InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ One day of explosions, information, and Sesshomaru ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!

Love, Murder, and Betrayal

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Sixteen: One day of explosions, information, and Sesshomaru.

"I just don't understand." Kagome sobbed.

"You don't understand what Kagome?" Sango asked patting her friend's back.

"Why only bad things happen to me! Why can't I be happy!" She choked out.

"We both know that's not true," Sango replied looking at the upset Kagome directly in the eyes.

Kagome sadly nodded and wiped away her spilt tears. Sango brushed away Kagome's hair from her face.

"You've just had a lot of crap piled onto your plate right now." She assured, "But trust me, look on the bright side. Even if none of this had happened, you would still have a certain hanyou whom I'm sure loves you a lot and as we speak is very worried about you."


"Koga called from Kagome's mother's cell phone at Tokyo General Hospital," Kaede said, "There's been an accident."

"What do you mean 'there's been an accident'? What happened?" Inuyasha yelled rather loudly.

"That is all I know, sorry Inuyasha." The elderly woman replied.

Fear overcame his face as he felt as if the blood had drained from his body. Kaede seemed worried, but not like if it was that important to her. Inuyasha stood there, his long black hair dripped clear water onto the floor.

"Do you have the cell number?" He asked still in a bit of a daze.

"Aye, check the caller I.D., but I must get my things all packed up." Kaede muttered slowly getting to her feet.

Eyeing her suspiciously he checked the phone for received calls. 'Please let me find her number! I have to see if she's okay!' He told himself, not aware that Kaede had already left the room. In fact, she had left the house.

By the time he heard the car engine roar, he dropped the phone and took off outside, his eyes deceived him. Kaede was in her pinto and driving quickly down the street. Not thinking clearly, Inuyasha chased after the elderly woman in her dark red Pinto.

He was barely catching up to her as her car stopped at the stop sign. Panting loudly as he neared the car, he was angry at why she would just get up and leave. Hitting the trunk of the car Inuyasha yelled out.

"Oy you old hag! What the fuc---"

There was a quiet beeping sound, then an explosion. The power of the explosion practically threw Inuyasha's human form a few feet away from the vehicle. He looked up as a huge mushroom cloud spurted from the flaming Pinto. Quickly getting to his feet, he rushed to the car, only to be flung back by an unknown entity. Hitting the tar road forcefully, he lay outspread on the ground, his head busted open on impact with the hard surface and everything went black. A black light poured from the vehicle as the flames turned blue, then purple.

Cackling could be heard faintly in the wind as a figure watched the accident, his eye burning red with rage, happiness and satisfaction.

"One down, three to go until you're mine Higurashi." A coy voice said.


She paced uneasily in her bedroom, worried about him. 'Is he okay? Why hasn't he called me yet? Did something happen to him? Is he dead?' She thought irrationally as she clutched the cell phone in her hand. Kagome still had not changed into her clothes as she thought that she was beginning to smell.

"Ugh!" She said frustrated, "I smell like crap!"

It had been dark for a few hours and as she pulled off her jacket, she noticed a small circular disc still in her pocket. Taking it from her pocket, she looked at it for a bit. Her mom had told her never to let go of the disc and protect it with her life. She would have cried, but her tears were gone and even if she had wanted to cry, she couldn't.

Forgetting all about taking a shower, Kagome walked over to her computer and sat down. She put the small disc in the drive and waited patiently for it to load.

"I wonder what's in it." She told herself as she clicked on the file that popped up.

At first the screen went completely black as she stared at the monitor in amazement as words begin to type themselves across the black screen with a luminous green tint. Quickly she read everything and waited patiently for it to finish loading up. She watched the screen attentively, waiting for the exact moment that something would just jump out of the screen at her.

Kagome sat there, her eyes beginning to droop and she felt like going to sleep and ignoring the computer, but as she closed her eyes she heard the faint voice followed by a bright light.

"Welcome Kimura Higurashi," The voice whispered.

She jolted awake and it took her eyes a few moments to adjust to the bright light convulsing off the monitor in front of her. Not even a moment later the screen flickered and turned black once more. Just before Kagome gave up and sighed, a tiny window popped open and it required a password to continue. Curiously she pulled out her keyboard and thought long and hard about a password that her mother might have used.

'What would mama use as a password?' She asked herself, 'Maybe its her name? No, that's too easy. Could it be mine and Sota's name? No! Then what could it be?'

