InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Married to a Hanyou? ❯ The Wedding ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha…


I think my fic was accidentally deleted, don't know why, but here it is again!






Kagome is 17, and Inu Yasha `21', just so you know their age in my story.




Has this ever happened to you? You think you are doing something good. You want to teach one of your dearest friends a lesson. In a way that they must understand that they should either start or stop doing something. That something being that it is good for them, or something that it is bad for them. But, don't you hate it when things do not turn out the way they should? When things get messy and you get in trouble for trying to keep your friend out of trouble?


How ironic isn't it? You try to do something good-for your friend-and it backfires? That sure does make one wonder who really learns this lesson.


Take Sango and Miroku as an example. They had really tried to do something good for their friends, but maybe they are not so great when it comes to `helping.' I mean, who would have thought that the wedding meant to be a prank-with a lesson in mind of course-turn out to be as real as the sun and the moon?


"Well if you stop moving, I would not hurt you so much!" Kagome barked as Inu Yasha yelped at yet another of her attempts to try and ease the pain that Kagura had caused on a recent battle.


"It only hurts when you touch it!" He said in return. His chest burned and he lied; it really didn't matter what she did, it hurt no matter what. But if he was suffering-for her in the first place-shouldn't he at least get something out of it? Like her anger? Somehow that managed to ease his pain a tiny bit.


"Oh that's it!" Kagome snapped, "That's it! I am trying to be nice, and patient and-Inu Yasha," She took a deep breath and prayed for patience, "Inu Yasha, just let me wipe away the last drops of blood and-"


"It will heal by itself!"


"What's the matter with you? You are never like this with your other wounds."


He pushed her hands away, "Well none of my wounds were caused thanks to you and Koga."


"Not this again… Don't you understand? I had to help him, Kagura was-"


"And you risked your life trying to save him?" He growled.


"I was not risking my life, I-"


"Well, bitch, then why did I have to move you away before one of her attacks struck you?"


"I was distracted-I"


"Enough!" He pushed her hands away yet again, and she glared him in return to his rudeness.


Sango and Miroku were both outside the hut in which Kagome and Inu Yasha yelled. Miroku wondered if Shippo could hear their screams from the forest. The little guy had wanted to go there and be alone for a while. At least someone was relaxing.


Sango sighed and rolled her eyes, "I am getting tired of this, aren't you Miroku? I mean, they are always fighting, there is nothing new about that, but now it's getting pretty annoying. I mean, for one thing: It is obvious that they like each other, so why bother with all this, uh, I don't know what you call it."


The monk shrugged, "They are both getting frustrated that's all. Keeping their feelings from each other is proving to be hell."


"So you agree with me? Well we do now that Kagome likes him, and to tell you the truth, I have no idea why. But Inu Yasha? He is different isn't he? Or do you actually believe that he feels something more than plain possessiveness because Koga would actually be good to her?"


He smiled, "Oh trust me he likes her, but he is what you call stubborn. His problem is that he feels guilty because Kikyou is dead. The idiot thinks he still loves her, but I don't think that's exactly true. He lies to himself; his guilt is clouding his mind. But the heart never lies, my dear Sango, it never lies."


Sango's mouth was slightly ajar and when she realized this, she quickly closed it. "Wow, you seem to know too much monk. I am beginning to worry that there is actually more to you than meets the eye."


He grinned, "And what meets the eye, my dear Sango?"


She frowned, "I am not your dear!" She ignored his question.


He noticed this but decided to not point it out. He leaned against a tree, "But if you were to ask me that question…"


"I won't!"


The door suddenly opened and a fiery Kagome walked out. She was fuming, and she looked at both of them. "Do you know what the ass just said to me?" She took a deep breath, but not enough to make her calm down. "I told him to stop being immature; to grow up, you know?"


Sango nodded.


"Well the ass-well he said, `A virgin should not be talking about growing up.' What the hell? So what right?"


Miroku nodded.


"So what if I am? Then I told him that I am because I well, that I have decided to wait for the right guy, and that it was none of his business."


"Nothing wrong with that." Sango added.


"And then he-he." She paused for air, "And then he laughs at me, in my face. He says-"


She was interrupted by Inu Yasha himself, "I tell her the truth that she is just a stupid little girl; she is the one who has to grow up, her fantasy about finding prince charming is a little girl's dream."


