InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marrying a Hanyou ❯ PARTY!!! ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I want to let this fact be known, so no confusion comes my way, but I have an account and account. On I go by inuluv922 and on I go by kyonkichi-luver. Don’t want anyone to think I’m plagiarizing my own story, lol.

Disclaimer: He ain’t mine……

Marrying a Hanyou
Chapter 12: Party!!!!

Later that day Kagome and Inuyasha moved into their new house. The movers had already moved their belongings from both Inuyasha and Kagome’s houses to their house.

“Man, I can’t wait until the party tomorrow night!” Inuyasha told Kagome while wiping the sweat from his forehead. The two were setting up the basement for the upcoming party.

Inuyasha had on some baggy shorts on with no shirt, while Kagome had on a sports bra with short shorts.

“Me neither. Its about time we unwind a little. Are you hiring a DJ?” Kagome asked. “I would, but Joey has been begging me to let him DJ at one of my parties.” Inuyasha responded.

“Joey Wheeler? He any good?” Kagome took a swig of her Powerade. Inuyasha sighed.

“I hope so….” he wiped his face. “Well, we’re finished for now. Lets go,” Kagome stood up and walked up the stairs. Inuyasha followed, turning off the light on the way.

‘I hope Shippo and Kirara work out their problem…’ he thought.

-That next day, and hour before the party-

Kirara stood looking in the mirror at her outfit: a black tube top that stopped at her stomach, a pleated blue jean miniskirt, and black peep toe heels.

Her hair was a cascade of curls and her makeup was conservative. There was only one problem.

‘What am I going to do about this bruise?’ she thought staring at the big purple bruise on her cheek, the result of Manten’s recent rape attempt. She didn’t have any foundation to cover it up either.

‘More than likely Shippo is going to be there. And I know he’s going to ask about it. I’ll just say me and my brother were play fighting. Yea, that’ll do,’ she sighed.

“The only reason I’m going is because of Kagome,” she reassured herself as she grabbed her keys and left.


Kagome finished putting the finishing touches on the decorations. Inuyasha walked into the basement towel drying his hair, clad in baggy blue jeans and nothing else. He noticed Kagome on her tip-toes trying to get something.

She had obviously went back to the mall and bough that green halter dress she tried on t earlier that week. He smirked at the fact that the skirt of the dress was hiked up her leg, and couldn’t resist walking up behind her and slapping her behind.

She shrieked as she fell down. Inuyasha smiled smugly as he glanced down at her, “Man Kagome can’t you keep your balance?”

She looked up angrily before sticking her foot out and tripping him. Inuyasha fell face first into the carpeted floor.

“What the fuck was that for?!” he demanded. Kagome silenced him with a glare.

“For slapping my butt and making me fall!” she snapped back. “Don’t act like you didn’t like it,” Inuyasha smirked. Kagome rolled her eyes and got up. “I’m gonna go finish getting ready,” she announced walking up the stairs.

Inuyasha was getting up when he heard the doorbell ring. ‘Who the fuck is it? The party doesn’t start for another two hours!’ he thought.

“I got it Kagome!” he called walking to the front door. “Who is it?” he snapped. “Open the door Inuyasha,” came the calm and deep voice of his older brother.

“And if I don’t?” Inuyasha challenged. Finally, he wouldn’t have to take any shit from the asshole he called his brother. This was HIS house, and he would be damned if Sesshomaru ordered him around.

Outside, Sesshomaru began extending his claws. “Then I’ll come in myself,” he stated coolly. Inuyasha chuckled. “I’d like to see you try,” he snorted. ‘He’ll never get in’

Sesshomaru took his right index claw and began fiddling with the lock on the door. ‘Stupid half-breed’ he thought.

“Ha, I knew you wouldn’t….” Inuyasha’s gloat was cut short when Sesshomaru opened the door. His mouth hung open.

“What was that little brother?” Sesshomaru asked. “How did you…” Inuyasha looked back and forth between his brother and the door.

“Oh the door? You’re wondering how I managed to get in. It isn’t difficult for someone with my intelligence and stature,” Sesshomaru exulted.

Inuyasha growled. “Kiss off asshole,” “Don’t get hurt in your own home,” Sesshomaru growled back.

“I do what I please, this is my house,” Inuyasha snarled. Sesshomaru flexed his claws, as did Inuyasha.

The blooming fight was interrupted by Kagome walking down the stairs. “Hey Sesshomaru,” she greeted with a smile.

She had fixed her hair so that it fell down her back in waves, and her makeup was flawless. She also slipped in some matching leaf green stilettos.

Sesshomaru glared at his brother, as if to say [we’ll finish this later] before inclining his head to Kagome.

“Kagome, hi,” he greeted back. Kagome’s smile brightened. “You’re the first, as expected. You look hot,” she complimented.

He stood in white Dickie shorts, with a pink tee over a white tee, and matching pink and white Chucks**.

Inuyasha growled. Kagome slapped his arm, silencing him. The doorbell rang once again and this time Kagome answered.

“Kagome! You look great!” it was Sango and Miroku. Sango hugged her best friend. Miroku walked into the house, staring in awe.

