InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ Concert “Fun” ( Chapter 25 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Twenty-Five: Concert “Fun”
‘Boy that was a long fucking talk!’ Inuyasha thought running to his car and jumping in. The watch on his wrist said eight-thirty, he was already an hour late. The hanyou had been lucky when Sesshomaru came down the stairs finding Shiori rambling on about nothing to a very irritated looking Inuyasha. The Inuyoukai immediately chastised the little girl and Inuyasha, lets just say he grabbed his ticket and flew out the door without as much as a glance behind him.
Starting the engine and speeding down the road, he ran his clawed hands through his silver mane and sighed heavily. His goose was cooked! Inuyasha ignored all stop signs and red lights as he continued to drive, the concert had been going for probably forty-five minutes or so and he prayed that Miroku hadn’t turned off his cell phone.
The hanyou already knew that Sango was going to severely hurt him, but it didn’t make thins around him any worse. Sharply turning a corner, Inuyasha slammed his foot on the breaks in order to not rear end the car in front of him. Growling angrily as he frustrated beat his steering wheel, he had no luck. He was somehow stuck in traffic. Taking out his phone and pressing the speed dial, he waited impatiently for Miroku to answer. It seemed to ring forever and the traffic in front of him didn’t let up.
Hanging up the phone and shoving it into his pocket, Inuyasha turned off his car after driving it to the shoulder of the road. Getting out, he stretched out his legs before he took off running, he’d be damned if he didn’t get to see her tonight and he wasn’t about to sit and wait for traffic to let up. If he couldn’t drive there, you’d better believe he’d run like the devil was snapping at his heels to get to where he was going.
The band had been playing for ten minutes, but Sango and Miroku kept glancing at each other nervously. Kagome knew now that her friends were up to something, but what? That was something she was still trying to figure out. She would have asked them, but she knew that asking was useless because they would try and act all innocent. Grumbling to herself, Kagome surveyed the scenery around her, there was no quiet spot in the club. Sweaty bodies were pressed p against each other, and in all honesty it was making her sick. Text messaging Miroku’s cell, she pushed her way through the crowd of people, trying to find a way to escape.
Kagome was shoved from behind and before she could fall to the floor, somebody grabbed he and pulled her out of the endless river of bodies. Looking up at her savior, her eyes widened in shock before she pulled out of his grasp and straightened herself.
“Koga what are you doing here?” She asked genuinely confused.
“I’m here for the music.” He said frowning, “I happen to have all of the band’s c.d.’s.”
Boy did she feel stupid at the moment. Apologizing for her rudeness, the two teenagers walked away from the crowd where they could hear each other better. Kagome was grateful that Koga was there because at least she felt less nervous around him. Time seemed to quickly fly by as they chatted about anything and everything, reminiscing about the past. Kagome bit back her tears as she thought about her mother, but failed. As a sob escaped her throat, Koga drew her into his arms and held her close as she emptied her heart into his chest. For some reason she felt safe in his arms and missed the warmth of a loving embrace. This brought her to thoughts of Inuyasha and how he wasn’t there, that made her cry harder, leaving Koga to happily comfort her.
His piercing gaze shot to a young man in his late twenties with curly black hair and a scrawny yet lean body figure. He would do perfectly for what he had planned in store for Inuyasha and all his friends. Nodding, the tall man smiled as he came closer, the human knew what to do and he wasn’t going to disappoint his boss, not after what he had seen happen to Torrin. He wasn’t going to double cross Naraku because to him, Naraku was his savior and in a ay his god. Pulling on his trench coat, Sam knew exactly what had to be done, he knew his mission better than the back of his own hand.
Five suit cases were placed in front of him as Naraku left the room with a sadistic gleam in his eyes. Unlocking the large suit cases, Sam opened them and his own dark eyes sparkled with greed, every weapon he could dream of under the sun was there. Touching the cold metal made his flesh crawl with anticipation. Laughing as he placed a few bullet cartridges in his ankle length black trench coat, he couldn’t help but pity all of his unaware victims. They would never know what hit them until their blood was surrounding them in a black puddle of death.