Kagome faced him, "Oh really? Well sorry for believing in true love you ass! Sorry for actually thinking that me-Kagome Higurashi-will one day find someone special!"




"Oh that's it! I am going home and don't expect to see me any time soon. You are being impossible Inu Yasha! Impossible!" She went inside the hut to get her belongings, and as she walked past him, he took her arm roughly.


"Coward. See? Only little girls flee from arguments."


"Me a coward? I have never been a coward in my life! In fact I will show you, I am staying despite the fact that I am angry with you, I will stay."


Inu Yasha shrugged, "Feh! Like I care." With that he left to who knew where.


Kagome on the other hand was beginning to feel stupid, was he right? Was she being stupid? He was right there was no prince charming, and that was not what she wanted anyway. He was far from being one that was for sure. She could not believe how she'd fallen for him; she loved him of all people/hanyou. He was right, she was so very stupid, but who was the bigger idiot?


The one who is in love with a bitch; a real dead bitch. She answered herself. Sango and Miroku were both giving her strange looks, like they were not so sure what to expect of her, she smiled inwardly, no she was not an idiot.


Miroku and Sango were both a little freaked when Kagome gave them the most hypocritical smile ever. "Well guys, I'll see you later all right? I am going to see what Shippo is up to." Her voice was so unnaturally cheerful, it stung Miroku's ears.


Once she was out of earshot, he turned to Sango. "You are right; this is getting beyond annoying so we have to stop this."




"A lesson. That is all that it takes for someone to learn something, in this case Kagome and Inu Yasha."


"What do you want to do monk?" She said suspiciously.


"It's a little complicated, but with your help, I can do anything." He winked at her and it caused her to blush.


She cleared her throat to hide her embarrassment, "Ok, but first you have to tell me what it is. Then I'll decide if I'll help you or not."


"Tell me this Sango, which is the best way to learn a lesson? A) Many opportunities to `proof yourself' or B) a prank?"


"It has to be a prank of course."


"Precisely, and something just came to me… what if we make them believe that they are married?"


Sango's expression dulled, "How are you expecting for that to happen? I find it, hmm, I don't know. Impossible maybe?"


"Hmm, trust me it can be done. You see, I know this monk that will do anything for money."


"Someone like you?"


"Worse. Anyway, he'll do anything as long as there is money involved. Including posing as a priest."


Sango laughed, "You really serious aren't you?"


"Well aren't you? I mean, besides the lesson they shall learn-"


"The lesson that they need to admit their feelings to each other."


"That too, well besides-"


"And they will learn to respect one another."


"Well yes, anything you want. Besides all of that, we will enjoy seeing them go through it."


"The best part will be when we tell them the truth."


They both laughed. "I need your help to work this thing all out."


"And my help you shall have."


They shook hands, but Sango had to slap Miroku when she felt his other hand rub her derriere.



Exactly a week later…



It was done; this was going to be perfect. The `priest' was going to marry them and they would have to learn to act like people for once, and stop being stupid.


"I don't get it Miroku, how are we going to make them say yes?"


Miroku mulled things in his mind, "My friend, Paul, sent me a letter yesterday telling me that he already had the perfect plan: All I had to do was give him the money right after the `reception.' So do not worry about it, he has it all under control."


"So, he will be waiting for us?"


"Yes, so all we have to do is pretend we don't know what's going on, and follow along."


For some reason, Sango did not get a good feeling about this, it was as if something in the pit of her stomach warned her that things were not going to go out the way they planned them to. Her dubious thoughts were soon forgotten when she saw Miroku talking to a very beautiful woman.


"I saw a demon, good sir, help me, I beg thou to help me!"


Miroku pretended to be concerned as he took her into his arms, "Now my lovely, do not worry because I shall help you."


"Oh thank you good sir, thank you so much!"


She almost kneeled but Miroku stopped her from doing that. "Then let us go then."


"Miroku!" Sango sputtered, "Come over here!"


He went to her while the woman looked uncertainly towards them. "What is it?"

"What is it?! You lecherous, cynical-"


"Care to tell me why you are so upset about?"


She rolled her eyes, "Forget it, and forget about her. Inu Yasha and Kagome remember? We are supposed to be heading towards the mountain that leads to Naraku's castle, where your friend the `priest' is supposed to be waiting for us." She poked his ribs to emphasize her point.


Miroku gently padded her shoulder, "You can handle this Sango, I shall meet all of you soon. Don't worry, it's only half of the prank, I will finish up the rest."


