InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Masks ❯ Hotspring ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: No, I don't own 'em. *sigh* I sure as Hell wish I did though..... *wishful look*


( ( Previously in ''Masks'' ))

He stiffened as she stirred in his arms, and he lifted his head, eyes opening quickly, not wanting to be caught smelling her should she awake. But all she did turn slightly in his lap and nuzzle her face into his haori, never waking, her own arms holding on to his around her waist. ''Mmm... InuYasha...'' she whispered, muttering aloud as she dreamed.

InuYasha smirked. 'Take that Hobo! You may have her heart now, but I'm the one she's dreaming of tonight!' He tucked her head underneath his chin, setting his head on hers, and closed his eyes, being lulled to sleep by her scent. 'My Kagome.... Mine, not yours Hogo!'


Chapter 3

Kagome moaned into the kiss, feeling InuYasha's hand cup her right breast and gently squeeze it. His thumb grazed over her nipple, hardening it into a peak. A low purring came from deep within his chest as he broke the kiss to nibble at her collarbone. His hand left her breast to trail down her stomach, and he smirked against her skin as she whimpered at the abandonment. Placing his kisses lower as well, he stopped as his chin came in contact with cloth. Using his claws, he slowly shredded her panties, and leaned back to gaze at her naked body laying before him.

Embarrassed, she turned her head away, her cheeks flaring red. Chuckling softly, he cupped her cheek in his hand and turned her face towards his, amber eyes looking straight into her own.

''Beautiful...'' He whispered softly. ''Your beautiful, koi. Don't be ashamed.''

At this she gave a small smile and the red blush faded to a pale pink. It deepened again however, as he began tracing her lower lips with the tip of a claw, causing her to gasp. He grinned and dipped his finger into her, brushing against her nub, before pulling it out again.

"Mmm...'' She moaned softly, trying to push her lower body against his hand in an effort to beg for more.

He smirked again and withdrew his hand, teasing her.

''InuYasha...'' She whined, pouting slightly.

''Oh, so you liked that huh?'' He placed his hand over her flower and cupped it, slipping another finger inside and leaving it there.

''H.. hai....'' She murmured, his dog ears flicking forward to catch the softly spoken word.

Another smirk crossed his face, and he slowly twirled his finger around her core. Kagome writhed beneath him, breathing in hard gasps. Finding her nub and rubbing it with his thumb and index finger, he leaned up to kiss her neck.

''Tell me what you want, Kagome. '' He whispered against her ear, making a shiver run through her body.

''InuYasha... onegai...'' She whispered back, closing her eyes. ''Onegai... I want you in me...''

Another voice breathed against her ear. ''Kagome...''

She opened her eyes, blinking. InuYasha was gone, she was alone on the forest floor. 'What the...'

''Kagome..... come on Kagome....''

She wrinkled her brow in confusion. The voice wasn't InuYasha's, it sounded younger. Looking around, she still could see no one. Suddenly a clawed hand grabbed her ear, and she spun around to face the danger.....

Kagome shot up into a sitting position in her sleeping bag, her arm flinging up to touch her ear and coming in contact with something small and furry. ''Eeep!''

She threw the thing away from her, realizing too late what it was as it crashed into the wall. ''Oh my Kami! Shippou-chan, I'm so sorry!''

She quickly got out of her bag and ran over to him, scooping the swirly-eyed kit into her arms. ''Gomen! Oh Shippou, gomen nasai!''

Shaking his head to clear away the stars in his vision, the kit gave her a shaky smile. ''Th...that's ok, Kagome.... Sango sent me to wake you up... It's time to eat.''

Looking around, the girl blinked. 'I'm inside? So.... InuYasha did bring me back...' Remembering the massage and the dream it caused, she blushed slightly.

''Kagome?'' Shippou looked up at her expectantly. ''Come on Kagome, I'm hungry!''

Laughing, she carried the lil kit outside to meet the others for breakfast.


''I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, Everybody's nerves, Everybody's nerves. I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves and it goes a lil something like this! Dum dum dum, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, Everybody's nerves, Everybody's nerves. I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves and it goes a lil something like this! Dum dum dum, I know a song...'' Shippou was perched happily on Kagome's shoulder, singing his heart out.

Kagome giggled. 'How cute!'

''Damnit brat one more verse and I'm ripping out your vocal cords!'' A very irritated hanyou shouted out, glaring at the small kitsune.

''InuYasha!'' Kagome scowled at him. ''Be nice!''

