid bitch like you can tell me other wise! I am Inuyasha Tama! Dammit and I didn't have to take any of your shit!"
Kagome dropped her books once more, they hit the floor with a loud thud. Silence filled the now empty hallway out side their fifth hour computer class. Rage filled through her veins and the tears filled her gray eyes.
"THEN DON'T!" she screamed back tossing her hair behind her. "I don't care what you do! It's not like you'd listen anyway! God! Why did I even try and like you! It's not like you'd even try for one day to be nice! You're such an asshole!"
"Stop screaming at me you stupid wench!" he growled loudly.
"I know what you're fucking name is!" his voice grew louder.
"THEN USE IT!" she screamed turning away from Inuyasha.
As Kagome walked away from him, the hanyou chased after her. Grabbing her wrist he forced her to face him, "Kagome look!"
She tore away from him and pushed him back, "No, You look! Even if I can't remember who you are I don't want to see your face anymore! When morning comes I'm changing my classes. I don't want anything else to do with you! I won't stand around and let you treat me like crap!"
"W-w." his mouth hung open at her words and he felt the pit of his stomach drop.
He was saddened, rejected, and angry. He didn't want to have her leave with the last word, but if he tried to think of a good comeback, she'd have a better one waiting to be spat in his face. So he let go of her and sighed, then walked away.
Kagome's eyes widened then narrowed angrily as she went after him, "I'm not done with you yet Inuyasha! Get back here---" she needed an insult, to get his attention. That's when it came to mind, "Don't just walk away from me! Get back here dog boy!" 'Why did I just call him dog boy?'
Inuyasha stopped dead in his tracks, underneath his bandana, his ears twitched, "What did you call me?" he growled.
At first she grew scared, but she summoned up her courage and as her voice swayed in depth she uttered, "You heard me!"
"Yeah, I know I heard you, but I don't think I understood the words coming from your mouth!" he said sarcastically, "And if you said what I'm thinking what I heard, it's not going to be pretty."
'Okay, now I'm confused' she told herself, "Are you threatening me!" she hissed, standing in front of the angered hanyou.
He reached out and gripped her wrist with his hand, digging his claws into her flesh. Kagome squirmed a bit, trying to get him to release her. The hanyou drew her close to his body and lowered his lips to her ear.
"No," he whispered, "It's a promise."
Kagome pulled back away from him, when she couldn't get completely away she thrashed about, but he held his grasp on her easily. Getting fed up, she slapped him in the face. Then she pulled away.
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Nine: My heart belongs to you.
It took him a minute to think about what she just said, and when he did realize what she told him it made him furious. Inuyasha stormed off to the roof, trying to get away from all the bull shit around him. As he sat on the edge he took out his phone and dialed a number. It rang for a few minutes before an annoyed Miroku answered.
"Moushi Moushi." He said quickly
"Hey, Miroku it's Inuyasha." The hanyou said depressed.
"Hmmm…" Miroku replied.
Inuyasha heard a few different sounds on the other side of the phone,
"Uh….am…I interrupting something?"
"Yep, I'm on a date." Miroku chuckled.
"Who's the unlucky girl this time?" Inuyasha grunted.
"She's not," there was a little pause. "Unlucky," followed by another, "It's….Sango…." he replied uneasily.
"So you're saying that you're on a date with our friend Sango, and you're making out with her while you and I are on the phone!" Inuyasha said very irritable.
"Well, we were making out before you called. Thanks for ruining the moment Inuyasha!" Sango said angrily.
"No problem." He sighed.
"So tell me what's going on?" Miroku asked.
Miroku had thought that he was all bad because he had put Inuyasha onto his speakerphone, but the hanyou was too depressed to care.
"Everything's gone horribly wrong." Inuyasha glumly answered.
"What do you mean?" Miroku and Sango questioned in unison.
"There's been two murders, Koga's here and I've lost Kagome." He blurred out, he was on the verge of tears, but he quickly forced them back, 'I won't cry.'
"Please go on Inuyasha," Miroku said shushing the hysterical Sango.
Inuyasha let out a heavy sigh and began to tell his friends everything that had happened so far since Kagome first came into his life. It only took him about the whole first hour to tell half of what was going on. That's when the bell rang.
"Fuck! There's the bell." He growled.
"YOU'RE NOT HANGING UP UNTIL YOU'VE FINISHED EXPLAINING!" Sango yelled, not knowing the words, "indoor voice''
"Fine, but if I get kicked out of school, I'm coming for you!" Inuyasha threatened, and then continued on his story.
Kagome yawned as she tried to stay awake during her third hour class. So far Inuyasha had all his classes with her and he hadn't bothered to show up. Not that it mattered to her. The teacher droned on about the importance of Word War I when she closed her eyes.
