InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ One major twist of fate ( Chapter 18 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Eighteen: One major twist of fate.
Typing away frantically, she stared unblinking at the computer screen. The day passed like minutes and it now was seven in the evening, he hadn't called. Sure Sango had, but Kagome was very involved in her work to answer. Miroku would be in school in a few days and then everything would hopefully go back to normal, she needed normalcy.
Sota would be coming home and then the three of them could be a family. Sighing heavily, she stretched her stiff limbs and changed her CD’s, now in her five disc cd. changer played; Simple Plan, Chavel, Nirvana, Smashing pumpkins, and Muse.
Surprisingly her father had not bugged her once all day, he probably wanted to give her all the space she needed. Tonight she would pull an all nighter, she wanted to finish her work. For some reason it was all she needed. Kagome would ask her father for a laptop, it would make things more confidential.
A quiet knock came at her bedroom door and she quickly shut off the monitor and picked up all the blue prints strewn across her desk. In haling deeply she picked up a few clothes from off the floor and called out, "Who is it?"
"Kagome dear," Her father replied, "Your friend Sango's on the phone, she wants to know if you wanna go to her house for dinner?"
"Okay," Kagome said, "Tell Sango I'll be right over!"
Quickly pulling on a jacket, and a pair of sandals; then looking at herself in the mirror, she went back over to her computer, turned on the monitor and exited all and every programs before pulling out the disc, grabbing some pepper spray and a small switch blade that Koga had given her. She then turned off her cd. player and unlocked her bedroom door.
Kagome exited the house and zipped up her jacket as she walked slowly down the street. Since she met Inuyasha her life had became chaotic, but she had to thank him for everything that he had actually done for her; well she would if he called her like he promised to.
While walking silently down the street, she noticed a young girl coming down the side walk. She wore a pair of red jeans and a white t-shirt, her long black hair hanging lifelessly at her side. The girl was staring holes into Kagome, which made her feel very uncomfortable. Pulling down her jacket a bit, she took one good look at the girl, looked straight into the girl's eyes and stopped dead in her tracks. The girl's eyes, they had no spark of life, they were a dull brown, they were dead; and her face, the girl's face was similar in comparison to Kagome's own facial features.
"Staring is bad manners, you know." The girl snarled stopping in front of Kagome, placing her pale hands on her hips.
"I-" Kagome stuttered, "I-I'm so sorry, It's just that wow, you look almost like, you could pass off as my twin!"
"Hmmf, I wouldn't go as far as saying that.." The girl snorted emotionlessly.
"I-uh didn't mean to seem rude by staring.." Kagome smiled rubbing her neck embarrassedly, "By the way, I'm Kagome Higurashi."
"I know who you are!" The girl said uninterestedly, "You're that hanyou's new girlfriend. I’ve heard my fair share of information of you.."
The sky began to grow dark as the wind became harsh, wiping her hair violently against her face. The girl in front of Kagome seemed not to notice as she stared unblinking, her left hand out stretched, clenching and unclenching. Kagome's breath was caught in her lungs as an immense pain shot throughout her chest. She weakly collapsed to her hands and knees, gripping the sidewalks as she tried to breathe. Her head soon became light headed as she fought to keep consciousness, as her pupils took in the darkness, it suddenly became brighter. Kagome was filled with an enormous amount of warmth and it became easier to breathe. She panted and gasped for air, her fingers clawing at the cement.
"Who are you!" Kagome asked weakly looking up at the girl who now stood with her hands at her sides, gazing with emotionless eyes.
"It doesn't matter who I am, but it all is indifferent." The girl said coldly, "But my name is Kikyo and Kagome Higurashi, I'll be watching you..." And then Kikyo turned away walking silently down the street.
She sat on her knees for awhile longer, her head pounded and she had had no clue to what had just happened. Realizing that she had to go to Sango's, Kagome climbed unsteadily to her feet. Almost falling twice, she walked slowly to her friends house, each step sending pain throughout her tired body. Upon walking to Sango's front door, she lazily lifted her hand to the door bell and pushed it, cursing mentally from the high pitched noise.
