InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ Kagome's safety and Kikyo's betrayal part two ( Chapter 14 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Fourteen: Kagome's safety and Kikyo's betrayal part two.
Inuyasha watched in horror as Kikyo cried out and collapsed in a heap to the ground. Naraku bent over and pulled her by her hair and turned to face Inuyasha. A smile was evident on his malicious face.
"Meet me at Tokyo Park. You have a half hour." Naraku hissed as he disappeared with the injured Kikyo in his grasp.
It took him a few moments to clear his mind of the pain that pulsed through his veins. He breathed heavily, using what was left of his strength to move his feet. People started coming out of nowhere, pushing and shoving him as they made their ways around.
Inuyasha lost his balance and tumbled to the ground. His whole body hurt and he just wanted to die, but only after he could save Kikyo. He laid there for no longer than five minutes when a dark shadow appeared over him.
"Hey are you okay?" an innocent and sweet voice asked.
He tried to focus in on the person, but everything was blurry. InuYasha mumbled, "Fine, go away."
The girl didn't buy it and got to her knees. She helped get the injured hanyou to a sitting position. He winced in pain and she removed the shirt from his back.
"I'm sorry." she said quickly.
He "feh'd" and tried to get to his feet. The girl gently pushed down on his shoulders sending shooting pain throughout his body.
"Don't try and get up. You're hurt badly!" She said worriedly.
"I'm fine wench! Now let go of me!" He growled angrily fighting against her.
"NO! You need help! Now stay still or this will be painful!" then she added, "For the both of us."
She straddled his lap and put her lips onto his forehead. He was startled by her actions, even though she wanted him to be still, he struggled in her grasp. She was concentrating, he could feel her strain to keep him still.
"Don't move!" She growled.
As if on cue, his body went limp and the only thing keeping him up in a sitting position was her arms under his, wrapping around his back.
"G-g-ged off mm--" he started.
The girl placed one of her fingers on Inuyasha's cracked and chapped lips. Shushing him she told him, "It won't take long.."
She removed her finger and replaced it with her soft lips. He tried to pull away, but she held him firmly. He could hear a calm and relaxing voice calling to him.
"Relax. Everything's going to be okay. Just keep calm and still. I will heal your body, but the rest is up to you. Relax. Let go of yourself. Don't be afraid, for I won't hurt you."
His eyes began to droop and he felt tired as his body tingled. The pain washed out of his body and he went unconscious. When he came to, the girl was gone and he felt like he had just awaken from a long nap. In actuality, he'd only been out for about ten or so minutes. Inuyasha quickly got to his feet and took off.
"Hold on Kikyo, I'm coming for you." he said under his breath.
It took him only merely minutes to reach the park, his wounds had mysteriously healed, yet his body felt over tired. Naraku stood there with an unconscious and bleeding Kikyo in his arms. Tiny drops of dark red blood dripped hypnotically to the pavement.
"Give her back Naraku!" Inuyasha growled.
"Fine, if you want her so badly," Naraku said bored as he tossed Kikyo's body to the ground.
"You bastard!" Inuyasha yelled as he rushed over to Kikyo's side.
"I always get what I want Inuyasha. Even if I have to use force to get it." Naraku paused with a malicious grin plastered to his pale face. "I will take it by force, and it always tastes much sweeter." Then he licked his lips and disappeared.
Inuyasha bent down over Kikyo and caressed her cheek with his hand, being careful not to knick her with his claws. Tears silently poured from his eyes onto Kikyo's face. She groaned and frowned, he could feel her body tensing in his arms.
"Kikyo..." he whispered pulling her closer to his chest, holding her loosely in his arms.
"Inuyasha, I‘m so," If he hadn't been a hanyou he wouldn't of heard her last words as her face smoothed out as if she had fallen asleep. Her breathing softened and then stopped all together.
Finally her body relaxed and Inuyasha could no longer hear the faint and rhythmic beating of his love's heart. Kikyo was dead.