“You look great too Sangie!” Kagome stated. Sango stood in a pink and black flower print dress, similar to the one Kagome wanted to buy at the mall. With it she wore matching pink wedge heels. Her hair was pinned to her head, with a few curly tendrils hanging down.

Miroku stared at the house in awe. “This place is beautiful…” Sango commented. “No shit,” Miroku muttered.

Kagome led the two into the living room where Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were. The doorbell rang for the third time, and when Inuyasha answered it, it was Shippo, followed by everyone else.

Inuyasha ushered everyone to the basement, where Joey began setting up and the party soon commenced.

Thirty minutes into the party the bell rang. Kagome excused herself from the conversation she was having with Sango, Ayame, and some other girls to go answer it.

When she did, she felt herself being pulled outside. “Hey!-” she was cut off by a familiar voice.

“It’s me!” Kagome’s eyes widened and she smiled. “Kirara, hi!”

She frowned at the frantic look on her friend’s face. “What’s…wrong?” Kagome asked concerned.

“It’s…Manten. I…I think he’s following me! I mean, everywhere I go I get this weird feeling someone’s watching me,” Kirara shuddered.

Kagome gave her a hard stare. “This is the time to patch thing up with Shippo,” she advised.

Kirara looked down and wrapped her arms around herself. “……I can’t.” Kagome was clearly confused. “Why not?”

Kirara looked up, tears in her eyes. “Kirara…you know you can tell me anything,” Kagome stated softly. At that Kirara burst into tears.

“I’ve already forgiven Shippo. I cant stay mad at him for long. But Manten…he threatened to hurt him if I went back to him…so I can’t. I promised Manten that would do anything to keep him from hurting Shippo. He took that to heart…and pulled me into an empty closet…” she sobbed.

Kagome paled. “He tried to rape me Kagome…you see this bruise on my cheek? He slapped me hard,” Kirara pointed to the big ugly bruise on her cheek.

Kagome stared at it, horrified. “Kagome, I’m scared…I should have never agreed to be Manten’s girlfriend!” Kirara cried.

Kagome pulled her into a hug. “It’s gonna be ok Kirara….but you really should tell Shippo,” she assured. “You don’t get it Kagome….Manten has friends everywhere. If I did tell Shippo, he would know it!” Kirara exclaimed.

Kagome sighed. “Let’s go inside and talk,” she suggested. Kirara gave her a watery smile.
“Thanks…” she said following her inside. Unbeknownst to them, a figure lurked outside near them, hearing the whole conversation.

-back inside-

“Hey Inuyasha, where’s Kagome?” Sango questioned. Inuyasha shrugged. “She went upstairs to answer the door,” he answered. Shippo, who stood by him, looked around.

‘I wonder where Kirara is…’ he thought. He had planned to talk to her, since he was certain Eri hadn’t heard about the party.

He then noticed Kagome and Kirara walking into the basement and smiled slightly. ‘Finally, I can talk to her,’ he started towards her.

Kirara saw and started to panic. ‘Oh no! if Shippo comes over here I might break down and tell him everything!’ she thought. “Kirara…” Shippo started when he reached her, but was interrupted by someone he wasn’t expecting.

“Shippo?” he stopped dead in his tracks and turned, wide eyed only to see his girlfriend.

‘Aww fuck…’ he thought looking at Eri’s beaming face. He plastered on a fake smile.

“Eri? Didn’t know you were coming!” he greeted. Eri giggled and kissed him. Kirara rolled her eyes at the scene. ‘I think I’m gonna be sick,’ she thought disgustedly. Shippo noticed the revolted look on Kirara’s face and cursed under his breath.

‘Just great….someone up there sure hates me..’ he thought.

Rin chose that time to make her entrance, looking astonishing in her light blue vest over a white long sleeved button up, with black skinny jeans tucked into light blue and white knee high boots that laced up the front.

“Rin, you look GREAT!” Kagome complimented. Rin beamed at her friends. “Thanks. You guys look great too!” she returned.

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at her, but said nothing. Joey began playing a little slow music, and all the couples began pairing off.

Eri danced close to Shippo, who had his eyes trained on Kirara.

“Shippo, who are you looking at?” Eri asked. Shippo snapped his eyes close then looked at Eri.

“Nobody,” he answered. Eri huffed as she danced closer to her boyfriend. Kirara noticed how closely they were dancing and growled, turning her back to the two. Shippo cursed under his breath.

Eri took this time to see who he was paying so much attention to. She scowled and stopped dancing. “Eri what-”

“Since you keep LOOKING at her why don’t you go ask HER to dance with you?!” she snapped.

“What is your problem?” Shippo demanded. “My problem is YOU! You’re paying more attention to her than you are me!” Eri yelled.

Shippo rolled his eyes at her jealousy. “You know what Eri, why don’t you just go home?” he snapped.

Eri’s eyes widened in indignation. She grabbed her purse and stomped out. Kagome and Sango rushed over to Shippo. “Wooh! Way to go Shippo!” they said happily. He pinned them with a Sesshomaru-like glare and walked past them.

“What’s his problem?” Sango whispered to Kagome who simply shrugged. The rest of the party went on without incident.

End chapter

Sorry for the crappy ending, and the long wait…

Next: The Break-up