A young boy probably sixteen or seventeen answered the door. His dark black hair tied at the nape of his neck, his arm was bandaged and in a sling. His face was oddly familiar, but Kagome could no longer tell, her vision went blurry and eventually going black as she collapsed onto the boy.
"Kagome!" Miroku cried out as she blacked out, "Sango! Come quick!"
Sango rushed to the front door to see an unconscious Kagome in her boyfriend's arms. She gasped, going to her friend's aide and helping a one armed Miroku carry Kagome into the living room and laying her down on the couch.
"Miroku what happened?" Sango asked concerned.
"I don't exactly know," he replied, "She just fainted as I opened the door."
"We should take her to the hospital!" Sango said grabbing the phone and dialing 911.
Miroku only nodded and glanced down at the unconscious Kagome on the couch, her face was pale and it looked as though she was beginning to bleed from her nose and right tear duct.
Later that night Sesshomaru sat wearily in his office, droning over more paper work. A faint knock came at his study room door and he smirked as the little girl silently walked into the room, her cotton night gown trailing on the floor as she looked tiredly up at him, her arms hidden childishly behind her back.
"What do you want?" He asked softly stopping everything that he was doing so he could watch her.
She slowly walked up to the Inuyoukai, her hair hanging lifelessly over her shoulders. A tired smile played on her face as she showed off her pearly whites to Sesshomaru. Curiously he arched his eyebrows watching her carefully.
"Hand over what's behind your back," He said coolly placing an out stretched hand in front of the girl.
Her face turned serious as her eyes tried to hide their sparkling glow. She tried to look as stern and cold as possible, mimicking the Inuyoukai's normal emotionless expressions causing Sesshomaru to chuckle, but only a tad.
The girl smiled as she giggled before handing Sesshomaru a manila folder, and quite a big one at that. As he took if from her, he could feel a VHS tape inside, on the manila folder it read, "Sesshomaru Tama" in bright red ink that smelled heavily of Naraku.
"You may go back to sleep." He told the girl as he opened the folder and took out a piece of paper, a note.
She nodded and left, closing the door on her way out, though Sesshomaru didn't know at the moment, but the seven-year old girl quietly put her ear to the door and listened in carefully. The tired Sesshomaru quickly read over the note before angrily slamming his fists into his big oak desk.
Hey, just wanted you to know that I have found your spy Toru Kashka. You don't have to worry because he's being taken care of. Next time you feel like watching over me, do a better job. Your people are snobbish and stupid, and they all will eventually die if your arrogant ways to destroy my company doesn't cease, starting with Toru,
Sesshomaru pulled the tape from out the envelope and walked over to his large arm chair, putting the tape inside a VCR. Grabbing a remote, he sat down and pressed the play button. A large flat screen television came from the ceiling and lowered itself to a reasonable viewing level before turning on and playing the tape. The first thing was snowy before Naraku came into view, he was sitting in a large chair with his eyes closed, a smirk on his face.
"Well I gather that since you're watching this that my assumptions were correct and Toru is in fact smuggling information to you." Naraku said looking into the camera, "Sesshomaru, I hope you enjoy the rest of this video as much as I loved filming it for you, ciao!"
The next thing that the Inuyoukai saw was a few men crowding around what appeared to be a battered and bloody Toru. He had a scowl on his face as he spat the blood from his mouth. One of his eyes were purple and swelled shut, blood was everywhere. One of the men standing by Toru had brass knuckles and delivered a harsh punch to his face. Toru's head jerked back, but there was no cry of pain, only emotion that he showed was anger.
"So Toru, have you had enough yet?" Naraku asked coyly.
"Kiss my ass Naraku!" Toru growled trying to break free from the chains that he was tied to.
"Wrong answer!" The hanyou hissed snapping his fingers.
Naraku's goons then pulled out a butterfly switchblade and stabbed the human's abdomen, twisting it for personal pleasure and Sesshomaru couldn't believe what he was seeing until he could hear the screams of a young woman, making his blood run cold yet again.
"Get away from him you bastards!" She screamed loudly.
"RIN!" Toru called dazed by the pain, "Keep quiet! Don't you dare say another word!"
"NO!" She cried out fighting against the group of men that held her back, "Give me back my daughter you fucking cur! Give me back my Shiori!"