''I've had it! That song is fucking annoying Kagome!'' InuYasha stopped walking to cross his arms. ''Why in the seven Hells did you teach him that!?''

''Because you smacked him for jumping on you and made him cry and I thought it would make him feel better!''

''Keh! You need to stop coddling him all the time. He's a demon, not a baby!''

''He's a demon baby!''

Sango and Miroku sat down on the ground beside Kirara, taking a break and watching Kagome and InuYasha argue. Shippou hopped off his adopted mother's shoulder to sit with them. They'd been walking since early that morning, looking for shards, and it was almost time to camp.

Looking around, Miroku decided this was a suitable enough place. They were in a small clearing in the middle of a forest. The grass beneath them felt fairly soft, and the many trees would provide InuYasha with a variety of look-out posts and sleeping places.

The only thing that worried the monk was that he couldn't hear or smell any water. He silently prayed that the hanyou's superior senses would detect a nearby spring or stream. 'Otherwise I won't get to see my beautiful lil Sango out of that slayer uniform' The lecher grinned. Not that he minded the uniform, it fit her quite well and showed off her curvy figure. Still, he couldn't help wondering about what lay beneath the tight outfit. All his previous attempts to see her had been foiled, but he still held out hope that......


Miroku came out of his fantasy to see two chocolate brown eyes gazing at him curiously. ''Huh?''

''I asked you a question, and you just sat there with that glazed look in your eyes.'' Sango's eyes darkened a bit and she gripped the boomerang beside her. ''You weren't thinking about anything perverted, were you?''

''What? Umm... no! Of course not!'' Miroku nervously cleared his throat. ''Umm... what was your question?''

Sango watched him suspiciously for a moment, then sighed. ''I said how long you think it will be before she sits him?''

Miroku turned back to the argument between the miko and hanyou. He shrugged. ''Kami only knows!''

''Bet you your bowl of ramen tonight that she sits him at least once before this fight's over.'' Came the taijiya's response.

Miroku grinned. ''Your on. But what do I get if I win?''

Sango blinked, thinking, then shrugged. ''Name your prize.'' Seeing the happy smile that crossed the monk's face, she added ''But no asking me to bear your child.''

Miroku's face fell a bit, causing Sango to smirk, and he pondered what his prize could be. Suddenly his eyes lit up. ''I've got it!''

Sango narrowed her eyes suspiciously. ''What is it.''

''If I win...''

''If you win?'' Sango prompted.

''Then I get a kiss.''

Sango's eyes widened and she blushed. ''A.... a what!?''

Miroku smirked. ''A kiss. From you, on the lips. No cheeks or hands, it has to be on the lips.''

Sango stuttered a bit. ''The l.. lips?''

Miroku grinned pervertedly. ''Well....'' He drawled. ''It could be somewhere else...''

Sango gulped. ''Where?'' Miroku wiggled his eyebrows. She glared at him. ''Houshii-sama, I am NOT kissing your lil mimizu.''

Miroku gave a mock gasp of dismay. ''Mimizu!? I assure you, my dear Sango, it is MUCH bigger than-- ''

''Lips it is then!'' Sango cut him off, blushing profusely and returning her gaze to the fighting couple. Miroku grinned and followed her gaze. The last thought that ran through her head was that kissing him might not be that bad.... then she mentally shook herself and watched her friends.

''....what happens when he gets old enough to be on his own, but doesn't know how!?" InuYasha growled, still arguing over Shippou.

''He WILL know how, but that doesn't mean I have to treat him like YOU do!'' came the miko's quick response.

''Keh! I treat him just fine!''

''The hell you do! You friggin beat the poor thing!''

''So? He needs to learn self defense!''

''So why don't you teach him!?''

''What am I, his father!?''

''He doesn't HAVE a father!'' Kagome gasped, clamping her hand over her mouth. Looking over at Sango and Miroku, she sighed in relief. The lil kit lay curled up in Kirara's tails, asleep and oblivious to her sudden outburst. Turning back to InuYasha, she was slightly shocked to see hurt in his amber orbs.

''You think I did?'' He replied softly.

Remembering what little she knew of his unhappy past, Kagome lowered her gaze. ''Gomen, InuYasha.''

''Keh.'' came his reply in his normal voice. ''Let's just set up camp here.''

Kagome sighed, then nodded. 'Just for a second there, he seemed so... so vulnerable. Then back up comes that cold, sarcastic mask, and he's top dog again'

InuYasha sighed, walking over and leaping up into a tree branch to watch them fix up the fire to cook. 'Grrr.... dang it, I know I said I'd be nicer to her, but it's just so damn hard when it involves that damn kit.'

