InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ Tokyo General Hospital. ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!

Love, Murder, and Betrayal

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Fifteen: Tokyo General Hospital.

Kagome patiently waited as Koga went to get his luggage. She felt just horrible, here she was back in Japan where she originally never wanted to leave in the first place. Her boyfriend was back in the states and she wasn't sure if he was okay. Kagome silently watched the airport's mini TV. hanging in the corner.

She smiled as one of her favorite anime shows came on, Ranma 1/2. At first she didn't realize Koga was talking to her, she was completely wrapped up in watching the screen. Subconsciously she laid her head on Koga's shoulder and sighed heavily. They stood there for what seemed like ten or so minutes when a breaking news broadcast interrupted.

"A severe car accident left two teenage students in the hospital." The man said emotionlessly, "No names are being given, but they are both in stable condition. The cause of this accident was a young girl stepping out right in front of the SUV. Reports have confirmed that this girl somehow flung the vehicle into a near by tree, almost killing the passengers. The young boy and girl are said to be recovering soon. More at ten."

The reported flashed an updated picture of the accident and Kagome stood straight as her eyes widened in surprise. She saw something familiar on the car. A woman in a string bikini on the side of the only un broken window. Her mind screamed as her eyes rolled up into the back of her head.

"Kagome!" Koga yelled catching her as she fell.

He picked her up in his arms and somehow hailed a cab. From there he was driven to Kagome's house. Koga paid the driver as they neared the house, he could plainly see a cop car in the drive way. The cab stopped at the side of the road and carefully Koga climbed out of the vehicle with Kagome still in his arms.

Slowly he walked to the front door, and gently maneuvering her in his arms, Koga managed to ring the door bell, then patiently waiting. After waiting for what seemed like hours to the impatient wolf youkai, an old looking man answered the door. His black hair had streaks of gray and his gray eyes were dull. The man's face showed worry lines and he looked extremely tired.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Higurashi." Koga said.

The man nodded and walked into the hall. Koga followed closing the open door with his foot. Kagome's father went back into the living room and Koga headed towards Kagome's room. Thankfully the door was open. Her room flashed with bright colors, her bed was big and had a tie dye comforter. He smiled a bit as he walked over to her bed and laid her down.

He brushed away the stray strands of her silky black hair from her face, gazing away from her, Koga could hear car engine's fading and he guessed that the police had left. Turning his eyes back onto Kagome's sleeping figure, he sighed. He couldn't believe everything that was happening to her.

"How did it happen?" Kagome's father asked standing in the doorway of his daughter's room.

"From what I was told by Inuyasha, she was attacked by one of a rival business owner's minion." Koga stated, "Shot and killed in front of Kagome."

"Did they get it?" Mr. Higurashi asked suddenly.

Koga was confused, "Did they get what Mr. H?"

The middle aged man walked in the room and closed the door. He went over to the wolf youkai, seriousness over came the man's usually relaxed face and his voice was low.

"Kimura," He said, "She always was working on improving the security systems or building some kind of database structure for the Tama corporation. Though, I'm not supposed to know, she always carried a small disc, her briefcase or laptop, and a gun."

The wolf demon was surprised to hear all this information about Kagome's mom, he could never imagined that she had been working on technological advancements for Sesshomaru's company. It had to have been a very important disc for Kimura to die for.

"When my wife would leave for months at a time, I would never ask questions. Or when she begged to have Sota enrolled in an over sea's boarding school, I suspected that she had had something planned, but I just let it go over my head." The man said sadly, "Then a few years back when she had to leave for America, we told Kagome we'd divorced so Kimura could stay where her work needed her, and so our family wouldn't have to be torn apart so much. How could this have happened?"

"I'm sorry Mr. H, but I think that they captured the disc when she was murdered." Koga replied looking down at Kagome, "But be glad that they didn't kill Kagome when they had the chance."

Kagome's father sighed as he got to his feet, "Come, I will make us something to drink and we shall get our minds onto happier subjects than this."

