InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ Beginning of the end. ( Chapter 24 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Twenty-Four: Beginning of the end.
Smiling widely he sat anxiously in the comfortable seat, he was going home. Inuyasha didn’t know how he had lasted so long without talking to Kagome, but he knew for a fact that when he got to see her, it would be a night none of them would forget. If only he knew just how true that would be. The flight would be a long one, and a boring one, but it was well worth it just so he could see her again. Three to four months without her by his side was slowly killing him and he didn’t know what to do without her. Contently munching on the small bag of peanuts, the hanyou thought back on everything, it was confusing, and filled with such crazy moments that honestly didn’t have any idea where to start.
Naraku had fled the Untied states and headed back to Japan right under Inuyasha’s very nose. Sesshomaru had been the one who informed the hanyou about everything, well almost. He still had the unnerving feeling in his stomach that somebody wasn’t telling him the whole story because it didn’t fit together; pieces of the puzzle were still missing and the hanyou had had no clue to what they were. Sighing heavily, he closed his tired eyes and listened to the droning voice he heard from the headphones covering his ears. He believe that it wasn’t a very good idea to be watching “Romeo and Juliet” on an airplane, it gave him a bad feeling and he didn’t need to be paranoid and jumpy right before he could be reunited with his beloved Kagome again. In other words, he didn’t want any bad omens, but they were all around and there was no use trying to avoid it.
Pulling her long black hair up into a bun, Kagome glanced at herself in the mirror; a pair of tight blue jeans and a black spaghetti strapped shirt were perfect for tonight. Slipping on a pair of tennis shoes and grabbing her gray hoodie, the teenager quickly made her way down the stairs to where her father and younger brother Sota were heavily into playing video games. A smile pursed her lips and she couldn’t help but feel the pride swelling in her heart. Clearing her throat, her father immediately pressed pause on the game, getting a groan of irritation from the little boy.
Climbing to his feet, the middle aged man smiled as he embraced his daughter, kissing her forehead and slipping a cell phone into her hands. He’d be damned to let his only girl go anywhere without it nowadays. Letting go of her, he checked out her outfit and nodded handing her some cash for any souvenirs she might want.
“Call me when you get there okay?” He said sternly as they headed towards the door.
“Okay daddy I will,” She replied grabbing the car keys, “Don’t worry I’ll be fine. It’s just a concert, nothing can possibly go wrong.”
“You never know dear,” He laughed waving to her as she rushed out the door to where her friends were patiently waiting in Miroku’s rental car.
“Bye Kagome, have fun.” He whispered closing the door.
Getting off the plane and going over the baggage claim to get his luggage, Inuyasha pulled out the cell phone from his pocket and called Miroku. His friend had made plans for all of them to meet at a concert, which bands were playing he didn’t know, but the ticket was at his half brother’s house waiting to be picked up.
‘I wonder what Kagome’s wearing.’ He thought innocently as he waited for his friend to answer his phone.
“Hello?” A voice asked happily.
“Hey Miroku, it’s me.” Inuyasha replied with a tired yawn, “I just got off the plane and getting my baggage. What’s up?”
There was another voice followed by a muffled argument, Inuyasha figured that the other person was a very nosey Sango and Miroku had had his hand over the receiver. A few more minutes like this went by before Miroku began to talk again.
“Not much here Inuyasha.” He said, “I’m just on my way with Sango to go pick up Kagome for the concert.” Miroku paused before continuing, “Sango wants to know when you are going to get your ‘stupid dog ass’ here so she can get a very suspicious Kagome off her back.”
At this Inuyasha chuckled, switching the phone to his other hand as he grabbed his duffle bag hanging it on his shoulder and grabbing a few more suit cases, and one of those roller bags that he forgot the name to.
“Well, first I have to go over to Sesshomaru’s and take a shower cause I’m not going anywhere after a fourteen or more hours on an airplane without a nice how shower..”
“So how long?” Miroku asked.
“Give me a good hour and a half, and I’ll be there.” Inuyasha replied sheepishly, “If I become held up I’ll call and let you know I’ll be running late.”
“Okay no problem see you later.”
“Bye!” And Inuyasha hung up putting his phone back into his pocket.
Hailing a cab wasn’t too hard and after a bit of struggling with his luggage in the cab’s trunk, the hanyou was finally seated comfortably in the back of the car. He told the driver Sesshomaru’s address and relaxed as he ignored the vibrations of his phone. He wanted to let his mind wander to the one person that he wanted to see the most. He wanted to see her dazzling smile, and feel the warmth of her body as he held her close again. The hanyou wanted to feel the need of her kiss and her laughter again. Boy had he really missed her that much? And of course his mind could only reply with “Hell fucking yes!”