Hiding a silencer, he put a few pistols in gun holsters on his chest. The added weight of all his new artillery was like wearing a thousand medals. He was doing what was destined for him to do. This massacre would be the bloodiest in Japan’s history and he would be the name that went down into the “Murderer’s hall of fame.” Kissing his favorite ivory hand gun, Sam put it in a safe place before heading out to the limo that awaited him. Naraku would be inside waiting to give further instructions. A smile pursed his lips, after tonight, the name Samuel Noffsinger would go down in history.
Kikyo sighed heavily as she stared out the window of the limousine waiting for Sam to hurry up. Naraku sat right beside her and his hand lazily ran up and down her exposed lower thigh. Her gaze switched to Naraku’s hand and she stared at it emotionlessly. She had died so long ago and truthfully she felt relieved, but now as she sat there, the dead teenager felt empty. If she could have gone back in time and be allowed to do things over, she would have. Kikyo would have never broken up with Inuyasha or become involved with that hanyou next to her. She wouldn’t have had to almost kill her one love and she wouldn’t have died in the first place.
She would have changed a lot of things that she had done, but at the moment all she wanted was to be in Inuyasha’s arms as they either lived together forever, or died peacefully together, as long as she was with him for an eternity. Brought from her thoughts by a pair of lips on her neck, leaving hot open mouthed kisses on her pulse, she fought back the moan in her throat. No matter how much she claimed to love Inuyasha, Naraku was able to leave a burning desire swelling in her heart. His touch left her wanting more, something that she had experienced when she was alive, something bigger than life.
“Keep your mind on the things at hand Kikyo, my love.” He whispered harshly as his hand trailed to the apex of her thighs, adding pressure to the beginning heat.
“As you wish,” She replied lowly trying not to enjoy his ministrations.
Her lips were captured by Naraku’s in a demanding and intense kiss as he forced himself onto her body. Even if it wasn’t her real body but a clay like duplicate, Naraku had to have her and he would. Kikyo’s defenses broke as her body reacted willing to the hanyou, soon her mind did too.
Nine o’clock rolled around by the time Inuyasha was finally able to make it to the clue. Sweat dripped down his face and he quickly wiped his face on the sleeve of his jacket. Getting his breathing under control, the hanyou reached into his walled and pulled out his ticket as he headed towards the bouncer like guy. He was easily three times the size of Inuyasha and looked just as mean, in fact even more. Handing the man his ticket, Inuyasha ran his fingers through his hair before he was allowed to enter.
As he walked into the club, Inuyasha’s nose was assaulted by the scent of horny, sweaty humans and demons. He frowned covering his nose and flattening his ears tightly against his scalp. Going over to the bar, Inuyasha bought a bottle of water and downed it in a few gulps. He had been thirsty. Everyone around him seemed to bee in a good mood as the music jammed. Sighing heavily, Inuyasha knew exactly where Sango and Miroku would be, right up in front if not dead center front within touching range of the stage.
Taking a deep breath, the hanyou tossed the empty plastic bottle into the trash can and began to weave through the people around him. He was glad that it would be over within the next hour and half because he didn’t know if he would have been able to handle such confinements for more than a few hours at a time. Inuyasha wanted to seriously gag when the members of the crowd came up around him, brushed up against his body, their sweat clinging to his clothing was just really disgusting, he would have to throw them out after he got out of this place. Finding Sango and Miroku engrossed by the band playing, he looked around for Kagome, but she was no where in sight. Frowning he went to where his friends were.
Sam’s Point of view.
Getting out of my black sedan I had to say I was rather disappointed. I was supposed to ride in Naraku’s limo with him, have whiskey and then get down to business as we went to the club. BUT NO! That stupid bitch had to be in the backseat with him when I arrived. There was no need to tell me what the two of them were doing because I already knew. I gritted my teeth and grabbed the headset from the driver who had given me an apologetic glance, he knew what was up also.
So I drove myself to the club, Naraku’s limo behind my car the whole way. Shaking my head from all my unpleasant thoughts, I stepped into the back entrance and began setting up for the end. Thousands of people would loose their live tonight and I couldn’t help but feel better about it by the second. Other people were waiting for me to arrive, small black briefcases in their hands with my precious cargo inside waiting for their moment in the spot light.
Giving them my orders, I walked out towards the rest rooms, a pair of dark sunglasses over my eyes. That bitch was only good for one thing and one thing only; a good fuck. Hearing Naraku’s low voice in my ear made me smile as I passed a couple, it was a girl crying and a boy comforting her. I had recognized the girl’s face and my smile left my face, the bitch was two-timing Naraku my savior, and I wasn’t going to let her get away with it.
