InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Potion # Kyuu ❯ Soul Mates ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.


Chapter 10 – Soul Mates

The subjugation spell wore off just in time for Inuyasha to launch himself towards Kagome, tackling the stunned miko to the ground just as her predecessor’s arrow went zipping by overhead. He landed on top of her in a rather compromising position that, under any other circumstances, would have probably had both of them blushing down to their toes. As it was, all Kagome could do was blink up at him in confusion and relief.

“Inuyasha?” she questioned hesitantly.

Had Kikyou really just tried to kill her?


“Stay out of the way.” he told her quietly, his words more of a request than a demand.

Nodding, when he climbed off of her she backed herself into the trees, out of the line of fire. She then drew one of her own arrows and held it notched loosely in her bow, just in case.

Turning to glare daggers at the undead miko standing before him, Inuyasha grumbled low, “If you ever attack Kagome again…”

“You’ll what?” Kikyou baited, believing that Inuyasha didn’t have it in him to cause her harm.

As he continued to glare, nostrils flaring, he could practically read Kikyou’s mind, unable to miss the humor in her eyes. Here she had just fired an arrow at both of them, and even though her attempt had been thwarted, she stood with all the confidence of any other enemy he’d ever faced in his lifetime, moments before he’d slain them. Knowing she was trying to get under his skin, he refused to let her succeed, taking a few calming breaths before declaring matter-of-factly,

“Do not be foolish enough to think that I would not defend my mate, Kikyou, because I will, no matter the cost. We will be completing the soul-bond; she is mine and I am hers.”

His words caught Kikyou off guard, as she recognized the sincerity behind his subtle threat. He truly had chosen Kagome over her, and if she were the one to force him to take such drastic measures, in order to ensure Kagome’s safety, he would do whatever was necessary, even if that meant killing her. Kikyou’s entire posture seemed to slump in that moment, and Inuyasha and Kagome both believed the undead miko would have sighed, had she been capable.

“It would appear, then, that you and I truly were never meant to be together. If Kagome is your one true mate, then that means my death was necessary in order to arrange for her birth, and Naraku was merely a pawn of the fates, ensuring that destiny’s plain came to fruition. I will endeavor to find comfort in the knowledge that she is my reincarnation, which means that you shall in fact be mine, but merely in another life. She and I share the same soul, after all, so to bond with her will be to bond with me, from that viewpoint. I release you then, from any claims I’d had on your life. I will remain in this world only to see to completion the defeat of Naraku, and once he is in Hell where he belongs, I will return to Kagome the part of myself that had been stolen from her. Farewell, Inuyasha.”

As Kikyou turned to depart, Inuyasha found himself strangely frozen in place, raising one hand after her retreating form almost as if silently begging her not to go. Yet he said nothing, knowing deep down inside that she was a chapter of his life that required closing. A part of him felt horrible that it had ended in such a way, but at the same time another, larger part of him felt relieved that it was finally over. He was also grateful to Kikyou for relinquishing her claim on his life without any further conflict. Had she continued to pursue either his or Kagome’s deaths, he wouldn’t have hesitated to do whatever was necessary in order to ensure his and his mate’s safety.

Turning back to where Kagome was hiding behind the nearest tree, he sighed before stating in a tired voice, “You can come out now.”

Stepping out from behind her tree, Kagome cringed at the look in his eyes. She could clearly see the pain he had suffered at the poor way he and Kikyou had parted, and a part of her wanted to comfort him. Though another part of her also thought it would probably be best to just leave this incident in the past and move forward from here, and in that moment Kagome honestly felt torn as to what to do.

As Inuyasha approached her position, the future-born miko remained silent and still, allowing him to raise a shaky hand to wipe the tears from her face with the back of his index finger. He offered her a sad smile, then, hooking his finger below her chin and tilting her face upward before leaning forward for a quick, chaste kiss.

“Let’s go back to camp.” he murmured then, and she nodded, filing this incident away in her mental ‘only talk about it if Inuyasha brings it up first’ file.


