InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ A whole chapter dedicated to Sesshomaru ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!

Love, Murder, and Betrayal

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter twelve: A whole chapter dedicated to Sesshomaru

He descended the stairs and walked over to the black stretch limousine that waited for his arrival. He climbed in and sat against the soft fur seat coverings. The Inuyoukai closed his door, turned on his classical music and closed his tired eyes.

"Lord Sesshomaru! Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken called from out aide the vehicle.

"What is it?" he demanded rolling down his window so he could hear the rather old man.

"Kimura Higurashi is on the phone and she wishes to speak with you!" Jaken replied in a low voice.

Sesshomaru quickly shot his clawed hand out of the window and snatched up his phone, rolling his window back up as he put the receiver up to his ear and spoke.

"Higurashi, where's the data?" he said coldly.

"It's here with me sir." She replied happily.

"Good, because we may have an encounter with a nuisance and a big one at that." His voice calmed and went back to its emotionless tone.

"Don't worry sir. I have everything under control." Kimura became serious as well, "I will swing down by the shop today after picking up my daughter from school."

"It may be too late, Naraku has been sending spies into my company's shop already." Sesshomaru spoke sternly.

"I am well aware of that sir, but I must get my materials to complete the data, but I also am at my daughter's school as we speak." She said.

"I must go Higurashi, tunnel ahead. Call right back after you pick up your daughter." He told her.

"Aye, sir--" the line went dead as Sesshomaru hung up the phone setting it on the seat next to him as he was driven down the poorly lit tunnel.

He waited rather patiently, thinking about how he was going to rid himself of the hanyou who dare try and take over his company. About ten minutes later the phone rang. Sesshomaru cleared his throat and answered.

"You know that the security at my company is at risk." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes I understand sir, that the security is at risk, but I can call a few people to have out systems enhanced greatly." She replied quickly

"I don't need anymore outside people involved in my business affairs." He said irritably.

"Aye, sir I will respect your wishes and not speak of it anymore." Kimura apologized.

"Good," he started, "Now lets get down to business then shall we?"

"Alright sir, lets." He could hear her begin to pace mildly back and forth.

"If you have already might guessed, I will be sending protection to my important business employees and others including you and your family in the facilities of America," Sesshomaru told her casually then he continued, "Have you found anything out from your sources yet?"

"No, I won't need any protection sir, me and my daughter are fine and no I haven't hear anything from my sources yet." She paused, "Sir don't bother with me, just keep on working on protecting the employees in your company. I should have the data finishes soon and I will deliver it to you personally."

"You'd better!" he hissed hanging up the phone.

Sesshomaru knew that Kimura would call back in a few minutes to resume their argument, she always did, even if it was just to get the last word on any conversation. He remained silent while his music play during the remainder of the car ride until they reached his mansion in Tokyo.

There was a tapping of glass five or so minutes later signaling that he'd arrived. Slowly he got out of the limo and made his way to the front door, laving Jaken and the servants to attend to his luggage. A moment later Sesshomaru walked into his study room and closed the door, then sitting down in the large leather business chair behind an enormous oak desk completely filled with small stacks of papers.

He started to pick up some of the papers when the phone rang, knowing again who it was he turned on the phone.

"Speak," he growled.

"Nene…" she breathed, "Kuno…everyone's gone!"

"Kimura, what's going on? Are you okay?" he yelled into the receiver.

There was a slight sound of a closing door and the squealing of tires, "Yes sir, I got the data stored on a memory disc in my laptop," Kimura panted avoiding his questions.

"Mama what's going on?" a young girl said scared, he presumed Kimura's daughter who sounded ironically similar.

"Get to a hiding place!" he demanded, " I'm going to send some people over there now!"

"NO sir! Don't send anyone here for me! I have my own means to survive!" she was growing angry with him.

"It doesn't matter what you say! I'm concerned for your safety!" Sesshomaru bellowed furiously.

"I understand that, but we don't need anymore of your men dying! Naraku will be stopped!"

He noted the bravery in her voice but he wouldn't hear of any of his people refusing protection in a life or death situation. "Then it looks like I'm coming back to get you then." He threatened harshly.

"I won't let you do that sir----Kagome look out!" Kimura screamed the last part and there was a cluttering sound as the phone dropped, followed by a loud shot as well as the sound of glass breaking.

He listened as Kimura let out a cry of pain, 'They must be under attack.' He thought hearing a car accelerate then the girl spoke again.

"Mama, are you okay?" she yelled frantically.

"Don't stop! Hurry and drive home. I need to find something." Kimura said lightly, her breathing was sharp and rapid.

"No!" the girl yelled at her mother, "We need to get you to a hospital!"

Sesshomaru wasn't able to listen too much more, but his hand was glued to the phone, listening intently. 'Dammit! She's wounded!'

"Get me to the house now Kagome! Don't make me force you!" Kimura demanded, "Don't make me for you! I don't want to have to hurt my own daughter!"