He closed his eyes and wiped a stray tear from his face. Inuyasha climbed off his car and looked out into the water.
"Why do all the good things in my life get so messed up?" He asked himself.
Kagome's face lit up when she saw Inuyasha, he was coming to her rescue. Then the last person she expected to see loomed over her.
"Kagome, are you okay?" Koga asked as he broke the handcuffs.
She nodded sitting up and rubbing her wrists. Amazedly she stared at Inuyasha, who towered over the fallen man who had attacked her.
"Koga," Inuyasha bellowed, "Take Kagome to Tokyo, She's not safe here. Take her home!"
Koga nodded as he picked up Kagome in his arms and slid off the side of the bed. She didn't register what was going on, but all the same she jumped out of Koga's arms and ran over to Inuyasha. She wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed him passionately. Kagome felt safe as Inuyasha put one of his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss. Then he pulled away and released her, making Kagome confused.
"Go with Koga," Inuyasha ordered.
"NO!" she argued, "I won't leave you!"
"I'm sorry but you can't stay Kagome! You have to go home." He looked so miserable when he spoke, "Koga take her."
She felt so hurt by his actions, and the tears swelled up in her eyes as Koga gripped her arms and led her from the room. Kagome tried to get away and return to Inuyasha, but Koga only picked her up and put her over his shoulder and carried her out to his car.
"Put me down! NO! Stop! INUYASHA!" She kicked and screamed.
"Look," He said as he put her on the ground, "He's right, you aren't safe. You need to go home and I'm taking you! He'll come back for you!"
Koga held her arm so she couldn't run off. Quickly he unlocked the passenger door and helped her into the seat and buckled her up. She didn't see him press a little button on the door and closed it. She concentrated on finding a way how to escape. As he was halfway to the driver's side, she unbuckled herself and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge.
He laughed as he climbed into the driver's seat and closed the door. "It's my handy dandy child lock," he leaned over her and she gasped, "Don't worry, you need to have your seat belt on in my car."
She lowered her head in defeat and they rode to the airport in silence. Kagome just wanted to die, nothing had gone right since she arrived in America, and she'd only been there for less than a month and her mother was dead, now she was forced to leave her boyfriend.
"Come on Kagome, I have to go get you a ticket." Koga said as he helped her out of the car.
Silently they walked down the airport hallway. Even if it was filled with hundreds of people, Kagome felt alone. It only took a bit until they came upon a counter with a male flight attendant standing in front of a computer.
"How may I help you?" He said cheerfully.
"I would like two first class seats to your earliest flight to Tokyo, Japan." Koga replied.
"Okay sir and how will you be paying?" The man asked.
Koga dug into his pocket and pulled out a brand new credit card and handed it over to the attendant. It took a moment or two for the man to get everything and he handed two tickets and the credit card to Koga and said, "Go to gate eighty. It's to your left and straight down the hall. It will be boarding passengers in ten minutes or so."
"Thank you." Koga said as he tried his best to give her his brightest smile. It didn't take long for them to reach gate eighty, and Kagome didn't say a word. She wanted to be with Inuyasha, him holding her in his muscular arms, but that wasn't going to be possible any time soon. Not after the current events. Kagome kept her eyes down cast on the floor, not looking up at anything or anyone around her.
"Tickets?" A woman asked politely.
"Here," Koga said handing the paper to the woman.
She said something that Kagome couldn't quite catch, but he tugged at her hand and she began to walk again. After they were seated and buckled in, she gazed up at Koga who had a very worried look on his face.
"Are you going to be okay?" He asked.
"Yeah," She sighed as she reached into her coat pocket. The cell phone had been going off on vibration for a while now and that's when she felt a small round disk. She quickly pulled out the phone and answered it. "Hello?"
"Kimura what's going on?" An angry voice demanded.
