InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ Kagome's safety and Kikyo's betrayal ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!

Love, Murder, and Betrayal

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Thirteen: Kagome's safety and Kikyo's betrayal.

"Now…" the man stated, "I'll ask you this once more and only once more…Where's the disc?"

Kagome didn't reply, she was scared, and yet Inuyasha and an elderly woman were right down the hall and couldn't hear her, or anything coming from the room as a matter of fact. 'I'm going to die.' Her mind screamed, 'I'm going to die, when the man who could have saved me is just in the other room completely oblivious.'

The man flung Kagome onto the bed. She let out a startled cry as her back came into contact with the corner of the mattress. He walked quickly over to her, picked her up by the gruff of her shirt and tossed her onto the middle of the bed.

She tried to get to the other side of the bed, but the man grabbed her ankle, pulling her to him as he climbed on the bed himself. Kagome struggled against him, but he straddled her waist and held her hands above her head. With his free hand he reached deep into his trench coat and pulled out a shiny silver pair of handcuffs.

Kagome tried her hardest to fight against him, but in a few minutes he had her hands cuffed to the headboard. She let out a scream, but he had covered her mouth and pressed his knife against her cheek. He shook his head disapprovingly and made a tsk-tsk sound.

"Now be a good little girl and I might let you live." He warned her.

There came a pounding at the door as somebody jiggled the handle.

"KAGOME!" Inuyasha yelled, "Open this door right now! We need to talk!"

"INUYASHA!" she cried hysterically.

"If you say anything I'll kill you!" the figure hissed into her ear.

"Kagome what's going on!" Inuyasha demanded.

She thought for something to say. "N-nothing I-I'm just taking a n-n-nap."

"Open this door right now or I'll break it down!" He continued to pound on the door.

"N-No!" she cried, "D-don't d-do that. I'm just fine! Go away!" she said, her voice hadn't seemed to be so convincing.

The man quickly climbed off Kagome and walked over to the door. He unlocked it and waited with his knife drawn for Inuyasha to enter.


"Of course you're not Kikyo!" Inuyasha yelled back, looming over Kagome. "She was prettier, nicer, smarter, and an all around better person than you'll ever be!"

He watched as the anger left Kagome's eyes. He had hurt her feelings. Inuyasha thought that Kagome was going to give him a good whack, but instead she just stared unemotionally into his eyes. It gave him chills up his spine. Then she sighed, placing her arms at her side.

"If you feel that way, I'll leave then." She replied as she turned and opened the door.

Inuyasha couldn't believe what was happening. He wasn't supposed to turn human until the morning. Kagome seemed like she now hated him. He watched her leave the room and he walked out of his room and down the stair where a confused elderly woman and an angered wolf youkai greeted him.

"Inuyasha aren't you supposed to be human tomorrow?" Kaede asked.

"Yeah, he replied sitting down next to Koga, "But I don't understand why it happened tonight. It's never happened before."

Silence hovered in the room for a moment until they heard the sound of a door closing loudly.

"I guess Kagome's not in a too happy mood." Koga mused, "Wha'cha do this time dog boy?"

Inuyasha growled, "I didn't do shit!"

Kaede shushed the two fighting boys when she heard thumping sounds followed by a faint scream that stopped a second later.

"What the fuck is she doing up there?" Inuyasha asked a little irritated.

"I don't know, but keep quiet so I can hear!" Kaede glared at the hanyou.

Even though he was in human form, he could hear the slight sound of a male whispering something. He also could smell salt from the unshed tears of somebody. Inuyasha looked from Kaede to Koga, who held confused looks.

'What's going on?' he thought as he rose to his feet.

Inuyasha could hear the sounds that he could everyday when he was a hanyou. He inched his way towards the stairs, quietly listening to his surroundings. He thought that he could hear something heavy hitting something soft. "Like a mattress with silk sheets." He whispered. Then came a startled cry.

He rushed up the stairs and tripped over his feet, and he tumbled back down. He looked up at the ceiling and saw Koga standing over him with a smirk on his face.

