InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love or Blood ❯ One-Shot

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Love or Blood
By: lita

This is a cross over between Inuyasha and Yu-Yu Hakusho, and all i want to say is i own nothing!!

ur gonna be late for school if you don't get it into gear!!!" Kagome mom, Moon, yelled.

"Okay, I'm up and I was just leaving."Kagome yelled
running at full speed to school~
I guess that running from demons that try to eat you alive on a daily bases actually helps you." Kagome said as she rounded the next couner and then BOOM right in to something, but before she could fall, strong arms grabbed her wasit.
my god. I'm so sorry." Kagome said as she got her footing back.
worry about it, I was just on my way to my first day of school." a male voice spook
would you like me to show you around? I mean it is the least I could do for running into you at full speed like I was being chased or something." Kagome said
I would like that, Oh yeah my name is Suichi, what's yours?" Kurama said as they made their way into the school building.
my name is Higurashi, Kagome and may I see your class list so I can tell where to go?" Kagome asked
sure here," Kurama said as he handed her a list
wow, you have all the classes that I do." Kagome cheered
that good, lets be friends so you can give me the guild lines of the school and I'll have some one I know." Kurama stated
if it doesnt' bug you." Kagome said
of course not."
Hiei, tell me. that gurl over there, when you take in her sent, do you smell Moondust and Foxfire?" Kurama asked
human name is Higurashi, Kagome. but she is a Fox Spirit like me and my past love. Her Spirit name is Star Dust"
she know who you are?"
I think so."

sounded like Kagome, lets go!!" Kurama yelled running towards the scream
sight they saw froze their blood
the ground was Kagome in a pool of her own blood and hoving over her was a huge demon that was having an all you can eat buffe on Kagome's blood.~
if you drink my blood till the cows come home, I won't give you the Shikon no Tama." Kagome said
little wench, I want the jewel and I wan......."
looked up to see a boi wearing black with a sword in his hands with the demon's blood on it~
me guess, you want the jewel too?" Kagome yelled/asked
I was just saving your butt."
Dust, are you okay?"
Dust?? Oh no I have to go." Kagome said as she went to move but the blood lost was getting to her head so she fell back wards.
Kagome!! Wake up." Kurama yelled as he shook her
get her to Spirit World, I'm sure you two have some catching up to do." Hiei said as he noticed a lot of people looking at them
idea." Kurama said as he picked up Kagome, brideal style and walked down the road and into a portal that leads to Koenma's office
in the Spirit World is that?!!!" Koenma yelled as he watched Kurama and Hiei walk into his office with Kurama carring what looked like a female that looked like she had a fight with a tiger
human name is Higurashi, Kagome, but she is a Fox Spirit like me and her Spririt name is Star Dust." Kurama explained
have a feeling that she has somthing powerful on her." Koenma said
the Shikon no Tama, well half of it anyways." Hiei said
how did she get it?"
have to wait till she wakes up first."
hours later~
have to do that Science project!!" Kagome yelled as she shot straight up "Wait this isn't my room, or any other room I've ever been in."
right young one, you are in the office of the Koenma, ruler of Spririt World."
dont' say Spirit." Kagome pleaded
brings back too many memories." Kagome confessed
who, may I asked?"
was my to be mate and after a few weeks he dissappered and I heard stories that he almost died so he took a human body, well I didnt' want to live with out him so I let myself get shoot by a hunter. I was gonna die, I was happy that I was gonna die, but my sister told me I had to live so she sent me into the body of Higurashi, Kagome, My Fox Spirit name is Star Dust. But you know I wasn't suppose to tell you that." Kagome said though tears.
you know the name of your past mate to be?"
Yoko Kurama. I know everything he did and was doing. I miss him so." Kagome cried as she turned in to her pillow and cried
I have missed you." came a calm but hurt voice
sit up and saw Suichi
are you doing here, Suichi?" Kagome asked confussed
could say the same to you Kagome, or should I call you StarDust."
is that you?" Kagome asked in a VERY hopeful voice.
better believe it."
Kagome cried as she was over joyed to see her past love only to cry out in pain as she now notice the wound from her early incounted with a demon after the shikon no tama
should rest and we can talk more when you wake." Kurama said as he sat beside her and pulled her in his lap, and watched as she nodded and fell asleep.
you were right. Now what do you plan to do with the gurl?" Hiei asked coming back in to the room
I hope that her and I will keep or promise and become mates, after all I still love her and I can only hope that she still loves me."
don't leave me." Kagome mutted in her sleep
I think that answered your question, so I see if she can be any help." Koenma said as he turned from the sight in front of him to his desk. "Oh and Kurama."
Koenma sir."
and Kagome will need a place to stay so I have you booked for the Spirit Hotal down the hall to your left."
you sir"
and one more thing."