He walked away and Sango's eyes widened in disbelief, "Miroku! Wait!"


He did exactly that, "I believe in you; you can do it."


Sango gave him what she thought was her deathly glare, "You idiot, stop being your lecherous self and come with me!"


Miroku decided she was right, although that woman was beautiful…


"You are leaving?!" The woman's desperate protest made him think it over.


He looked at Sango, "I cannot leave a damsel in distress…"


"Nor my grandmother." The woman added.


"You heard her."


Sango had had it, "All right then, you insolent monk. I'll let you go help this `damsel in distress.'" She stormed away as she ridded away with Kilala.


Miroku sighed, "You can do it Sango."



Sango fumed as she walked in silence with Inu Yasha and Kagome. Not that they were helping either: They were both at it again.


"How could you Inu Yasha?! How could you?!"


"Well it isn't my damn fault I saw you taking a bath on that stupid spring!"


Kagome looked away, "Well you are not supposed to-to see me when I am showering okay?" She mumbled, "When I am naked for that matter."


His hearing was perfect so he heard everything, "Feh! As if I like seeing you naked!"


"Well you're like a dog! Shouldn't you have smelled that I was near?"


"Now you are blaming it on me!"


"I'm only saying-"


"Hey you said I was a dog! Not dog, wench, get it through your head. I am a half dog demon."


She sighed in defeat, "You know what? Forget it, okay?! Let's just walk in silence at least `till we reach the mountain, ok?"


He didn't answer.


Shippo who had been walking with Kagome tugged her skirt slightly. "Kagome are you upset?"


"No of course not, only a bit at Inu Yasha. But not at you ok?"


He seemed content to hear this. "By the way Sango, where is Miroku?"


Sango sighed, "Uh-he'll come soon don't worry."



Dead silence, that's how their walk had been. As they reached the mountain, a man about sixty years old, short, and plump sat on a boulder. He looked agitated and lost. The black robes clearly indicated that he was a priest, but Sango was not fooled and knew exactly who he was.


She noticed their surroundings and saw how the beautiful scenery actually fitted a wedding. Well at least that dense priest had set the fake reception on a beautiful place.


He surprised everyone when he suddenly stood up. Shippo noticed how fatigued and distressed he looked. The priest wiped away drops of sweat from his forehead, and drank some water he had.


"You've finally decided to show up." He eyed Kagome and Inu Yasha. He then turned to Sango and Shippo, "Are you two the witnesses?"


Everyone was confused save for Sango, "Yes."


"What's going on?" Inu Yasha was the one who asked.


"You took too long, I was almost sure you had been caught by your parents."


He looked for something in his robes, and a pair of spectacles appeared. Once they were on him, he gasped as he took a better look at Inu Yasha.


"What is this?" He tiptoed as he touched one of his ears.


Inu Yasha slapped his hand away, "Careful old man, not because you're a priest means I'll let you insult me."


"But I mean no insult, I am only surprised that-well" He looked flustered and scared. Inu Yasha smelled the fear in him, and smiled.


"Oh don't worry, he is not dangerous." Kagome soothed the poor man.


The priest drank more water, "You-you are a demon!" He stammered.


"Damn straight." Inu Yasha confirmed.


Kagome frowned at him and turned to the priest, "No, he is a hanyou, he is not-"


"A hanyou?!" The priest took a very long breath.


"He is not dangerous." Kagome said again.


"Let's go already!" Inu Yasha said as he began walking.


"Wait!" The raspy old man's voice called. "It is my duty to do what I must. Now…" He stood as straight and as tall as he could, "If you would please stand in front of me, so that we can get this done."


Kagome had no idea what the man wanted, but since Inu Yasha was being rude, she decided to comply


"You-you too young man."


"I don't have to-"


"Go Inu Yasha!" Sango ordered. The edge of her voice made for some unknown reason, Inu Yasha obey.


He stood in front of the priest and next to Kagome.


Shippo found it hilarious how nervous the priest looked; it was no big deal being a hanyou. Take him for example; he was a fox demon and the old man had not even acknowledged that fact.


But Kagome says I look cute. He reminded himself.


The priest cleared his throat and fixed his spectacles, "Well then…" He gulped when he saw Inu Yasha smirk.