Her eyes widened as she found the answer that she was searching for, staring her right in the face. Squinting her eyes a bit, she read the label of the company in which her mother worked for.

"Tama/Higurashi Security?" She mouthed subconsciously as she typed it in. There was a moment of hast and impatient waiting as the clock ticked away. Then as a soft sound of a door opening, the window opened and displayed the unfinished plans and many different types of exciting diagrams and technical architecture.

"Kagome!" Her father yelled form outside the door. "You should go to bed, I am enrolling you in school tomorrow and you should get some rest!"

"Alright Papa!" She replied switching off her bedroom lights.

Going back to her computer chair, she began to read over the information given. Not understanding at first, she opened up a word document and began typing. It seemed like only seconds had gone by when she stopped typing and saved her file onto her computer. Looking back at her clock, she gasped at the time.

"WOW! It's already two in the morning and I'm typing about the function of security to a wealthy business company." She whispered.

Closing out the file, she pulled out the disc and hid it in one of her many various hiding spots, and pulling out a brand new disc and popping it into the hard drive, she downloaded all of her work onto that single floppy disc and placing it under her pillow. Kagome sighed heavily and slowly changed into her pajamas, then going to her bed and collapsing onto it, instantly falling asleep.


Sesshomaru laid in his huge bed, the silk blankets were twisted around his body. The Inu-youkai had been plagued by the horrible nightmare's that all seemed to start off the same and end in the same exact way; by a young girl with piercing gray eyes, long black hair and a strong aura. She would grab a hold of him, and the immense pain convulsed through his body. He would always have been unable to save himself, then awaken suddenly, dripping in a cold sweat. And just to make things worse, his company's security database plans were missing and his partner or "associate of business" was found murdered.

'But was it ever found?' He asked himself, 'Did Kimura hide it somewhere? Why did I let some puny human try and increase the safety and security measures of my company?'

The past couple of days were beginning to get worse, as if he really needed an unplanned trip through hell at the moment. Sesshomaru did have to admit that since that little girl had come into his house, he found being there at his home was a little better and more bearable.

A grin came to his face as he thought about the little orphan who had entered his life. She always wore a smile and was either giggling or running away from a very agitated green imp. The human girl cleaned up quite nicely and now was beginning to talk, or well at least trying.

But something still haunted his mind, 'Spiritual powers', Kimura's daughter had spiritual powers, intense enough to repel his own demons. He remembered Toru saying something about Kagome Higurashi, but his business associate never spoke of her daughter and yet he recognized that particular name somewhere.

'Kagome Higurashi,' He told himself, 'Where do I know that damn name from?'

Closing his eyes, Sesshomaru tried to relax, to clear his mind of everything so he could figure out where he remembered the name from. He laid in his bed for what seemed like hours until he dozed off into a restless sleep.


Slowly he walked across the school's campus, though he had been "dating" Star for only a few months, she was beginning to grow on him, but only a little. Sesshomaru would always meet her for lunch at her school after he had lied to her about his age and classes.

"Why hello Ladies.." He forced himself to smirk as he reached for Star, giving her a slight kiss on her cheek. "How's my lovely lady doing today?"

He was going to bleach his mouth for his vile public display of affection to that teenaged girl.

Star blushed and smiled, "I'm fine Sesshomaru, and this is my new friend Kagome, she's the new girl."


The Inu-youkai's eyes shot open as the memory flooded back to him. 'Kagome,' He told himself as he tossed the silk sheets from his body. 'Kagome was the girl who Inuyasha attacked, the one whom Naraku attacked.'

Slowly Sesshomaru walked into his personal bathroom and stood over the large porcelain sink. Turning on the cold water and letting it run for a few minutes, he looked at himself in the mirror. His face was pale and sweat drops made their way down his face. Glancing at his reflection, he took note of the skin under his arms that were a few shades darker than the rest of his skin.

Cupping the clear and cold water in his clawed hands, he splashed it onto his face. He didn't know why the burn marks hadn't gone away, usually he wouldn't have any scars, but the immense power the girl gave off was blinding, and it had almost killed him.

Pulling a towel from the rack, he wiped his face, then quickly tossed it onto the sink as he made his was out of his bathroom and over to his closet where he pulled out a rather old white wife beater and put it on over his exposed chest. Brushing his long silver locks of hair over his shoulders, he made his way silently out of his room and down the hallway.