I waited until she left her little “friend” and went into the rest room before I calmly went behind the boy and clubbed him over the head with the handle of my ivory handgun. Not wanting to make a big mess, I didn’t shoot the fucker, but I pulled out something very useful and threw it into the ladies restroom, listening to it explode as I locked the door so she couldn’t escape.
“Where’s Kagome?” Inuyasha asked his friends who looked livid.
“Where in the hell have you been!” Sango demanded over the roar of the music.
“TRAFFIC!” The hanyou yelled glancing around for his girlfriend but not finding where she was, “Where is she at Miroku?”
“Who?” Miroku asked temporarily forgetting.
“KAGOME, you dumbass!” Inuyasha growled angrily, “Where the fuck is Kagome!”
Miroku stopped and turned to his side to where Kagome was not even fifteen to twenty minutes before. Not finding her anywhere, he paled and turned to Sango who looked just as annoyed as the hanyou standing in front of them. She held out Miroku’s phone and there was a text.
‘Need fresh air, will be back. Dun worry -Kagome.’
“How did you get that?” Miroku asked confused.
“God you’re slow!” Sango rolled her eyes, “I got it when you were busy gawking at that dancer while she was performing her ‘let’s shake my ass in your face routine.’ It was gong off and obviously you had no clue about anything but that girl’s ass in your line of vision!”
He looked at his girlfriend with a guilty face, but it didn’t last long since Inuyasha was hell bent of finding Kagome at the moment. They began to push people out of the way as a somewhat loud explosion went off. Inuyasha seemed to become frantic because his ears could barely pick up screaming as they exited the mob of people. Guards seemed to rush in one direction, but at the moment Miroku’s phone went off and Sango quickly answered it.
“Hello?” She said, “Kagome? Where--calm down, Kagome!”
Koga had been holding Kagome while she cried for who knows how long, but to him it didn’t matter as long as he got to her willingly let him keep her close to his heart. They had been sitting down when a familiar scent filled his nose, Inuyasha was there and that meant he was back in Tokyo. He kept silent as the hanyou walked passed the wolf youkai and he let out a heavy sigh, the dumbass had went by leaving Koga unnoticed with Kagome.
A smirk pursed his lips and going back to paying all of his attention to the girl still crying on his chest, the wolf youkai whispered comforting words softly into her ear as his hands gently rubbed her back. Kagome’s sobs soon stopped but she stiffened as his hand stayed a little too long on her lower back, his hot breath caressing her neck. She pulled out of his embrace and stood up, wiping her red eyes on her hoodie’s sleeve. He was a great friend by letting her cry on his shoulder, but she didn’t feel for him the way he felt for her, they had broken up a long time ago.
“Kagome, I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in any way,” Koga said sincerely.
“It’s not your fault, She replied sniffling, “I just have to get back to Sango and Miroku after I clean up. I think they might be worried.”
He nodded and Kagome quickly went into the girl’s bathroom. No one was in there and she was thankful. Washing her face with cool water, Kagome didn’t’ see the door open or the little ball rolling onto the tile floor until after she dried her eyes and a little beeping sound went off. Scared, she watched as an explosion of thick gas shot out. Rushing to the door, Kagome tired to get out, but couldn’t. Screaming for help, her voice quickly grew hoarse as more tears fell from here eyes. Remembering her cell, she took it out and called Miroku frantically.
Going to his place, Sam laughed as he put his silencer to good use. The music was jamming through the speakers and the singers played their hardest to entertain their fans. Pointing the gun at a random person, Sam pulled the trigger and watched the person drop dead onto the floor, blood splattering everywhere. He laughed in joy as he began to randomly shoot people. It took the crowd a few minutes to realize that people were dying when a small explosion went off by the stage, blowing up a speaker.
The frightened screams of innocent people was music to his hears as he brought out the heavy artillery. He had set up his guns around the room and pressing a small button set them all off simultaneously, killing by the dozens, and injuring some. Spying a band member on stage trying to save their drummer, Sam pulled his hand gun and left his hiding place, jumping onto the stage, he shot the guitar play in the back of the head at point blank range.