Kagome couldn't hold her emotions back any longer. She began to cry. Her head had somehow found its way onto Koga's chest and her free hand gripped his shirt as the hot tears rolled from her eyes.
"Who's on the phone?" Koga asked as he gently took the phone from her hands, "Who's this?"
"Sir you're going to have to turn your phone off. It's radio waves are corrupting the plane's signal frequency." a stewardess said.
"I'll have Kagome call you once we've reached Tokyo!" Koga growled hanging up the phone and patting Kagome's back before glaring at the stewardess, "There! Are you happy?"
Koga held Kagome in his arms as she cried. Soon she grew tired and fell asleep, she'd over exhausted herself that day. he stayed awake and put the cell phone back into Kagome's pocket and watched the movie "Lilo and stitch" for the third time that month.
After class Miroku gathered his things and rushed out the door ignoring his teacher. He ran down the hall, passing many people in their clichés. Searching through the students, eagerly he tried to find one person in particular.
"Miroku!" A girl called from behind him.
He stopped and turned to see a young freshman girl named Yuka running towards him.
"I don't have time for this now!" he breathed, "I have to find Sango. It's important!"
Yuka frowned then sighed, "Oh, I see how it is. Well Sango is in the P.E. gym practicing with a few other people."
Miroku smiled and gave Yuka a little hug before he took off down the halls again. "Thanks Yuka! You're the best!" He called out as he turned the corner.
Sango took a fighting stance, wiping the sweat from her face. "Wow, you're really good." She smiled sizing up her opponent.
"Yeah same at ya Sango!" Tobias replied as he charged her.
He held a bamboo stick out in front of him and raised it over above his head. Sango blocked and kicked Tobias's feet. He dodged, flinging Sango back. Catching her off guard, he took her disadvantage and swung low at her knees. As it hit, her knees buckled and she fell flat on her back.
Tobias put one end of the stick to her throat and smiled victoriously. Some of the on lookers clapped and whistled, while some of the girls giggled like elementary students. She breathed heavily as she stared at the bamboo stick, thinking of a way to retaliate.
"Shall we call it quits?" He asked curiously.
She smiled as she shot out her leg and tripped Tobias. She then jumped to her feet and pushed Tobias's weapon into his own throat. The small gathering crowd went wild; the boys hooted and hollered, screaming sexist cat calls. She rolled her eyes and got to her feet.
"Sango! Sango!" Miroku yelled as he jogged up to her side.
"Go away Miroku! I'm not talking to you!" She said as she helped Tobias to his feet.
"But Sango, please it's important!" He pleaded.
"Nothing that comes from you is important to me!" Sango said snobbishly as she turned her back on him.
"FINE THEN!" He yelled angrily, "You go ahead and turn your back on me Sango! You walk away from us! But when Inuyasha comes back to find an upset Kagome, who only asked me 'Where's Sango?' and I have to be like a bad guy and tell YOUR best friend that her safety wasn't important enough because she knows me! Then when Inuyasha comes and kills you because I couldn't protect Kagome by myself! You turned your back on us! I will spit on your grave and hope to see you in hell!"
"Damn you!" Sango cried out as she charged Miroku, the bamboo stick in front of her body.
Miroku was barely able to dodge her first attack and he came back at her with a right hook. She blocked and he kicked her feet out from underneath her. Before she fell, he grabbed her arm and tore the weapon from her hands and threw it across the room.
"NOW!" He growled, "You either come with me right now or you stay here and fight while your anger clouds your mind. But if you come with me, you need to get your act together and be the Sango that I fell in love with! If not, you can rot for all I care and I will gladly make a personal call to Inuyasha and inform him of your betrayal! And trust me, knowing him, he won't take your betrayal too calmly!"
Koga gently shook Kagome awake as the plane landed. At first she groaned, then yawned as she opened her eyes and gazed sadly up at him.
"We're here." He whispered staring at her.
