InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ To be saved ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!

Love, Murder, and Betrayal

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Twenty: To be saved
After conversing for a while longer, Sesshomaru left claiming that he had business to attend to. Kagome believed otherwise, because from all the time that she had seen Sesshomaru he had been distant, cold, seemingly dead and Inuyasha had told her a little about his brother's ways.

Sango and Miroku came in one last time and bid their farewells, though she did have to persuade her father that she would be okay for the night and to go home to prepare for Sota's arrival. Kagome sighed heavily as she glanced around her poorly lit hospital room. At least she had to be grateful that the nurses had taken all the unnecessary tubes from her body, and that she knew that there were people outside her door protecting her from the unknown.

Soon it would be morning, by like an hour and Kagome was restless. She couldn't sleep, her mind was obviously else where. Had she heard Inuyasha correctly? He cared for Kikyo? The girl who had done something creepy to her? Of course! How could Kagome not put two and two together. Inuyasha had dated Kikyo before. He had even said so himself, well at least she thought he did.

For some reason Kagome had a bad feeling about this Kikyo character, besides the fact that she had almost died probably, but something unnerved Kagome; a foreboding feeling if you will say. There was just that nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach that something just wasn't right with that particular girl. As if she didn't belong in this world. Only half believing her suspicions, Kagome closed her eyes and relaxed.


Angrily he sat in his leather chair, clenching the stupid stress ball in his hand only to have it break, the sand like innards oozing out over his hand. She had escaped! He had his own assumptions how and those men had paid dearly for their blunders, they all paid with their lives. He was just about to grab the bottle from his desk drawer when his door handle turned and a dark figure walked into the room.

"Hello Kikyo dearest," He smirked, his eyes drinking in her looks lusttfully. "What brings you here so late?"

She glared angrily at him as the girl slowly made her way to an empty and near by chair, sitting down.

"I have seen her," She said coldly, "The girl who you say he cares for. She takes on many of my characteristics, but she is not the beauty beyond compare like I was three years ago." There seemed to be guilt in her voice. Hatred flowed throughout her body as her spiritual powers flared angrily almost as if she was being licked by pinkish flames, "He has moved on without me! Replaced me like yesterday's newspaper! It's all a load of blasphemy!"

"Believe what you wish my love," He told her.

"NO! I will not hand over Inuyasha to that girl," She growled, "She is still weak even with her miko like powers. I had undoubtedly weakened her further more and I am grateful that this thieving girl named Kagome lays in a hospital bed! Her body was easily to invade, to squeeze her heart felt wondrous! Soon, soon I shall spill her blood and then I'll have him all to myself It must be!"


She was merely minutes away from sleep when she felt her heart starting to pound quickly. She looked around the room but it was all normal, quiet. 'But that feeling!' she told herself sitting up in the hospital bed, 'Something's coming. I can feel it. They must be coming for me.'

Kagome climbed out of the bed and quickly scurried over to the bathroom. She closed the door and locked it. Then leaning her body against the door, her head began to ache and she felt herself become weakened as her body tiredly slumped to the floor. Pushing her numb limbs, Kagome dug into her clothing, searching for the phone that Sesshomaru had left with her 'only to be used in an emergency' he had told her, but now was an emergency right?

Quietly turning on the object, Kagome punched in the number written on her palm and dialed. Her body was shaking from the icy cold feeling that crept over herself, she could literally see the white mist of her breath as she exhaled.

"Hello?" A gruff voice asked tiredly.

"Sessho-" She felt the familiar aura's entering her room and the silent whispers of their voices.

"Where is she Kikyo?" A man hissed.

"She's in the bathroom." Kikyo replied seemingly uninterested.

Her breath caught in her throat and black spots began to appear in the corners of her vision. "They've come to finish me off! Come quick, I think it's Kikyo and N-Narak--"

"Why hello Kagome," Kikyo smiled from in front of the girl as she let out a shrill scream.


As Sesshomaru drove home he glanced at the disc in his hand, Kagome had had it all along and now he finally had it back. He sighed heavily as he turned his head to the unconscious body in his backseat.

"I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner." He said emotionlessly as he turned his gaze back to the road.

It was true, he had found her. After about eight long years, he had finally found her. Her long jet black hair was clumped to her face, her clothing torn beyond recognition. Bruises, cuts, and scrapes covered her pale body, the sea water had infected her bleeding wounds. She looked like death itself.

Her once manicured fingernails were chipped, some broken off completely. The Inuyoukai had found her curvy outline on the sands of a beach that he had coincidentally gone to, for Sesshomaru loved the beaches view. He was angry, angry with who ever had done this to her, to his Rin.