‘There will be no encore presentation for you anytime soon.’ His mind laughed as he did the same to the horrified and screaming drummer.
Escaping the scene as he triggered the grenades hidden in the roof, he went to his car and drove back towards headquarters. His smile couldn’t be any wider than it was, he had left his calling car in an easy to view place, no finger prints and no scent trail thanks to Naraku. Turning up the volume on his head piece, Sam turned the corner unaware of the followers on his roof.
“I’ve done as asked boss,” He said almost giddy.
“Good job Sam,” Naraku spoke coldly, “Come to my office immediately for your well earned reward.”
Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango had all ducked for cover when the shots rang out, the club was under attack. The hanyou growled angrily as he heard Koga’s frantic voice yelling at probably the guards. He was yelling about an explosion and Kagome being stuck in the girl’s restroom as smoke came from underneath the door’s cracks. Jumping onto his feet, Inuyasha dashed away from his friends and towards the restrooms, missing a few bullets flying passed his head.
Finding Koga being held down by a dozen or two guards while blood flowed from the wound on his head, the wolf youkai locked eyes locked onto Inuyasha’s and with his free hand he pointed to the girl’s bathroom. Inuyasha could only nod as he went to the door hearing Kagome’s fearful cries for help. His heart dropped in his stomach as he tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Kagome!” He called out to her, “Kagome are you okay?”
“Inuyasha!” She screamed but it was muffled, “I can’t breathe! Please help me! Please Inuyasha!”
“Hang on!” He yelled as he backed up and charged the door, ramming it with his shoulder.
At first it didn’t budge, but he kept ramming the door with his shoulder. Soon it began to break at the hinges, by then Sango and Miroku were interrogating Koga from behind a bullet proof shield as they were dragged from the club. When it finally gave away an the door collapsed, Inuyasha was frantic. Kagome had started screaming loudly for help, but it had stopped so suddenly. The smoke started clearing from the room and he could see her fragile body lying helplessly on the ground. Her ebony hair sprawled out everywhere. Inuyasha growled deep in his throat as a shadowed figure leaned over Kagome’s body and picked her up. The man’s gaze went to Inuyasha before he disappeared with Kagome, it was Naraku.
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Twenty-Five: Concert “Fun”
‘Boy that was a long fucking talk!’ Inuyasha thought running to his car and jumping in. The watch on his wrist said eight-thirty, he was already an hour late. The hanyou had been lucky when Sesshomaru came down the stairs finding Shiori rambling on about nothing to a very irritated looking Inuyasha. The Inuyoukai immediately chastised the little girl and Inuyasha, lets just say he grabbed his ticket and flew out the door without as much as a glance behind him.
Starting the engine and speeding down the road, he ran his clawed hands through his silver mane and sighed heavily. His goose was cooked! Inuyasha ignored all stop signs and red lights as he continued to drive, the concert had been going for probably forty-five minutes or so and he prayed that Miroku hadn’t turned off his cell phone.
The hanyou already knew that Sango was going to severely hurt him, but it didn’t make thins around him any worse. Sharply turning a corner, Inuyasha slammed his foot on the breaks in order to not rear end the car in front of him. Growling angrily as he frustrated beat his steering wheel, he had no luck. He was somehow stuck in traffic. Taking out his phone and pressing the speed dial, he waited impatiently for Miroku to answer. It seemed to ring forever and the traffic in front of him didn’t let up.
Hanging up the phone and shoving it into his pocket, Inuyasha turned off his car after driving it to the shoulder of the road. Getting out, he stretched out his legs before he took off running, he’d be damned if he didn’t get to see her tonight and he wasn’t about to sit and wait for traffic to let up. If he couldn’t drive there, you’d better believe he’d run like the devil was snapping at his heels to get to where he was going.
The band had been playing for ten minutes, but Sango and Miroku kept glancing at each other nervously. Kagome knew now that her friends were up to something, but what? That was something she was still trying to figure out. She would have asked them, but she knew that asking was useless because they would try and act all innocent. Grumbling to herself, Kagome surveyed the scenery around her, there was no quiet spot in the club. Sweaty bodies were pressed p against each other, and in all honesty it was making her sick. Text messaging Miroku’s cell, she pushed her way through the crowd of people, trying to find a way to escape.