Finally becoming agitated by the vibrating phone in his pocket, Inuyasha fished it out and answered it with a warning growl. There was no way of him to know who was calling because he didn’t check the caller I.D.
“Hey Miroku, who’s number is this?” It was Kagome’s voice, “Come on tell me! Please! Please! Tell me!”
He wanted to answer her, but that would only ruin the surprise and then both Sango and Miroku would murder him. Sighing again, he resorted to listening to her pleas and to Miroku, his mind becoming soothed by her voice. After a while Kagome did hang up but he didn’t think too much about it because the hanyou knew that he was going to tease her about paying attention when he got to see her again. When he got to see her again!
She frowned in frustration when Miroku kept refusing to tell her just who had called his phone last. Noting remembering just how she had gotten his cell, she hung up and tossed it back to Sango as Miroku drove down the street. It would be a good half hour before they would get to the concert and she was very excited. For some reason Kagome knew that something big was going to happen, but she didn’t know how big or if it was something good or something bad.
Brushing those thoughts from her head, Kagome smiled as she remembered babysitting Shiori the other night so Sesshomaru and Rin could go on an “adult” date. She laughed at the word adult because over the time she had gotten to know Rin, Kagome found out that the twenty-six-year-old woman wasn’t in the least like an adult. She was almost as childish as her daughter. They would have had Jaken watch the seven-year-old if only he hadn’t coincidentally thought it to be a good time to have a long three month vacation in Jamaica, yes very coincidental indeed!
It had been quite an experience watching over the young girl, playing board games, baking cookies for Shiori’s mom, bath time and then finally bedtime. It was an experience that Kagome wanted for herself someday, her own family with the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Yet the only person that she could even begin to imagine herself with was Inuyasha, but he was two continents away, living his life without her. Mentally scorning herself, she pushed all the depressing thoughts from her mind and focused on all the fun she would be having that night with Sango and Miroku as the third wheel.
The drive to Sesshomaru’s was quite boring, and Inuyasha found himself trying his hardest to stay awake. His day so far had been long and weary and soon enough the hanyou would finally be able to relax and act how a normal teenager should. Glancing over out the window, Inuyasha’s eyes lit up as his brother’s house came into view. It wouldn’t be much longer now. The cab pulled up to the gate and Inuyasha quickly climbed out of the vehicle, getting his luggage before handing the driver the overall payment. The car drove off and the hanyou inhaled deeply before heading up the driveway towards the enormous door.
Not bothering to knock, he walked inside the eerily quiet place and set down his bags. It was very unnatural for Jaken to be nowhere in sight, especially since the hanyou bastard dared to take an “uninvited” step into “Lord” Sesshomaru’s domain. Laughing at himself, Inuyasha lazily stretched out his tired muscles, looking around the room cautiously before closing the door with his foot loudly and heading down the darkened hallway. He knew that they were home because his nose picked up the scent of his brother and a human girl that he didn’t recognize.
Hearing a creek in the floor boards, Inuyasha growled warning whatever was coming his way. It seemed not to notice it and he quickly turned around facing a small little girl with long black hair and electric blue eyes, he guessed that she was around eight.
“OI runt what are you doing here?” He asked irritably.
Suddenly she was upon him, her now long silver hair glowing in the darkness as her bluish amber eyes sparkles with mischief. He was taken back with the instant change.
“Who are you?” He growled jumping back.
A smile came to her face as a tiny fang protruded from her bottom lip. The coldness of her stare was somewhat unnerving as she flexed her small and sharp claws. She wasn’t even half his size height wise and yet he was starting to feel as though he was facing his brother in one of their deadly matches.
“Your worst nightmare.” She said venomously getting into a fighting stance. Her knee high sundress made her look harmless, but her seriousness made her appear almost intimidating.
He laughed at her words, cracking his knuckles as he smirked. If the child wanted to play rough, who was he to deny her. Just before he was about to attack the child, the lights flipped on and by the stairs Sesshomaru came into view with his arms crossed over his chest. The child cried out in joy as she jumped up and down anxiously. Raising his eyebrows curiously, Inuyasha relaxed giving his brother the “What the fuck is going on” look, abut the Inu-youkai didn’t act as if he was the teenager.