As if on cue, the little girl rushed into the room looking around frantically as if she was searching for something. Tears poured down from her eyes as she glanced at Sesshomaru confused.
"Mama!" She called, speaking for the first time to his knowledge, "I here mama!"
Sesshomaru eyed the little girl, it was the first thing that she had said since she arrived and the most sad thing was that the woman Toru called Rin must have been her mother. He watched Shiori look at the television where Toru could now be seen, his feet were stuck in dry cement, blood caked over his clothing, his face was purple and swelled with bruises.
She gasped as she caught sight of the TV. and she rushed to it, only to have Sesshomaru grab her from the waist, holding her back as she screamed, tears soaking Sesshomaru's shirt.
"NO! Mama, Toru! Come back! I won't play tag no more! I will be good! Come back! Mama! Toru!"
He held the girl tightly in his arms as the tape continued, though now on mute. The wetness from her salty tears could be felt on a huge part of his shirt, but yet he made sure to keep her head hidden in his chests. For he knew what was going to happen; by now Toru was probably dead, most likely dumped into an ocean or a deep river where he would drown.
Gently caressing the girl's trembling back, Sesshomaru whispered comforting and soothing words into Shiori's ear. He knew how hard it was to loose parents, but then when you think about it, the crying girl's parents were most likely dead and it was his fault.
She cried for what seemed like hours, but yet Sesshomaru wouldn't leave her side, she needed to grieve and he oddly enough wanted to be there to comfort her. He didn't know what it was, but there was something about Shiori that drew him to her, a certain presence that gave him the feeling of 'love', something once forgotten. Soon she had exhausted herself and fell asleep in his arms.
Taking Shiori to her sleeping quarters, Sesshomaru quietly watched the girl in his arms. Her frail body holding tightly onto his clothing, her face red and tear stained . Upon entering her room, he walked over to her bed and placed her sleeping form down onto the soft mattress and covering up her body with a heavy quilt that she had taken a liking to.
With his hand, he brushed the hair out of the sleeping girl's face, he noticed something that he hadn't before; Shiori wore a pair of tiny diamond studded earrings that looked, or well seemed tarnished to him. He would get them cleaned for her, since he decided it, surely it would be done in haste.
Being sure not to wake her, the Inuyoukai undid the earrings carefully and put them on the night stand by her bed. That's when a different scent filled his nostrils and he glanced down at Shiori, but what he was completely shocked him.
Her hair was a brilliant shade of silver, it was vibrant, silky to the touch and flowed over her shoulders and down to her waist. Her skin tone had become darker and she seemingly became a little taller. On her tiny hands, her fingernails had growing into tiny, and shiny sharp talon like claws; and on her forehead there lay the making of a crescent moon. It was completely backwards from the one hidden to the human eyes on him, but Shiori's new appearance sent Sesshomaru into confusion. How did those earrings contain her demon side? How had the great Inuyoukai Sesshomaru not pick up on her scent? Was this his child? If so, who really was Shiori's mom and what was she doing with Toru?
Reluctantly getting up to his feet, he left her room and headed to his own. In his room, he changed into his pajamas which consisted of a baggy wife beater, loose flannel boxers and a pair of white tube socks. Of course he would top it off with a soft robe before he went to his bed side and picked up the phone receiver and dialing a number, hopefully he would have some answers that would help Sesshomaru understand everything better.
"Hello?" A man asked tiredly.
"It is a bad time for you?" Sesshomaru asked coolly.
"Of course not Sesshomaru! It's just that we finally have gotten Master Inuyasha to wake up." the man replied.
"How is my little brother doing?" The Inuyoukai questioned curiously, "Is he still weak from Naraku's attempt to kill him?"
"Aye Lord Sesshomaru he is, but in a few days or so he will be fine." The man informed him, "Since Naraku attacked on one of Inuyasha's vulnerable days, he was rendered completely broken and on the verge of death.."
"Anything on Lady Kaede, Myoga?" He asked.
"Aye, she was burned severely in the explosion and she passed on the other day." Myoga said sadly, "But Master Inuyasha was told that she was burned down to her very bones and I wish for him only to know that because Lady Kaede was our last hope on even thinking about training the young beauty described as Lady Kagome.."