Reluctantly, Koga got to his feet also and followed Kagome's father out of the bedroom. He lingered in the doorway for a moment just staring back at the still unconscious Kagome. He turned his head and made his way into the living room, where he plopped down on the couch closing his eyes.

Kagome's father entered the room a few minutes later with two bottles of Pepsi. Sitting down next to Koga, the middle aged man turned on the TV. and began flipping through the channels.

"Hey!" Koga said loudly, "Flip the channel back for a moment!"

Looking curiously at the wolf demon, the father turned back the channel to the news station.

The tube/Television.

"Hello, I'm Ai Taki!
And I'm currently standing in front of the weirdest car accident scene of the decade! Today around four p.m. Miroku Houshi and Sango Taijyia were pulled from the mangled SUV behind me." The reporter said slowly as the camera showed a picture of the vehicle behind her, "Witness' say that a mysterious girl stepped out into traffic. They claimed that she used her hand to send the large vehicle slamming directly into a tree. The mysterious girl walked away from the scene completely unharmed and vanished into thin air."

Koga's mouth dropped as his eyes practically bugged out from their sockets. "Those are Kagome's friends.!' He told himself, 'They were in the accident. That's why she fainted!'

"Those are Kagome's friends!" Mr. Higurashi said with complete disbelief.

"The two teenagers are said to be in stable conditions with minor injuries. They’re being treated at Tokyo General Hospital as we speak." The woman continued, "Paramedics say that they will soon recover. Now back to you Taromaru."


Kagome woke up suddenly, her head hurt and she realized that she was in her bedroom. Getting to her feet, she rubbed her head and silently made her way down the hall. She stopped and peeked over the hall wall. Koga and her father were watching the news. She listened carefully to the woman on the noise box. Her eyes went wide hearing Sango and Miroku's names, confirming her earlier suspicion.

As soon as she heard which hospital they were being held in, she quietly crept into the kitchen and grabbed her father's car keys and as quickly as she could, she made her way to the front door. Flinging the door open, Kagome ran towards the car at top speed.


Koga heard the door slam open and he cursed under his breath as he jumped over the couch and chased after Kagome. He reached her just as she unlocked the driver's side door.

With some irrational thinking, Koga pinned Kagome against the door before she could open it.

"Get off me!" She yelled.

"NO!" He growled back, "You're not going anywhere! You're in no condition to be out and about! You need your rest!"

"But I have to go to the hospital!" She argued, "My friends are hurt! They need me! I have to make sure they're okay!"

The wolf demon gently took the keys from Kagome and let go of her. She blinked confusedly before she got the message and made her way quickly over to the passenger side. Kagome and Koga put on their seat belts, and soon they were both silent as the car quickly made its way to the hospital.


Miroku opened his eyes to find himself in a hospital bed. His arm throbbed numbly on his chest, bound in many bandages. He looked out a small window to see that it had already grown dark. Slowly sitting up, he glanced around the room for Sango, but found no one. Climbing out of bed he stumbled a bit, but caught himself before he had the chance to fall.

Cautiously he check every room in the wing that he was in. Checking his surroundings, Miroku had spotted a near by doctor and rushed over to the elderly man in a white coat.

"Excuse me!" Miroku said, "Where's Sango? Is she okay?"

The doctor smiled and chuckled a bit, "You scared us today when you and that girl came into the E.R. Your arm had been badly broken and your bone stuck out through the skin. Some of my fellow coliege's thought that the damage might have been too severe. We considered amputating your arm," He paused, "But of course we didn't and you'll be just fine."

The injured teenager looked at the doctor with a horrified expression. 'H-h-he wanted to cut off my arm?' He thought, 'Why? Is he stupid? I'm useless without my arm.'

"Where's Sango? Is she okay?" Miroku repeated.