'I had thought she was a dream.' He thought to himself, 'She was so gorgeous, jut barely at the age of eighteen and I the careless delinquent of twenty. We'd thought it was love at first sight and never left the other's side.'

The night they had spent with each other often plagued his dreams, their first time and his last. He would never settle for anyone, he was planning to wait for this so thought dream girl, but in return had gone cold and unforgiving, locking away his true feelings, becoming the president of the Tama company; loosing everything he had once strived to maintain.

Once he made it back to the mansion and carried the unconscious Rin into his home, the Inuyoukai slowly went up to his sleeping quarters, ignoring everyone around him, his gaze fixated on her until he was in his room with the door locked. Taking her into his personal bathroom, Sesshomaru readied a warm bath as he sliced away what was left of Rin's non-existent clothing; exposing her nude figure. Marveling in her beauty for only a moment, the Inuyoukai placed a few bath salts into the water making the once clear blue water turning murky, it would be better for the both of them.

The tub filled quickly and soon Sesshomaru turned off the running water and gently placed Rin in the warm water. He rolled up his sleeves as he cleaned all of the salt from her body, cleansing her, and in a way seducing himself with a wash cloth and a bar of soap. After cleaning the unconscious woman, Sesshomaru lifted her out of the water and covered her nude body in one of his robes and carried her to his bed where he set her down, covered her up and softly kissed her forehead before he went over to his closet and stripping off his wet clothing. Trading them in for a pair of flannel pants and a wife beater he began the long road to relaxation.

Sesshomaru went over and sat down in one of his big leather arm chairs and silently watched the sleeping form of the girl in his bed. Her scent burning in his nostrils as he fought his body to keep himself sitting in the arm chair.


Jaken was only barely waking up, he needed to start the daily work. As he flipped on the den's lights, the phone began to ring. He jumped a bit out of shock before rushing over to the phone and answering it.

"Hello?" he asked gruffly.


Taking the cordless, the small old greenish demon dashed towards the stairs. The girl was still on the line for he could hear her sharp breathing.

"LORD SESSHOMARU!" Jaken called out breathlessly as he ran up the stairs, it had to be only four in the morning.

In a flash the Inuyoukai was in front of Jaken, sleep in his angered eyes, his teeth bared, showing more or less threatening the elderly demon with his fangs.

"They've come to finish me off!" Sesshomaru could barely hear her voice through the phone as she whispered frightened, "I think it's Kikyo and N-Narak---"

"Why hello Kagome," The Inuyoukai recognized that voice, and which was followed by Kagome's loud shrill scream.

With that Sesshomaru growled angrily, he shouldn't have left Kimura's daughter all alone like that, completely defenseless. "You! Watch over the visitors." Sesshomaru growled throwing on a pair of sandals, "IF anything happens to them it's your head!" And he was gone out of the house and speeding off in his car to the hospital.


Koga sat in a dark corner, oddly enough he had gone to see Kagome as her father rushed out of the house, that's how the wolf youkai found himself hidden by view in the hospital's waiting room. Neither one of Kagome's friends took notice of him hiding there, watching them calmly as the minutes passed.

He had surely thought that someone would have noticed him, especially when he saw silver hair and amber eyes. They seemed to be fixated on him for a moment, but after looking carefully, the wolf youkai had realized that whom he was staring at wasn't the worthless hanyou Inuyasha, but his elder brother and full blooded Inuyoukai, Sesshomaru.

After waiting patiently for what seemed to be hours, The hospital began to empty out, people started to leave, but Koga didn't move an inch from where he sat. Soon enough, he fell asleep making the way for both Naraku and Kikyo to go passed the sleeping wolf undetected by now everyone.


As Kagome let out a shrill scream, Kikyo flicked her hand, sending a wave of energy at Kagome; cutting off her loud noises. She felt as though her air was being cut off.

"Kikyo," A voice growled angrily, "I don't need you killing her off just yet my love. I still have plans to make, things to do, lives to crush."

She could feel her body grow limp as her body lifted slightly in the air and powerfully tossed into a near by wall. There was a slight thud and Kagome had no clue what was going on until a cold hand snaked around her waist, tugging her to her feet. Her eyes closed and Kagome temporarily lost consciousness.

Naraku groaned as he carried the girl back to the hospital bed and laid her down. Kikyo stood in a dark corner, her arms crossed over her chest as she angrily watched, her aura quietly surging around her body.