do you want me to call her? Kagome? or StarDust?"
just have to ask her."

do you feel that power?" Kuwabara asked as they walked down the halls of the Spirit Castle (aka Koenma's place)
I think it's coming from that room." Yusuke pointed to room 444 of the Spirit Hotal
I want to know who has that power." Kuwabara said as he was about to knock Kurama opened the door
Yusuke and Kuwabara yelled
or you'll wake StarDust." Kurama said in a calm yet demanding voice
the bois asked in unison
is my mate to be. But anyways, why are you here?"
felt a huge power coming from this room and we wanted to know who it belonged to.''
in, I was just about to wake Kagome anyways." Kurama said as he moved so they could come in
you have two gurls in here?" Asked Kuwabara
first you said 'StarDust' and just a minute ago you said 'Kagome'."
well you see, okay you know how I......"
he tell the story about Kagome being Star Dust and that~
I see."
the name 'Kagome' rings a bell somewhere." Yusuke said said as he put a finger to his chin
she the gurl in your new school that is ALWAYS sick?" Kuwabara asked
Kagome is in prefect health, well if you over look the hole in her shoulder." Kurama yelled
she is. Kagome Higurashi. I took her homework to her one day." Yusuke said
you know that I can tell when someone is in bad health or good and from what I have seen Kagome is in good health."
so maybe she ditches school." Kuawabara said
don't 'ditch' school." Kagome said from her spot on the bed.
long have you been listening?" Yusuke asked
Urameshi, I've heard of you. You have a rep as long as Inuyasha can cuss." Kagome said as she turned to face them
and you have a 'rep' of not being at school."
don't go to school because I have other matters of business to attend to." Kagome said as if they should have already known this
and that would be??"
you ever heard of the Shikon no Tama?"
stated Yusuke
said Kuwabara
Kurama said
somebody knows what I'm talking about." Kagome said with a sigh.
are you talking about?" Asked Yusuke
have to....."
I'm gonna back to sleep, the healing on my shoulder is using too much of my miko powers so I need to rest." Kagome said as she layed on the bed and pretend to be asleep
she is your mate to be?" asked Kuwabara
like I said before, we were when we were both Fox Spririts but now, I still love her, I just need her answer." Kurama trailed off as if he knew her answer would be 'no'
Yoko, I really want to be your mate, but in our human forms. is it possibe for us to live a happy life? I mean I still have the Shikon and Inuyasha and the past. Kikyo is still trying to kill me.' At this Kagome started to cry but only Kurama noticed this
I think it's time for you guys to leave." Kurama said as he pushed the two bois out the door.

was that all about?" Yusuke asked
have no clue, well lets go, we were suppose to meet the toddle 15 minutes ago
Kurama and Kagome~
Kagome, their gone. You can stop pretending and let me know what is wrong. " Kurama said as he walked up to the bed and sat down beside her
want to be your mate, I really do, but I have...."
already have a mate?" Kurama asked a little hurt

then what is it that buggs you so?"
my shine there is a well that takes me 500 years back into the past, there I fight demons who are after the Shikon, which I broke when I was trying to get it away from a bird demon, but anyways, there is a hanyou, Inuaysha, who wants the jewel to become more powerful and I have to be there to control him and then there is his past love who was brought back by a witch, where I lost part of my soul, but anyways, she trys to kill me, and well I dont' want to make a promise I can't keep." Kagome cried
it's alright. we'll work this out, one way or anthor."
in." Kagome called before Kurama could stop her.
walks in and sees Kurama holding a crying Kagome "Oh I'm sorry. Koenma wishes to see the both of you when you can make it."
we'll be there, just let me wash my face and we'll be there." Kagome said as she stood and walked to the bathroom
meat ya down there." Botan said and then left
Botan left, I went into the bathroom and snaked my arms around Kagome's waist.meant what I said, we'll get though this, together."
lets go, shall we?" I asked as I took her hand in mind