"Yes," Sesshomaru groaned inwardly, "she is that miko that is currently dating Inuyasha. Her mother was one of my most intelligent co-operators, she too was murdered by the hands of one of Naraku's goons along most likely with Toru."
"How did it happen?" Myoga said worriedly.
"He was tortured, the bastard taped it.." Sesshomaru replied, "And my guess is that he was thrown over the bridge and into some large body of water here in Tokyo.."
"Is Rin and little Shiori alright?" the old man asked skeptically, "Are the young lass' okay? Did they get away?"
"How did you know about Shiori and Rin?" The Inuyoukai questioned.
"I make it a priority to keep an eye on the Tama family's heirs and what not Lord Sesshomaru.."
"What do you mean?" Sesshomaru growled.
Myoga sighed heavily through the receiver of the phone, anyone could tell that the old man seemed tired, but Sesshomaru needed answers and he knew for a fact that Inuyasha's caretaker was wise and held a lot of sentimental knowledge.
"How long has it been since you've gone to a private organization, a fund raiser if you will by a non profit client, Lord Sesshomaru?" Myoga asked, "And be honest.."
"Well I don't know," He replied stopping to think for a moment, "Maybe about almost eight years. Why do you ask?"
"Aye," The old man contemplated, "You may not remember this Sesshomaru, but the week that you were holding that private fund raiser you met a beauty beyond compare. You said once that she was a goddess. We were all sure that you, the mighty Sesshomaru had fallen in love and the irony was that she was human like Inuyasha's mother."
"Where are you going with this?" Sesshomaru growled irritably.
"Using the process of elimination, we all assumed that you two would end up marrying, but then your father was murdered and the very next morning your goddess was nowhere to be found." Myoga said as if he was there personally. "But with my advanced knowledge, I found her, and she was supposedly in love with her first love Toru, though you could obviously tell that they cared for one another, there wasn't the spark that showed between her and yourself."
"So basically," Sesshomaru said a little beyond confused, his mind drawing nothing but blanks, "That I'm Shiori's father? That I have an heir?"
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Eighteen: One major twist of fate.
Typing away frantically, she stared unblinking at the computer screen. The day passed like minutes and it now was seven in the evening, he hadn't called. Sure Sango had, but Kagome was very involved in her work to answer. Miroku would be in school in a few days and then everything would hopefully go back to normal, she needed normalcy.
Sota would be coming home and then the three of them could be a family. Sighing heavily, she stretched her stiff limbs and changed her CD’s, now in her five disc cd. changer played; Simple Plan, Chavel, Nirvana, Smashing pumpkins, and Muse.
Surprisingly her father had not bugged her once all day, he probably wanted to give her all the space she needed. Tonight she would pull an all nighter, she wanted to finish her work. For some reason it was all she needed. Kagome would ask her father for a laptop, it would make things more confidential.
A quiet knock came at her bedroom door and she quickly shut off the monitor and picked up all the blue prints strewn across her desk. In haling deeply she picked up a few clothes from off the floor and called out, "Who is it?"
"Kagome dear," Her father replied, "Your friend Sango's on the phone, she wants to know if you wanna go to her house for dinner?"
"Okay," Kagome said, "Tell Sango I'll be right over!"
Quickly pulling on a jacket, and a pair of sandals; then looking at herself in the mirror, she went back over to her computer, turned on the monitor and exited all and every programs before pulling out the disc, grabbing some pepper spray and a small switch blade that Koga had given her. She then turned off her cd. player and unlocked her bedroom door.
Kagome exited the house and zipped up her jacket as she walked slowly down the street. Since she met Inuyasha her life had became chaotic, but she had to thank him for everything that he had actually done for her; well she would if he called her like he promised to.
While walking silently down the street, she noticed a young girl coming down the side walk. She wore a pair of red jeans and a white t-shirt, her long black hair hanging lifelessly at her side. The girl was staring holes into Kagome, which made her feel very uncomfortable. Pulling down her jacket a bit, she took one good look at the girl, looked straight into the girl's eyes and stopped dead in her tracks. The girl's eyes, they had no spark of life, they were a dull brown, they were dead; and her face, the girl's face was similar in comparison to Kagome's own facial features.
