InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Masquerade ❯ Faced ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note: Three reviews for me. Yay. I'm glad I have your attention. Now-
Chapter One - Faced With Facts
Once upon a time, Kagome fell down a well.
Once upon a time, Kagome fell in love with a hanyou.
Once upon a time, Kagome fell victim to the greed of countless demons.
And, once upon a time, Kagome got sick of falling.
Walking silently into the dark forest, listening to the whisper of the northern wind and the calls of animals, Kagome glared at the back of her `savior'. The bastard had yet to offer her an explanation. A valid explanation, preferably.
She stopped walking, glanced around, then ran in front of the graceful feline and halted his stride. His eyes turned to her calmly, not icy or angry- just blank and completely inhuman. He wasn't arrogant from what she'd seen, in fact, from what she'd seen, he wasn't really much of anything (meaning he didn't seem to feel anything). One of his pristine brows rose at her, so she mimicked the action. “I have a few questions for you, and you're going to answer them.” There, that wasn't so hard.
Please don't kill me.
The youkai cocked his head to one side and smiled before turning and sitting down on a fallen log, giving her an expectant look.
Oh. It worked.
Not expecting him to comply so readily, she shook herself before straightening and putting on a confident front. “All right. Number one! Who are you?”
A lazy grin stole over his features, “I am Masao. A lesser lord of the Northern lands.” His voice was smooth and thick with an accent she didn't recognize, bringing out the slightest tremor in his tone.
Kagome nodded and sat down on a medium-sized boulder, still watching the tall male. “Okay. How do you know who I am, and why did you help me?”
“Many people know of you. Very few humans, especially priestesses, would lower themselves to travel with a hanyou. Or even another being with demonic blood.” He turned his head to the side, staring out at the deep forest, seeing more than Kagome could ever hope to. “I'll explain my reasons for saving you later…”
Kagome glared in a threatening way, even though sitting there in the dark in an oversized haori and hakamas, her face streaked with the make-up they'd used at the brothel, she looked about as intimidating as a kitten.
Masao's eyes, dark and wise and the only thing belaying his true age, rested on her with an almost physical weight. “The new ruler, Haruko, he is destroying the lands of my people. He is a murderer and a tyrant. His sins against innocent lives have multiplied and grown in their malice, he-”
“Why would you want my help? Can't you just rally the other lords together? Surely all three of the armies could easily destroy one.”
Masao regarded her searchingly, leaning over and looking deep into her large sapphire eyes. “I was getting to that.”
“Oops,” she mumbled apologetically.
He smiled again, that same lazy, inane smile that made her abdomen twitch and continued quietly. “Many of the army men of the opposing lands have fled to the Northern lands, from both fear and greed. I could not `rally the other lords' for I am a lesser being; none of the hierarchy would listen to me. Besides, starting a straight out war would help nothing and we have reason to think the Northern lord has a hidden weapon, a dark priestess, able to bring the most powerful youkai to their knees. We are not sure, they may just be rumors, but precaution is required.”
“Who do you mean by `we'?”
“Several other lesser lords, many peasants, those who have had their homes ruined and their families torn asunder, generals, archers, monks and mikos. Hundreds of beings scattered throughout the land, hidden in forests and swamps. It is a start, but it won't be enough. We want you to appeal to the Eastern, Western, and Southern lands. They will listen to you; you defeated Naraku and have helped those of all species! Please, say you'll restore justice in my lands! Help my people…” He trailed of weakly, and suddenly Kagome could see the old youkai hidden in his young body.
“You can't really expect the lords and ladies to listen to me. I'm human and, besides, I have no royal standing.”
“You're respected.”
“I'm… I'm…” Out of excuses. “But, what if they don't listen to me, what if I fail? Or worse, what if they view me as being disrespectful and decide to punish me?”
Masao stared at her unblinking, his eyes fierce and glowing in the early morning light. Kagome almost shifted under his gaze and felt a blush rise to her face, but held his gaze without flinching. His features were smooth and exotic, a shadow rimmed his tanned face and he offered her a small, warm smile. “Against all the lords, I doubt anyone would stand a chance. But I can protect you from one at a time. I'll protect you, Kagome.”
Nostalgia gripped her, but something in her chest loosened pleasantly and she returned the smile. “I-I guess.” He did seem powerful, his aura rolling off him in strong but soothing waves. “So, if you promise you'll help, I'll…” Come on, Kagome. Why worry over what you can't change? There's nothing else for you. You're a priestess. It's your obligation. “I'll do it. I'll try and restore peace in the Northern lands.”