“Shiori,” Sesshomaru said in a monotone voice, “We do not attack family members no matter how bad he might smell…”
Inuyasha growled angrily at Sesshomaru before the small child stuck out her tongue and took off skipping down the hallway singing “Mary had a little lamb”.
“It’s good to see you too asshole,” Inuyasha snorted before heading towards the bathroom.
Kagome was the first person out of the car when it stopped and anxiously waited for her friends to follow. As the three of them somewhat patiently waited in line, Kagome called her father to let him know that they had arrived safely. It wasn’t like a normal concert like she would have thought being hosted at a huge stadium, they were standing in line at a busy nightclub and boy was it exciting.
Sango rolled her eyes as she glanced at her friend, it looked as though she was on a very bad sugar high. Sighing heavily, the teenager leaned against Miroku and poked his side trying to get his attention.
“How much longer until you know who arrives?” She asked bored, “Because Kagome’s driving me nuts!”
“Don’t worry my dear,” He replied wrapping his uninjured arms around her waist, “The lines moving pretty fast and we’ll be inside in no time. He’ll be here soon so don’t get your panties in a bunch.” He paused for a minutes letting a knowing smirk purse his lips, “Unless you want to that is…”
Elbowing him roughly in the gut, Sango tried to hide the blush on her face, “Keep it G-rated Mr. Suave, we’re in public.”
“So does it mean that we could do,” He chuckled tightening his grip on her waist, pulling her into his chest, “Things in private?”
“NO!” Sango squeaked as she placed her hands firmly on her boyfriend’s chest pushing him away, “Please try to be on your best behavior Miroku!”
Miroku nodded his head and gently placed a chaste kiss on Sango’s forehead, “Best behavior.”
The hot water against his body relieved him of some stress as he laid his head against the cold tile. It had surprised him to find out that Sesshomaru had a daughter, a hanyou daughter to be correct. He would have never believed it in his wildest dreams if she hadn’t nearly attacked him when he first walked inside. Sighing heavily, he let his mind trail back over to the one person he still couldn’t get off his mind.
Rinsing the shampoo from his hair, he quickly put in conditioner as he looked out the shower curtain. Shiori’s sat silently on the toilet seat staring off into space, he had sensed her a few minutes ago, but he hadn’t paid too much attention until now. Creasing his eyebrows he yet again rinsed his hair out then turned off the water.
“Hey,” He said, “Could you hand me a towel since you wont stop stalking me?”
The towel hit his head and he quickly wrapped it around his waist and rung out his long hair before stepping out and staring directly down at his niece.
“Fluffy says that you’re going to stay here and play with me while he and mommy have an adult play time!”
He snorted while exiting the steamy bathroom and going over to his luggage. Pulling out some comfortable and clean clothing, he turned to look over his shoulder and sure enough Shiori was standing there patiently waiting for some kind of answer.
“You’re going to have to leave for a few minutes so I can get dress. Then we’ll talk okay?”
“OKAY!” She laughed exiting the room and closing the door behind her.
There wouldn’t be much longer of a wait, but none the less Kagome was so impatient that she couldn’t stand still. She had already been given a few dirty looks to hold still, but she just couldn’t. Holding her breath as the line began moving, she frowned angrily as she watched Miroku glance at his watch nervously. Going over to where her friends stood and irritably crossed her arms over her chest, her foot tapping rapidly on the ground.
“The line’s moving but you two aren’t. What’s going on that you’re not telling me about?” She accused.
“Absolutely nothing!” Miroku replied sheepishly.
Eying him carefully, Kagome continued, “Then why aren’t we inside getting our seats?”
Receiving no answer from her friends, Kagome sighed heavily before going to the club entrance and disappearing inside. Miroku and Sango both groaned and Sango headed to the entrance, following her friend. The teenaged boy pulled out his phone and called Inuyasha; waiting until he got some answer.
“YO!” A breathless Inuyasha spoke.
“Where the hell are you Inuyasha?” Miroku demanded.
“I’m still over at Sesshomaru’s!” The hanyou exclaimed loudly.
Miroku was flabbergasted, “WHAT? You haven’t left yet!”
“How can I fucking leave when the little runt took the keys to the damned car I was supposed to use!”
“Well yes Shiori is a handful, but you have to know how to be nice and act accordingly if you want that child to ever show you some respect Inuyasha.”
“Feh,” with that the line went dead and Miroku went inside the club to go look for both his girlfriend and her mentally challenged friend Kagome.