gurl is hiding somthing. I know it I just don't know what it is.' ~sigh~
are you okay, you look a little pale." Botan said
fine really." LIE
we walked into the office I could Yusuke didn't like me, so I snuggled closer to Kurama, there was something about that Urameshi kid I didn't like and it wasnt' the rumer of him killing 100's of 100's of people. No I could tell he was a nice kid, but he still scared me.
felt Kagome snuggle into my arms more, like somthing was scaring her, I look around and I saw that her and Yusuke were having a stare down, but why were Yusuke's eyes filled with hate and Kagome's filled with fear and saddest. I desided that I would asked them later.
I have called you all here for your next case." said Koenma
great." Yusuke yelled
Koenma turned to me
Koenma sir?" I questioned slyly
know a lot about the shikon no tama, do you not?"
but what does that have to do with the 'case'?"
the name 'Naruku' mean anything to you?"
I asked before I fanited
did Kagome get so stiff as Koenma said the name Naruku? well anyways, now she is pasted out again. this gurl really has changed alotshould take her back to the room, maybe she can answer your questions later." I said as I picked Star Dust up and walked to the door and heard Urameshi say something like 'That little whore.'
still haven't figured what Yusuke was talking about but now it is 3:45 in the morning and I can't sleep, all I want to do is watch as StarDust sleeps.

:54 a.m and she starts to cry in her sleep, right when I go to wake her, she shoots stright up in yells 'now I know' which made no sence to me what so ever.
are you okay?" I asked as I tried to comforted her.
I know why Yusuke was looking at me in a mad way." Kagome cried
I don't understand."
was only dreaming, but now I know what it is.
I tried to write a letterjust need to make things betterpraying that you'll let me workout~
are you talking about?" Kurama asked me
mean, well... I"ll just have to tell you"
years ago
why do you think you can beat us?" Asked a thug
guess you haven't heard of me, or you would be running now." Yusuke said
but I don't care who you are. Now if you don't mind leaving, we have a treat we would like to get back to."
that would be?" Asked Yusuke

"Oh, nothing, just a little somthing we got."

"No, let me go!!!" Kagome yelled
don't you run along back to your mommy." The head of the gang said to Yusuke
will but I'm taking her with me." Yusuke said
ME GO NOW YOU OVER GROWN NO GOOD FOR NOTHING ASS!!!" Kagome yelled at the top of her lungs
be quiet." head guy hits Kagome and she passes out
should never hit gurls." Yusuke said as he punched all of the men and kicked the leaders ass
comes to right as Yusuke is holding her and starts kicking and screaming
ur hands off of me, please just let me go home." Kagome broke down and cried
dont' cry, My name is Yusuke Urameshi and since I saved you and have no clue where you live, I'm taking you to my house so you can rest and tomorrow I'll take you home when it's not 1:33 in the morning
name is Kagome Higurashi, and Thank you for saving me, so your not gonna rape me?" Kagome cried/asked
welcome and No I'm not gonna rape you."
your carring me, I'll go back to sleep." Kagome said and before Yusuke said anything she was asleep
of Flash Back~
then why does that give him a reason to hate you?" Kurama asked
after that night, I started to hang out at this bar, and well really I didn't do anything but one night, this drunk got in over his head and when he tried to take me out to the ally, I wasnt' strong enough to stop him, and when Yusuke found out, he thought he saved me for nothing and that I was a whore."
get it now, but still, Yusuke shouldn't have thought it that way.
sure if we avoid each other, it will be okay." Kagome said

side the door~
Yusuke, Is it true?" Kuwabara asked
the whole I save her, she goes and works at a bar is right, but I dont' know the truth about the ally, maybe I misjudged on what I saw, and if she speaks the truth then I owe her an I'm sorry." Yusuke said
let's go back to bed and worry about it tomorrow."
and Kurama~
go back to sleep and dont' worry about it." Kurama said holding Kagome close
wish that night never happen." Kagome cried
worry about it, I'll help you though this, but now you need to sleep."
don't leave me alone."
won't, not again. I'm staying now and forever."

never let anything happen to you, Kaogme, do you know how much you mean to me? I still feel a litlle bad that I couldn't protect you but I'm thankfull that Yusuke did, but still he had the wrong idea. and what's with this Kikyo person who wants to kill you?