InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marrying a Hanyou ❯ The Breakup ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha

Marrying a Hanyou
Chapter 13: The Breakup

Monday at school was a drag for everyone. Shippo was depressed, to say the least. Not being able to talk to Kirara, and the fact that Eri wouldn’t stop following him around weighed on his mind.

“Could ya stop following me around?!” Shippo snapped at Eri, when she followed him to his locker. She looked shocked.

“What do you mean stop following you, you’re my boyfriend,” she said. Shippo huffed, putting his hands on her shoulders. “I know, but don’t you think we spend enough time together? Don’t you wanna spend time with your friends?” he questioned.

Eri thought about it for a minute. “Now that you mention it, it’s been a while since I spent any time with Kikyo,” she answered.

Shippo nodded as Kirara caught his attention. “Why…don’ go do that then,” he said, watching her go into her locker.

Eri started to smile but noticed he wasn’t looking at her. Following his gaze, she saw what he was looking at, or should I say whom.

“Oh that’s why you’re trying to get rid of me so that you can go be with her. You know what, why don’t you go talk to her then?!” she yelled and stormed off. Shippo shook his head and rolled his eyes.

‘She is really getting on my nerves,’ he thought gathering his books from his locker. ‘If I’m ever going to make things right with Kirara, I’ve gotta break things off with Eri,’. He slammed his locker door shut and walked to class.

Kirara had seen and heard the whole exchange and had to resist the urge to whoop Eri’s ass again. She was cautious walking to 1st period. ‘I hope Manten’s not here today…’ she thought. ‘I want to talk to Shippo, but I can’t risk his safety….’

Memories from Saturday night flooded into her mind.

::. “Kagome, I’m scared…I should have never agreed to be Manten’s girlfriend!” she cried.

Kagome pulled her into a hug. “It’s gonna be ok Kirara….but you really should tell Shippo,” she assured. “You don’t get it Kagome….Manten has friends everywhere. If I did tell Shippo, he would know it!” she exclaimed.::

‘Oh my God…what if he finds out I told Kagome?!’ she gasped with the sudden realization.

‘I seriously put Kagome in danger! What am I going to do?!’ her bottom lip quivered as tears filled her eyes.


Kagome bit back a frightened screamed as Ryokoutse slammed her into a locker. “I heard that bitch Kirara telling you what’s been going on between her and Manten,” he growled.

Tears came into Kagome’s eyes. What a great day for Inuyasha not to come to school with her! It didn’t help that the halls were empty, or that her locker was at the end of them.

“I..I don’t know what you’re talking about!” she denied. Ryokoutse punched the locker, creating a dent in it.

“Don’t lie to me!” he snarled. Kagome had begun to cry. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” she exclaimed.

He gave her a murderous glare that shut her up. “Yell again and see what happens. Now tell me the truth,”

“I told you I don’t know that you are talking about,” Kagome insisted fearfully. Ryokoutse suddenly smirked, then grabbed a handful of her hair.

He sniffed it, then let it dangle in his fingers. “Your hair smells and feels good,” he began. He looked her up and down, eyeing her short skirt and V-neck tee. “and you’re not bad looking either. I wonder how you would feel,” he said in her ear.

Kagome looked at him, scared out of her mind. “W-what do you mean?” she asked. Ryokoutse kept the smirk on his face.

“Maybe I should do to you what Manten is gonna do to Kirara. After all, you are such great friends, why not experience the same thing?” he licked her ear.

More tears flooded down her face as she shook her head frantically. “Please no…” she sobbed out.

Ryokoutse opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by a voice.

“Hey Kagome,”

The two looked to see Tristan heading their way. Kagome thanked the heavens. “Hi Tristan…” she said quietly.

He noted the tears in her eyes, and gave Ryokoutse a hard glare. He knew the boy was bad news….

“Why are you crying?” he inquired. Ryokoutse spoke up. “We were exchanging jokes. I guess mine was pretty hilarious, because Kagome laughed so hard she cried,” he lied, glaring at Kagome.

She nodded in agreement. Tristan gave him a look that cried bullshit, but just nodded.

“Well I gotta head to class, I’ll catch you two later,” Ryokoutse then said, turning to leave.

“Yeah, me too. See you later Kagome,” Tristan said. Kagome nodded quietly, watching him leave her alone in the halls.


Inuyasha arrived to school late, due to some business he had to handle pertaining to his father. He’d rather not let Kagome come alone; with everything considered, but figured she’d hook up with Sango, Ayame, or Rin.

When he walked into the building, the bell rang out, signaling the end of first hour. He immediately walked over to Kagome’s locker. “Hey Kags,” he placed a kiss on her cheek.

“Hey,” she returned half-heartedly. Inuyasha frowned. “What’s wrong?” he asked, then caught a scent.

“Have you been crying?” Kagome avoided his gaze, sighing out, “No,”

He growled low in his throat. She was lying. “Don’t lie to me wench. What happened?!” he demanded.

“Nothing, Yash. I gotta go to class, see you later,” she closed her locker and walked away without a second glance.

Inuyasha wanted to go after her, stop her and demand answers but didn’t feel like arguing. He started towards his locker when he was stopped.

“Hey Yash,” Inuyasha was surprised to see Tristan.

“Hey Tristan, what’s up?” he asked. Tristan had a somber expression on his face as he approached him.