Kagome quickly pulled away from Koga and unbuckled herself. She stood and went to the bathroom. Locking the door, she looked at herself in the tiny mirror. She looked like crap. There came a knock at the door.
"Hey Kagome? Are you going to be okay?" Koga asked.
"Where am I?" She questioned.
"We're back in Japan, at the Kyoto airport. We just landed a little bit a go." He replied.
"Oh, okay. Thanks." Kagome said softly.
"Are you going to come out?" Koga asked nervously.
She sighed and opened the door. Koga had a worried look on his face. Kagome walked out of the bathroom and went down the seat isles. The passengers on the plane were exiting and Kagome quietly followed them off, with Koga right behind her.
"Where are we going Miroku?" Sango asked as she climbed into Miroku's car and buckled herself in.
"First we have to go to Kagome's house and make sure her father's doing okay." He replied as he started the engine.
"When are you going to tell me what's going on?" She pouted.
"As soon as we get to Kagome's house." He said as he drove down the street.
They rode in silence for a while, Miroku keeping his eyes on the road, while Sango looked out the window watching the trees whiz by. She glanced at Miroku and sighed.
"I'm sorry Miroku." She told him.
"For what?" Miroku asked glancing at her briefly.
She twiddled her thumbs nervously, "For not giving you a chance to explain yourself the other night. I wasn't thinking clearly."
"But Sango?" He looked at her, she seemed so sad and it made him feel guilty.
"MIROKU! LOOK OUT!" Sango screamed as she pointed to the windshield.
He looked back out onto the road as a young girl stepped out into the middle of traffic. He didn't have enough time to stop, so he swerved the car. The girl looked up into Miroku's eyes and shot out her hand in front of her.
Her eyes flashed evilly, her long black hair fluttered over her shoulders as the car stopped instantly and was flung back into a near by tree. Miroku and Sango screamed as they connected with the tree and the car tumbled onto its roof.
The sound of metal crunching and glass breaking caused the near by people to come out of the stores and crowd around the accident. Miroku opened his eyes, he was lying in a painful position on the hood of his car. Glass and blood surrounded his body. He glanced up and he saw his seat belt dangling, it had come undone on impact. He tried to move but cried out in pain when he tried to move his arm. The blood had been his. Miroku's arm was bent in an unnatural way, and the bright white bone poked out of his elbow.
"Sango!" He called out looking at her unconscious form hanging upside down, held tightly by her own seat belt. She had a tiny scratch across her forehead and probably a few bruises, hopefully that was all she had. "Sango! Please open your eyes! Sango!"
Inuyasha made his way to his bed. It was already midday and some of Sesshomaru's people were working on repairing the damages. Kaede seemed a little angry at him, but he didn't care. All he wanted was to make sure Kagome was okay.
"Ye should be at school Inuyasha." Kaede said entering the room.
He rolled over and faced the wall. "I quit. So go away."
"Come on and get yer lazy bum up and get dressed!" She ordered.
"Didn't you hear me old hag!" He growled, "I quit!"
"Get up now!" Kaede demanded, "Ye wanted to get rid of her because ye feared for her safety and now yer are all depressed! Get on with yer life and go to school!"
"Fine I'll go!" He yelled grabbing his clothes off his bed and getting up. "But if I die because I haven't slept, then I'm coming back for you!"
Angrily he stormed out of his room and into his bathroom where he took a quick shower, then dressed. As he came out of the bathroom, a towel over his head Kaede yelled from down in the kitchen.
"Inuyasha! I've changed my mind! Ye need not to go to school today. I need yer help cleaning this house before I go!"
Slowly he came down the stairs and tossed the towel to the floor. "What do you mean you've changed your mind?"
Kaede sighed as she set her cup of tea on the table and tossed a phone to Inuyasha. He looked at her confusedly, and caught the phone in his clawed hands.
"What's this for?"
"Koga called from Kagome's cell phone at Tokyo General Hospital not too long ago while you were in the shower," she said. "There's been an accident."