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Twenty-Four: Beginning of the end.
Smiling widely he sat anxiously in the comfortable seat, he was going home. Inuyasha didn’t know how he had lasted so long without talking to Kagome, but he knew for a fact that when he got to see her, it would be a night none of them would forget. If only he knew just how true that would be. The flight would be a long one, and a boring one, but it was well worth it just so he could see her again. Three to four months without her by his side was slowly killing him and he didn’t know what to do without her. Contently munching on the small bag of peanuts, the hanyou thought back on everything, it was confusing, and filled with such crazy moments that honestly didn’t have any idea where to start.
Naraku had fled the Untied states and headed back to Japan right under Inuyasha’s very nose. Sesshomaru had been the one who informed the hanyou about everything, well almost. He still had the unnerving feeling in his stomach that somebody wasn’t telling him the whole story because it didn’t fit together; pieces of the puzzle were still missing and the hanyou had had no clue to what they were. Sighing heavily, he closed his tired eyes and listened to the droning voice he heard from the headphones covering his ears. He believe that it wasn’t a very good idea to be watching “Romeo and Juliet” on an airplane, it gave him a bad feeling and he didn’t need to be paranoid and jumpy right before he could be reunited with his beloved Kagome again. In other words, he didn’t want any bad omens, but they were all around and there was no use trying to avoid it.
Pulling her long black hair up into a bun, Kagome glanced at herself in the mirror; a pair of tight blue jeans and a black spaghetti strapped shirt were perfect for tonight. Slipping on a pair of tennis shoes and grabbing her gray hoodie, the teenager quickly made her way down the stairs to where her father and younger brother Sota were heavily into playing video games. A smile pursed her lips and she couldn’t help but feel the pride swelling in her heart. Clearing her throat, her father immediately pressed pause on the game, getting a groan of irritation from the little boy.
Climbing to his feet, the middle aged man smiled as he embraced his daughter, kissing her forehead and slipping a cell phone into her hands. He’d be damned to let his only girl go anywhere without it nowadays. Letting go of her, he checked out her outfit and nodded handing her some cash for any souvenirs she might want.
“Call me when you get there okay?” He said sternly as they headed towards the door.
“Okay daddy I will,” She replied grabbing the car keys, “Don’t worry I’ll be fine. It’s just a concert, nothing can possibly go wrong.”
“You never know dear,” He laughed waving to her as she rushed out the door to where her friends were patiently waiting in Miroku’s rental car.
“Bye Kagome, have fun.” He whispered closing the door.
Getting off the plane and going over the baggage claim to get his luggage, Inuyasha pulled out the cell phone from his pocket and called Miroku. His friend had made plans for all of them to meet at a concert, which bands were playing he didn’t know, but the ticket was at his half brother’s house waiting to be picked up.
‘I wonder what Kagome’s wearing.’ He thought innocently as he waited for his friend to answer his phone.
“Hello?” A voice asked happily.
“Hey Miroku, it’s me.” Inuyasha replied with a tired yawn, “I just got off the plane and getting my baggage. What’s up?”
There was another voice followed by a muffled argument, Inuyasha figured that the other person was a very nosey Sango and Miroku had had his hand over the receiver. A few more minutes like this went by before Miroku began to talk again.
“Not much here Inuyasha.” He said, “I’m just on my way with Sango to go pick up Kagome for the concert.” Miroku paused before continuing, “Sango wants to know when you are going to get your ‘stupid dog ass’ here so she can get a very suspicious Kagome off her back.”
At this Inuyasha chuckled, switching the phone to his other hand as he grabbed his duffle bag hanging it on his shoulder and grabbing a few more suit cases, and one of those roller bags that he forgot the name to.
“Well, first I have to go over to Sesshomaru’s and take a shower cause I’m not going anywhere after a fourteen or more hours on an airplane without a nice how shower..”
“So how long?” Miroku asked.
“Give me a good hour and a half, and I’ll be there.” Inuyasha replied sheepishly, “If I become held up I’ll call and let you know I’ll be running late.”
“Okay no problem see you later.”
“Bye!” And Inuyasha hung up putting his phone back into his pocket.
Hailing a cab wasn’t too hard and after a bit of struggling with his luggage in the cab’s trunk, the hanyou was finally seated comfortably in the back of the car. He told the driver Sesshomaru’s address and relaxed as he ignored the vibrations of his phone. He wanted to let his mind wander to the one person that he wanted to see the most. He wanted to see her dazzling smile, and feel the warmth of her body as he held her close again. The hanyou wanted to feel the need of her kiss and her laughter again. Boy had he really missed her that much? And of course his mind could only reply with “Hell fucking yes!”