"Yes, see your friend, she suffered no serious injuries just a few tiny scratches and bruises. She is down in the infirmary. She's going to be released once her parents come and finish the last of the paperwork." The doctor said matter of fact, "You should go back to your room and rest so we can put a cast on your arm to help the healing process."

Before the doctor could say anything more, Miroku took off down the wing until he came to an elevator and climbed inside before the other doctor's and nurses could grab him. Breathing heavily, he pushed a button praying it was to the infirmary and waited quite impatiently until he reached the first floor.

After exiting the elevator, he stopped a rather young nurse. Resisting his lecherous temptations, he asked her if she would happen to know where Sango was. She smiled and nodded as she began to walk down the sanitary hall, guiding Miroku to Sango's room.

Showing Miroku which room his dearest Sango was in, the nurse quickly went back down the hall and disappeared behind a corner. Quietly he pushed open the door with his good hand to find Sango sitting by her window, her back facing him. His heart skipped a beat and he just stood there for a moment staring at her.

"S-Sango?" He asked closing the door.

She turned around, and he saw her worried and tear stained eyes. She got to her feet and rushed to him, throwing her arms around his neck and embracing him tightly in a hug. He ignored the shooting pain in his arm and returned the hug.

"They wouldn't let me see you!" She cried breaking their embrace and staring into his eyes.

"It's okay," He replied wiping the tears from Sango's eyes with his good hand, "At least we are alright and nobody's hurt too bad."

"Did you hit her with your car?" Sango asked remembering why they were in the hospital.

"Who did? I-I don't think I hit her, but who was she?" I didn't get a good look at that psycho chick who stepped out into the road." He said confusing himself slightly.

"I saw her." Sango told him, "And when I saw her cold stare, I thought I was going to die from shock."

Miroku frowned a bit trying to think of somebody who had such a cold stare you'd want to die. That happened to be a girl, for that matter. After a bit, he gave up hope on his brain.

"Who was it Sango? Please tell me." He pleaded.

"It was--" Her eyes went wide as somebody opened the door and poked their head in, "Kagome!"

He turned around to see a worried Kagome enter the room and fling herself into Sango's arms. The person who followed behind Kagome was somebody Miroku had least expected to be her, Koga.


It took them a good hour or two to get to the hospital with all the traffic around them. By the time Kagome's father's old car had made it into the hospital's parking lot it was already getting dark. Kagome pulled out her mother's cell phone and dialed a number.

"Who are you calling?" Koga asked looking for a parking spot.

"My--Hi daddy!" Kagome said trying to sound happy, "No. I’m okay. Yes daddy, I've missed you too. Don’t worry I'm with Koga. We are at the hospital-Because I wanted to visit Miroku and Sango, Okay hold on daddy, I'll let you talk to him-"

Kagome handed Koga the phone as he shut off the car's engine. He put the phone to his ear and answered.

"I'm here." he paused, "Okay Mr. H, I understand, Yes, I will ask her if she has it or not, I will, don't worry we'll be back real soon. Okay. You too Mr. H,. Okay, Bye."

"What did my father say?" She asked slowly getting out from the car.

"I'll tell you later Kag." He replied also getting out from the car and locking the doors.

They walked silently in the parking lot, Kagome was worried about how her friends were doing and Koga was thinking of a way to ask Kagome about what her father had been telling him about. Kagome was a good five feet away from Koga, when he remember that he still had Kagome's cell. He reached into his pocket and dialed the number Kaede had given him incase of an emergency.

Patiently he waited as it rang, and just as he was about to hand up somebody answered, luckily for him it was Kaede.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey Kaede. Where's mutt boy?" He growled.

"He's in the shower," She told him irritably, "What do ye need Koga?"

He didn't say anything as Kagome slowed her pace and leaned her head on his arm. They both walked into the entrance of the hospital and he found his voice.

"I don't need anything, but there's been an accident." He said in a low voice so Kagome wouldn't hear him.

"Is everything okay? Where are ye at?" Kaede asked worriedly.