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Fourteen: Kagome's safety and Kikyo's betrayal part two.
Inuyasha watched in horror as Kikyo cried out and collapsed in a heap to the ground. Naraku bent over and pulled her by her hair and turned to face Inuyasha. A smile was evident on his malicious face.
"Meet me at Tokyo Park. You have a half hour." Naraku hissed as he disappeared with the injured Kikyo in his grasp.
It took him a few moments to clear his mind of the pain that pulsed through his veins. He breathed heavily, using what was left of his strength to move his feet. People started coming out of nowhere, pushing and shoving him as they made their ways around.
Inuyasha lost his balance and tumbled to the ground. His whole body hurt and he just wanted to die, but only after he could save Kikyo. He laid there for no longer than five minutes when a dark shadow appeared over him.
"Hey are you okay?" an innocent and sweet voice asked.
He tried to focus in on the person, but everything was blurry. InuYasha mumbled, "Fine, go away."
The girl didn't buy it and got to her knees. She helped get the injured hanyou to a sitting position. He winced in pain and she removed the shirt from his back.
"I'm sorry." she said quickly.
He "feh'd" and tried to get to his feet. The girl gently pushed down on his shoulders sending shooting pain throughout his body.
"Don't try and get up. You're hurt badly!" She said worriedly.
"I'm fine wench! Now let go of me!" He growled angrily fighting against her.
"NO! You need help! Now stay still or this will be painful!" then she added, "For the both of us."
She straddled his lap and put her lips onto his forehead. He was startled by her actions, even though she wanted him to be still, he struggled in her grasp. She was concentrating, he could feel her strain to keep him still.
"Don't move!" She growled.
As if on cue, his body went limp and the only thing keeping him up in a sitting position was her arms under his, wrapping around his back.
"G-g-ged off mm--" he started.
The girl placed one of her fingers on Inuyasha's cracked and chapped lips. Shushing him she told him, "It won't take long.."
She removed her finger and replaced it with her soft lips. He tried to pull away, but she held him firmly. He could hear a calm and relaxing voice calling to him.
"Relax. Everything's going to be okay. Just keep calm and still. I will heal your body, but the rest is up to you. Relax. Let go of yourself. Don't be afraid, for I won't hurt you."
His eyes began to droop and he felt tired as his body tingled. The pain washed out of his body and he went unconscious. When he came to, the girl was gone and he felt like he had just awaken from a long nap. In actuality, he'd only been out for about ten or so minutes. Inuyasha quickly got to his feet and took off.
"Hold on Kikyo, I'm coming for you." he said under his breath.
It took him only merely minutes to reach the park, his wounds had mysteriously healed, yet his body felt over tired. Naraku stood there with an unconscious and bleeding Kikyo in his arms. Tiny drops of dark red blood dripped hypnotically to the pavement.
"Give her back Naraku!" Inuyasha growled.
"Fine, if you want her so badly," Naraku said bored as he tossed Kikyo's body to the ground.
"You bastard!" Inuyasha yelled as he rushed over to Kikyo's side.
"I always get what I want Inuyasha. Even if I have to use force to get it." Naraku paused with a malicious grin plastered to his pale face. "I will take it by force, and it always tastes much sweeter." Then he licked his lips and disappeared.
Inuyasha bent down over Kikyo and caressed her cheek with his hand, being careful not to knick her with his claws. Tears silently poured from his eyes onto Kikyo's face. She groaned and frowned, he could feel her body tensing in his arms.
"Kikyo..." he whispered pulling her closer to his chest, holding her loosely in his arms.
"Inuyasha, I‘m so," If he hadn't been a hanyou he wouldn't of heard her last words as her face smoothed out as if she had fallen asleep. Her breathing softened and then stopped all together.
Finally her body relaxed and Inuyasha could no longer hear the faint and rhythmic beating of his love's heart. Kikyo was dead.
