InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ Enter Rin, Distress for Shiori! ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!

Love, Murder, and Betrayal

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Seventeen: Enter Rin, Distress for Shiori!

From down in the kitchen sitting down at the table eating a bowl of cereal sat a giggling eleven year old Kohaku. His eyes were shut tight to keep him from tears of joy. He had purposely gotten up earlier so he could use up all of the hot water before his sister woke.

Since their parents were away on vacation so Kohaku wouldn't get in trouble for his practical joke, unless Sango could catch him before he left for school. Hearing the shower water being turned off, he quickly glanced at the microwave clock. Guessing it would be as good as anytime to leave, he grabbed his backpack and scurried out of the door and yelled,

"I'm going to school early today sis! See you when I get home!"


Sango growled as she dressed quickly, she heard her brother leave and it made her smile knowing that he was afraid of her. Pulling on her t-shirt, she sighed heavily realizing that she was going to be all alone at school today since the hospital wanted to keep Miroku over night for observation and Kagome would need a few days to mourn the loss of her mother.

After she finished getting ready, Sango walked into the kitchen and placed her brother's empty cereal bowl into the sink. She opened a cabinet and pulled out a package of poptarts and grabbed her backpack. Heading out the door, she grabbed her car keys and shut the door behind herself, locking it and making her way to her car and then off to school.


The smell of breakfast made Kagome's stomach grumbled and she moaned, hiding her face deep into her pillows. She didn't feel like getting up at all this day, or any other day unless he called. Somehow she had a feeling that he wouldn't call, but there was always that feeling deep down in her mind that prayed and believed that he would.

"Kagome!" Her father called, "Breakfast is ready!"

Getting out of bed, she slowly made her way out of her room and into the living room where she plopped down on the couch. Her father walked into the living room, a smile on his face and carrying two plates of food in his hands. Taking a good look at his daughter, he laughed.

"Looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He said, "or got hit by a very large trunk of unbrushed, and tangled mass of hair."

Putting the plate her father handed her on her lap, she yawned and gave her father a tired glare.

"Ha ha, very funny papa!" She retorted, "Who helped you come up with that one?"

"You know Kagome that Sota comes home in a week."

"Really?" She asked.


Her mood instantly picked up and she ate her food quickly. A few minutes later when she finished eating, Kagome put her dishes in the sink and went to her room. Checking the time it was only ten a.m., that would give her a few hours until school let out and then she could hang out with Sango.

She squealed in excitement as she rushed into her bathroom and took a quick shower. Changing into a pair of shorts and one of her mini bright pink t-shirts, she pulled her hair up into a tight ponytail and turned on her stereo. Kagome quickly put in her c.d. "Jets" and played their song, "Cold hard bitch." She turned on her computer and began to continue her work on the program on her mother's mysterious disc.

Today seemed to be one of those carefree days that don't happen very often and usually don't last too long. A smile played on her face as the music blared in her speakers. She tried as hard as she could to keep her mind on the positive things instead of the negative, but for some reasons, the bad memories out weighed the good ones.


Angrily he sat at his wooden desk. The whole room around him was practically dark and nobody dared to bother him. He had had everything planned out in the beginning and his plan was perfect. Try to get Sesshomaru to kill his filthy half brother, while he stole the Inuyoukai's security blue prints and then take over the Tama family corporation. Yes, the plan was simple and it would have been executed flawlessly if somebody hadn't leaked the information and tried to help out.

But it didn't matter because he got rid of her, then used to her his pleasure. Kikyo had died yes, but a demon such as him could easily bring back the dead and use them to his advantage, and now he could and would use her to his advantage. Naraku would still gain control of Sesshomaru's company. The Higurashi family was in his way, one of his few obstacles left. Something big was coming and all he would really need were the fates to fall and he would gain it all.

Picking up a manila folder from his desk, he looked over the daily reports, Souten had done well by planting a bomb into the car of the haggard old caretaker of the Inu-hanyou, Inuyasha. Some other papers made a report about Rin's daughter still hadn't been "found" and that there was practically no activity from anyone, well except for a certain miko who had disappeared from thin air, but would show up later, he was counting on it.

A rather small headache fought its way into a place in the hanyou's mind and he growled rubbing his temples gently. The door in his office flew open and a young woman no older than twenty-six stepped in. Her long black hair was in a loose bun and she wore a blue-pants suit. Her heels made her seem taller than her normal five-four height. The woman's bright blue eyes were ablaze as she angrily stormed over to Naraku's enormous oak desk.

"You fucking bastard!" She yelled pointing her index finger in his face, "Why haven't you been looking for my daughter!"

"It's not my main priority right now Ms. Taber," He gritted his teeth as his headache grew and quickly.

"Not one of your main priorities?" She screeched, "Not one of your main priorities my ass you cock sucker! It's your fault she is missing! You assured me that she'd be safe! You promised that nothing would happen to her! It's been almost a month! She's only seven years old! She could be dead and you sit here on your damned ass doing nothing and my baby could be dead!"