Finally becoming agitated by the vibrating phone in his pocket, Inuyasha fished it out and answered it with a warning growl. There was no way of him to know who was calling because he didn’t check the caller I.D.
“Hey Miroku, who’s number is this?” It was Kagome’s voice, “Come on tell me! Please! Please! Tell me!”
He wanted to answer her, but that would only ruin the surprise and then both Sango and Miroku would murder him. Sighing again, he resorted to listening to her pleas and to Miroku, his mind becoming soothed by her voice. After a while Kagome did hang up but he didn’t think too much about it because the hanyou knew that he was going to tease her about paying attention when he got to see her again. When he got to see her again!
She frowned in frustration when Miroku kept refusing to tell her just who had called his phone last. Noting remembering just how she had gotten his cell, she hung up and tossed it back to Sango as Miroku drove down the street. It would be a good half hour before they would get to the concert and she was very excited. For some reason Kagome knew that something big was going to happen, but she didn’t know how big or if it was something good or something bad.
Brushing those thoughts from her head, Kagome smiled as she remembered babysitting Shiori the other night so Sesshomaru and Rin could go on an “adult” date. She laughed at the word adult because over the time she had gotten to know Rin, Kagome found out that the twenty-six-year-old woman wasn’t in the least like an adult. She was almost as childish as her daughter. They would have had Jaken watch the seven-year-old if only he hadn’t coincidentally thought it to be a good time to have a long three month vacation in Jamaica, yes very coincidental indeed!
It had been quite an experience watching over the young girl, playing board games, baking cookies for Shiori’s mom, bath time and then finally bedtime. It was an experience that Kagome wanted for herself someday, her own family with the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Yet the only person that she could even begin to imagine herself with was Inuyasha, but he was two continents away, living his life without her. Mentally scorning herself, she pushed all the depressing thoughts from her mind and focused on all the fun she would be having that night with Sango and Miroku as the third wheel.
The drive to Sesshomaru’s was quite boring, and Inuyasha found himself trying his hardest to stay awake. His day so far had been long and weary and soon enough the hanyou would finally be able to relax and act how a normal teenager should. Glancing over out the window, Inuyasha’s eyes lit up as his brother’s house came into view. It wouldn’t be much longer now. The cab pulled up to the gate and Inuyasha quickly climbed out of the vehicle, getting his luggage before handing the driver the overall payment. The car drove off and the hanyou inhaled deeply before heading up the driveway towards the enormous door.
Not bothering to knock, he walked inside the eerily quiet place and set down his bags. It was very unnatural for Jaken to be nowhere in sight, especially since the hanyou bastard dared to take an “uninvited” step into “Lord” Sesshomaru’s domain. Laughing at himself, Inuyasha lazily stretched out his tired muscles, looking around the room cautiously before closing the door with his foot loudly and heading down the darkened hallway. He knew that they were home because his nose picked up the scent of his brother and a human girl that he didn’t recognize.
Hearing a creek in the floor boards, Inuyasha growled warning whatever was coming his way. It seemed not to notice it and he quickly turned around facing a small little girl with long black hair and electric blue eyes, he guessed that she was around eight.
“OI runt what are you doing here?” He asked irritably.
Suddenly she was upon him, her now long silver hair glowing in the darkness as her bluish amber eyes sparkles with mischief. He was taken back with the instant change.
“Who are you?” He growled jumping back.
A smile came to her face as a tiny fang protruded from her bottom lip. The coldness of her stare was somewhat unnerving as she flexed her small and sharp claws. She wasn’t even half his size height wise and yet he was starting to feel as though he was facing his brother in one of their deadly matches.
“Your worst nightmare.” She said venomously getting into a fighting stance. Her knee high sundress made her look harmless, but her seriousness made her appear almost intimidating.
He laughed at her words, cracking his knuckles as he smirked. If the child wanted to play rough, who was he to deny her. Just before he was about to attack the child, the lights flipped on and by the stairs Sesshomaru came into view with his arms crossed over his chest. The child cried out in joy as she jumped up and down anxiously. Raising his eyebrows curiously, Inuyasha relaxed giving his brother the “What the fuck is going on” look, abut the Inu-youkai didn’t act as if he was the teenager.