Kagome was shoved from behind and before she could fall to the floor, somebody grabbed he and pulled her out of the endless river of bodies. Looking up at her savior, her eyes widened in shock before she pulled out of his grasp and straightened herself.
“Koga what are you doing here?” She asked genuinely confused.
“I’m here for the music.” He said frowning, “I happen to have all of the band’s c.d.’s.”
Boy did she feel stupid at the moment. Apologizing for her rudeness, the two teenagers walked away from the crowd where they could hear each other better. Kagome was grateful that Koga was there because at least she felt less nervous around him. Time seemed to quickly fly by as they chatted about anything and everything, reminiscing about the past. Kagome bit back her tears as she thought about her mother, but failed. As a sob escaped her throat, Koga drew her into his arms and held her close as she emptied her heart into his chest. For some reason she felt safe in his arms and missed the warmth of a loving embrace. This brought her to thoughts of Inuyasha and how he wasn’t there, that made her cry harder, leaving Koga to happily comfort her.
His piercing gaze shot to a young man in his late twenties with curly black hair and a scrawny yet lean body figure. He would do perfectly for what he had planned in store for Inuyasha and all his friends. Nodding, the tall man smiled as he came closer, the human knew what to do and he wasn’t going to disappoint his boss, not after what he had seen happen to Torrin. He wasn’t going to double cross Naraku because to him, Naraku was his savior and in a ay his god. Pulling on his trench coat, Sam knew exactly what had to be done, he knew his mission better than the back of his own hand.
Five suit cases were placed in front of him as Naraku left the room with a sadistic gleam in his eyes. Unlocking the large suit cases, Sam opened them and his own dark eyes sparkled with greed, every weapon he could dream of under the sun was there. Touching the cold metal made his flesh crawl with anticipation. Laughing as he placed a few bullet cartridges in his ankle length black trench coat, he couldn’t help but pity all of his unaware victims. They would never know what hit them until their blood was surrounding them in a black puddle of death.
Hiding a silencer, he put a few pistols in gun holsters on his chest. The added weight of all his new artillery was like wearing a thousand medals. He was doing what was destined for him to do. This massacre would be the bloodiest in Japan’s history and he would be the name that went down into the “Murderer’s hall of fame.” Kissing his favorite ivory hand gun, Sam put it in a safe place before heading out to the limo that awaited him. Naraku would be inside waiting to give further instructions. A smile pursed his lips, after tonight, the name Samuel Noffsinger would go down in history.
Kikyo sighed heavily as she stared out the window of the limousine waiting for Sam to hurry up. Naraku sat right beside her and his hand lazily ran up and down her exposed lower thigh. Her gaze switched to Naraku’s hand and she stared at it emotionlessly. She had died so long ago and truthfully she felt relieved, but now as she sat there, the dead teenager felt empty. If she could have gone back in time and be allowed to do things over, she would have. Kikyo would have never broken up with Inuyasha or become involved with that hanyou next to her. She wouldn’t have had to almost kill her one love and she wouldn’t have died in the first place.
She would have changed a lot of things that she had done, but at the moment all she wanted was to be in Inuyasha’s arms as they either lived together forever, or died peacefully together, as long as she was with him for an eternity. Brought from her thoughts by a pair of lips on her neck, leaving hot open mouthed kisses on her pulse, she fought back the moan in her throat. No matter how much she claimed to love Inuyasha, Naraku was able to leave a burning desire swelling in her heart. His touch left her wanting more, something that she had experienced when she was alive, something bigger than life.
“Keep your mind on the things at hand Kikyo, my love.” He whispered harshly as his hand trailed to the apex of her thighs, adding pressure to the beginning heat.
“As you wish,” She replied lowly trying not to enjoy his ministrations.
Her lips were captured by Naraku’s in a demanding and intense kiss as he forced himself onto her body. Even if it wasn’t her real body but a clay like duplicate, Naraku had to have her and he would. Kikyo’s defenses broke as her body reacted willing to the hanyou, soon her mind did too.
Nine o’clock rolled around by the time Inuyasha was finally able to make it to the clue. Sweat dripped down his face and he quickly wiped his face on the sleeve of his jacket. Getting his breathing under control, the hanyou reached into his walled and pulled out his ticket as he headed towards the bouncer like guy. He was easily three times the size of Inuyasha and looked just as mean, in fact even more. Handing the man his ticket, Inuyasha ran his fingers through his hair before he was allowed to enter.