The next afternoon, Inuyasha had yet to approach Kagome regarding all that had happened and been revealed the previous night, the ‘incident’ as she was calling it in her mind remaining a secret moment between she and Inuyasha, as neither of them had said or done anything that morning to tip their friends off to the fact that Kikyou had made an appearance at all, let alone what may or may not have been discussed during said appearance. She wondered what was going through his mind. During everything he had explained to her, regarding what a soul-bond really was, what it would mean for her as a human and why he had been nervous to bring it up despite it being what he truly wanted, she hadn’t really had the opportunity to give him her answer. Her answer was yes, of course; from the sound of things, she definitely wanted to do the soul-bond with him. She was already his for the rest of her life, so there wasn’t really any reason to be nervous, as if it were an even deeper form of commitment, although that’s exactly what it was. Yes, she understood that there was a big difference between her lifetime and his, and what it would mean to share the centuries with him, but surprisingly, or perhaps not, she was actually relieved to learn there was a way to make such a thing possible. She hadn’t wanted to think about it, not wanting to get herself down on what she’d figured had been something she couldn’t change, but the truth was that thinking about how he would live so much longer than her had been a rather depressing thought. Not that she was necessarily jealous over his longer lifespan, but she’d simply hated the idea of abandoning him through her eventual death, forcing him to be alone once again after only a brief window of happiness that was a mortal’s lifespan to somebody of demonic blood. She had figured that Inuyasha had been well aware of her mortality going in, and so to avoid being a colossal bummer Kagome had kept her mouth shut on the subject. Now, to learn that he had actually been hoping all along that the two of them could share in this most sacred of bonding ceremonies, that he had actually wanted to merge his soul with hers and hers with his, Kagome had never felt more loved in her entire life, and she couldn’t wait until they were alone so that she could tell him her decision. Sure, he had told Kikyou plain out that they would be completing the bond, but if Kagome knew her hanyou, he was probably going crazy inside, worrying himself to death over the possibility that it was actually something she didn’t want to do.

Glancing his mate’s way as they continued up the mountain road, Inuyasha had no idea she had him so well pegged in that moment. Her eyes had sparkled as he’d explained to her the difference between possession and bonding marks, and he hadn’t been able to miss the tremendous wave of happiness that had come off of her when he’d confessed that it had been his intention to do the soul-binding all along, but as soon as they’d returned to camp and she’d settled herself back down within the warmth of her sleeping bag, he had immediately been kicking himself for not taking two freakin’ seconds to quickly clear up her viewpoint on the whole thing. Here he had basically blurted out in a rushed explanation everything he had wanted to take his time explaining in greater detail, trying desperately to rectify damage potentially done by Kikyou’s cruel and misleading words, and he’d yet to get Kagome’s take on the whole experience. Who the hell knew what that girl was thinking? He didn’t understand what went through that head of hers half the time on any given normal day, and after everything that had been said and done last night, he would hardly call today ‘normal’. Any further thought on the matter would have to wait, though, as they neared the mountain town that was rumored to be suffering from unusual youkai attacks.

Arriving in the village, it was quickly and unfortunately discovered that Naraku was not involved in the local youkai problem, though the inu-tachi didn’t hesitate to aid the villagers anyway, slaying the demonic pests and earning themselves free room and board for the night. The Inn Keeper prepared them two separate rooms, meant for propriety’s sake to be used by the men and women separately, but somebody had a very different idea. While it was true that neither Kagome nor Inuyasha had said or done anything to indicate a possible visit by Kikyou the night before, the way they had continually glanced at each other throughout the day had not gone unnoticed. There was obviously something they each wanted to discuss with the other. Late into the night, after the Inn had been shut down for the evening and the few other patrons were surely asleep, Sango put her plan into action, quietly stirring Shippou and Kirara awake, who both eagerly tiptoed out of the room with her once she whispered her scheme. Gently tapping on the door to the men’s room before sliding it open, she was not surprised to find Inuyasha awake and alert, asking her quietly if everything was all right. Sending him a sly grin, she was quick to ensure him that everything was fine, before gently chastising that she wanted him out of her bedroom, as she sent the groggy Miroku a playful wink before settling herself down to share in his bedding. The monk wasn’t about to complain, of course, although he released a mostly teasing sigh of disappointment when he realized they weren’t going to be completely alone, as Kirara and Shippou curled together down at the foot of their bedding. Inuyasha looked on in confusion and mild embarrassment until Sango’s comment of wondering what he was still doing there, as she shooed him out the door with a flick of her hand, finally had his eyes opening wide in understanding, as he returned her smirk before giving the couple a curt nod. Exiting the room, quietly shutting the door behind him, Inuyasha had a huge grin on his face as he stealthfully made his way down to the women’s room, slipping inside before anyone could notice him.