He closed his eyes and wiped a stray tear from his face. Inuyasha climbed off his car and looked out into the water.
"Why do all the good things in my life get so messed up?" He asked himself.
Kagome's face lit up when she saw Inuyasha, he was coming to her rescue. Then the last person she expected to see loomed over her.
"Kagome, are you okay?" Koga asked as he broke the handcuffs.
She nodded sitting up and rubbing her wrists. Amazedly she stared at Inuyasha, who towered over the fallen man who had attacked her.
"Koga," Inuyasha bellowed, "Take Kagome to Tokyo, She's not safe here. Take her home!"
Koga nodded as he picked up Kagome in his arms and slid off the side of the bed. She didn't register what was going on, but all the same she jumped out of Koga's arms and ran over to Inuyasha. She wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed him passionately. Kagome felt safe as Inuyasha put one of his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss. Then he pulled away and released her, making Kagome confused.
"Go with Koga," Inuyasha ordered.
"NO!" she argued, "I won't leave you!"
"I'm sorry but you can't stay Kagome! You have to go home." He looked so miserable when he spoke, "Koga take her."
She felt so hurt by his actions, and the tears swelled up in her eyes as Koga gripped her arms and led her from the room. Kagome tried to get away and return to Inuyasha, but Koga only picked her up and put her over his shoulder and carried her out to his car.
"Put me down! NO! Stop! INUYASHA!" She kicked and screamed.
"Look," He said as he put her on the ground, "He's right, you aren't safe. You need to go home and I'm taking you! He'll come back for you!"
Koga held her arm so she couldn't run off. Quickly he unlocked the passenger door and helped her into the seat and buckled her up. She didn't see him press a little button on the door and closed it. She concentrated on finding a way how to escape. As he was halfway to the driver's side, she unbuckled herself and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge.
He laughed as he climbed into the driver's seat and closed the door. "It's my handy dandy child lock," he leaned over her and she gasped, "Don't worry, you need to have your seat belt on in my car."
She lowered her head in defeat and they rode to the airport in silence. Kagome just wanted to die, nothing had gone right since she arrived in America, and she'd only been there for less than a month and her mother was dead, now she was forced to leave her boyfriend.
"Come on Kagome, I have to go get you a ticket." Koga said as he helped her out of the car.
Silently they walked down the airport hallway. Even if it was filled with hundreds of people, Kagome felt alone. It only took a bit until they came upon a counter with a male flight attendant standing in front of a computer.
"How may I help you?" He said cheerfully.
"I would like two first class seats to your earliest flight to Tokyo, Japan." Koga replied.
"Okay sir and how will you be paying?" The man asked.
Koga dug into his pocket and pulled out a brand new credit card and handed it over to the attendant. It took a moment or two for the man to get everything and he handed two tickets and the credit card to Koga and said, "Go to gate eighty. It's to your left and straight down the hall. It will be boarding passengers in ten minutes or so."
"Thank you." Koga said as he tried his best to give her his brightest smile. It didn't take long for them to reach gate eighty, and Kagome didn't say a word. She wanted to be with Inuyasha, him holding her in his muscular arms, but that wasn't going to be possible any time soon. Not after the current events. Kagome kept her eyes down cast on the floor, not looking up at anything or anyone around her.
"Tickets?" A woman asked politely.
"Here," Koga said handing the paper to the woman.
She said something that Kagome couldn't quite catch, but he tugged at her hand and she began to walk again. After they were seated and buckled in, she gazed up at Koga who had a very worried look on his face.
"Are you going to be okay?" He asked.
"Yeah," She sighed as she reached into her coat pocket. The cell phone had been going off on vibration for a while now and that's when she felt a small round disk. She quickly pulled out the phone and answered it. "Hello?"
"Kimura what's going on?" An angry voice demanded.