"I'm at Tokyo General Hospital on Kagome's mother's cell phone, but I got to go." He said hanging up quickly as he and Kagome stopped at the front desk.

"How may I help you today?" a nursed asked bored.

"Uh-yeah, I'm here to see Sango Taijyia and Miroku Houshi." Kagome replied twiddling her fingers.

The nurse looked up at the nervous Kagome and eyed her, "what relation are you to them.?"

"I'm Sango's cousin and we are Miroku's friends." Kagome told the nurse quickly.

"I can allow you to go and see Ms. Taijyia in the infirmary, but since you are not related, I cannot let you see Mr. Houshi." The nurse said flatly.

Kagome and Koga only nodded, they waited for the nurse to reply and give them the room number.

"Oh, sorry. She's in room-113, go to the infirmary. it's the sixth door to your left." The nurse became suddenly annoyed.

"Thank you so much." Kagome squealed as she took off in a quick jog to the infirmary.

Koga quickly followed her as she sped down the hospital wind almost running into an unoccupied stretcher. As unlucky for him, Kagome was half way down the hall when he lost sight of her. Growling angrily he dodged an elderly woman and ran down the hall until he saw Kagome go into a room.

Entering the room right behind her, he gazed into the room. Upon seeing Sango, Kagome flung herself into her friend's arms. Looking to his side, Koga saw Miroku with his arm bandaged to his chest.

"Are you okay?" Kagome asked quickly as she pulled out of Sango's hug and eyed her friend cautiously.

"Yeah. I'm fine, just cuts and bruises." Sango replied blushing a bit. "But I think Miroku broke his arm though."

Kagome turned to face Miroku and spied her lecherous friend. Forgetting his perverted ways, she went to her friend and embraced him in a gigantic hug.

Miroku was shocked at his friends actions, but none the less returned her embrace. He could faintly hear a jealous wolf's agitated growl, when she let go he gave her a reassuring smile.

"I thought that you could'a died." Kagome sniffled sitting on a unoccupied chair.

"Well you can't kill us off that easily." Miroku chuckled.

Koga closed the hospital room door and leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest as he ignored their conversation.

"So where's Inuyasha?" Sango asked glancing at Koga.

Kagome's eyes started to tear up as she choked out. "He's not coming."

"Oh, Kagome. It's okay he'll come." Sango reassured her friend.

"Don't worry. I know he'll come back, so don't fret Kagome." Miroku said seriously as he laid his good hand on Sango's unsuspecting shoulder.

"How do you know that?" Koga growled deciding to pay attention.

"Because I spoke with him a while before the accident." Miroku replied.

Her eyes shot up and hope could be seen in Kagome's now huge orbs. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she quickly wiped them away.

"Please tell me what he said!" She whispered.

"Well, mainly all that he said to me was that he wanted me to give you a hug and tell you not to worry about him. Also he wanted me and Sango to meet you at the airport, but before we could this chick stepped out into the middle of the road." He began to ramble off into a conversation of how he stepped on a piece of gum when a doctor, the one Miroku ran into earlier calmly came into the room.

Upon seeing Miroku, the middle aged man smiled then turned serious as he looked over at Sango. "Ms. Taijyia?"

"Yes?" She asked climbing onto her feet.

"Your parents have faxed us your paperwork. You're free to leave if you wish." The doctor said, "Oh, and as for you Mr. Houshi." Miroku gulped, "You need to get back to your room so we can put a cast on your arm before the medication wears off."

With that the doctor left and the closed the door behind him. Miroku gazed at Sango and winked causing her to blush slightly. Giving Kagome a nod, he left the room and headed back to his own. Koga rolled his eyes and handed Kagome her cell phone.

"Here, I'll be out in the hall if you need me." He said exiting the room.

Sango glanced over at her best friends to see her head drop to the floor. Her hair hung loosely over her shoulders and silent tears falling from her face. A worried expression played on her face as she wrapped her arms around the tear stricken Kagome.

"It's okay, let it all out." She said softly.