Kagome, who had slept through Sango’s departure thanks to her stealth as a taijiya, immediately roused at the feel of Inuyasha’s youki coming into such close proximity with her aura, her miko’s ‘spider-sense’ tingling, but in a good way. Opening blurry eyes, she gazed up at him from her spot on the floor questioningly, asking in a tired voice if everything was all right.

“Everything’s fine.” he assured her in a pleasant tone, adding, “Sango apparently wanted to share a room with the bouzu, so she kicked me out.” Chuckling, he plopped himself down on the floor cross-legged just a few feet away from Kagome’s sleeping bag.

Sitting up and glancing around, it didn’t take the miko long to notice that Sango wasn’t the only one missing.

“If Sango-chan wanted to be alone with Miroku-sama, then why did she take Shippou-chan and Kirara with her?” Kagome questioned, her tone of voice sounding both accusing and amused.

“I didn’t say she wanted to be alone with the bouzu. She’s not that stupid.” Inuyasha responded with a chuckle, assuring his mate, “But this was definitely her doing.”

Fully awake now, Kagome shot her mate a playfully disapproving look, crossing her arms and shaking her head as she muttered, “I don’t think the Inn Keeper will approve of a big bad hanyou sharing a room with a beautiful miko.”

Snorting, Inuyasha didn’t take the bait to disagree with her ‘beautiful’ comment, and instead, he leaned forward so that his face was less than six inches from her own before replying with, “I don’t think it’s any of his business.”

“Mmm...I think you’re right.” Kagome agreed before closing the gap between them.

The kiss was chaste, but it settled within him the nervousness he had been feeling. Kagome smiled against his lips as she felt the tension melt right out of him. Pulling back, she gazed in his eyes lovingly, and offering him a sincere smile as she reached up to brush a stray lock of hair from his eyes, she asked him quietly, “So when did you want to complete the soul-bonding?”

He released a breathy laugh born from relief and joy before pulling her into a deeper kiss, his hands winding around her body to brace her back and head as he poured his love into her. She eagerly returned his passion, fisting his robes as if she were afraid to ever let him go. Finally pulling apart for air, Inuyasha panted lightly as he rested his forehead against her own, and with his eyes closed, he answered in merely a whisper, “No time like the present.”

It was Kagome’s turn to laugh, then, but pulling back again so that she could gaze into Inuyasha’s eyes with her own, she surprised her hanyou by showing no signs of apprehension or nervousness as she answered, “Okay.”

Eyes wide, he questioned, “Are you sure?”

“From what I understand, this is definitely something I want to do. I know it wasn’t all that long ago that I was trying to release you from your commitment to me, and you were willing to do the same, but we had each only been thinking of what would be best for each other. I want you and you want me. I love you and you love me. I accept now that I am your mate, and will be, until the day I die. If I can put that day off for as long as inhumanly possible by bonding with you, why wouldn’t I want to do that? And if our souls will truly be tied together, then that means ‘till death do us part’ won’t even apply. If we are truly going to complete such a bond, then what would be the point in putting it off? From what I gathered last night, if I had known about it and known what I was doing, then we would have already been soul-bonded five nights ago. Please, let’s finish what we started.”