“Shiori,” Sesshomaru said in a monotone voice, “We do not attack family members no matter how bad he might smell…”
Inuyasha growled angrily at Sesshomaru before the small child stuck out her tongue and took off skipping down the hallway singing “Mary had a little lamb”.
“It’s good to see you too asshole,” Inuyasha snorted before heading towards the bathroom.
Kagome was the first person out of the car when it stopped and anxiously waited for her friends to follow. As the three of them somewhat patiently waited in line, Kagome called her father to let him know that they had arrived safely. It wasn’t like a normal concert like she would have thought being hosted at a huge stadium, they were standing in line at a busy nightclub and boy was it exciting.
Sango rolled her eyes as she glanced at her friend, it looked as though she was on a very bad sugar high. Sighing heavily, the teenager leaned against Miroku and poked his side trying to get his attention.
“How much longer until you know who arrives?” She asked bored, “Because Kagome’s driving me nuts!”
“Don’t worry my dear,” He replied wrapping his uninjured arms around her waist, “The lines moving pretty fast and we’ll be inside in no time. He’ll be here soon so don’t get your panties in a bunch.” He paused for a minutes letting a knowing smirk purse his lips, “Unless you want to that is…”
Elbowing him roughly in the gut, Sango tried to hide the blush on her face, “Keep it G-rated Mr. Suave, we’re in public.”
“So does it mean that we could do,” He chuckled tightening his grip on her waist, pulling her into his chest, “Things in private?”
“NO!” Sango squeaked as she placed her hands firmly on her boyfriend’s chest pushing him away, “Please try to be on your best behavior Miroku!”
Miroku nodded his head and gently placed a chaste kiss on Sango’s forehead, “Best behavior.”
The hot water against his body relieved him of some stress as he laid his head against the cold tile. It had surprised him to find out that Sesshomaru had a daughter, a hanyou daughter to be correct. He would have never believed it in his wildest dreams if she hadn’t nearly attacked him when he first walked inside. Sighing heavily, he let his mind trail back over to the one person he still couldn’t get off his mind.
Rinsing the shampoo from his hair, he quickly put in conditioner as he looked out the shower curtain. Shiori’s sat silently on the toilet seat staring off into space, he had sensed her a few minutes ago, but he hadn’t paid too much attention until now. Creasing his eyebrows he yet again rinsed his hair out then turned off the water.
“Hey,” He said, “Could you hand me a towel since you wont stop stalking me?”
The towel hit his head and he quickly wrapped it around his waist and rung out his long hair before stepping out and staring directly down at his niece.
“Fluffy says that you’re going to stay here and play with me while he and mommy have an adult play time!”
He snorted while exiting the steamy bathroom and going over to his luggage. Pulling out some comfortable and clean clothing, he turned to look over his shoulder and sure enough Shiori was standing there patiently waiting for some kind of answer.
“You’re going to have to leave for a few minutes so I can get dress. Then we’ll talk okay?”
“OKAY!” She laughed exiting the room and closing the door behind her.
There wouldn’t be much longer of a wait, but none the less Kagome was so impatient that she couldn’t stand still. She had already been given a few dirty looks to hold still, but she just couldn’t. Holding her breath as the line began moving, she frowned angrily as she watched Miroku glance at his watch nervously. Going over to where her friends stood and irritably crossed her arms over her chest, her foot tapping rapidly on the ground.
“The line’s moving but you two aren’t. What’s going on that you’re not telling me about?” She accused.
“Absolutely nothing!” Miroku replied sheepishly.
Eying him carefully, Kagome continued, “Then why aren’t we inside getting our seats?”
Receiving no answer from her friends, Kagome sighed heavily before going to the club entrance and disappearing inside. Miroku and Sango both groaned and Sango headed to the entrance, following her friend. The teenaged boy pulled out his phone and called Inuyasha; waiting until he got some answer.
“YO!” A breathless Inuyasha spoke.
“Where the hell are you Inuyasha?” Miroku demanded.
“I’m still over at Sesshomaru’s!” The hanyou exclaimed loudly.
Miroku was flabbergasted, “WHAT? You haven’t left yet!”
“How can I fucking leave when the little runt took the keys to the damned car I was supposed to use!”
“Well yes Shiori is a handful, but you have to know how to be nice and act accordingly if you want that child to ever show you some respect Inuyasha.”
“Feh,” with that the line went dead and Miroku went inside the club to go look for both his girlfriend and her mentally challenged friend Kagome.