Noticing Kagome rooting through her bag, he called out. ''Hey Kagome! You got enough ramen or should I go hunt?''

Kagome smiled up at him. ''No Inuyasha, I brought plenty of ramen.'' She held up her bag to look through it better, sticking her head inside. ''What kind you want? I've got chicken, shrimp, beef, pork, spicy chicken, ...'' Her voice trailed off, naming each different kind.

''All of them.''

Kagome's head shot out of the bag to look at him in shock. ''Nani!?'

''All of them.'' InuYasha calmly replied, completely serious.

''You can't eat every flavor. Your tummy wouldn't hold it all.''

''Wanna bet?''

Kagome rolled her eyes. 'Just like a lil kid...' ''Even if you could InuYasha, you still shouldn't. If you eat it all now there won't be any left for later.''

He pouted slightly, but sighed in relief. ''Oh alright.''

Miroku looked up from where he had been fixing up his bed of blankets. ''InuYasha, you wouldn't happen to smell a river or a spring anywhere nearby, would you?"

The hanyou lifted his nose in the air and sniffed a few times, ears twitching and causing Kagome to giggle at his appearance. ''Hmm.... there should be a spring about half a mile north of here.'' He eyed the monk curiously. ''Why do you wanna know?''

Miroku grinned. ''Oh, no reason. Just thought the ladies might like to bathe.''

Sango glared at him from her own bedding area. ''Just remember, you peek, you die.''

Miroku put on his 'holy face'. ''Why Sango my dear, I am hurt. You honestly think that I, a humble monk, would submit to the sins of the flesh and peek at unsuspecting women naked?''

Kagome and Sango growled at him in unison. ''Yes!''

''Hmph.'' Miroku sat cross-legged on the ground near his bed and pretended to meditate, ignoring the giggles that irrupted from the two women.

Once the laughter had died away, Sango turned to Kagome. ''Well, a bath does sound nice. What do you think, Kagome-chan?''

Kagome sighed. ''It does sound nice Sango-chan, but I'm kinda tired, and I still have to fix dinner.'' She gestured at the pot of water just beginning to boil, having used the water from a large canteen she had brought from home and filled at the last stream they'd passed.

Sango gave her a pitying look. ''Do you need help?''

''No, I'll be fine. You go ahead.'' Kagome smiled. ''I'll have dinner cooked by the time you return. Oh, and my bath stuff is in my pack if you wanna use it.''

''Arigatou Kagome-chan. I like that shanpoe stuff you have. It smells like cherries.'' Sango said, ruffling through Kagome's pack.

Kagome laughed. ''Shampoo Sango-chan, shampoo.'' She grinned as Sango retrieved said item. ''Have fun.''

Sango waved before walking towards the spring, Hirakotsu tied at her back and Kagome's shampoo in her hand. Miroku opened one eye from his 'meditation' ((A/N: Give ya one guess what he was really thinking about. heh.)) to watch as she stalked off, smiling as her rear swung back and forth a bit.

Kagome dumped a few packs of shrimp ramen noodles into the boiling water, then went to sit under InuYasha's tree. Shippou still lay asleep against Kirara, who had curled up to try and sleep herself. Seeing as how she wasn't needed at the moment, she leaned back against the tree's trunk and closed her eyes, deciding on a quick nap. Miroku watched as she did so, then looked up at InuYasha. The hanyou was watching Kagome, a small smile on his face. Grinning, the monk took quietly laid his staff down on his bedding, then followed the path Sango had taken.

~*~*~*~*~*~ The Hotspring ~*~*~*~*~*~

Sango laid Hirakotsu and the shampoo down on the grass at the springs edge, slipping off her yukata to stand in nothing but her taijiya outfit. She had reached to begin to remove that when suddenly a rustling in a nearby bush startled her. Quickly, she grabbed Hirakotsu. ''Who or what are you? Show yourself!''

''Easy, dear Sango, easy. It is only I.'' Miroku stepped out from behind the foliage, his hands up, palms out, to show he meant no harm.

''Houshii-sama!?'' the taijiya asked, lowering Hirakotsu to the ground. ''What are you doing here!? I believe I stated no peeking!!''

The monk grinned. ''I'd never dream of it.''

Sango glared at him, one eyebrow lifted.

''I merely came to collect my prize.''