“It’s about Kagome,” he got right to the point. Inuyasha glared. “What about her?”

“Earlier, I saw her and Ryokoutse talking by the lockers….but Kagome was crying. Ryokoutse tried to tell me he was telling her jokes, but I don’t believe that bullshit lie,” Tristan stated.

Inuyasha’s growl was so loud it startled students down the hall from them. “Nani?! What the fuck was Ryokoutse doing near Kagome?!” he all but yelled. Tristan gave a shrug, but frowned.

“I don’t know, but whatever it was it wasn’t good.”

‘No wonder I smelled fear all over Kagome’s person….I’m gonna kill Ryokoutse, right after I get some answers from Kagome.’ Inuyasha thought with determination.

After gathering his books, he went to his class, impatiently waiting on the dismissal bell.

By some miracle, the class zipped by and he was the first out the classroom. He wasted no time stalking over to Kagome’s locker. She was there, placing books inside the locker.

Taking her arm firmly but gently, he spun her around. “What did Ryokoutse say to you?” he demanded.

Kagome’s eyes widened considerably, which let him know something indeed happen.
“N-nothing….he just told some jokes and-”

“Kagome, I swear on everything that’s holy….WHAT DID RYOKOUTSE SAY TO YOU?!?!”

Tears began to slip down Kagome’s cheek making him even angrier. “Just…tell me what happened,” Inuyasha lowered his voice.

“He…threatened me…” it came out as a mere whisper, but Inuyasha heard perfectly. “WHAT?!”

People were now staring. “It’s because of Kirara. He….” Kagome broke into tears. Inuyasha took her into a comforting hug, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

“That son of a bitch won’t get anywhere near you Kags, not while I’m here,” he reassured.

Sango and Miroku made their appearance, and was on high alert when they saw Kagome in tears. “Kagome? What’s wrong?” Sango inquired, her voice laced with worry. Kagome said nothing but held Inuyasha tighter.

“What’s exactly happened Inuyasha?” Miroku asked. “Ryokoutse. He threatened her,” Inuyasha answered.


Miroku cracked his knuckles, angry. “I’ll give him something to threaten,” Inuyasha shook his head. “No, his ass is mine,” he snarled.


Later at lunch Shippo found Eri talking to her friends. “Eri, we need to talk,” he stated once he approached her.

“You sure you’re not talking about that piece of trash over there?” she snapped nodding in Kirara’s direction. Shippo rolled his eyes.

“Can you get over Kirara?” he snapped back. “Me?! You’re the one who won’t get over her! It’s not my fault she was dumb enough to start dating Manten! And it’s not my fault you chose me over her! So, if you’re going to be my boyfriend then you need to pay more attention to ME and less on HER!” Eri exclaimed.

Shippo had it. “That’s it! I don’t want to be your boyfriend! Not anymore!” he yelled. Eri let out a frustrated gasp.

Kirara looked up from her tray and watched the scene unfold.

“A-are you breaking up with me?” Eri asked. “Naw, I’m listening to myself talk!” Shippo snapped sarcastically. “It’s over between us, Eri,” Shippo took his tray and walked off, leaving Eri to stew in her humiliation.

Kirara couldn’t help the smile that crept onto her face. But it didn’t last for long, because Eri snarled and lunged at her.

Kirara was caught off guard as Eri flew right on top of her, knocking her out of her seat.

“YOU SLUTTY WHORE!!!!!” Eri screamed as she began punching Kirara in her head. “YOU’LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU’VE DONE!!!!”

Kirara tried pushing her off but failed as Eri pulled on her hair and hit her in the face.
“YOU JUST COULDN’T STAY OUT OF THE WAY! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU BITCH!!!” Eri hit Kirara even harder as she screamed.

Kirara was tired of getting beat and tired of Eri’s mouth. She snapped.

Using her feet, she pushed Eri off her, sending her falling backwards. Kirara jumped up, an angry and hateful snarl on her face. Jumping on top of Eri se screamed, “MY TURN YOU TRAMP!”

She punched Eri in the nose, instantly breaking it. Eri cried out from the pain as blood squirted out her nose. But Kirara didn’t stop there.


Eri reached up and grabbed her by the throat, effectively choking her. Kirara let go of her hair and began choking her also.

“YOU WHORE!!!!” Kirara pulled her fist back and punched Eri straight in the eye. Eri grabbed her eyes, screaming, “MY EYE!!!”

Kirara grabbed Eri’s head and started banging it on the table. Everyone stood cheering them on. Shippo tried to get through the crowd but was having great difficulty.

Kirara stopped banging her head and wrapped Eri’s hair around her hand and started punching her. “Shippo’s mine, get over it,” she mumbled before dropping the girl and began kicking her.

Shippo finally got through the crowd and grabbed Kirara. “LET ME GO I’M NOT DONE!!!!” Shippo ignored her protests as he shouldered her and carried her out of the cafeteria.

Everyone stared at Eri, who was in pretty bad shape. Ginta and Hakkaku ran over to her and picked her up.

She had bruises, scratches all over her face and her nose was bleeding profusely.

Ginta looked at her beaten form, feeling sorry for her. ‘Damn Kirara, you’re gonna be in some trouble,’ he thought.

Next: Shippo vs. Manten

*Dodges tomatoes* Sorry for the long wait….college is a bitch….literally. Hehe. Please R & R, a little feedback motivates me to update faster and lets me know what’s on your minds.