The man looked at the young woman that would soon be the hanyou's wife and he feared for her. He wondered what kind of demon got into her, to make her want to marry a half-demon. He could not believe this: He was about to bless a matrimony of an innocent human girl, to a half-demon. This was a cruel joke from the fates, and he could do nothing of it since he had already agreed to do this a month ago. A debt had to be repaid, but he really wished he was not doing this.


"Well what is it priest?" The raven-haired girl asked.


He sighed, no wonder her parents opposed to their wedding, he thought. But I should at least try to help her out of this.


"Young lady…your name is?"


"Kagome Higurashi."


The priest nodded and soon shook his head, "Do you really wish to-to" He could not even say the word `marry', "Do you-I mean?" He made movement with his hands and tried to explain what he was trying to say.


Kagome saw his gestures and thought that he was trying to tell her if she really wanted to go to the mountain. She was confused, there was no real danger until they reached Naraku's castle. "Of course there is no reason why I should not-"


"Stop!" The old man blurted out.


Sango was beginning to feel confused like everyone else, what was going on? Why was Miroku's friend acting so weird? Hadn't Miroku told him that Inu Yasha was a half-demon?


"All right! We are loosing time, let's go already!" Inu Yasha pulled Kagome's arm.


The priest took this as a wrong sign, the hanyou wanted to consummate with her already and they were not even wed yet? Well this he would most certainly not allow!


"Wait!" He turned to Kagome again, "Now child, I do not know how he convinced you, but are you sure you want to mar-"


"Do you want to go to the mountain or not?" Sango cut in.


"Of course there is nothing wrong with me and Inu Yasha-"


"All right then!" The priest snapped, "If you think you are ready, then there is no reason why you two should not-look just give me both of your hands."


Kagome did this, and poked at Inu Yasha so he would do the same thing. They were both surprised when the priest made them hold hands.


"What is he doing?" Inu Yasha mouthed at Kagome.


She shrugged and mouthed back, "A blessing so that everything goes well?"


Shippo was beginning to wonder the same very thing especially when he saw the priest get large necklace made of white flowers. For some reason this reminded him of something, something that his parents told them happened at… at where? I can't remember.


Sango on the other hand was impressed; at first she had thought that this fraud was going to mess everything up, but once she saw the necklace made of flowers-well even she was starting to buy this marriage. She could not wait to tell them that it was a joke, once they suffered a little of course.


"One more time," The priest said exasperated, "He is dangerous… he…"


"I am not!" Inu Yasha snapped, "I would never harm her!"


The priest's shoulder slumped, the man had just said his wedding vows, "And you, young lady?"


"Me? Well I am always by his side!"


The old man solemnly nodded, "It is done then, you have my blessing, Kagome and Inu Yasha. You have my blessing." He touched both of their foreheads and made a sign towards the heavens. Then he took the necklace and put it around both of their held hands.


He gave Kagome one last sympathetic look before he said, "Take care, and do not let him hurt you. In fact there is still time, you two have not--"


"It's okay Father." Sango said.


Kagome was too confused to answer back. Instead, she silently watched as he walked away. Why did he look so sad and defeated? He had looked at her with sympathy. She suddenly felt Inu Yasha pull away the beautiful necklace. When it was off him, he stared her in the eye, and she had to force herself not to flinch when she noticed how angry he looked.


"Inu Yasha what's wrong?"


"I am stupid that's what's wrong," He bellowed, "I can't believe this! I cannot believe this!" He was soon out of sight.


"What's wrong with him?" Kagome asked Sango.


Sango shrugged innocently.



Inu Yasha ran towards the forest. He should be going up and not down; he knew that, but he had to clear his mind and stay away from her. Did I just get married? He asked himself. Of course he had: but in the human way, that was the reason he had not been able to tell that he was on a wedding-his wedding to be exact. Demons had a very different perspective when they `wed' their mates, and Kagome was not his mate.


How could this have happened to him? He had really thought that the priest wanted to pray for them or something, but this, well this was just crazy. He had just married Kagome without noticing, not until the old man had said, `You have my blessing'. He had only heard that once and that had been a long time ago when he had been passing by a village in where two people had just been married. That priest had said the exact same thing. The flowers supposedly symbolized their love and unity.


He shook his head vigorously, "This can't be! It can't be!" His blood ran cold as he remembered yet again the cursed words that priest had said. `You have my blessing.'



A/N so what do you think? Should I continue or delete? Please tell me what you think by reviewing.