InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Masks ❯ Massage, anyone? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: No I don't own..... oooh look a shooting star! *closes eyes*

I wish I may,
I wish I might,
Own the InuYasha characters tonight.

*crickets chirp and opens eyes after a few minutes*

InuYasha? Kagome? Shippo? Miroku? Sango? Sessy? Rin? .......Anybody?

*looks around at the empty room* Damn.

*sigh* No I guess I still don't own them. =_=U


(( Previously in ''Masks''.... ))

InuYasha nodded, pushing the Kagome problems to the back of his mind for the time being. ''Go get the others. I'll hold it off until...'' He trailed off, sniffing the air. A low growl rose from his throat and he stared into the forest more intently, his eyes blazing hatred.

''...InuYasha?'' Kagome asked him hesitantly.


Chapter 2

InuYasha only growled louder and continued staring at the forest. Kagome followed his gaze, but couldn't see anything but shadows.

''InuYasha what are you growling at!?'' Kagome demanded. ''Should I get the others or not?''

Suddenly a small cyclone of dust came streaking through the forest. InuYasha's grip on Tetsusaiga's hilt tightened. The cyclone stopped, and as the dust cleared Kagome found herself crushed into a hug.

"OOF! Hey Kouga-kun...'' Kagome said, trying to push away from him.

The wolf demon just smiled and hugged her tighter. ''Konnichiwa Kagome!''

InuYasha dropped down beside the two. ''What in the seven Hells are you doing hanging around here at this time of night?'' He asked Kouga angrily.

Kouga smirked. ''I was patrolling for new shards when I smelled Kagome. Now for my question.'' He growled at InuYasha. ''What do you think YOU were doing out this late with MY woman?''

''Kouga-kun...'' Kagome groaned, trying for the hundredth time to explain that she was not his.

''She is NOT your woman you bastard!'' InuYasha barked out. 'She's MINE.....' ''Now take your filthy hands off of her!''

''InuYasha...'' Kagome sighed, seeing the fight that was about to break out.

''Filthy? Look who's talking Dog Shit!'' Kouga let go of Kagome, stepping up face to face with InuYasha.

''You guys!!'' Kagome tried vainly to attract their attention.

''Take that back Wolf Cub!'' InuYasha drew Tetsusaiga from its sheath and transformed it.

''Both of you, could we--'' Kagome tried again to butt in.

''Go to Hell mutt!'' Kouga slouched into a fighting stance.

''Come say that to my sword you pitiful excuse for a canine!'' InuYasha raised Tetsusaiga, ready to rush at the wolf demon.

''SHUT UP YOU JERKS!!'' Kagome screamed, balling up her fists and glaring at them both.

InuYasha looked at her with a shocked expression, lowering his sword and ending the transformation. Kouga also looked at her, jaw hanging open. InuYasha recovered first and growled at her.

''Oi wench, what do you want!?'' The words flew from his mouth before his brain could process them. 'What... oh damn it. Nice way to win her over baka...'

''I want you two to stop fighting!'' Kagome looked at InuYasha with a tired expression. ''Please InuYasha?''

InuYasha growled deep in his chest, wanting to rip Kouga's head off for touching her, but sheathed Tetsusaiga and settled for glaring at the wolf youkai.

Kagome smiled at him. ''Arigato InuYasha.''

Kouga smirked and mouthed the word 'lapdog' in InuYasha's direction, making InuYasha's claws twitch with anger.

Kagome, not seeing the exchange, turned and smiled sweetly at Kouga. ''Kouga-kun, I see you have another jewel shard. It's in your... your forehead, right?''

He nodded, flashing her a smug grin. ''I took it from a Neko youkai who wandered into the Pack's Territory. He thought he was invincible with it, but I proved the lil kitty wrong.''

InuYasha snorted. 'Must have been a damn koneko to be beaten by the likes of him. No way he handled a full grown Neko. It would claw him to shreds.' He smiled to himself as Kagome and Kouga continued talking, a quick fantasy of seeing the wolf used as one of those scratching post he'd seen in Kagome's time running through his head. Suddenly his ears twitched, tuning in to the last thing Kouga said.