"This is not the best time to be here and yelling insults at me girl." He snarled jumping up out of his chair, knocking it over as he slammed his fists down on the desk.

"Don't try to intimidate me Naraku! Because it won't work!" She yelled, "I'm not a push over like everyone else in this filthy fucking company! I'm not afraid of a bastard such as yourself!"

In the blink of an eye, Naraku had appeared in front of the young woman. Rin gasped in surprise and cried out as she was forcefully pushed against one of the large filing cabinets; one of Naraku's hands laced tightly around her throat as the metal handles of the cabinet drawers dug themselves into her backside.

"Then wise up Rin and fear for your life!" He whispered hoarsely into her head as his nails pierced the soft flesh of her neck, "Be afraid for Shiori and what could happen to her if I really made her top priority to find," He paused licking his lips before adding, "..Her dead or alive."

"You fucking daft prick!" She cried as tears started pouring from her eyes, "If you dare threaten to hurt my daughter, I'll see to it that you're six feet under in the blink of an eye!"

"It's not a threat my dear.." He said, "It's a promise!" Tossing her roughly to the ground, he growled angrily as he pointed to his door, "Now get out of my face before you regret what I'll do to you and everything you hold dear!"

Rin hit the ground with a thud, an unmentionable amount of fear pulsed throughout her body as Naraku spoke. Her hair was falling out of its bun and she could feel the blood trickling down the contours of her neck. Without any further hesitation, she scrambled quickly to her feet and sped out of his room and down the hallway to the elevator and pushed the down arrow.

She was going to go straight home. Being at Naraku's company for accounting had lost its spark. Her daughter was missing and everything was becoming stressful and hectic. Getting into the elevator as she pressed a button waiting. A sob escaped her throat and she hid her face in her hands. A gentle hand laid itself on her should and a little shocked she looked up at a smiling man and wiped her eyes.

"Don't sneak up on me like that Toru." She sniffled.

"You can't sneak up on someone when you're in the elevator first dear." He chuckled then noticing her upset expression. "What's wrong? You're bleeding! What happened!"

Pulling her into his arms, Toru hugged Rin. Her arms found their way around his neck and she cried, "Toru, I don't know what to do anymore! She's still missing and I can't stand working here anymore! We have to leave! Once Shiori is found, I wanna leave this country for good!"

"Don't worry my love," Toru whispered as he gently patted Rin's back, "Well find her, I promise and then we'll move.."

Staring up into Toru's brown eyes, she sighed. She'd loved this man once, his messy brown hair and his somewhat muscular body. Being together for about ten years, if you didn't count that little break for a few months when she was eighteen; and yet they weren't married. Even after she had given birth to Shiori, they had not tied the knot and he never questioned her once because for some reason, she herself didn't want to be tied down, not yet at least.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened wide. Toru gently picked up Rin in his arms and carried her out of the company's building. Quickly going to his Ford Escort, he set his long time girlfriend down in the passenger seat, buckled her seat belt and softly kissed her forehead. Closing the door and quickly jogging to the driver's seat, he started the engine and backed out from his parking spot.

"You don't have to drive me home Toru," Rin said glancing out the side window, "I drove my own car to work you know.."

"Yeah, but you're upset and knowing you, you might total your brand new car, again." He replied taking her hand into his own and squeezing it gently, keeping his eyes on the road.

She tried to laugh, but it didn't seem like she would ever be able to ever again. She looked up at her long time boyfriend and wiped the tears from her face, "I'm going to start looking for another job. I can't work for Naraku any longer, its been hell since I came."

"No, don't quit." He said quickly, "Not until we find Shiori. Please hold on just a little longer Rin, just a little longer."

Rin didn't hear Toru's plea, her eyes had grown heavy from the lack of sleep and the immense stress that she was under. The young woman had exhausted herself and she fell into a state of unconsciousness. Upon seeing this, Toru sighed heavily as he turned onto their street.

'Wait until we find her and I can get the information that will make Naraku's world crumble. Then we will leave this place and hopefully get married like we planned when we were younger.' He thought.

Finally reaching the small condominium, he parked the car and climbed out of his seat. He knew that Rin hadn't been sleeping and that she had began to take pills to help her stay awake during the day. He had began to worry deeply for his girlfriend; lifting her from the car, he shut the door with his foot and slowly walked up the stairs to their home.


He could feel the warmth of something surrounding his body along with the searing pain in his head. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by darkness. He groaned tiredly and a light came on blinding the hanyou.

"Where-Where am I?" Inuyasha asked wiping his eyes tiredly.

"You're at my home recovering from your injuries Inuyasha." A man said.

A rather short and elderly man walked over to the hanyou's side with a worried look on his wrinkled face. The man's hair had already turned white with age.

"Myoga, what are you doing in the states?" The hanyou asked curiously, "I thought you were back in Tokyo with Sesshomaru."

"Yes, I was." The elderly man replied, "But when problems occurred, I was sent here immediately to help watch over you."

"Where's Kaede?" Inuyasha questioned remembering the explosion, "Is she okay?"