Before his phone died he heard the girl cowardly under mothers harsh words and lifelessly replied, "Yes mama."

"DAMMIT!" he growled chucking the phone to the floor. Then he stormed to his study room door in search of someone. "JAKEN!" Sesshomaru yelled. "JAKEN!"

The tiny old man came into the room and bowed respectfully, "Yes Lord Sesshomaru?" he chirped.

"I want you to call my little half-breed of a brother and get him some protection." Sesshomaru said dully, "I don't need him dying before I can sink my claws into him."

Jaken felt proud of himself and the huge smile that played on his face showed this. Sesshomaru looked down at the rather greenish old man, the happy smile only made the Inuyoukai irritated and angrier than what he already was at the moment.

"Mi lord I've already taken care of that for you." Jaken said smirking.

Sesshomaru quirked his eyebrow a little and glared at Jaken, "How is that so? I've just given you the order."

"Aye, you did Lord Sesshomaru, but in the limo I over heard your conversation with that human Kimura Higurashi and I knew that you would have me send some me over to that worthless brother of yours." He continued, "Just so he would stay out of your way and not ruin any of the company's future plans."

"Hmm, you intrigue me Jaken." Sesshomaru said in his normal tone as he clicked his claws together, "Next time it would be wise not to eaves drop on my conversations, or I will kill you."

Jaken nodded as he gulped, then he quickly fled the Inuyoukai's sight. Sesshomaru sighed, heading back to his study room. There he picked up his cell phone and place it on a near by charger. He went over to his leather chair and sat down, picking back up some of the many papers he had. Sesshomaru began to focus on his thoughts, on his work.

Hours passed by slowly and slowly Sesshomaru's papers had began to clear off his cluttered desk as he worked busily on all the things he had missed while away on his vacation. He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he signed a paper, then placing it in a folder, putting it down on a neat, small other peach colored folders on the top right corner of his desk.

His eyes were glued to a paper as he heard the study room door open quickly, then shut silently. "Jaken what happened to knocking on my door while I'm in the study?" He demanded not lifting his gaze.

There was no reply.

Sesshomaru's nose itched slightly and he sniffed the air quietly. His cold eyes shot up and stared at the young figure standing in front of the door. Her hands on the knob with a surprised expression on her face.

"What are you doing in my study? And my house none the less?" he said coldly.

The girl could be no older than seven, she had long black hair, pale skin and she was dirty. Though she didn't seem afraid of the Inuyoukai, she kept her eyes to the floor, her shoeless foot moving in a circular motion as if she was nervous.

"Human what is your name?" he asked shifting his chair so he could see her better.

Still she didn't answer, Sesshomaru was a little appalled by the girls silence. Usually when he spoke to somebody, they answered quickly, but she didn't. And Sesshomaru was not too keen on being ignored or disobeyed. Something about this child made his interest grow as she continued not to utter a word.

"Well you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He suddenly felt relaxed, his head no longer pounding, "But you should look at me when I speak girl. It's respectful."

She looked up at Sesshomaru who had an annoyed look on his face as an oak desk and many files, folders, and papers surrounded him. A small grin crept onto her face as she looked at the gold in his eyes. Soon her smile was practically ear to ear and she giggles softly.

"What's so funny?" he questioned.

Her giggling turned into a loud joyful laugh as she watched the now confused Inuyoukai. To her he looked silly, as if he's never been confused before in his life. Some how he felt like a load on his chest had been lifted, until an angry Jaken swung open the door, sending the once laughing girl sprawling out onto the floor.

"You insolent wench! How dare you disturb Lord Sesshomaru while he works!" Jaken yelled advancing on the girl.

The girl gasped and got to her feet and sprang over to the Inuyoukai, cowering behind his chair. He almost smiled when the young girl stuck her tongue out at the fuming Jaken, now remember I said almost smiled, but sadly he didn't.

"Where did this human girl come from?" Sesshomaru snapped point to the girl who now stood to his side.

Jaken looked up at Sesshomaru and quickly bowed, "I'm sorry mi lord, I.." he hesitated for a moment. "She is an orphan from the streets. This insolent human has been trying to sneak food from out kitchen for a while sir."

"Our?" Sesshomaru growled clicking his claws on the desk irritably.

"Forgive my master, it's your kitchen, I'm so very sorry for everything. Now I will get rid of this nuisance from your sight." Jaken said rather all in one breath.

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes and glanced from the girl to Jaken. He thought for a moment until a tiny hand reached out and placed itself on his leg. His head turned and he looked, more like stared at the girl, her eyes brimmed with tears and her lip quivered. The Inuyoukai turned away from her, 'Why do I feel guilty? She's nothing but a poor, stupid, orphaned human girl. I'm Sesshomaru, and I don't care for humans….Or half breeds.'

"Jaken," he started as the imp reached for the girl, then he stopped.

"Yes, mi lord?"

