InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loyalty, Love, and the Battle Between ❯ I'm Just Trying To Help You!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm finally back and I'm actually updating after a longgg time lol. Thanks for thereviewsguys!!
Well read, review, and ENJOY!! XD
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Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and any of its characters… that should be obvious. All I own are my thoughts and this plotline and that's that.
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-Loyalty, Love, and the Battle Between-
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--I'm Just Trying To Help you!!—
Last Time;
Something, someone, watched all of this with wise and knowing eyes. It saw every action and movement made, heard every word, sound and even thought spoken, and related to all. A voice whispered out somewhere in the forest… it was soft and though it echoed throughout the forest., none of its inhabitants could hear except for the one saying it…
Whereas one brother seems to have it all and the other to have nothing, the roles will switch… it is time for destiny to take its course and so shall the battle between loyalty and love begin…
This time:
Rays of sunlight glinted off the morning dew on the grass. Birds chirped merrily as the wind blew softly, picking up stray leaves and whisking them away.
Slowly, eyelids parted open to reveal sapphire eyes before blinking repeatedly to clear their vision. Soon enough the eyes stopped, and gazed tiredly at the surroundings.
Last nights events clicked and a young teenaged girl jerked up, before looking around wildly, now fully awake.
Once her eyes landed on the silver haired hanyou sleeping upright against a tree nearby, she relaxed.
But just five seconds later she tensed and worry coursed through her veins, and where all was silent, a horrified, strangle gasp broke out through the peaceful quiet, echoing eerily.
Inuyasha was sweating bullets. His eye lids move sporadically as his ears twitched repeatedly this way and that. His face was flushed and agony filled. His head tossed and turned. Soft moaning and groaning spilled from thinned, pale lips.
“In-Inuyasha!!” Kagome choked out, before she shot up out of her sleeping bag, and sprinted over to him. Once she reached him she dropped to the ground, her eyes wide with concern and fear. She gently cupped his face with his hands and almost recoiled with shock; he was burning hot. “Inuyasha…?” she breathed out in horror.
Kagome's blue eyes narrowed quickly at that fact, worried but suspicious. How could a youkai have a fever?
Kagome bit her lip… he is hanyou after all... could that…?
Shaking her head, her mouth fixed at a straight line.
She swiped her hand over his forehead, pushing back his bangs from his eyes and studied him mortified amazement.
It was unnatural to Kagome's naïve eyes…
… and it scared the living shit out of her…
He looked, she thought with confused fascination, deathly ill to her, and it was something Kagome though impossible; she couldn't grasp it, couldn't comprehend it…
Youkai couldn't get sick… right?
Well that's what it seemed to her… and hell! He even told her that himself! Boasted about it even!
Yes, she knew for a fact youkai weren't affected by the simple illnesses like humans were, their bodies… their immune systems, they were so much more advanced and complex than that!
They couldn't be affected by the petty sicknesses that plague the human society.
So the question of the day was…should she try to wake him up?
Kagome nodded to herself. Yes, she should. She needed to know what else was wrong with him, if anything, and maybe she could fix it?
“Inuyasha?!” she called out softly but anxiously and she poked his cheek gently, cautiously.
No answer came but a feeble groan.
“Inuyasha?!?” her voice more loud this time.
Scanning him over, she reached out hesitantly and grasped his shoulder softly, and shook him gently as she called out to him more loudly. “Inuyasha…”
A groggy groan slipped out of his thin lips, but he still didn't wake up.
Kagome stared at him, the gears in her mind working as she searched for a way to wake her friend up.
Her eyes lit up playfully and despite the critical situation at hand, a wry smirk turned up on her face.
She learned closer to Inuyasha's ears, and whispered softly. “Ramen's ready…” she drawled out.
Inuyasha's eyes flashed open, and Kagome almost rolled her eyes.
Instead her eyes flickered to deep concern when she discovered the agonized sheen in the hanyou's amber eyes.
Inuyasha's eyelids fluttered in their struggle to keep open, and they squinted, as if trying to discern who exactly was hovering over him. “K…” he rasped out inaudibly.
Kagome's eyes blinked at the attempt to speak, and she leaned in closer. “What did you say?” she whispered out lowly, petting his bangs with her hand.