Inuyasha had to pinch his eyes closed against the sting of moisture at her words, though thanks to her advanced sense of smell she could detect the faint trace of his tears.

“Inuyasha?” she questioned quietly.

“Do you have any idea how much I love you?” he answered with a shaky voice before pulling her into a hug.

Inuyasha explained in that moment everything he hadn’t had a chance to go into greater detail about the night before. He told her everything he knew about soul bonds, which he had learned from Myouga once upon a time, as the flea-youkai had been his tutor growing up about all things inu-youkai. Sesshoumaru certainly wouldn’t have ever bothered to educate him in such matters. Besides, what would have been the point? Who would ever want a hanyou, right? So it wasn’t like he would ever have a mate and need to know such things. Chuckling sarcastically, he told Kagome how that had even been his own viewpoint, back when Myouga had forced him to sit still and listen anyway, and now he could definitely admit that he owed the flea a tremendous debt of gratitude, and probably a few pints of blood.

The miko blushed prettily when it was revealed that she couldn’t just mark him to complete the bond, that they would need to mate again and mark each other simultaneously in order for his youki to rise and do what it needed to do, but she wasn’t about to back down from her proposal that they complete the bond without delay. A heavy whiff against her stomach that had her biting her lip to keep from giggling assured Inuyasha that her fertile time was still far enough away that they didn’t have to worry about an accidental pregnancy. She couldn’t stop her laugh from bubbling forth, though, when he told her that he definitely wanted her to take the pregnancy-blocking herbs from her time. With a husky voice he admitted that while he might have been able to continue resisting her after having only experienced her the one time, now that they were planning on mating again there would be no way he could keep his hands to himself for very long from that night forward. It embarrassed her a little to hear him say such hentai things, but despite herself Kagome also found his words arousing, and as her body became turned on by the notion of Inuyasha desiring her sexually, the scent of her arousal went straight to his groin, and it didn’t take long before no more persuasion was needed on her part with regard to them completing the bonding right then and there. He was eager to comply.

Pulling her back into another kiss, they took their time building it up slowly, as they each enjoyed the sensation of roaming their hands all over their partner. Eventually layers of clothing began coming off, and when a mostly nude Inuyasha wearing only a straining fundoshi shimmied himself down within Kagome’s sleeping bag, the panty-clad miko didn’t protest against the close proximity as he pulled her heated body flush against his own. Everything was so different for Kagome this time around, being in her right frame of mind and all, but any lingering guilt she might have still been feeling at the way she’d more or less molested Inuyasha the first time around was definitely wiped clean by the way he eagerly made all of the first moves this time. He was more than happy to show her with his actions just what he thought of her reducing him to putty in her hands, as he took her hand in that moment and placed it over the bulge in his loincloth. Surprised and a little shy despite herself, Kagome began palming him as she remembered doing that fateful night nearly a week ago, her confidence growing along with her arousal at the way his hips rocked forward as he moaned into their kiss.

Trailing his tongue along the edge of her jaw line before veering off to find his mark, he began suckling on her throat, being sure to tilt his head at enough of an angle so that she could reach his neck as well. He had already explained everything Kagome needed to know to complete the bond. She would need to bite him at the same time he bit her, as the two of them climaxed together. Because there was no way her human teeth would be strong enough to puncture his demonic flesh, even with the added boost of what little youki she already possessed, he would slice his throat for her with his claws a moment before it was time for her to bite him. As she sucked on his neck in that moment, though, he couldn’t help chuckling that her mouth was stronger than he remembered. She blushed at the comment, but didn’t stop what she was doing with her hand down below, as she gave his fundoshi-clad erection a harder squeeze that had him hissing in delight before declaring between kisses that the rest of their clothes had to go. Trailing his tongue down her chest, he gently circled her right nipple with the tip of his tongue as his right hand reached up to cup her left breast, while his left hand found its way down to her panties. She moaned as he suckled from her as though he were a pup, arching her back and pushing her chest into his mouth while at the same time assisting him as he tugged her panties down her hips. Kagome’s one hand on his groin was joined with the other as she began working lose the knot on his fundoshi, his bare erection springing to life at the same time she felt his fingers begin exploring her warm curls down below. Opening her legs slightly, she allowed him to explore her with the curious digits as she continued to stroke his pulsing flesh in time with the gentle rocking motion of his hips.