Kouga was standing in front of her and looking pitiful. ''Please Kagome, come back with me this time! I miss you. I can fight this Naraku better then Dog Breath over there, and I promise to help you look for shards.''

InuYasha's ears flattened. 'Fight better then me!? HA!' He glanced over at Kagome to see her reaction. 'I wonder if she'll tell him about that Hobo boy...'

Kagome sighed, closing her eyes and placing a hand to her forehead. ''Kouga-kun, you know I can't go with you...''

Kouga pouted, looking hurt. ''But why not, Kagome? I promised to help with your quest...''

''It's not just my quest Kouga-kun. The problem is that I just..... I just don't love you. Your my friend, and that's all.''

Kouga persisted, taking her hand in his. ''But I love you... couldn't you learn to love me in return?''

''No, Kouga-kun..... I... I love....'' Kagome looked down at the ground. 'I love InuYasha...' ''I love someone else.''

InuYasha's heart gave that painful twist that was becoming all too familiar of late. 'Hojo...' His only consolation was the hurt expression on Kouga's face.

Kouga's tail hung limp and he gave a small gasp before the pain dissolved into anger and he gripped Kagome's hand a bit too tight. ''Someone else!? Who is he!? I'll kill him!''

Kagome's eyes went wide and she tried to tug her hand away, crying out. ''Kouga-kun you're hurting me!''

InuYasha leapt forward, backhanding Kouga upside the head, causing him to release Kagome and fly backwards a few feet. ''Touch her again and I'll rip your fucking heart out!''

Kouga stood up slowly, flashing an angry glare at InuYasha. ''Try it you-'' Kouga stopped as he saw Kagome cradling her hand and hiding behind the hanyou. 'I.. I hurt her? No! Damn... I forgot how fragile humans are...' ''K... Kagome! Gomen nasai... I wasn't thinking straight and didn't control my strength...''

Kagome just kept looking at him with a hurt expression. InuYasha growled, bareing his fangs at Kouga. ''Beat it. You've done enough damage for one night!''

Kouga glowered at Inuyasha. ''You know I would never hurt her on purpose! I... I just can't stand the thought of her being with someone else!''

'I know how you feel....' InuYasha unsheathed Tetsaiga, but kept it from transforming. ''Last warning Kouga. Leave.''

Kouga desperately turned to Kagome, who was still hiding behind InuYasha and watching him sadly. ''Kagome, please just give me another chance! Look, this guy of yours... I'll fight him! The winner will be your mate!'' 'Every female wants a strong mate! If I prove myself then maybe she'll love me instead!'

He was completely unprepared for the angry look that replaced her hurt expression. He'd never seen Kagome pissed before, and it shocked him. ''Kouga you creep! What the hell do you think I am, some slut that goes to the highest bidder!? I am nobody's damn prize!''

''K-- K--Kagome.... I... '' Kouga stuttered, utterly surprised at her words. ''I... I didn't mean...''

Kagome sighed, calming down a bit. She was tired from her lack of sleep, and all this yelling was giving her a headache. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, talking quietly. ''Kouga-kun.... I think you should go now.''

InuYasha, having been smirking and enjoying the scene, nodded in agreement. 'Personally I thought the fight was a good idea... but at least now I know not to suggest it. She probably knows we'd rip the boy apart and she doesn't want him harmed.'

Kouga lowered his gaze and scuffed his feet on the ground. ''As you wish Kagome. However...''

Kagome opened her eyes and he raised his head to meet her gaze. ''I'm not giving up. I'll show you I can be a better mate!'' Not giving her a chance to argue, he took off, creating his small twister of dust as he ran off into the shadows of the forest.

Kagome groaned. ''He never gives up!''

InuYasha watched her massage her temples again. 'I wont give up either, Kagome.' Getting an idea, he walked over and stood behind her, laying his hands on her shoulders. 'It looks like she's tense... maybe she'll like this. It's something I can do for her without looking like a wimp.'

Kagome stiffened, unsure of what he was doing, and swiveled her head to look back at him. ''InuYasha?''