"You're so fucking clumsy you mutt." Koga said as Inuyasha got to his feet.

The human Inuyasha rushed up the stairs again, though this time a curious Koga accompanied him. They both reached the door and Inuyasha put his "human ear" to the door and listened carefully. He was right, he could smell another guy in the house and he was in that room with Kagome. He growled angrily as he heard yet another cut short scream, but Inuyasha managed to pick up something else along with it.

"Now be a good little girl and I might let you live." A man whispered.

That was when Inuyasha snapped, he started to pound loudly on the door as Koga tried to turn the knob, but it was locked.

"KAGOME!" Inuyasha yelled, "Open this door right now! We need to talk!"

"INUYASHA!" she cried out, he could tell by the sound of her voice that she was afraid of something.

Though he heard mumbling, Inuyasha couldn't make out what was being told to Kagome, but whatever it was, it had to be something that he wouldn't have wanted to hear anyway.

"Kagome! What's going on!" he demanded from the outside of the room.

"N-Nothing. I-I'm just taking a n-n-nap." Her voice wavered as though she was trying to keep calm.

He began to pound harder on the door. "Open this door NOW! Or I'll break it down!" he yelled.

"N-No!" he heard her cry, "D-don't d-do that! I'm fine! Go away!"

Inuyasha glanced at Koga, who nodded his head and silent as his voice was took over the hanyou's spot pounding on the door. With his usual half-demon speed he raced down the stairs and out into the backyard. He looked around for Sesshomaru's bedroom window. He spotted it and charged it, jumping into the air.


Kagome watched in horror as the pounding on the door stopped and the knob turned slowly. She closed her eyes and tears started to pour from them. As if on cue, there was a loud crash, mainly of the open window crashing to the ground as well as some of the bedroom wall. Kagome opened her eyes to see Inuyasha standing on top of all the debris, his silver tainted black hair fluttered a bit in the wind, and his violet eyes flashed gold.

His face was completely taken over by anger. The man by the door turned quickly and faced Inuyasha, but it was too late. Inuyasha disappeared from view for a second, then reappearing, delivering a powerful blow to the man's face with his fists. Koga opened the door and spotted Kagome, where he rushed over to her side.

"Kagome are you okay?" Koga asked as he broke the handcuffs.

She nodded sitting up, Kagome rubbed her wrists and stared at Inuyasha, who towered over the fallen man who had attacked her.

"Koga," Inuyasha bellowed, "Take Kagome to Tokyo, she's not safe here. Take her home."

Koga nodded as he gently picked up Kagome in his arms and slid off the side of the bed. At first Kagome didn't register what was going on, but she jumped out of Koga's arms none the less and ran to Inuyasha. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

Inuyasha wrapped one of his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss, but he pulled away and released her.

"Go with Koga." He ordered.

"NO! I won't leave you." She argued.

"I'm sorry but you can't Kagome, you have to go home." It tore him apart having to tell her that, "Koga take her."

Tears swelled in her eyes as Koga gently grabbed her shoulders and led her from the room. She tried to get away and return to Inuyasha, but Koga just threw her over his shoulders and carried her out to the car as she kicked and screamed.


The man wiped the blood from his lip and glared at Inuyasha as he got to his feet.

"It's nice to see you again Inuyasha." The man said dusting himself off.

"The feeling's not mutual Frank." Inuyasha growled.

Frank smiled evilly, showing off a toothy grin. He pulled out a small dagger from his trench coat and took a fighting stance.

"Too bad." Frank laughed, "Now I'm just going to have to kill you. Naraku won't be pleased at me for not getting that disc, but I suppose he won't care if I rid him of you."

"HA! I'll probably die from the hands of somebody who's stronger than me someday, grant it, but there's no way it'll be by a human." Inuyasha spat.

Inuyasha lunged at Frank, knocking him off his feet by kicking the back of Frank's kneecaps.

'Dammit!' Frank thought as he dodged Inuyasha's fist. 'I thought Naraku said that he'd get rid of Inuyasha's strength by manipulating the phases of the moon!'