A clawed hand shot out to grab said hand, startling her slightly, and a blush coated her cheeks as the hand tightened slightly around hers; a calloused thumb rubbing across the back of her hand lightly, leaving a trail of tingling skin in its wake.
Inuyasha repeated himself, rasping out the word louder so it could be understood. “K…Ki-Kikyo…”
Kagome froze at the utterance of her incarnation's name, a pang hitting her heart as she bit her lip, clenching her other hand that lay atop of her lap, fisting the cloth of her pajamas.
Her form was stiff, and she unconsciously tugged her imprisoned hand back, recoiling from the hanyou's touch.
As if he knew something went wrong, Inuyasha's ears flattened and a frown settled on his thin lips.
Seeing this Kagome shook off her thoughts, her fist unclenching, and plastered a fake smile.
Neither of them saw the pair of green eyes watching sadly or heard the small sigh escape into the air.
Kagome slowly reached out and grabbed his hand gently, shaking her head softly. “No Inuyasha… its Kagome…”
Golden eyes fluttered open, peering back at her under long lashes and riddled with pain. “K-Ka… go… me?” he rasped out, sounding like a lost puppy.
Kagome bit her lip, her forehead creased with her worry, but hummed a `yes'. “Inuyasha? What's wrong?!” she asked him softly.
Inuyasha furrowed his eyebrows, and he tried steeling his face into one of indifference. “Noth…thiing…” he murmured gruffly, turning his head away and closing his eyes once Kagome narrowed her own at him.
Seeing him do that made her eye tick, and it kept on ticking as she waited.
Feeling slightly nervous, Inuyasha fidgeted slightly, and cracked an eye open to see what she was doing.
Kagome inwardly smiled triumphantly, but outwardly scowled. “Nothing…?” She repeated flatly, and continued without a response. “You are sick!” she pressed.
Inuyasha protested weakly. “Wha!... NO!... I ain't… si-“
Yes you are!” Kagome interrupted hotly.
Seeing him trying to protest further she beat him to it. “Look at yourself! You're as pale as your hair! You're sweating profusely, tossing in your sleep, and you're burning up!! YOU ARE SICK!!!”
Inuyasha didn't say a word, not wanting to set her off again, but Kagome could still see the denial shining in his eyes.
Kagome's shoulders fell in defeat. “Inuyasha… what is wrong…?” she repeated softly to him.
Inuyasha closed his eyes, and sighed. He opened his eyes to her again and swallowed thickly.. “I-I… don't… know…”
She scanned his face, trying to identify something that would indicate what made him this way. “You have a fever but that's all I can tell… does anything hurt? Or feel weird at all? Do you know what could cause this?” she tried to act calm, to mask her worry.
Inuyasha closed his eyes in thought. “I feel… exhausted. My… whole body is… ach…ing. I ain't… too sure… why… but it… could be… poison… or a spell…”
Kagome thought heavily about his answer. “It sounds like you have the flu on human terms… but not really. Ok look, this is what we'll do. You go and rest while I'll wake up everyone and we will go to Kaede-chan's stat.”
Inuyasha's eyes shot open and he shook his head. “Hell no!... I'ma half-demon… str-stronger than humans… I can…handle this! We… need ta look for shards! …. Not wa…waste our time on… worryin' bout me … and goin to Kaede-obaa's. I'll get… better before… then. We're stayin' …and that's… that.”
Kagome narrowed her eyes at him. “You are in no position to argue with me. We are taking you to Kaede-chan's whether we have to knock you out and drag you there or not is your choice. “
He shook his head stubbornly.
Kagome snapped. “Why not?!? I'm just trying to help you!!” she shouted at him furiously.
Inuyasha stared back at her, the fire in his eyes still churning wildly as he stood his ground. He searched his friend's eyes, and upon seeing the steely determination paired with the concern, he sighed and backed down. He was fighting a losing battle so he might as well concede. He relaxed. “Feh, whatever… it's obvious I ain't gotta choice in this…”
Kagome smirked slightly. “That's right… you don't.”
Inuyasha closed his eyes. “Keh…”
Kagome studied him, before shaking her head. She rose, and proceeded to wake everyone up.