''Shhh...'' He slowly and gently began rubbing the tensed muscles of her shoulders, feeling them relax under his fingers.

"Mmm...'' Kagome loosened up all her stiff muscles and began to sway just a bit from his movements. ''Ohh.... InuYasha that feels great....'' A small yawn escaped her lips and she lightly covered her mouth. ''Mmmm..... I could fall asleep just like this.....''

InuYasha smirked. 'Working like a charm...' Suddenly he grabbed her around her waist and leapt up into one of the trees, settling back against a branch and placing her in his lap, her back to his chest.

Kagome gasped, a bit startled, and clung to him as he leapt into the tree. Feeling him place her in his lap, she blushed a bit, even more confused. 'What is he doing? Not that I'm complaining... but he's acting so weird! First the outbreak by the well, then zoning out on me before Kouga arrived, who he stopped fighting just because I asked him, and now... now this!' ''InuYasha... are you feeling ok? What are you doing?'' She asked, squirming around a bit.

InuYasha bit his lip, a part of him getting excited by her squirming, and pulled her closer against his chest, leaning up to growl out a whisper in her ear. ''Hush. You said you wanted to sleep, so sleep.'' His hands went back to his earlier ministrations, slowly kneading away the tension in her muscles.

''Like this? What... what if Miroku sees us like this? We'll never hear the end of it.'' Kagome murmured, falling under the spell of InuYasha's nimble fingers.

InuYasha snorted, leaning back against the tree's trunk and dragging her with him, his hands never ceasing. ''In case you haven't noticed, the others aren't exactly light sleepers. Why do you think no one woke up when Kouga and I were screaming at each other? Don't worry Kagome, I always wake up before them. I'll wake you and you can be back in that cloth cocoon thing before they ever notice your missing.'' 'And if Miroku ever says anything bad about you, I'll rip his arms off and he won't have to worry about his Kazaana.'

''It's called a sleeping bag..'' Kagome smiled, muttering sleepily. Leaning back against him, she closed her eyes and started to drift to sleep under the influence of InuYasha's skillful hands.

After a few minutes InuYasha stopped the massage and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly against his chest. He leaned his head down and buried his nose into her long black hair, breathing deeply and closing his eyes. 'Kami... I love her scent. Like sakura petals, soft and sweet.' He smiled, smelling how, with her so near him, his own more woodsy smell interlaced with hers. 'My scent, entwined with hers... as it should be.'

He stiffened as she stirred in his arms, and he lifted his head, eyes opening quickly, not wanting to be caught smelling her should she awake. But all she did turn slightly in his lap and nuzzle her face into his haori, never waking, her own arms holding on to his around her waist. ''Mmm... InuYasha...'' she whispered, muttering aloud as she dreamed.

InuYasha smirked. 'Take that Hobo! You may have her heart now, but I'm the one she's dreaming of tonight!' He tucked her head underneath his chin, setting his head on hers, and closed his eyes, being lulled to sleep by her scent. 'My Kagome.... Mine, not yours Hogo!'

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Author's Note ~*~*~*~*~*~*~

And there's Ch2!! Sorry it's shorter then the first one. They'll vary in length, because like I said I'm writing this as I go. I have plenty of ideas and know where this story's going, but I don't have it all typed up yet. lol.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. And please review!!! It's the only way I know you actually like this story or if it sucks. C'mon people, help boost my self confidence! lol.

Plus, the more reviews I get, the faster I write! ^_~

Speaking of reviews, I'd like to thank Caliko, LadyNight, Demonchic-K, and VScorpio for the wonderful reviews they gave me! *hugs them* I love you all!

Also, much love to my Beta Reader, Kaz, who has corrected my mistakes for me in this chapter. lol. Anybody who read Ch1 knows how bad I suck at spelling. ^_^U

~*~ Kira Kitsune Kanizawa ~*~

~*~*~ Japanese Words ~*~*~

Neko - Cat

Sakura - Cherry blossoms

Konecko - Kitten

I only put the new words I used. If you see a word that isn't printed here, go to the 1st chapter definitions. If it isn't there either, let me know and I'll be more than happy to edit this chapter's definitions. Ja ne! ^_^