The hanyou sent a kick flying towards Frank's face. As it hit, there was a loud sickening crack. Frank cluttered to the ground, his eyes swelled with pain. Inuyasha had broken the boy's neck.

A thick evil fog filled the room as the lights flickered on and off. Frank held a terrified look on his face as the black fog drifted to his body. His clothing began to melt as his skin enflamed with boils. His face twisted with agony as his blood evaporated from his wounds. Seconds later Frank was nothing but a heap of ashes on the debris filled carpet.

"What a waste of a good man." A voice chuckled.

Inuyasha whirled around and face the man hidden in a corner. He was shrouded in the darkness with his arms crossed loosely against his chest as he leaned casually against the wall.

"What the fuck do you want Naraku!" Inuyasha spat.

Naraku smiled as he stood erect and stepped out into the now dim light. "I know she has the disc and I want it."

The hanyou narrowed his eyes suspiciously, his nails digging crescent shaped punctured wounds into his palm. He gritted his teeth and growled.

"You won't be getting shit you bastard!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Touchy, touchy." Naraku chuckled. "Don't even waste your time by trying to save her. You'll fail her, just like you failed Kikyo and only a few years ago."

"You killed one woman I loved. I won't let you do it again." Inuyasha cracked his knuckles and charged Naraku.

Before Inuyasha could strike his foe, the wind blew the fierce fog all around the both of them and plummeted into Inuyasha, sending him skidding backwards onto the ground. The lights became bright, so bright that the bulbs exploded. Inuyasha quickly covered his face with his arms, avoiding the shattering glass.

He sat there for a moment, trying to focus on anything or sign that would show any living thing in the room, but of course there wasn't. Naraku had escaped. He slowly got to his feet and hobbled slowly down the hallway. It took him a bit to climb down the stairs, but he eventually made it to the living room. He found Kaede sitting patiently, a cup of tea in her old hands and an unreadable expression on her face.

"Where's Kagome?" he asked praying that she left safely.

"She left on bad terms Inuyasha." Kaede said taking a sip of her tea, "Kicking, screaming and calling yer name." She paused for a moment looking up at the hanyou. "Ye should have left well enough alone Inuyasha. If you had ye wouldn't be in this mess."

He frowned, "It I had left her alone, Naraku would already have killed her and taken the disc that he's trying to get his hands on!"

"Ye shouldn't have interfered Inuyasha!" Kaede told him angrily.

"You can't tell me what I should and shouldn't do you old hag!" he growled angrily. "Besides, it seems as though you're on Naraku's side!"

Inuyasha punched a wall furiously, his fist easily breaking it like dirt clumps. He turned and walked out of the house, got into his car and drove away. Away from his pain, away from his problems and even further away from the one person who needed him the most. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed a now very used phone number.

"I've been waiting for your call." Miroku said sadly.

"Well mister 'sixth-sense' what's going on? Did you break a nail or something?" Inuyasha growled.

"Oh, nothing, just my love life. I don't want to bore you so I just wont say anything." Miroku sighed, "So what's with the irresistible Inuyasha these days?"

"Hell's breaking loose." Inuyasha spat.

"What do you mean? Is everything going okay? Did you say something hurtful to Kagome, causing her to hate your guts?" He grew depressed.

"No, nothing like that, but I feel that you and Sango aren't doing so well… Anyway," Inuyasha grunted, "Kagome's headed back home.."

"What? Why? She hasn't even been gone for a month yet!" Miroku said confused.

"I know but watch over her, she witnessed a horrific tragedy, and keep an eye on that worthless piece of trash Koga for me!"

"What happened? Tell me Inuyasha I'm your best friend." Miroku probed.

"She watched her mother being murdered right in front of her, and Naraku's all to blame." Inuyasha gripped the steering wheel tightly with his hand until his knuckle turned white.

"Holy shit!" Miroku gasped.

"Listen to me Miroku, You must promise me that you'll watch over Kagome. I don't want to lose her like I did Kikyo."