"Staring is bad manners, you know." The girl snarled stopping in front of Kagome, placing her pale hands on her hips.
"I-" Kagome stuttered, "I-I'm so sorry, It's just that wow, you look almost like, you could pass off as my twin!"
"Hmmf, I wouldn't go as far as saying that.." The girl snorted emotionlessly.
"I-uh didn't mean to seem rude by staring.." Kagome smiled rubbing her neck embarrassedly, "By the way, I'm Kagome Higurashi."
"I know who you are!" The girl said uninterestedly, "You're that hanyou's new girlfriend. I’ve heard my fair share of information of you.."
The sky began to grow dark as the wind became harsh, wiping her hair violently against her face. The girl in front of Kagome seemed not to notice as she stared unblinking, her left hand out stretched, clenching and unclenching. Kagome's breath was caught in her lungs as an immense pain shot throughout her chest. She weakly collapsed to her hands and knees, gripping the sidewalks as she tried to breathe. Her head soon became light headed as she fought to keep consciousness, as her pupils took in the darkness, it suddenly became brighter. Kagome was filled with an enormous amount of warmth and it became easier to breathe. She panted and gasped for air, her fingers clawing at the cement.
"Who are you!" Kagome asked weakly looking up at the girl who now stood with her hands at her sides, gazing with emotionless eyes.
"It doesn't matter who I am, but it all is indifferent." The girl said coldly, "But my name is Kikyo and Kagome Higurashi, I'll be watching you..." And then Kikyo turned away walking silently down the street.
She sat on her knees for awhile longer, her head pounded and she had had no clue to what had just happened. Realizing that she had to go to Sango's, Kagome climbed unsteadily to her feet. Almost falling twice, she walked slowly to her friends house, each step sending pain throughout her tired body. Upon walking to Sango's front door, she lazily lifted her hand to the door bell and pushed it, cursing mentally from the high pitched noise.
A young boy probably sixteen or seventeen answered the door. His dark black hair tied at the nape of his neck, his arm was bandaged and in a sling. His face was oddly familiar, but Kagome could no longer tell, her vision went blurry and eventually going black as she collapsed onto the boy.
"Kagome!" Miroku cried out as she blacked out, "Sango! Come quick!"
Sango rushed to the front door to see an unconscious Kagome in her boyfriend's arms. She gasped, going to her friend's aide and helping a one armed Miroku carry Kagome into the living room and laying her down on the couch.
"Miroku what happened?" Sango asked concerned.
"I don't exactly know," he replied, "She just fainted as I opened the door."
"We should take her to the hospital!" Sango said grabbing the phone and dialing 911.
Miroku only nodded and glanced down at the unconscious Kagome on the couch, her face was pale and it looked as though she was beginning to bleed from her nose and right tear duct.
Later that night Sesshomaru sat wearily in his office, droning over more paper work. A faint knock came at his study room door and he smirked as the little girl silently walked into the room, her cotton night gown trailing on the floor as she looked tiredly up at him, her arms hidden childishly behind her back.
"What do you want?" He asked softly stopping everything that he was doing so he could watch her.
She slowly walked up to the Inuyoukai, her hair hanging lifelessly over her shoulders. A tired smile played on her face as she showed off her pearly whites to Sesshomaru. Curiously he arched his eyebrows watching her carefully.
"Hand over what's behind your back," He said coolly placing an out stretched hand in front of the girl.
Her face turned serious as her eyes tried to hide their sparkling glow. She tried to look as stern and cold as possible, mimicking the Inuyoukai's normal emotionless expressions causing Sesshomaru to chuckle, but only a tad.
The girl smiled as she giggled before handing Sesshomaru a manila folder, and quite a big one at that. As he took if from her, he could feel a VHS tape inside, on the manila folder it read, "Sesshomaru Tama" in bright red ink that smelled heavily of Naraku.
"You may go back to sleep." He told the girl as he opened the folder and took out a piece of paper, a note.
She nodded and left, closing the door on her way out, though Sesshomaru didn't know at the moment, but the seven-year old girl quietly put her ear to the door and listened in carefully. The tired Sesshomaru quickly read over the note before angrily slamming his fists into his big oak desk.
