InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mai na Neka ❯ * Chapter 16 * (Mai na Neka, destroyed?) ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

* Chapter 16 *

(Mai na Neka, destroyed?)


"H-Ho-w…how did you do that?" `S*it I underestimated the Kami, how the hell does she have control over the hanyou anyways?'

"You do realize that I am a kami? Don't you?"

"D*mnit! I won't be defeated, go a head and do your best!"

"Very well. Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha I want you to take my friends to safety and don't come back."

"No way in hell B*tch! There is NO WAY you are going to take all the credit! Right Sesshoumaru?!?!"

"Inuyasha…let's just do as Kagome says, it's not worth getting you butt kicked or your face slammed into the floor. Come on half-breed you grab the monk, I got the demon exterminator and kit." With that Sesshoumaru grabbed Sango with his right arm and grabbed Shippo with his tail and ran fast out the door.

"Sesshoumaru, you B*stard! I can't believe you are going with this B*tch's plan! … Feh!" Inuyasha suddenly grabbed Miroku and flowed Sesshoumaru's scent at top speed to try to catch up with his brother.


~With Kagome and Lady Nieka~

"Let's get this over with, shall we Lady Nieka?"

"Very well. YOU DIE NOW!"

(FYI I am not good at making fighting scenes.)

Lady Nieka ran towards Kagome much faster than Kagome imagined, she nearly dodged the blow from Lady Nieka. As Lady Nieka started for another charge, Kagome noticed that she had a very small youkai aura.

`She must have youkai blood in her, no wonder she is so fast. I guess I have to take this fight seriously.'

Kagome just kept on dodging each blow Lady Nieka was handing out. (If you need a picture imagine Sesshoumaru dodging Inuyasha, except switch the characters to Sesshoumaru as Kagome and Inuyasha as Lady Nieka.) She was really getting tired of all this as well.

`Kami! I thought she would be a challenge! Oh well, I guess I should end this. I guess I should take out the whole town to…'

* Sigh *

Kagome started to glow a bright gold, and soon the entire cell was glowing gold as well.

"I hope you like Hell Lady Nieka, because you are going there very soon. But don't fret because you won't be alone."


~With the others~

Sesshoumaru was running so fast that no one could see him and when he finally stopped he was five miles away from Mai na Neka. Shortly after Inuyasha caught up with he, very out of breath. Sesshoumaru had already let go of Sango and Shippo scampered up to his shoulder and wouldn't get down, so Sesshoumaru just left it at that.



"Why the hell are we so far away from the town?"

"You will find out soon."

"What's that suppose to mean?"


"D*mnit Sesshoumaru tell me!"





All of the sudden a blinding gold light could be seen, and it was coming from Mai na Neka. When the light cleared what was a forest was now a barren wasteland, it only stopped five feet before the inu group. In the center of the huge circle of wasteland, there was no town, just a gold light.

"D*mnit what happened?"

"That, dear brother was why I left and took us five miles away from Mai na Neka."

"What happened Sesshoumaru-sama?" Miroku said for the first time while he was there.

"Yes, I would also like to know Sesshoumaru-sama." Sango said with curiosity in her voice.

"Kagome destroyed everything. By combining the powers of the miko, elements, and of the kami."

"So it destroyed everything?"

"No monk, Kagome is still alive. The gold light you see in the center is her."

"Wow, mommy is soooo cool!"

And everyone had to agree with Shippo on that, even Sesshoumaru though he would never admit it."

(End of Chapter)

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