Passing a room with the door slightly open, he stopped. Sniffing the air a bit, his thoughts concluded that his new visitor was asleep. He walked into the room a ways, and looked at the girl. She looked like a baby stretched out in a pool of silk blankets that she clung to, her black hair was clustered around her smiling face. He couldn't help but smile himself as he leaned against the bed pole. Sighing a tad, he turned around and walked out of the room quietly, closing the door behind himself.

Going down the stairs surrounded in darkness, he could hear the audible snoring of Jaken in his room down in the basement. Sesshomaru turned and entered his study room, flicked on the light and immediately noticed his computer's screen flashing bright colors.

He raised an eyebrow as he sat down at his desk and turned to meet his monitor face to face. Touching the mouse, his computer system became alive and quickly loaded him onto one of his business pages. Unlucky for him, a many paged report had popped up. The Inu-youkai rolled his eyes and was about to delete it, when his eyes caught the name "Kimura Higurashi" on it.

Frowning, he decided to read the damn report in anger to what was going on now. He would have been stuck reading what would be hours if the report hadn't stopped adding more pages and causing Sesshomaru to growl, mainly to himself. After finishing the novel of a report, he sat back in his leather chair and began to rub the bridge of his nose.

Picking up the phone on his desk, Sesshomaru pressed a button in his speed dial and waited rather impatiently, glancing over at the clock that read "Four a.m." on it. Before he hung up after almost thirty solid rings and counting, a man answered sleepily.

"Moushi, Moushi?"

"Toru, get off your ass! I want you to do something." Sesshomaru said irritably.

"What would you like?" Toru said yawning. "Since there's no point in going back to bed because I'd have to be up in five minutes anyways."

"Good." The Inu-youkai muttered, "Now, I want you to find me where Kagome Higurashi is and was after Kimura was murdered."

"No need for that." The man replied sheepishly.

"And why is that?" Sesshomaru growled.

"Well, we have already have tracked her down," Toru confessed.

"I want the information faxed to my study immediately!" He ordered.

"Sir, I will have to you in a matter of seconds!" The man said as though Sesshomaru was some kind of drill sergeant. "Would you like me to do anything else while I'm up?"

"Yes, check on the half-breed." Sesshomaru spat.

"Which one sir?" Toru asked confused.

Silence was the Inu-youkai's answer as he thought for a moment. Then after making up his mind, he replied. "Both..."

"Yes sir." The man answered.

"One more thing Toru." Sesshomaru blurted out.

"What would that be?"

"Be careful," Sesshomaru growled, "And I want no mess ups this time. No need for anymore blood shed."

"I'll try," Toru chuckled before hanging up.

Sighing heavily, Sesshomaru got out of his chair and went into his kitchen where he started his once daily routine of making himself a pot of coffee and fetching the morning newspaper. Stepping outside in nothing but a pair of flannel boxers and a white wife beater proved instantly to be regretful.

The cold air stung his pale cheeks as he walked out over to his front gates. Bending over, he picked up the Tokyo newspaper in his claws and slowly made his way back into the comforts of his heated mansion. Upon closing the front door, he was greeted by a sleepy-eyed girl who was seated on the edge of the stairs watching him intently. He ignored her and walked into the kitchen and tossed the newspaper onto the almost dusty kitchen table.

"You can come sit down, I don't bite." He said flatly as he pulled out a coffee mug from a cabinet in front of him.

Filling his mug with the steaming black liquid, he noted the movements of the little girl. Without a word, he walked over to the fridge and pulled out some coffee creamer and poured the remaining contents into his mug, then tossed it into the trash. Grabbing a small spoon from a drawer, he stirred his coffee, before he turned and made his way back to his study. He stopped at the stairway and glanced back at the girl who seemed to be following him.

"You can go ahead and eat whatever you find in the kitchen," He said, "For it doesn't matter to me."

She smiled and nodded before she disappeared into the kitchen and began giggling like a giddy, school girl would after seeing a cute boy. He rolled his eyes and went to his study room to begin his work.


Sango woke up to her alarm clock loudly going off. She sighed as she stretched herself and sleepily climbed out of bed. Groggily, she walked over to her closet and pulled out a plain black t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Then she went to her dresser for some undergarments and made her way to the shower.

Quickly shutting the door before her brother Kohaku could steal the hot water of the morning, she turned on the water an waited for it to heat up as she undressed. Stepping into the shower her eyes went wide as she let out a hair curling scream, the water was freezing cold.