Hey, just wanted you to know that I have found your spy Toru Kashka. You don't have to worry because he's being taken care of. Next time you feel like watching over me, do a better job. Your people are snobbish and stupid, and they all will eventually die if your arrogant ways to destroy my company doesn't cease, starting with Toru,
Sesshomaru pulled the tape from out the envelope and walked over to his large arm chair, putting the tape inside a VCR. Grabbing a remote, he sat down and pressed the play button. A large flat screen television came from the ceiling and lowered itself to a reasonable viewing level before turning on and playing the tape. The first thing was snowy before Naraku came into view, he was sitting in a large chair with his eyes closed, a smirk on his face.
"Well I gather that since you're watching this that my assumptions were correct and Toru is in fact smuggling information to you." Naraku said looking into the camera, "Sesshomaru, I hope you enjoy the rest of this video as much as I loved filming it for you, ciao!"
The next thing that the Inuyoukai saw was a few men crowding around what appeared to be a battered and bloody Toru. He had a scowl on his face as he spat the blood from his mouth. One of his eyes were purple and swelled shut, blood was everywhere. One of the men standing by Toru had brass knuckles and delivered a harsh punch to his face. Toru's head jerked back, but there was no cry of pain, only emotion that he showed was anger.
"So Toru, have you had enough yet?" Naraku asked coyly.
"Kiss my ass Naraku!" Toru growled trying to break free from the chains that he was tied to.
"Wrong answer!" The hanyou hissed snapping his fingers.
Naraku's goons then pulled out a butterfly switchblade and stabbed the human's abdomen, twisting it for personal pleasure and Sesshomaru couldn't believe what he was seeing until he could hear the screams of a young woman, making his blood run cold yet again.
"Get away from him you bastards!" She screamed loudly.
"RIN!" Toru called dazed by the pain, "Keep quiet! Don't you dare say another word!"
"NO!" She cried out fighting against the group of men that held her back, "Give me back my daughter you fucking cur! Give me back my Shiori!"
As if on cue, the little girl rushed into the room looking around frantically as if she was searching for something. Tears poured down from her eyes as she glanced at Sesshomaru confused.
"Mama!" She called, speaking for the first time to his knowledge, "I here mama!"
Sesshomaru eyed the little girl, it was the first thing that she had said since she arrived and the most sad thing was that the woman Toru called Rin must have been her mother. He watched Shiori look at the television where Toru could now be seen, his feet were stuck in dry cement, blood caked over his clothing, his face was purple and swelled with bruises.
She gasped as she caught sight of the TV. and she rushed to it, only to have Sesshomaru grab her from the waist, holding her back as she screamed, tears soaking Sesshomaru's shirt.
"NO! Mama, Toru! Come back! I won't play tag no more! I will be good! Come back! Mama! Toru!"
He held the girl tightly in his arms as the tape continued, though now on mute. The wetness from her salty tears could be felt on a huge part of his shirt, but yet he made sure to keep her head hidden in his chests. For he knew what was going to happen; by now Toru was probably dead, most likely dumped into an ocean or a deep river where he would drown.
Gently caressing the girl's trembling back, Sesshomaru whispered comforting and soothing words into Shiori's ear. He knew how hard it was to loose parents, but then when you think about it, the crying girl's parents were most likely dead and it was his fault.
She cried for what seemed like hours, but yet Sesshomaru wouldn't leave her side, she needed to grieve and he oddly enough wanted to be there to comfort her. He didn't know what it was, but there was something about Shiori that drew him to her, a certain presence that gave him the feeling of 'love', something once forgotten. Soon she had exhausted herself and fell asleep in his arms.
Taking Shiori to her sleeping quarters, Sesshomaru quietly watched the girl in his arms. Her frail body holding tightly onto his clothing, her face red and tear stained . Upon entering her room, he walked over to her bed and placed her sleeping form down onto the soft mattress and covering up her body with a heavy quilt that she had taken a liking to.
With his hand, he brushed the hair out of the sleeping girl's face, he noticed something that he hadn't before; Shiori wore a pair of tiny diamond studded earrings that looked, or well seemed tarnished to him. He would get them cleaned for her, since he decided it, surely it would be done in haste.