"Ms. Higurashi!" the teacher yelled slamming a book down onto Kagome's desk. Kagome Jumped, her eyes shot open and were wide.
"Please, If your sleeping habits are more important then World War I, then leave." The teacher said roughly, resulting in other students giggling.
"Yes Mr. Edwards," Kagome said as she got out of her chair, grabbing her things and walked out of the classroom, leaving a very confused teacher standing over her desk.
Slowly she made her way across the campus, it wasn't the first time she got kicked out of class or mainly just ditched her classes. Usually she would wait for Koga by his classroom, but she didn't feel like it today. Inuyasha plagued her thoughts and she felt like she knew him from somewhere, but where? Any why couldn't she remember? Kagome walked over to a tree and sat under it, everything was confusing, and nothing made any sense.
'I wish I could call Sango.' She thought pulling her book from out her things. She'd only been reading for a few minutes when she felt someone staring at her. Angrily she looked up to see nobody around, then she looked up at the school building and her eye caught the slightest tint of silver and black from the roof. 'Is that who I think it is?' putting her things away she walked towards the school, her eyes not leaving the figure on the roof.
The bell signaling the end of the first half of the day rang as Kagome made her way up the tiny steps before the entrance of the school. Before she got to the door, students came pouring out, some going home, others going off campus for lunch, and some just going outside.
Heading for the staircase that would lead her to the roof, Kagome sprinted down the halls ignoring everyone around her. She turned down different hallways, even passing the cafeteria where Koga yelled for her, getting no reply he then chased after her.
"Hey Kagome wait up! Kagome!" he yelled.
She was about two stairs up when Koga grabbed her hand panting and out of breath.
"Let go." She said calmly.
"Why didn't you wait for me?" he sounded hurt and disappointed.
"I don't want to talk to you right now Koga, so go away." She replied flatly. She wanted to climb up the stairs to see who was watching her.
"Now listen here!" he started, smelling Inuyasha coming close he moved closer to Kagome and smiled evilly.
He knew a way to hurt Inuyasha's pride and Koga always wanted to get back together with Kagome, so he almost laughed out loud, but kept himself under control, for now.
"Hey! What are---" she was cut off when Koga crushed his lips against hers. She let out a muffled cry her hands were pressed tightly against his chest.
"So that's what happened." Inuyasha finished, his head hurt and he felt like crap.
"But how can she not remember you?" Sango asked sadly.
"I wonder who's Naraku's little puppet." Miroku sighed giving Sango a hug.
"I don't kn…." Inuyasha heard yelling near by and mainly he could hear was Koga, "Hold on."
Inuyasha walked towards the stairs, his phone in his hand. What he saw at the bottom of the stairs made his stomach heave and his heartbreak in half.
"K….Kagome." he whispered as the cell phone slid from his hands and dropped down the stairs.
Koga looked up and smiled at Inuyasha's expression. Letting go of Kagome before he was kicked, he tumbled back when she pushed him. Inuyasha didn't see this because he grew even more depressed then earlier and walked away from the scene over to the ledge of the building.
Kagome looked at Koga furiously, her body fumed with rage, "Who the hell do you think you are!"
"Just a little…" he didn't finish
"Why don't you go fucking back to Tokyo where you belong! Inuyasha's been right all along! I DO DESERVE BETTER THAN THE LIKES OF YOU!" she screamed angrily.
Getting to his feet Koga yelled back, "FINE!"
She could hear little hoots and hollers coming from somewhere also followed by a "Way to go Kagome!" She recognized the voice.
"Sango?" Kagome asked completely confused.
Looking down and spotting the phone she picked it up, though it was pretty battered she placed it next to her ear.
"Sango is that you?" she questioned.
"KAGOME!" Miroku and Sango said in unison.
"Oh, my god I miss you two!" she said quickly.
"We've missed you too!" Sango replied.
"Where did Inuyasha go?" Miroku asked.
Kagome gasped as she went running up the stairs, things were becoming a little clearer, but her memory still failed her.
"Kagome.." he whispered letting go of her, "Don't be afraid I wont--"
Just as Inuyasha began, she slid her arms around his neck and pulled him back towards her. Gently Kagome pressed her lips against his, the hanyou was shocked, but he pushed her against the car, intensifying the kiss. He wrapped his hands around her waist again, pulling her slightly off the ground a little. Kagome giggled as his hair tickled her cheek.
She came upon the roof, looking for him but not able to see him. Tears fell from her eyes as she called out to him. Wishing for him to reply.