Once everyone was awake, they stood a ways from Inuyasha so they wouldn't disturb him as he rested.
Kagome regarded Sango and Miroku seriously, the maturity and wisdom she gained over time spent there in the Sengoku Era showing their colors.
“This is what we'll do… I'll take Inuyasha-kun to go to Kaede-chan to see if she'll know what happened to him, and hopefully that will be all we have to. But,” She looked troubled. “in case she doesn't have an answer or a clue, I need both of you,” She glanced at both Sango and Miroku. “to go find Jinenji-kun.”
Kagome glanced at Shippo. “Shippo-kun, I need you to go along with them incase they can't find Jinenji-kun. Your nose would be useful to them, more so than if you're with me.”
Shippo stared at her uncertainly, not liking being away from her, but nodded. He'd do what she told him, and he'll make her proud. “You can count on me Kagome-chan!” he said cheerfully.
Kagome smiled at him softly.
Miroku looked at Kagome worriedly. “Are you sure Kagome-chan? It's going to be only you and Kirara seeing as Inuyasha is in no condition to fight.”
Said hanyou twitched and he cracked his eye open, his ear was tilted in their direction. “I heard that monk! I'm cursed or poisoned or somethin'… not deaf!”
Miroku sweatdropped. He held up his hands in a surrendering gesture. “I apologize Inuyasha! But it just isn't safe for Kagome-chan to go alone like that.”
Kagome shook her head. “I won't be alone.”
Inuyasha brightened.
Kagome crouched and gathered up Kirara in her palms. She grinned. “I have Kirara-chan with me, see?”
Inuyasha twitched and mumbled about how no on appreciated.
Sango giggled and shook her head. She sobered up. “Are you sure?” she asked seriously.
The grin faded from Kagome's face and she nodded confidently. “Absolutely.” She smiled carelessly, waving off their concern. “It's only a days travel so don't worry,.. what can go wrong in a day? Plus, I have my bows and arrows handy with me so I'm good.”
Kagome looked up in the sky, and saw that the sun was still to the east, meaning that it was still early in the morning. “We better get going, we need to figure out what's going on as soon as possible. Be safe you guys. “
“You too Kagome-chan! Kirara-chan! And Inuyasha-kun!” they chorused together, and Shippo ran up to hug Kagome one last time before they departed, Kirara jumping onto Kagome's shoulder so she wouldn't get crushed.
Kagome hugged Shippo back gently. “Be careful Shippo-kun, and do your best to protect Sango-chan and Miroku-kun... got it?”
Shippo nodded eagerly, his emerald eyes sparkling. “Got it Kagome-chan!” And with a last hug Shippo jumped off of Kagome and scurried after Sango and Miroku, who disappeared in the opposite direction of Kaede's village.
Kagome looked over to her shoulder, where Kirara was sitting, and clapped. “Ok let's get this show on the road!”
Kirara nodded. “Mew!” She leaped off Kagome's shoulders and transformed, before she pranced over to Inuyasha and crouched low to the ground. Kagome walked over and with the help of Kirara and Inuyasha, they shifted him from his previous place to the ground to Kirara's back.
Kagome grabbed her backpack and shouldered it, before mounted on Kirara, sitting behind Inuyasha so she could make sure he wouldn't fall over. Kagome gave Kirara the go ahead. “Ok Kirara-chan, we're ready.”
Kirara glanced back and nodded. “Meow!”
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1,946 Words
Heh yea… I know the ending kinda sucked lol. I didn't know what else to put lol. Oh well, the next chappy is sure to be interesting.
Take care,
--Review Replies—
Well, a special thanks to these reviewers!
Ishellmay- thanks!! Yeaa when I write I tend to be all over the place. I know how to do tenses of course but I type insanely fast when I get my ideas, and letters get skipped and tenses suffer lol. And when I proofread I really never do a very good job lol and I miss things. Usually my computer picks it up and tells me along with the spelling errors, but even then some are missed. But thanks for the advice!! Much appreciated!!
Volleygirl07- Yay!! Thanks, I usually don't write like all deep and philosophical like that, and write chapters that are all mysterious… lol it was fun hahah! Thanks again!!