"I promise, but Inuya----"

"No 'buts' Miroku, you and Sango do your best! Dammit and if you can help her with her miko powers, she can't control them yet, but you'd better protect her! Or I'll kill you myself!" Inuyasha tried to stay calm, but it wasn't working too well.

"Don't worry Inuyasha, I'll be sure to try my hardest." Miroku paused, "Hey…Aren't you coming with her?"

"No," Inuyasha replied softly, "I have to keep an eye on Naraku. I need to find a way to get rid of him."

"I understand." Miroku said.

"Do something for me will you Miroku?" Inuyasha asked.

"Sure, anything Inuyasha just name it."

"Meet Kagome at the airport. Give her a hug for me and tell her not to worry. I'll survive." Inuyasha told his friend.

"You sound as though that you are going to die Inuyasha, don't be a fool." Miroku accused.

"Lay off the fucking suicidal thoughts Miroku. I just can't promise that I can have any contact with her for a while." Inuyasha assured his friend.

"Okay, but I have to go. Sensei Takahashi is giving me dirty looks from down the hall." Miroku said a little impatiently.

"Yeah, sure. Alright, bye." Inuyasha hung up his phone and pulled his car up to the beach parking lot. He turned off the engine and climbed out of the car. The moon was showing brightly against the crashing waves of the ocean. Inuyasha sighed and sat on the hood of his car and stared up at the twinkling stars.

'Why does Naraku want me to be so damned unhappy? All I ever wanted was to live my life in peace. To be with somebody who cares for me, but I can't have that. Oh, no, he has to try and take my happiness away from me and crush it like a bug. He needs to be stopped before he hurts Kagome like he hurt Kikyo, my Kikyo.'


Memory / Flashback

He gazed deeply into her eyes as she stood next to Naraku, he had his arm wrapped around her waist. Inuyasha couldn't believe what he was seeing. Kikyo held an emotionless look on her face, her eyes were once filled with life and always sparkling, but now they were dull and lifeless.

"K-Kikyo." Inuyasha managed to whisper.

Her eyes flashed angrily as she stepped away from Naraku. A frown pursed her lips. She was ripping his heart out from his chest. Coldly she raised her right hand in the air and shot a bright pink light directly in Inuyasha's path.

Inuyasha closed his eyes tightly as the light consumed his body. His skin began to burn and tiny welts appeared over his body. He let out a cry of sheer pain as the light disappeared and he collapsed to his knees. He breathed heavily, panting, gasping for the clean air.

Kikyo chuckled as she wrapped her arms around Naraku's waist resting her head on his chest. Naraku's smile faded when he noticed that Inuyasha was still holding on, even if he was barely clinging to life. Naraku wanted Inuyasha dead, cold, six feet under.

The Inu hanyou slightly opened his eyes as Naraku captured Kikyo's lips in a ruthless kiss. The injured hanyou growled angrily and winced in pain.

"Get your hands off her you bastard!" Inuyasha yelled as he clumsily got to his feet. The blood trickling down his nose and lip.

"Die Inuyasha!" Kikyo growled as she shot yet another wave of pink light at him.

He screamed in agony as the welts on his body exploded, the clear puss oozed from his body and burned through his skin like Sesshomaru's poison claws. His hair began to smolder and almost caught alight. This time when the light dispersed Inuyasha thought that he was going to die on his feet. Killed by the woman he loved, she had betrayed him, but no matter what she did to him, he'd always protect her. She had been the first person to actually love him besides his parents who Naraku had cruelly murdered when Inuyasha was only a young tike. Kikyo was his life, his world, and he'd do anything just to see her smile

"Now lets go Naraku." Kikyo muttered as she began to walk away.

"Aren't you going to finish him off?" Naraku hissed facing the pale Kikyo.

"I wish for him to die slow and painful. Such
a beast should burn in the flaming pits of hell." She replied coldly.

"Hmm, I see.." a smiled played on his lips as he walked up behind Kikyo.
He pulled out a rather small pistol and quietly pointed to her shoulder blade. "You should have never turned your back on me bitch!" and he tightly pulled the trigger.