Kagome couldn't hold her emotions back any longer. She began to cry. Her head had somehow found its way onto Koga's chest and her free hand gripped his shirt as the hot tears rolled from her eyes.
"Who's on the phone?" Koga asked as he gently took the phone from her hands, "Who's this?"
"Sir you're going to have to turn your phone off. It's radio waves are corrupting the plane's signal frequency." a stewardess said.
"I'll have Kagome call you once we've reached Tokyo!" Koga growled hanging up the phone and patting Kagome's back before glaring at the stewardess, "There! Are you happy?"
Koga held Kagome in his arms as she cried. Soon she grew tired and fell asleep, she'd over exhausted herself that day. he stayed awake and put the cell phone back into Kagome's pocket and watched the movie "Lilo and stitch" for the third time that month.
After class Miroku gathered his things and rushed out the door ignoring his teacher. He ran down the hall, passing many people in their clichés. Searching through the students, eagerly he tried to find one person in particular.
"Miroku!" A girl called from behind him.
He stopped and turned to see a young freshman girl named Yuka running towards him.
"I don't have time for this now!" he breathed, "I have to find Sango. It's important!"
Yuka frowned then sighed, "Oh, I see how it is. Well Sango is in the P.E. gym practicing with a few other people."
Miroku smiled and gave Yuka a little hug before he took off down the halls again. "Thanks Yuka! You're the best!" He called out as he turned the corner.
Sango took a fighting stance, wiping the sweat from her face. "Wow, you're really good." She smiled sizing up her opponent.
"Yeah same at ya Sango!" Tobias replied as he charged her.
He held a bamboo stick out in front of him and raised it over above his head. Sango blocked and kicked Tobias's feet. He dodged, flinging Sango back. Catching her off guard, he took her disadvantage and swung low at her knees. As it hit, her knees buckled and she fell flat on her back.
Tobias put one end of the stick to her throat and smiled victoriously. Some of the on lookers clapped and whistled, while some of the girls giggled like elementary students. She breathed heavily as she stared at the bamboo stick, thinking of a way to retaliate.
"Shall we call it quits?" He asked curiously.
She smiled as she shot out her leg and tripped Tobias. She then jumped to her feet and pushed Tobias's weapon into his own throat. The small gathering crowd went wild; the boys hooted and hollered, screaming sexist cat calls. She rolled her eyes and got to her feet.
"Sango! Sango!" Miroku yelled as he jogged up to her side.
"Go away Miroku! I'm not talking to you!" She said as she helped Tobias to his feet.
"But Sango, please it's important!" He pleaded.
"Nothing that comes from you is important to me!" Sango said snobbishly as she turned her back on him.
"FINE THEN!" He yelled angrily, "You go ahead and turn your back on me Sango! You walk away from us! But when Inuyasha comes back to find an upset Kagome, who only asked me 'Where's Sango?' and I have to be like a bad guy and tell YOUR best friend that her safety wasn't important enough because she knows me! Then when Inuyasha comes and kills you because I couldn't protect Kagome by myself! You turned your back on us! I will spit on your grave and hope to see you in hell!"
"Damn you!" Sango cried out as she charged Miroku, the bamboo stick in front of her body.
Miroku was barely able to dodge her first attack and he came back at her with a right hook. She blocked and he kicked her feet out from underneath her. Before she fell, he grabbed her arm and tore the weapon from her hands and threw it across the room.
"NOW!" He growled, "You either come with me right now or you stay here and fight while your anger clouds your mind. But if you come with me, you need to get your act together and be the Sango that I fell in love with! If not, you can rot for all I care and I will gladly make a personal call to Inuyasha and inform him of your betrayal! And trust me, knowing him, he won't take your betrayal too calmly!"
Koga gently shook Kagome awake as the plane landed. At first she groaned, then yawned as she opened her eyes and gazed sadly up at him.
"We're here." He whispered staring at her.