"Take this girl, human girl, down to the kitchen and get her food. I don't want anyone who's going to stay at my living quarters to look starved and raggedy." He paused, "OH, and find her something to wear also," he said it as casually as he would do when he barked his demands to Jaken.

Jaken's mouth hung open, almost reaching the floor in shock. His eyes were practically bugging out of his hairless head.

"But Lord Sesshomaru-she's a human," he said completely baffled.

"Are you disobeying my direct orders?" Sesshomaru growled as his eyes flashed angrily.

"NO!" the servant gasped, "NO! Of course not milord! I would never do such a vile thing."

"Good," the Inuyoukai said calmly, then he added. "Because I wouldn't want to have to kill a faithful and loyal servant as yourself."

The rather short man gave the orphan a very irritated glance as he "Humped" and exited the room and began to head to the kitchen. Sesshomaru fixed his gaze to the little girl who wore a giant smile on her face. 'Oh, well as long as nobody finds out about this orphan girl I suppose I'll be alright for now.' He thought.

"You!" he pointed to the young girl, "Follow Jaken you will be clothed, fed and taught. I don't want any arguments from you and you can leave whenever you want. It doesn't matter to me what you do," he paused, "Just stay out of my way got it!"

She smiled giving his leg a tight and quickly hug before she quickly scurried to the door. She looked back at him and her face lit up as she giggled, then waved disappearing into the hall.

"Humans," he scoffed, "such a dependent worthless race."

After that little interruption he got up, closed and locked his door and made his way back to his chair where he started back into his seemingly endless work, that went on and on for miles. Even though it felt like hours had passed it had only been merely minutes, and yet his pile of papers that would have taken days to complete were now finished. Confused by his fast paced working environment he glanced about, trying to find the reason to why he has subconsciously rushed himself to finish his work.

"Get back here!" Jaken yelled, "Try this on!"

Sesshomaru chuckled as he listened in onto the chase that was conspiring outside his door. Slowly getting up from his chair and making his way to the door, he froze right before he unlocked the door and turned the handle.

'Am I the kind of demon who kills his human competitors in the business life for seven years then takes a human orphan girl as a companion? NO! I'm Sesshomaru Tama, owner of the Tama family business! I am a powerful demon who kills HUMANS! They are beneath me and they all should be destroyed!' his thoughts yelled and screamed.

He opened the door in time to see the orphan girl in her undergarments running passed him and hiding in the next room, slamming the door shut and locking it followed by a fit of giggles. Jaken came bouncing into the hall and rushed to the closed door. He pounded on it yelling at the girl to unlock the door. Sesshomaru felt like laughing, but he stayed emotionless and he silently waited for somebody to notice him standing there.

"Open this door! NOW!" Jaken yelled once of his clenched fists pounding on the wooden door, "Get out and try this on before I come in there and shove it down your worthless throat!"

This threat only caused the girl to break out in laughter. Bored, Sesshomaru made his way behind Jaken and took the outfit from his ironically outstretched hand. The imp looked up and quickly out of the Inuyoukai's way.

Sesshomaru gently put one of his claws into the door's lock and picked the lock until he heard a soft click. He opened the door and glanced inside the dark room. The girl sat on the floor, her hands in her lap sitting Indian style, a smile painted coyly onto her face as if he expected him to come. He walked into the room and switched on a near by light. At first the girl squinted at the bright light, when her eyes adjusted she got to her feet and bowed respectfully. Sesshomaru tossed the outfit to the girl and she let it fall to the floor.

"Put this on." He ordered.

She nodded and picked up the clothing from the ground and ten looked at Sesshomaru, pointing to the door. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes for a moment then realizing what she meant, he smirked then left the room closing the door behind himself. He could hear the girl giggling and he smiled to himself, yes the cold-hearted Sesshomaru finally smiled after seven years at the prime age of Twenty-nine.

It was cut short when Jaken came hurtling through the hallway with a cordless phone glued to his face with a half angry and half horrified look on his face.

"Lord Sesshomaru! There's been an accident! Kimura Higurashi was found murdered in her home an hour and a half ago! There's no sign of her business phone or the data disc." Jaken yelled.

"What!" the Inuyoukai growled angrily grabbing the phone from Jaken's hand, "Speak!"

"Mi lord, one of Naraku's men were found fleeing from the scene of Kimura's murder after attacking the teenager and making off with a disc." A shaky voice stated, "I'm so sorry sir."

"What about the teenager, where is she?" Sesshomaru questioned hastily.

"None of our sources dared to follow her sir. They were afraid." The man said.

"AND WHY NOT!" Sesshomaru screamed.

"We only had demon's close by and the girl's spiritual power was being emitted off light a bright lit up light bulb."

"Spiritual power?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

He thought for a moment spacing off a bit as the pain in his arms faintly throbbed, he closed his gold orbs and sighed, "I see. Keep me updated Toru. Keep me updated and call me when you have any information." Sesshomaru hung up the phone and handed it back to Jaken, who bowed and silently made his way back down the hall, somewhere away from the potentially dangerous Inuyoukai.