Part of Inuyasha didn’t want to go so slowly. She was already his mate, after all. The youkai in him wanted to slam into her and complete the bonding without delay. But his human heart insisted that he needed to make this joining as pleasurable for Kagome as possible. Carefully pushing a finger inside of her, he then retracted the digit, using her moisture as lubrication as he then began rubbing on the little bead of flesh above her entrance that he knew gave her so much pleasure. Kagome gasped at the sensation and bit down on his throat to keep from moaning too loudly, causing the hanyou to chuckle deeply in his chest. Before the miko even knew what was happening, Inuyasha had her writhing in pleasurable agony, bringing her close to the edge only to pull away at the last moment several times in a row. Panting and sweaty, she gripped his erection firmly, though her hand had stopped its rhythmic pumping for lack of concentration, the only thing she could focus on being the sensations washing through her own body as her mate revealed just how much more enjoyable somebody else’s hand could be.  

“Please...” she whispered faintly.

“Please what?” he asked her huskily, ceasing his attention to her clit as he slowly pumped three fingers inside of her, stretching her.

“Bastard.” she panted behind a chuckle, raising her hips to draw his fingers in even further. “You know what.”

“We have to make sure we get our timing right, Kagome.” he apologized gently for the teasing, wanting to bring her to the brink in advance because he knew with his current level of excitement he was only going to last a few seconds. “Don’t worry,” he assured her then, “I’ll gladly make it up to you, promise.”

Giggling, Kagome started moving her hand again, causing Inuyasha to pinch his eyes closed as a shudder rushed through his body. “I don’t need any help.” he told her gently, reaching down with his free hand to remove hers from his erection while his other hand continued its gentle pumping. Finally retracting his fingers from her cavern, shifting his body to crawl on top of hers, he had to close his eyes again and silently count in his head to keep from losing it. He hadn’t even entered her yet and already he could feel his youki rising to the surface, but as Kagome blinked up at him and saw the change consume him, she wasn’t afraid. Instead, she wrapped her arms up and around his back, lovingly holding him to her as he reached down between them to align him at her entrance.

Crimson-rimmed orbs of honey gold opened to gaze down at her with love.

“Ready?” he asked in a gravely voice, his mind still his own despite the way his youkai blood was singing in his veins.

“More than ready.” she answered lovingly, wrapping her legs up and around his own as he slowly began pressing forward.

He entered her slowly, unsure if she might feel any pain. Kagome was tight, but as her inner walls stretched to accommodate his intrusion, the only sound she made was a deep moan of pleasure. Instantly relaxing, Inuyasha retracted his hips only to push back in again, quickly building his tempo. The sensation of once again being submerged within such searing heat, of being held so securely and with so much love, had Inuyasha knowing he wouldn’t be able to last for very long, but that was all right with him. This wasn’t just a rut, and honestly, neither of them could risk losing themselves fully when there was actually something very important they had to accomplish in a very precise manner. Besides, it really wasn’t safe to be having sex in the Inn of a foreign village. Should somebody, anybody somehow find out what was happening behind closed doors, they would probably be chased from the town with torches and stones. While he was regrettably pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to protect Kagome from the harsh prejudices of the world forever, he wanted to at least delay her exposure to such things for as long as possible.

Feeling that telltail tingling begin in the base of his spine, he slowed his movements, once again raising his hips enough to allow room for his fingers to fondle her.

“Kagome...” he began, gazing into her eyes lovingly as he stared down at her, her face scrunching in pleasure though she did her best to keep her eyes open as she listened to his every word. “This is it.” he told her. “I love you so much it hurts, and soon you’ll be able to feel that for yourself. Never again will either of us doubt what the other is feeling.”