Kagome quickly pulled away from Koga and unbuckled herself. She stood and went to the bathroom. Locking the door, she looked at herself in the tiny mirror. She looked like crap. There came a knock at the door.
"Hey Kagome? Are you going to be okay?" Koga asked.
"Where am I?" She questioned.
"We're back in Japan, at the Kyoto airport. We just landed a little bit a go." He replied.
"Oh, okay. Thanks." Kagome said softly.
"Are you going to come out?" Koga asked nervously.
She sighed and opened the door. Koga had a worried look on his face. Kagome walked out of the bathroom and went down the seat isles. The passengers on the plane were exiting and Kagome quietly followed them off, with Koga right behind her.
"Where are we going Miroku?" Sango asked as she climbed into Miroku's car and buckled herself in.
"First we have to go to Kagome's house and make sure her father's doing okay." He replied as he started the engine.
"When are you going to tell me what's going on?" She pouted.
"As soon as we get to Kagome's house." He said as he drove down the street.
They rode in silence for a while, Miroku keeping his eyes on the road, while Sango looked out the window watching the trees whiz by. She glanced at Miroku and sighed.
"I'm sorry Miroku." She told him.
"For what?" Miroku asked glancing at her briefly.
She twiddled her thumbs nervously, "For not giving you a chance to explain yourself the other night. I wasn't thinking clearly."
"But Sango?" He looked at her, she seemed so sad and it made him feel guilty.
"MIROKU! LOOK OUT!" Sango screamed as she pointed to the windshield.
He looked back out onto the road as a young girl stepped out into the middle of traffic. He didn't have enough time to stop, so he swerved the car. The girl looked up into Miroku's eyes and shot out her hand in front of her.
Her eyes flashed evilly, her long black hair fluttered over her shoulders as the car stopped instantly and was flung back into a near by tree. Miroku and Sango screamed as they connected with the tree and the car tumbled onto its roof.
The sound of metal crunching and glass breaking caused the near by people to come out of the stores and crowd around the accident. Miroku opened his eyes, he was lying in a painful position on the hood of his car. Glass and blood surrounded his body. He glanced up and he saw his seat belt dangling, it had come undone on impact. He tried to move but cried out in pain when he tried to move his arm. The blood had been his. Miroku's arm was bent in an unnatural way, and the bright white bone poked out of his elbow.
"Sango!" He called out looking at her unconscious form hanging upside down, held tightly by her own seat belt. She had a tiny scratch across her forehead and probably a few bruises, hopefully that was all she had. "Sango! Please open your eyes! Sango!"
Inuyasha made his way to his bed. It was already midday and some of Sesshomaru's people were working on repairing the damages. Kaede seemed a little angry at him, but he didn't care. All he wanted was to make sure Kagome was okay.
"Ye should be at school Inuyasha." Kaede said entering the room.
He rolled over and faced the wall. "I quit. So go away."
"Come on and get yer lazy bum up and get dressed!" She ordered.
"Didn't you hear me old hag!" He growled, "I quit!"
"Get up now!" Kaede demanded, "Ye wanted to get rid of her because ye feared for her safety and now yer are all depressed! Get on with yer life and go to school!"
"Fine I'll go!" He yelled grabbing his clothes off his bed and getting up. "But if I die because I haven't slept, then I'm coming back for you!"
Angrily he stormed out of his room and into his bathroom where he took a quick shower, then dressed. As he came out of the bathroom, a towel over his head Kaede yelled from down in the kitchen.
"Inuyasha! I've changed my mind! Ye need not to go to school today. I need yer help cleaning this house before I go!"
Slowly he came down the stairs and tossed the towel to the floor. "What do you mean you've changed your mind?"
Kaede sighed as she set her cup of tea on the table and tossed a phone to Inuyasha. He looked at her confusedly, and caught the phone in his clawed hands.
"What's this for?"
"Koga called from Kagome's cell phone at Tokyo General Hospital not too long ago while you were in the shower," she said. "There's been an accident."