Sango's eyes narrowed in confusion. ''Your prize? What prize?''

''You mean you forgot!? Sango-chan, I'm hurt!'' He put on a sad expression, looking as if he was trying not to cry.

''Oh!'' Sango's eyes widened, letting the 'Sango-chan' comment fly over without a snap. ''Kuso, I did promise that, didn't I?''

Miroku grinned. ''Hai.''

She sighed, closing her eyes and standing up straight, trying to keep her knees from shaking. ''All right, get it over with.''

He walked over to her, leaning in close to whisper in her ear. ''Don't be nervous.''

''I'm not.'' She lied. ''It's just a kiss. It's just a kiss. It's just a kiss. And if he tries anything, I'll kill him. Though it might be nice to let him.... ahh! Where did that thought come from!?'' She shivered slightly, keeping her eyes closed.

He placed one hand on her hip, pulling her closer, as the other hand, the cursed one, cupped her cheek. Gently stroking her cheek with his thumb, he closed his eyes and tilted his head forward, touching his forehead to hers. The couples lips met in a sweet, soft, gentle kiss, his lips lightly brushing against hers. He drew his head back, opening his eyes as she opened hers.

"You taste as good as you look Sango...'' Miroku whispered, his light brown eyes staring into hers. His hand still rested on her hip, the cursed one gently cupping her cheek.

Sango swallowed a few times, blushing deeply. "I... I... I appreciate you not..... trying anything, Houshii-sam-"

He cut her off by placing the thumb of his cursed hand over her lips. "Miroku..... just Miroku. Not Miroku the monk, not Miroku the lecher, just.....Miroku.''

She gave him a questioning look. 'Just Miroku..... I've been calling him Houshii-sama so long..... why now does he wish his title changed?'

"I... I don't want to be a monk around you Sango. I just want to be a man. Your man." His hands trailed down her body to rest on her hips. "Would you like that?" he whispered in her ear.

"I... I... um... " Sango stuttered, blushing madly. Slowly his hands crept from her hips back to her ass, and her blush intensified. "M... Miroku.... please...."

"Please what?" he grinned impishly. He gave her ass a small squeeze.

"Please STOP...." She closed her eyes, pushing away a bit. Tears glistened at the edges of her eyelids. 'He... he wouldn't try to force me.... would he? Hirakotsu is out of my reach... I have no weapons....'

"Why are you crying?" he asked, sounding hurt. "Sango... I was just playing.... I'm surprised you haven't hit me yet. You don't think I would ever force you into something like that, do you?" She didn't answer. "Oh Kami... you do...." He closed his eyes briefly. "Sango, WHY would you think that!?" He opened his eyes and looked at her. "When have I ever tried to hurt you?"

"Never.... but..."

"But what?"

"Your a lecher. You'll do anything to sleep with someone. All you want is sex, you don't care about the woman."

He glared at her. "That is NOT true. I am not some heartless sex fiend, Sango. In fact, my greatest wish is to settle down and raise a family with the woman I love."

"What about all the women you flirt with and all the promises you make!?"

"Meaningless." He replied sadly. "I... I need a women to bear me a child. You KNOW why...." He fisted his cursed hand angrily. "I need a child to carry on.... to defeat Naraku if I am unsuccessful. But the women.... well, no doubt it would be FUN..... and I would care for her during the pregnancy, support her..... but she would mean nothing to me." He looked at her, pleading her to believe him. "I would leave her what money I had, and a home to support herself, but then I would take my child and leave. It seems heartless, I know, and I don't like it...." He looked down at the prayer beads wrapped around his Kazaana. "But then, we live in heartless times. Fight fire with fire, you know the quote.."

Sango still looked at him in amazement as he continued on. "But as of yet, I have not found such a woman." He gave her a wry smile. "Guess I need new pick-up lines, huh?"

"But..... why not do this with a woman you love? Someone you could spend the rest of your life with."

He sighed. "First of all, it takes longer, and I don't have much time. Secondly, I could never hurt her so if I loved her. Think about it, sweet Sango. Her husband and child would be cursed to die, while she watched. It would drive her to insanity."

Sango thought about her own dead family, and nodded slowly. "But.... all the times you've been with women, why DON'T you have an heir yet?"

Miroku blushed and looked away. "......"

She blinked. "Well?"



"I... well... you see..... I've never actually.... that is to say.... I mean.... er.... "

Sango's eyes widened with realization. "Your a VIRGIN!?"