“I’m ready.” she assured him, as she reached down with her right hand to take over what he was doing. He raised an eyebrow at her blushing face, but silently relented that Kagome would best be able to control the rate of her own orgasm.

Leaning forward and kissing her deeply, he deliberately nicked her tongue with a fang per an earlier request on her part that she would rather he do it for her out of concern that she wouldn’t be able to do it herself. She flinched a little at the sharp sting, but was tremendously grateful for his compliance. Increasing the rhythm of his hips once more, it didn’t take long to bring himself right back to the brink again, and pulling back from the kiss he reached up with his hand and quickly sliced into the side of his neck, where his throat met his shoulder. Knowing it was time, Kagome sped up the motion of her fingers, instantly falling over the edge thanks to her mate’s earlier teasing. As Inuyasha felt her inner muscles contract around him, milking his own climax from him, he immediately bit his own tongue before again clamping down on her throat, precisely remarking the same place he had bitten before so that when it healed she would still have only one clearly defined mark instead of two. As her orgasm rushed through her, Kagome didn’t fail to hold up her end of the bargain, clamping down on the exact spot Inuyasha had instructed. Biting down as hard as she possibly could, Kagome refused to let go as she pushed her bleeding tongue against the cut he had made with his claws, and she nearly choked at the intensity of the gasp that tried to wrench itself from her throat at the immediate sensation of his aura rising up to envelop her own. Instead of fighting the sensation, however, she welcomed it, the gasp one of surprise but not of discomfort. Suddenly feeling her miko powers rise to the surface as well and panicking that her body might possibly be trying to resist him, which neither of them had thought would be the case, she quickly tried to throw herself into a meditative state, concentrating on nothing but how much she loved Inuyasha and how much she wanted to feel his aura wrapped around her. Instead of battling against his youki, however, her reiki continued to rise in power, but only to wrap around his own aura in return, just like how a female youkai’s demonic aura would complement the soul-binding by aiding her mate’s youki in completing the bond. Inuyasha was equally surprised, but didn’t resist as the sensation of Kagome’s aura washed over him. His youki would have been strong enough to form the bond by itself, but her reiki added into the mix only made their union that much stronger. He could feel their powers blending harmlessly. They were one. She could no more accidentally hurt him with her purifying powers than he could attack her during one of his crazed transformations. They were a part of each other now, and would forever recognize each other as such, even on the most hidden of subconscious levels.

Finally coming down from the high of their joining, Kagome and Inuyasha released each other to rest their foreheads together, panting heavily. Peaking her eyes open, Kagome was not surprised to find Inuyasha’s honey gaze staring back down at her. Neither could be sure how long they stayed like that, with him lying on top of her, their foreheads touching as she kept her legs wrapped up and around his own, the most intimate parts of their bodies securely locked together. Finally shifting to back himself up and off of her, Inuyasha sent Kagome a devilish smirk before murmuring something about keeping his promises, as he slowly began kissing his way down her body. Throwing the sleeping bag open, Inuyasha settled himself between Kagome’s legs, and it wasn’t long before the miko was biting her own tongue after all, to keep from shouting at the top of her lungs. Coming down from her high, the miko wasn’t bothered by the way her mate openly laughed as she yanked him back up her body by his forelocks to smash her lips against his own. He wasn’t making fun of her reaction to his attentions, he was simply full of so much love and happiness that in that moment, he couldn’t stop it from bubbling forth in the form of the joyous sound, and it was one Kagome hoped to hear escape her mate’s lips countless more times throughout their long lives together. Already she could feel the changes consume her, changing her. She could feel Inuyasha in her heart, in her mind, and in that moment she knew she would never doubt his words ever again.

Eventually allowing sleep to consume them, Inuyasha reached down to pull the open flap of the sleeping bag back over their naked bodies before maneuvering them both so that he held her in a secure, spooning embrace, her backside pressed firmly against his front as they drifted off together to share pleasant dreams of Naraku-free days, their clothing strewn about their bedding for all to see, should anyone have dared to peak.  

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