"I'm sorry master Inuyasha, but Lady Kaede's body was not found. We believe that the evil flames consumed her body right down to her bones."

Inuyasha yanked the blankets from his body and tried to sit up. Becoming light headed, he gripped the sides of the sheets and fought against his dizziness as he slowly shifted and slid off the side of the bed.

"Master Inuyasha! You must get back into bed and rest!" Myoga said loudly, "When I found you, you had a bad head wound and you need to regain your strength."

Grasping the side wall as he gained a sense of balance, Inuyasha shot the elder man an angry glare, before he brushed away the damp silver hair from his face, "I am fine!" He growled taking a step only to have the room swirl around him and eventually turn black.

"Master Inuyasha!" Myoga called out rushing to the unconscious hanyou's side, "Torrin! Seiko! I need help! Get the medic!"


Naraku watched the elevator's monitor as Rin fled from his office. He loved to play games with her young and fragile mind. Yes, he did know exactly where her daughter "Shiori" was currently stay at. It had been all apart of his master plan. The girl was with one of his men who would be reporting back to him sometime this evening.

Digging into his side desk, the hanyou brought out a medium sized bottle of scotch. Unscrewing the lid, he took a long swig and sighed as he replaced the bottle back into his side drawer.

"Why must everything be so easy for me?" He asked himself before there came a knock at the door, "You may enter Satoru."

"Master Naraku," A fat and lethargic man named Satoru breathed, "We've lost the girl! Lucillius was found dead in a ravine early this morning. It was confirmed that he'd been there for a while by the rat's teeth marks."

"WHAT!" Naraku screamed bolting up from his leather chair.

"I'm really sorry sir, we just found out." Satoru said a little frightened.

"Does it take so much to fucking have more than one person watch a little seven year old human girl for a month! You idiots! Failures! Damn curs! If you want something done right, you might as well do it yourself because your so said 'loyal' employees can't keep a watchful eye on a little HUMAN GIRL!" He yelled furiously.

The man tried to scurry quickly from the room, but the door slammed shut, almost slicing off one of Satoru's fingers. He let out a blood curdling scream as he faced Naraku. The hanyou's eyes were blood red as his miasma began to fill the room.

"NO!" Satoru screamed frightened as Naraku advanced on him, "Please sir! Spare me! PLEASE NO! WAI----"


Toru settled an unconscious Rin down on the California queen sized bed and covered up her body, giving her a chaste kiss on the forehead before he left the room and went into his bathroom, locking the door. He casually pulled out his cell phone and punched a number, then put the phone to his ear and waited patiently for an answer.

"Hello?" A man asked out of breath.

"Jaken," Toru said sitting down on the side of the tub," Where's Mr. Tama? May I speak with him please? It's urgent!"

"Hold please." Jaken said placing the phone down, "Get away from that statue! Stupid human, you're going to break something!"

There was a fit of childish laughter before a familiar voice emotionlessly and calmly spoke, "Go to your sleeping quarters girl."

He was confused to why there would be a human girl running around inside the famous Sesshomaru's mansion. Not putting two and two together, Toru dismissed his thoughts as a voice addressed him.

"What have you found Toru?" Sesshomaru demanded coolly.

"I'm sorry sir, but they finally found Lucillius' body this morning in the ravine outside Tokyo. Though they know not of whom is to blame." Toru replied.

"Did you set the spy wear in Naraku's office like we spoke of a month or two back?"

"Yes sir, I will send it to you right away, but I know not what is on it since I have yet to look at it myself."

"And why not?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Personal affairs sir. I couldn't avoid it this time." He answered.

"Is that so?" The Inuyoukai asked.

"I assure you sir that the matter has been taken care of and it will no longer presents a problem in my mission." Toru said uneasily.

"You seem uneasy about something Toru, what bothers you?" Sesshomaru questioned quickly.

"Nothing sir, I just thought I heard something." Toru replied.

Sesshomaru bored twirled some of long strands of his hair between his fingers as he thought carefully. The small girl had came behind the great Inuyoukai and with a brush he'd supplied her with, she gently ran it through Sesshomaru's hair.

He was going to chastise the girl for such behavior, but for some unforeseen reason it calmed him down and his migraine left as soon as it tipped the surface. He sighed heavily.

"If you think you heard something, go check it out!" He said collectively, "Because even nothing can kill you."

"Yes Mr. Tama," Toru replied.

There was a shrill woman's frightened scream along with Toru's panicked, "Rin!" sounds of shuffling could be heard until a door was seemingly flung open and an angry Toru growled, "Get away from her you bastards!" Sesshomaru's blood ran cold when he heard the woman's name being called.

"Naraku knows of your betrayal to him Toru!" A voice cooed, "You're leaking information and now he wants to talk to you.."

"Fuck you Yutaka! Put her down!" Toru yelled.

"You're in no position to be ordering me around human!"
"Toru! Look out!" A woman screamed, "BEHIND YOU! TORU!"

Two gun shots fired out followed by loud piercing screams until something was probably smashed against the woman’s head, then all was quiet.