"Inuyasha?" she said aloud walking out onto the roof, but there was no answer.
A gust of wind flew by sending chills up her spine. As she turned around there he stood, she sighing heavily as he stared at her. His eyes had gone dark, almost lifeless. Kagome flung herself onto his chest, embracing him and she began to cry.
"I'm so sorry." She sniffled through the tears and his shirt.
He put his arm around her, patting her back. His heart hurt and he just wanted to die. Pulling away from her, lifting her chin with his hands so he could look at her.
"It's okay…but why are you sorry?" he wanted an explanation but not wanting to piss her off.
Cautiously he wiped away her tears with his clawed hand. He loved the way she smelled, but he hated the way she cried. More tears seemed to swell in her eyes as she stared into his amber orbs.
"I don't know who you are," she began to cry again hiding her head on his chest. "But I feel as though you're mine and that my heart belongs to you."
Inuyasha smiled as he heard giggles with "oohs and awes" coming from his phone. Taking the phone from Kagome's hand and putting it to his hear he said, "I'll call you back later Miroku." Then he hung up.
The hanyou wrapped his arms around her, leaned down and kissed her forehead. Kagome stopped crying and just stood there. She felt like melting in his strong arms, and standing there, never moving from that very spot.
Koga angrily walked to a payphone and dialed a number. He waited for an answer.
"Hello?" a man said.
"Hakaku, its Koga--"
"Where the hell are you!" Hakaku yelled into the phone.
"I'm in the states," he replied.
"How did you get all the way there?" Koga's confused friend asked.
Koga grew angrier, his blood was almost at its boiling point, "If you don't quit interrupting me I'll beat the shit out of you when I get back! You numbskull!"
"Sorry Koga." Hakaku said cowardly into the phone.
The angry wolf youkai began to talk quickly and softly, incase anyone was to over hear him "accidentally". And somebody was.
Naraku hid in the shadows, listening to Koga's conversation, his mind raced with new ideas and plans to get rid of both Inuyasha and Koga, plus any other distraction that he may encounter later. After hearing what he needed, Naraku walked out from the shadows. Koga's new found anger was inspiring. He had hatred, rage, sadness but everything would soon overwhelm him if Naraku had his way.
"Soon," Naraku cooed, "Inuyasha will be mine for the killing."
Koga slammed don the phone and headed away from the school, he was going to leave as soon as possible. 'Screw everyone else! I'm not wasting my time!' he told himself getting into Inuyasha's car where he planned to wait until school was out.
Sango and Miroku let out a scream as Inuyasha hung up. Miroku smiled widely as he grasped Sango's hands with his, entwining his fingers with hers. Blushing heavily she looked up at his bright eyes, she couldn't resist but smile herself.
"Sango, my love, my darling can I ask you a serious question?" he said half-heartedly.
She nodded and stared into Miroku's violet orbs. He let out a deep breath as he got onto his knees, looking up at her.
He asked quietly, "Willyoubaremychild?" it all came out in two seconds flat.
"Will….you…" he paused glancing over to a blank wall then back to her, "bare my child?" the last part came out rather quickly.
Her eyes narrowed and her face grew agitated. Sango let go of Miroku and sighed grabbing her things. Miroku became confused at her actions, she seemed too calm. He cautiously walked up behind her as she pulled on her coat and slipped on her shoes.
"Are you okay Sango?" he asked.
She didn't answer, she slowly opened the door and walked out into the old night. Miroku followed her barefoot.
"You're not mad at me are you?" he was unsure and a little scared.
Sango stopped and looked back at him. She smiled lightly as she pulled her coat closer to her body. He could see it in her eyes that she was upset, "I'm not mad, just disappointed."
When the bell signaled that lunch had ended Inuyasha and Kagome quickly made their way to their fifth hour class together. Inuyasha spied his friends towards the window. He stopped and turned to Kagome.
"Go ahead and find a seat. I'll be there in a moment." He said softly.
Kagome smiled and quickly went to her seat, she placed her things on the seat next to her so Inuyasha would have a place to sit.
"Hey, Inuyasha welcome back!" Aaron yelled.
The hanyou walked to his group of friends and stood over them, he didn't say anything at first. There were things he needed to take care of.
"What's wrong Yasha?" Richard asked uneasily looking up from his computer.
Glancing around his ground, he noticed somebody was missing, "Where's Frank?" Inuyasha more or less demanded.
"Who knows. I haven't seen him since that one Friday when we were discussing that one girl and Naraku." Just replied cowardly.
"If you see him lemme know. I have a few bones to pick with that bastard." Inuyasha growled as he started to walk away, "Oh, and I don't want to hear you or anyone talk about Kagome anymore." He turned and glared at his friends, "Got it?"