Unexpectedly a pair of strong, warm, male arms encompassed her slender form, burying her in the billowing robes of the demon that smelt of crushed pine needles.
“Domo arigato gozaimasu, Kagome-san.”
“R-right… you can let go of me now.” Before my hormones jump out of my skin, thank you.
The two stood, Kagome sporting a slight blush and Masao smiling smugly, oozing male pride. Clearing her throat she stood up straight and studied him with hooded eyes. “Why were there so many lords at the brothel tonight? Do you usually hold all your meetings at such a… tasteless place?”
“No. The Southern lord, Toshi, was in charge of the annual meeting this time. He's rather… liberal. That and he thought the Western lord needed to get laid, he claimed it might `loosen the bastard up'. His words, not mine.”
Eight hundred of Japan's most talented whores couldn't loosen up Sesshoumaru, Kagome's mind supplied languidly.
… She didn't mean it, really.
“So, the concealing spell on the clothing you gave me. What exactly does it conceal?”
There it was again, that hesitation in his enchanting violet eyes, “Well… your humanity for starters.” [Insert Kagome's outraged, “My what?!” here.] “And! Your… identity. While wearing this haori,” he fingered one of the midnight sleeves gently, “You will appear youkai. Cat demon. We'll be meeting up with the other lords and lesser lords tomorrow; you'll need to be wearing this. And, as you decided earlier, you will pose as my sister… from…”
“Yes, Europe. And your name will be…?”
Fairytale?” He looked at her oddly.
“Um… yes?”
“Why would my sister from Europe have a Japanese name?”
“Cause I was born in Japan?”
“Why were you in Europe then?”
“… I was illegitimate?” She offered tentatively.
Another smile broke over Masao's face as they began walking again, Kagome glancing at him suspiciously from time to time as he hummed quietly.
What have I gotten myself into? She shook her head, happy to have the long obsidian locks finally free of the elaborate hair ornaments from hell, as thoughts of the past few days flew through her head.
I could have stayed in Edo with Kaede. I could have married that nice man that had taken an interest in me. I could have married Kouga if I wanted. But, no! I just had to go all super-Kagome again and polish my priestess powers so I could do something useful.
…Maybe Kikyou had cursed her?
…No. Dammit.
They still didn't like each other, but a treaty of sorts had been made, and Kikyou was no longer allowed to try, you know, killing Kagome.
“When will we be meeting up with the other aristocrats?”
“I know, but, when tomorrow?”
“Around midnight.”
“Oh, okay… midnight?!”
“But… don't you people ever sleep?”
Masao turned fully to her, blinking, somehow conveying Kagome's utter stupidity to her with his silence.
“Oh… right.” She refused to glance at him and continued walking in silence, until finally the adrenaline from the day came to a screeching halt and she was reminded exactly what time it was.
“Masao-san?” Kagome called weakly.
“Yes, Kagome?”
“Do you think we could stop? I'll keep going if you want, but-”
“ No, we will camp at the next clearing.”
Silence reigned finally, Kagome no longer having the want or need for conversation. It was summer, early summer, but still pretty warm. The darkness hung thickly around them, Masao sticking out like a firework in the woodland with his white hair and glowing eyes. He walked a few feet ahead of her, confident and noiseless, his strides even and measured, making Kagome feel safe, even though she hardly knew the youkai.
After the downfall of Naraku, many things had been discovered. Shippou had discovered a distant piece of his family. Sango had discovered Miroku alone in the woods with a village widow. Inuyasha-
Suddenly very, very cold Kagome pulled the enchanted haori closer, and ignored the hollow feeling in her stomach. The truth was, everyone had gotten a happy ending, Kagome had wished it using the Shikon no Tama. But something had gone wrong, for her, because the jewel was once more embedded in her rib cage.
Miroku and Sango reconciled. Shippou (as far as she knew) was happily involved with his family, growing stronger everyday. Inuyasha. Kagome's fists clenched in the fabric of the coat, her teeth grinding together slowly as she recounted past experiences with the hanyou.
Inuyasha had given up on Kikyou (whom still bitterly traveled the earth). Kagome had rejoiced briefly, and then discovered him in a rather compromising situation with a merchant's daughter on the night of the new moon. He was a man. Kagome didn't judge his actions, and wouldn't yell or cry over it. She'd simply packed her things and walked away from many things. She didn't miss Edo, Shippou, emotions, or Inuyasha.