As he walked into the club, Inuyasha’s nose was assaulted by the scent of horny, sweaty humans and demons. He frowned covering his nose and flattening his ears tightly against his scalp. Going over to the bar, Inuyasha bought a bottle of water and downed it in a few gulps. He had been thirsty. Everyone around him seemed to bee in a good mood as the music jammed. Sighing heavily, Inuyasha knew exactly where Sango and Miroku would be, right up in front if not dead center front within touching range of the stage.
Taking a deep breath, the hanyou tossed the empty plastic bottle into the trash can and began to weave through the people around him. He was glad that it would be over within the next hour and half because he didn’t know if he would have been able to handle such confinements for more than a few hours at a time. Inuyasha wanted to seriously gag when the members of the crowd came up around him, brushed up against his body, their sweat clinging to his clothing was just really disgusting, he would have to throw them out after he got out of this place. Finding Sango and Miroku engrossed by the band playing, he looked around for Kagome, but she was no where in sight. Frowning he went to where his friends were.
Sam’s Point of view.
Getting out of my black sedan I had to say I was rather disappointed. I was supposed to ride in Naraku’s limo with him, have whiskey and then get down to business as we went to the club. BUT NO! That stupid bitch had to be in the backseat with him when I arrived. There was no need to tell me what the two of them were doing because I already knew. I gritted my teeth and grabbed the headset from the driver who had given me an apologetic glance, he knew what was up also.
So I drove myself to the club, Naraku’s limo behind my car the whole way. Shaking my head from all my unpleasant thoughts, I stepped into the back entrance and began setting up for the end. Thousands of people would loose their live tonight and I couldn’t help but feel better about it by the second. Other people were waiting for me to arrive, small black briefcases in their hands with my precious cargo inside waiting for their moment in the spot light.
Giving them my orders, I walked out towards the rest rooms, a pair of dark sunglasses over my eyes. That bitch was only good for one thing and one thing only; a good fuck. Hearing Naraku’s low voice in my ear made me smile as I passed a couple, it was a girl crying and a boy comforting her. I had recognized the girl’s face and my smile left my face, the bitch was two-timing Naraku my savior, and I wasn’t going to let her get away with it.
I waited until she left her little “friend” and went into the rest room before I calmly went behind the boy and clubbed him over the head with the handle of my ivory handgun. Not wanting to make a big mess, I didn’t shoot the fucker, but I pulled out something very useful and threw it into the ladies restroom, listening to it explode as I locked the door so she couldn’t escape.
“Where’s Kagome?” Inuyasha asked his friends who looked livid.
“Where in the hell have you been!” Sango demanded over the roar of the music.
“TRAFFIC!” The hanyou yelled glancing around for his girlfriend but not finding where she was, “Where is she at Miroku?”
“Who?” Miroku asked temporarily forgetting.
“KAGOME, you dumbass!” Inuyasha growled angrily, “Where the fuck is Kagome!”
Miroku stopped and turned to his side to where Kagome was not even fifteen to twenty minutes before. Not finding her anywhere, he paled and turned to Sango who looked just as annoyed as the hanyou standing in front of them. She held out Miroku’s phone and there was a text.
‘Need fresh air, will be back. Dun worry -Kagome.’
“How did you get that?” Miroku asked confused.
“God you’re slow!” Sango rolled her eyes, “I got it when you were busy gawking at that dancer while she was performing her ‘let’s shake my ass in your face routine.’ It was gong off and obviously you had no clue about anything but that girl’s ass in your line of vision!”
He looked at his girlfriend with a guilty face, but it didn’t last long since Inuyasha was hell bent of finding Kagome at the moment. They began to push people out of the way as a somewhat loud explosion went off. Inuyasha seemed to become frantic because his ears could barely pick up screaming as they exited the mob of people. Guards seemed to rush in one direction, but at the moment Miroku’s phone went off and Sango quickly answered it.
“Hello?” She said, “Kagome? Where--calm down, Kagome!”
Koga had been holding Kagome while she cried for who knows how long, but to him it didn’t matter as long as he got to her willingly let him keep her close to his heart. They had been sitting down when a familiar scent filled his nose, Inuyasha was there and that meant he was back in Tokyo. He kept silent as the hanyou walked passed the wolf youkai and he let out a heavy sigh, the dumbass had went by leaving Koga unnoticed with Kagome.