"And explain to me why we are doing this again?" Kikyo growled.

"Because." he hissed glaring at the miko, "I need that disc, two I will kill both of the Tama Brothers, three does it really matter why I'm doing this!"

"Well I think it's pointless," She told him as a matter of fact.

"Do you think I give a shit about what you think Kikyo?" He snarled trapping her in the corner, "YOU ARE MINE! I OWN YOU! And once my plans are finished you can have your way with Ms. Higurashi if you please!"

He placed his lips tightly against Kikyo's rendering her into a passionate kiss. Kagome cracked open her eye and watched the two of them, she needed to find a way to escape because Sesshomaru wouldn't be here for another ten to fifteen minutes. Silently she rose up out of the bed and crept over to the door. She quietly opened it and the worst possible thing happened, it creaked.

Kikyo's eyes flashed open and the door slammed shut, almost taking Kagome's fingers along with it. She screamed, shocked and faced both the miko and Naraku as they advanced slowly on her. Kagome had had no place to run as a peeved off Naraku grabbed her shoulder, roughly jerking her back; her head hitting the door violently. She cried out just as something pushed though her body, surrounding her in an eerie warmth.

"I'd let go of her if I were you Naraku." Kikyo warned him not looking to enthusiastic.

"Why?" He growled tightening his grasp on Kagome's arms, causing them to bleed.

Kagome couldn't keep herself under control any longer. Her sight became blurry as her eyes glassed over. Her long nails grasped Naraku's arms and she could feel her energy building up inside her and going to the tips of her fingers. She had remembered doing this before, when she had tried to purify Sesshomaru, but it wasn't the same, Naraku didn't force her this time, no; this was all her own doing.

Naraku let out a cry of pain as the blue flames surrounded him and Kagome scorched his skin, the girl was trying to purify him. She was learning how to master her miko powers and she was strong, possibly stronger than Kikyo.

"KIKYO!" He growled, "Don't just stand there you fool!"

The miko was getting irritated by Naraku's demands and it wasn't like she didn't warn him, but of course if it was logical it wouldn't work. She sighed sending a wave of energy at Kagome, forcing it into her body, trying to gain control of her mind.

As Kagome released her grasp from Naraku's arms to fight against the immense pain building up in her head, Naraku took advantage of the situation and back handed Kagome. Her head jerked back and she toppled to the floor, her lips bleeding just a little.

Kikyo bored lifted Kagome into the air, her toes not quite reaching the ground and her arms practically glued to her sides. Kagome's eyes were wide with terror as she watched them.

"Hurry up Naraku!" Kikyo hissed, "Someone's coming."

He nodded gripping Kagome's chin tightly in his grasp. He smiled at her terrified eyes, staring right into them as he whispered an old incantation, muttering it under his breath. She struggled to break free, to use her awakened powers, but Kagome was becoming weak, she had exhausted herself and now she was paying the price.

His grip tightened as he pulled his face towards her. Naraku still whispering the incantation, Kagome barely holding onto consciousness. Her vision blurred the moment Naraku's icy lips touched hers, he had finally regained control over her, she was his to control.


Koga woke up startle as Kagome's scream caught his ears He jumped to his feet and dashed towards her room, following her scent. It had taken him a little longer than he had thought to get there, and he was frantic to reach her.

'Be okay Kagome!' His mind pleaded, 'Please be okay!'

Reaching her room, the wolf youkai skidded to a stop almost tumbling off his feet, almost. He could smell the rotting stench of Naraku and of death; burning flesh, something in deed was horribly wrong. He quickly went over to the door and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.

"Kagome!" He called out knocking loudly.

He could faintly hear struggling and when he couldn't get the door to open, he began ramming it with his shoulder, trying to force it open.

"STOP!" He heard Kagome scream, "LET GO!"

Just as he barged into the room, a powerful wave of energy blasted from Kagome's body, Koga shielded his eyes with one arm as his free hand held onto the door for his life. As the light died down the wolf youkai blinked a few times, there stood Naraku looming over an unconscious Kagome, his head was bleeding heavily and he looked as though he was frozen in place. An unfamiliar girl who held similar features of his Kagome got to her feet and brushed herself off before rolling her eyes and going over to Naraku.

"Tell Inuyasha it's not over." The girl said glaring over Koga's shoulder as she touched Naraku, disappearing in a fog like substance.

With out looking behind himself to see who was there, Koga rushed over to Kagome's side and kneels down next to her. He gently pulled her into his arms and slowly stood up. When he turned around he was face to face with Inuyasha's older brother Sesshomaru.