"Shhh!!! Not so loud!" Miroku looked around, as if to make sure InuYasha or Kagome weren't peeking from behind a bush. "HAI! If you MUST know, I am a virgin!"

"B... but how!?" she asked, a bit shocked. "You always act like your so experienced!"

He winced. "Remember how I once said my father was a lecher as well?"


"Well.... we had paper screens in the temple.... very THIN paper screens.... and my room was right next to my fathers. He liked to... bring home women occasionally...and well....."

Sango broke out into a stream of laughter. "Oh my Kami! You poor child!'

Miroku laughed a bit as well, running his hand through his hair. "Hai, hai.... I suppose it is a bit comical..."

"A bit!?" Sango teased, smiling at him.

He smiled back. "You have a marvelous smile, Sango."

She immediately turned bright red. "..."

Miroku walked closer and leaned his head down, pecking her lips lightly and gently. Pulling back, he was surprised to see her with her eyes closed and head tilted towards him. Deciding to press his luck a bit, he closed his eyes and leaned back in. His mouth molded over hers in a gentle yet firm way, and when she didn't pull away he pulled her body closer to his and wrapped his arms around her.

Sango responded by wrapping her own arms around his neck. 'What am I doing.... especially after that speech! I don't want to be the woman who's left behind... but... but at least that's better than never knowing...' On a sudden impulse she opened her mouth just enough to snake her tongue out and lick his lips before flicking it back inside her mouth, causing Miroku to gasp around the kiss and open his eyes a second in shock before reclosing them.

He hesitated a mere moment, then stuck his own tongue out and lightly prodded her lips, silently moaning as she allowed him entry into her mouth. There tongues glided across each other slowly and sensuously, twirling together inside her mouth, before each of them realized they needed to break away for air. Slowly they both leaned there heads back and opened there eyes, each keeping there arms wrapped around the other person.

Breathing deeply, Sango tried to glare at him. "I do not believe I bet you TWO kisses."

He smiled. "Nai, but you didn't pull away either. In fact..." he smirked. "You seem to have a deathgrip on my neck."

She blushed and abruptly pulled away. "Hmph. I was trying to strangle you."

He chuckled and released her. "Whatever you say dear Sango."

Still blushing, she looked at the ground. 'I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT!!! What the hell if wrong with me?' Sango, being raised around mostly men all her life, did not understand the strange things she felt for the houshii. It scared her a little. 'Kuso, what if he tells the others I put my tongue..... ah KUSO!! I swear I'll kill him if he does!' She cleared her throat. "Miroku?"


"I need to take a bath still...." she tried hinting that he was to leave.

He grinned. "Why Sango, I'd be honored to help you bathe! Thank you for asking!"

"NANI!?" She glared at him. "Hentai no baka!" Looking around, she grabbed Hirakotsu and swung at his head* 'That creep!'

Chuckling, he dodged her swing and leaned in closer. "Ok ok, I'll leave. But first...." he grinned. "How bout a good-bye kiss?"


Hirakotsu collided with Miroku's head, hitting him in the face.

"Oww.... not exactly the kinda kiss I wanted...."

The enraged taijiya made to swing at him again and he took off, laughing and clutching his jaw.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

~*~*~*~*~*~ Author's Note ~*~*~*~*~*~

Hey everyone! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very VERY sorry that this update took so long! You see, I got an F on my Report Card, and my parents took away my computer. Not just the Internet, but the whole damn thing, so I couldn't even work on the chapters! It really sucked. Anyways, I tried to make up for it by making this chappie a bit longer than normal. ^.^U

I also apologize for teasing all you hentai's with the Dream Sequence. lol. I just couldn't resist. I am rather proud of it though. It's the 1st limey thing I ever wrote. Also, I have a question. Who the hell came up with that Lime and Lemon thing anyway? O.o ?

Ok, well anyhow thanks for sticking with me. And if you have any questions and/or comment you don't want posted for a review, feel free to Email me at Or you can IM me on my screen name, ANIMEQUEEN8703. Hope to hear from you soon! ^.^ <3

Well, I better go start on "The Cabin" Ch3 before my devoted reviewer Laura-chan tries to strangle me. lol. Don't forget, R/R!!!!!! ^_^

~*~ Kira Kitsune Kanizawa ~*~

~*~*~*~*~ Japanese ~*~*~*~*~

Mimizu - Worm

Nai - No

Nani - What

Koi - Love

Onegai - "Please" or "I beg of you"

Taijiya - Demon Slayer

Yukata - The kimono thing Sango wears over her slayer uniform