All the boys nodded and the hanyou made his way to his seat as the teacher entered the room and sat down at his desk. Inuyasha sat down next to Kagome and smiled. She looked happy, though something plagued her mind.
"Hey Kagome?" the hanyou whispered.
She stopped typing and looked at Inuyasha, "Yeah?"
"Is something bothering you?" he blushed a bit, "Not like I care or anything."
"I'm just thinking," she replied, "trying to figure something out." She paused, "And it's not like I care if you care or not anyway."
Before he thought of a rude comment to say back, Kagome smiled then went back to what she was doing. Class went by slowly as Inuyasha stared at the clock. A few minutes before the bell rang Kagome nudged his side and whispered, "Shut down, it's about time to go."
"Feh." He replied, "It's not like I turned the dammed thing on in the first place."
She looked at the screen and giggled, nothing was there, just plain ol' black. Inuyasha eyed her curiously.
"What's so funny?"
"You," she answered putting her things away.
"Why do you think that?" he asked rolling a pencil between his fingers.
She shrugged her shoulders and put on her backpack. Kagome sighed looking out the window, at first she only saw a figure standing under a tree, but as her eyes fixated more on his features she noticed who it was. Then the bell ran and she walked towards the door, ignoring the person behind her.
"Hey Kagome?" Inuyasha questioned, "Hello? Earth to Kagome? Is anybody home?"
When she didn't answer he gently touched her shoulder. She let out a quiet cry and jumped dropping a few of the book she held in her arms.
"Don't do that!" she said looking at Inuyasha, then dropping to the floor to pick up her belongings.
"I'm sorry." He said lowering his gaze onto the very interesting tile beneath his feet.
"Yeah, well you shouldn't scare people like that." She continued while she got back up to her feet.
"I said I was sorry. What do you want? A mariachi band to sing it to you!" he growled crossing his arms against his chest.
She glared at him angrily, "Well you didn't have to get rude and snobby with me!"
"Well you started it wench!" he yelled
"Don't yell at me jerk!" she stammered gritting her teeth.
"I will do what I want! When I want! AND!" he was practically screaming at her now, "There's no way a stupid bitch like you can tell me other wise! I am Inuyasha Tama! Dammit and I didn't have to take any of your shit!"
Kagome dropped her books once more, they hit the floor with a loud thud. Silence filled the now empty hallway out side their fifth hour computer class. Rage filled through her veins and the tears filled her gray eyes.
"THEN DON'T!" she screamed back tossing her hair behind her. "I don't care what you do! It's not like you'd listen anyway! God! Why did I even try and like you! It's not like you'd even try for one day to be nice! You're such an asshole!"
"Stop screaming at me you stupid wench!" he growled loudly.
"I know what you're fucking name is!" his voice grew louder.
"THEN USE IT!" she screamed turning away from Inuyasha.
As Kagome walked away from him, the hanyou chased after her. Grabbing her wrist he forced her to face him, "Kagome look!"
She tore away from him and pushed him back, "No, You look! Even if I can't remember who you are I don't want to see your face anymore! When morning comes I'm changing my classes. I don't want anything else to do with you! I won't stand around and let you treat me like crap!"
"W-w." his mouth hung open at her words and he felt the pit of his stomach drop.
He was saddened, rejected, and angry. He didn't want to have her leave with the last word, but if he tried to think of a good comeback, she'd have a better one waiting to be spat in his face. So he let go of her and sighed, then walked away.
Kagome's eyes widened then narrowed angrily as she went after him, "I'm not done with you yet Inuyasha! Get back here---" she needed an insult, to get his attention. That's when it came to mind, "Don't just walk away from me! Get back here dog boy!" 'Why did I just call him dog boy?'
Inuyasha stopped dead in his tracks, underneath his bandana, his ears twitched, "What did you call me?" he growled.
At first she grew scared, but she summoned up her courage and as her voice swayed in depth she uttered, "You heard me!"
"Yeah, I know I heard you, but I don't think I understood the words coming from your mouth!" he said sarcastically, "And if you said what I'm thinking what I heard, it's not going to be pretty."
'Okay, now I'm confused' she told herself, "Are you threatening me!" she hissed, standing in front of the angered hanyou.
He reached out and gripped her wrist with his hand, digging his claws into her flesh. Kagome squirmed a bit, trying to get him to release her. The hanyou drew her close to his body and lowered his lips to her ear.
"No," he whispered, "It's a promise."
Kagome pulled back away from him, when she couldn't get completely away she thrashed about, but he held his grasp on her easily. Getting fed up, she slapped him in the face. Then she pulled away.