“Kagome, I believe this is a suitable place to rest. There is a water source to the right.”
Kagome glanced around and shrugged, seeing nothing but - surprise! - trees. “How do you do that?”
Masao looked at her in bewilderment. “Do what?”
“… Nevermind.”
I'm not hungry, not thirsty, not in need of a bath. That leaves…
Kagome looked around the small clearing, approached a large tree with generous roots, nestled into the soft ground between them and shut her eyes. “Goodnight.”
Masao shook his head and sat on the other side of the clearing, staring at the small female. To Kagome, she looked exactly as she always did. Long black hair, bright blue eyes, and human features. To everyone else that looked she wasn't, well-
Mortal? Ningen?
… Customary?
Chuckling slightly he shut his eyes and grinned, as long as she didn't purify any part of his body they would be fine.
In the middle of the night, Kagome's eyes flew open. She hadn't had a bad dream, and she didn't hear anything out of the ordinary. She wasn't even all that alarmed. But-
Nature called.
Yawning as she stood, she stumbled into the forest on the right, towards the river Masao spoke of earlier.
After making her brief stop at a tree, she came across a bend in the river's rushing water. Sighing happily she stripped and dove in. The water wasn't warm, far from it in fact, but she'd managed to grow rather accustomed to that. Treading the water's surface, she swam to the middle of the large stream, where a boulder jutted out. Placing herself atop the rock she slowly wrung out her hair, still yawning.
Over the last few years Kagome had contracted a mild case of insomnia. Meaning, when she woke up, she was up. Whether it was noon or three in the morning, she could not go back to sleep past this point.
Shaking her head, working cricks out of her back and neck, she failed to notice her reflection. After several minutes of lying on the cool stone she rose and prepared to dive back into the water.
Halfway into the proper diving technique she froze.
And screamed.
The person staring back at her wasn't, well, her.
Masao appeared on the bank of the river, staring straight at her, his claws longer than she'd remembered them. “What is it, Kagome-san?”
“It's- It's- Me! What happened to me?”
Masao looked at her oddly before realization dawned on him. “I-I don't know what you mean. There's nothing out of the ordinary.” Except for the hair, and the eyes, and the skin, and the-
“Oh, and Masao?”
“I'm naked! Go AWAY!”
“So, what you're saying is that my priestess abilities somehow fused with the magical properties in the haori, thus tying the concealment spell to me?”
“Hai, I believe that is what happened.”
“How long will the spell last?”
“I cannot be sure. Because the spell weaved into the haori is my own, I assume it will last as long as you remain around me. Or until you've stopped wearing the haori.”
“Great. That's just great... But, you said I wouldn't be able to see the spell. How can I see it now?”
“Hm, probably because your own magic is now merged into the enchantment.”
After Kagome had dressed herself, she and Masao had sat down to discuss the many explanations, several possible theories, and what might've happened. They were now at a partial agreement about what was going on.
On a small ledge further down the river, watching the sunrise, the two sat together as Kagome finished off the last of a fish the demon had caught.
“Now what?” she asked between bites.
“Now I give you the proper etiquette you need to make the others believe you're a lesser lord's sister.”
“I thought you wanted me to `rally the lords' while I was a human priestess, not a youkai.”
“I do. Today will just be a test of sorts. It will allow you to get to know the separate lords and ladies better without them knowing. The majority of them despise humans, but by using the things you learn today you'll have an advantage when you ask for their assistance later.”
Kagome's free fist clenched, anger coursing through her in a sudden rush. The prejudice of this time, of all times, it was pathetic. She was considered weak by so many people because she didn't worry about races. Releasing the emotion, she pasted a grin on her face and straightened.
Kagome tossed the fishbone off the small ledge and stood.
Masao turned to his right to stare her right in the-
“Masao-san, stand up! You have to teach me how to properly behave, remember?”
“No, I don't,” he mumbled, standing slowly.
“What was that?”
“Nothing, Kagome-san. Let us begin.”
Kagome: … You are… not in this chapter… I like this Masao guy… He's so-so-
Sesshoumaru: Dead. He is very dead. At least at this point in time. Because I said so.
Kagome: Really? Why?
Sesshoumaru: Because, you silly little girl, I said so. So shall it be done.
Kagome: For some reason you strike me as one of those self-worshiping guys. And I just can't seem to figure out why.