Being sure not to wake her, the Inuyoukai undid the earrings carefully and put them on the night stand by her bed. That's when a different scent filled his nostrils and he glanced down at Shiori, but what he was completely shocked him.
Her hair was a brilliant shade of silver, it was vibrant, silky to the touch and flowed over her shoulders and down to her waist. Her skin tone had become darker and she seemingly became a little taller. On her tiny hands, her fingernails had growing into tiny, and shiny sharp talon like claws; and on her forehead there lay the making of a crescent moon. It was completely backwards from the one hidden to the human eyes on him, but Shiori's new appearance sent Sesshomaru into confusion. How did those earrings contain her demon side? How had the great Inuyoukai Sesshomaru not pick up on her scent? Was this his child? If so, who really was Shiori's mom and what was she doing with Toru?
Reluctantly getting up to his feet, he left her room and headed to his own. In his room, he changed into his pajamas which consisted of a baggy wife beater, loose flannel boxers and a pair of white tube socks. Of course he would top it off with a soft robe before he went to his bed side and picked up the phone receiver and dialing a number, hopefully he would have some answers that would help Sesshomaru understand everything better.
"Hello?" A man asked tiredly.
"It is a bad time for you?" Sesshomaru asked coolly.
"Of course not Sesshomaru! It's just that we finally have gotten Master Inuyasha to wake up." the man replied.
"How is my little brother doing?" The Inuyoukai questioned curiously, "Is he still weak from Naraku's attempt to kill him?"
"Aye Lord Sesshomaru he is, but in a few days or so he will be fine." The man informed him, "Since Naraku attacked on one of Inuyasha's vulnerable days, he was rendered completely broken and on the verge of death.."
"Anything on Lady Kaede, Myoga?" He asked.
"Aye, she was burned severely in the explosion and she passed on the other day." Myoga said sadly, "But Master Inuyasha was told that she was burned down to her very bones and I wish for him only to know that because Lady Kaede was our last hope on even thinking about training the young beauty described as Lady Kagome.."
"Yes," Sesshomaru groaned inwardly, "she is that miko that is currently dating Inuyasha. Her mother was one of my most intelligent co-operators, she too was murdered by the hands of one of Naraku's goons along most likely with Toru."
"How did it happen?" Myoga said worriedly.
"He was tortured, the bastard taped it.." Sesshomaru replied, "And my guess is that he was thrown over the bridge and into some large body of water here in Tokyo.."
"Is Rin and little Shiori alright?" the old man asked skeptically, "Are the young lass' okay? Did they get away?"
"How did you know about Shiori and Rin?" The Inuyoukai questioned.
"I make it a priority to keep an eye on the Tama family's heirs and what not Lord Sesshomaru.."
"What do you mean?" Sesshomaru growled.
Myoga sighed heavily through the receiver of the phone, anyone could tell that the old man seemed tired, but Sesshomaru needed answers and he knew for a fact that Inuyasha's caretaker was wise and held a lot of sentimental knowledge.
"How long has it been since you've gone to a private organization, a fund raiser if you will by a non profit client, Lord Sesshomaru?" Myoga asked, "And be honest.."
"Well I don't know," He replied stopping to think for a moment, "Maybe about almost eight years. Why do you ask?"
"Aye," The old man contemplated, "You may not remember this Sesshomaru, but the week that you were holding that private fund raiser you met a beauty beyond compare. You said once that she was a goddess. We were all sure that you, the mighty Sesshomaru had fallen in love and the irony was that she was human like Inuyasha's mother."
"Where are you going with this?" Sesshomaru growled irritably.
"Using the process of elimination, we all assumed that you two would end up marrying, but then your father was murdered and the very next morning your goddess was nowhere to be found." Myoga said as if he was there personally. "But with my advanced knowledge, I found her, and she was supposedly in love with her first love Toru, though you could obviously tell that they cared for one another, there wasn't the spark that showed between her and yourself."
"So basically," Sesshomaru said a little beyond confused, his mind drawing nothing but blanks, "That I'm Shiori's father? That I have an heir?"