A smirk pursed his lips and going back to paying all of his attention to the girl still crying on his chest, the wolf youkai whispered comforting words softly into her ear as his hands gently rubbed her back. Kagome’s sobs soon stopped but she stiffened as his hand stayed a little too long on her lower back, his hot breath caressing her neck. She pulled out of his embrace and stood up, wiping her red eyes on her hoodie’s sleeve. He was a great friend by letting her cry on his shoulder, but she didn’t feel for him the way he felt for her, they had broken up a long time ago.
“Kagome, I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in any way,” Koga said sincerely.
“It’s not your fault, She replied sniffling, “I just have to get back to Sango and Miroku after I clean up. I think they might be worried.”
He nodded and Kagome quickly went into the girl’s bathroom. No one was in there and she was thankful. Washing her face with cool water, Kagome didn’t’ see the door open or the little ball rolling onto the tile floor until after she dried her eyes and a little beeping sound went off. Scared, she watched as an explosion of thick gas shot out. Rushing to the door, Kagome tired to get out, but couldn’t. Screaming for help, her voice quickly grew hoarse as more tears fell from here eyes. Remembering her cell, she took it out and called Miroku frantically.
Going to his place, Sam laughed as he put his silencer to good use. The music was jamming through the speakers and the singers played their hardest to entertain their fans. Pointing the gun at a random person, Sam pulled the trigger and watched the person drop dead onto the floor, blood splattering everywhere. He laughed in joy as he began to randomly shoot people. It took the crowd a few minutes to realize that people were dying when a small explosion went off by the stage, blowing up a speaker.
The frightened screams of innocent people was music to his hears as he brought out the heavy artillery. He had set up his guns around the room and pressing a small button set them all off simultaneously, killing by the dozens, and injuring some. Spying a band member on stage trying to save their drummer, Sam pulled his hand gun and left his hiding place, jumping onto the stage, he shot the guitar play in the back of the head at point blank range.
‘There will be no encore presentation for you anytime soon.’ His mind laughed as he did the same to the horrified and screaming drummer.
Escaping the scene as he triggered the grenades hidden in the roof, he went to his car and drove back towards headquarters. His smile couldn’t be any wider than it was, he had left his calling car in an easy to view place, no finger prints and no scent trail thanks to Naraku. Turning up the volume on his head piece, Sam turned the corner unaware of the followers on his roof.
“I’ve done as asked boss,” He said almost giddy.
“Good job Sam,” Naraku spoke coldly, “Come to my office immediately for your well earned reward.”
Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango had all ducked for cover when the shots rang out, the club was under attack. The hanyou growled angrily as he heard Koga’s frantic voice yelling at probably the guards. He was yelling about an explosion and Kagome being stuck in the girl’s restroom as smoke came from underneath the door’s cracks. Jumping onto his feet, Inuyasha dashed away from his friends and towards the restrooms, missing a few bullets flying passed his head.
Finding Koga being held down by a dozen or two guards while blood flowed from the wound on his head, the wolf youkai locked eyes locked onto Inuyasha’s and with his free hand he pointed to the girl’s bathroom. Inuyasha could only nod as he went to the door hearing Kagome’s fearful cries for help. His heart dropped in his stomach as he tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Kagome!” He called out to her, “Kagome are you okay?”
“Inuyasha!” She screamed but it was muffled, “I can’t breathe! Please help me! Please Inuyasha!”
“Hang on!” He yelled as he backed up and charged the door, ramming it with his shoulder.
At first it didn’t budge, but he kept ramming the door with his shoulder. Soon it began to break at the hinges, by then Sango and Miroku were interrogating Koga from behind a bullet proof shield as they were dragged from the club. When it finally gave away an the door collapsed, Inuyasha was frantic. Kagome had started screaming loudly for help, but it had stopped so suddenly. The smoke started clearing from the room and he could see her fragile body lying helplessly on the ground. Her ebony hair sprawled out everywhere. Inuyasha growled deep in his throat as a shadowed figure leaned over Kagome’s body and picked her up. The man’s gaze went to Inuyasha before he disappeared with Kagome, it was Naraku.